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  • The only thing we're doing now is building strip malls to sell Chinese products. How long can that last? Both political parties are at fault.
    Several years ago here at TOL or ChristianForums I started a thread on the death of manufacturing in this country. And it's only gotten worse since then.
    I've been on a rant today but I'm better now. I sent off a caustic e-mail to an HR rep made me feel a little better. Nothing will happen because management can do no wrong, at least they won't admit to it.
    Thank you. I'm accustomed to being interrupted, but it still bothers me. Very few people will ask me to continue, or finish my point or story. I'm pleasantly surprised when someone asks me to continue. I really dislike having my sentences ended for me. I guess that's why I like writing.
    It's scary that this prosperity message "name it and claim it" is still going on. When my wife and I became home bible study teachers the Pastor of Grace Church, Ron Tucker, prophesized over each one of us, one at a time. When he came to me and laid his hands on my head, but he had nothing to say. I was already having doubts about his teaching although I didn't share this with my wife then. Ron Tucker frequently got off track, but his father or one of the associate pastors usually brought his focus back. I prayed to God for wisdom, as Tucker's teaching was not Biblical. At the right time, I asked my wife what she thought and we were of one mind. So we left.

    We visited an Assembly of God church, but didn't feel drawn to it. We attended a Southern Baptist sponsored church semi-regularly, but the pastor left for another job in Kansas City. Since then, we moved but haven't found a church that feels like we belong.
    Once in awhile, I catch a minute or two of Creflo Dollar on TV before I can switch channels. I believe you are right that he and Copeland are close.
    Hey A4T. Wanted to apologize about getting a bit heated earlier. You were talking about rioters and in my mind I was thinking of the protesters. Two different things. Rioters are the ones being destructive. Rioters are the ones causing the mayhem. Maybe they can use non-lethal ammo as someone else suggested.
    for the reps!
    "The white ephod was, strictly speaking, a priestly costume, although in the law it is not prescribed as the dress to be worn by them when performing their official duties, but rather as the dress which denoted the priestly character of the wearer (see at 1Sa_22:18); and for this reason it was worn by David in connection with these festivities in honour of the Lord, as the head of the priestly nation of Israel (see at 1Sa_2:18)." - Keil and Delitzsch
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