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  • Well, that and your banning. This time around, it isn't Jews, it is Christians.
    Not only that, he is arguing against giving all peoples from all walks of life, food, because it is a 'Christian' foodbank :doh: So is Microsoft and Coka-Cola. Strange that. This is biased prejudism.
    Thanks for your comment. There's a bit more to the story that makes it even worse. My foreign owned aerospace defense company has been forbidden to send some work to India. So instead, they've sent it to an American owned contract labor company who has been told by my company to send the work to India, thereby skirting the law. I found this out yesterday.

    This is probably why I'm on a higher dose of anti-anxiety medication, anti-depressants (last 30 days), to deal with the pressure I'm under, and also to fight off Keppra Rage. (You'll have to look that up on Google.) I could tell I was losing it, that's why I stopped posting for awhile. But mentally and spiritually, I'm much better now even with the Type 2 Diabetes.

    God Bless,
    Easy-peasy. I go to a user profile page, click on "statistics" then "find all threads..." and it lists the last 100, if you have that many. Then I go through the four pages and mark down how often a thread gets 100 or better posts and 1000 or better views.
    Hi Angel!
    I also thank you for your support,
    and have been very negligent in giving you encouragement
    in your spiritual walk with Jesus -
    I hope you can understand how the rapid development of
    international matters, Cold War, WWIII staging,
    have kept me extremely busy, especially in the
    ideological aspects of conflict
    which are important to Christians and our worldview:
    Hugs and encouragement to you,
    and apologies for neglecting one of my favourite sisters in Christ!

    Thanks Angel. I'm almost out the door. It's been a tough few months for everyone, especially him. But God willing we'll be past the worst of it in a day or two. His preschool class was down to four by the end of last week. A lot of respiratory junk going around.
    I've been missing you and all my dear brothers and sisters here on TOL. My mother is completely bedridden and takes every moment I have. I hope to get some time soon. Don't think I don't want to be here. Love and hugs....
    Okay. Thank you. I was just curious. I've had her on ignore for nearly a week now.
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