Arthur Brain
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  • Thanks. Happy to see Crud on "vacation"...he was fouling the air and getting bolder with it by the hour. I was surprised when his lynching comment wasn't the last straw, but better late. I was honestly slack jawed when I realized that Tam wasn't just nudging PJ's willful distortion/echo of the gist for some. Then, after considering it for a while it seemed to me that her plight is at least understandable and isn't rooted in a desire to do or serve evil, only a confusion relating to poor parallels and worse education on the point.
    :chuckle: I'll take it under advisement. :eek:

    I'm doing all right, I actually shouldn't be here. :chuckle: I've got a couple friends coming for lunch, and I have to have it all ready by noon and it's 10:15. Yikes...

    They'll leave around 2 and I'll head for class about 3, it's from 4-6.

    Enjoy your relaxing evening. :) I'll have some time before class to come back around, and maybe after too, but you'll be long in bed by that time, I'm sure.
    Hmm... well, thank you. We'll see.

    Good luck with all your writing, I'm really happy things are going so well. :)
    Also, did one of the trained monkeys try to peddle the Stormfront friendly "Irish slaves" crap? I thought I saw it in passing but dropped the mouse and had to reenter the shooting match.
    You should get back to it. I'd be the first one to cheer you on. :)

    As for me... I'll give it some thought. :eek:

    Sleep well. :)
    Yes, I've thought about it many times. To be honest, I've been afraid to.

    I remember when you were writing, and hoped you'd keep on with it but I didn't want to nag. That first one, especially. I still think you could submit that.
    No, it's not long, and thanks - I started the spring after my dad died, and I've seen more change and had more happen to me in these intervening years any other time in my life up to that point. And that's not an exaggeration. I could write a book.
    There's practically one on every corner around here so that's not really a stretch, believe it or not.

    Glad to hear it's still going well. :)

    I'm doing all right. Eight weeks to go, and I'll have my degree. :) I'm getting a little antsy now.
    :chuckle: Desperate times call for desperate measures...

    Starbucks is definitely not my first choice, but that's what they have on campus, too. So sometimes I have no choice. But whenever I can, I have my coffee at home, I like it best at home. When I'm out I try to support local coffee shops when I can.

    How are you?
    Oh, I overcame great obstacles as I hiked over one block and up four blocks to the Starbucks at 5:15 a.m. :chuckle:
    My power went out last night about 6:30 and didn't come back on until about about noon today. I thought, no problem - I have a gas stove, I can make my morning coffee by doing a pour-over through the coffeemaker filter ... until I realized the stove uses an electric igniter. :eek: I didn't have a lighter or even a book of matches to start the burner. I didn't mind no lights, but no coffee - that was an emergency! :chuckle:
    I don't know...for a while it felt like he had the feel of it, then it just turned into this...I gave him a pos rep and shrug a moment ago. Told him I thought he'd lost the feel of the point to the point where the process was a bit like gargling. I can do it, but I don't particularly want to unless it's productive. :cheers:
    "I don't expect to, in any form." Well, that's a sort of progress. :eek: Seriously, how do you manage the old rep form. It's harder and harder to find a way to separate by threes...:eek:
    Hi bud, long time no see or hear....i've been posting away...mostly giving the calvinists and trinitarians hell :) lol - check it out if interested. thanks for rep :)
    Well, his profession of faith already dinged Christianity, so I guess if he couldn't expand his grasp I guess he settled for his grasping.
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