Arthur Brain
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  • I'm glad you thought so. :)

    I loved, just loved Octavia Spencer. Also, the actress who played Celia was wonderful, can't think of her name offhand, but I had so much empathy for her, I was so happy to see her vindicated in the end. And that one scene where Emma Stone finds out what happened to her nanny... have you ever seen so many emotions play across a face before? I was in awe. I tried to find a clip of that scene but I couldn't.

    That's right... how could I forget the numbers?! Too much on my mind.

    Doing all right. Not great, but all right. It'll be good to get to my sister's and have a change of scenery.
    Oh, good! You must be finished by now? I'd love to hear what you thought of it. I'm free right now, and then also a bit later. Finished my final exam and essay. :)

    Re: Spy:


    We were on the same wavelength, I just added Tyrannosaur to my Amazon Prime watchlist, and then had logged on to ask you what the series title is? I can't remember. The hole in time one?

    I have some lectures from Selaphiel to watch too, so you both have me loaded up. :chuckle:
    Until I started noting how publicly tied to a particular scenario/related purported facts, and how emotionally invested he seemed to be in them, he ran the same story over the years. He's since tried to vary it. I think it's either him or a family member (if he's young and, say, a son who idealized a father and that's the side he decided to believe). Something is definitely going on in there.
    I drove a good 60 miles today, and I lost track of how many times I listened to it in the car... :chuckle:
    I didn't like it in the beginning but now I do because it gives a show of public support even when I don't have the time or the inclination to add a post. But I like leaving comments too so I do both.
    It's harder to spread these days because the thanks button throws a monkey wrench into things. I just now gave you a couple thanks instead. :)

    Thanks. :) I guess it's good I made it another year. Not much more to say than that.

    I love The Truman Show. Such brilliance.
    Thanks. :). Getting rep is a rarity these days. I miss the comments.

    Glad to hear the work is going well, that's such good news. :)

    I just had a birthday. :)
    I will never accept that Andrea is dead ... because they didn't show it.

    Definitely check out Z-Nation if you get a chance. It's not quite as gloomy as TWD.
    Technically it would make the most sense (from Negan's POV) to kill Abraham or Daryl. Also, there is no proof that Andrea is dead. We only heard the gun shot. Maybe she wasn't really bit by a walker ... maybe she was bit a rat ... or bit herself to fake them all out.

    BTW, have you ever watch the Sci Fi series "Z-Nation"? It's ... entertaining.
    Even though it's suppose to be Glen, I think there is a possibility it will be Daryl, Abraham or Maggie. The enhanced version of the end of the finale had a woman screaming out Glen's name and you could hear Glen faintly calling "Maggggiieeeee".

    Perhaps Andrea will save them all! :D
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