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  • Keep reading......I added more. KJ onlyism falls short, of course I come from a very eclectic liberal POV, but im quite fundamental in certain respects as well. We can all keep learning . Closed minds are incapable of such.
    Yes. I totally understand that. It is good to have time alone with ourselves and God. Bless you and may you be comforted as you go through these difficult times.

    With love... His and mine.
    Hi angel......I like nkjv too :) ill. B posting some videos from dr. James White soon on the nkjv thread. I grew up on kjv as a mormon so in that culture it is somewhat of a kjv only ism. The best route is to take all the facts, data and history into account.
    Yes, this time of year would be more difficult then.

    Thank you for you blessings and Amen. to them as well. May they be returned to you magnified, and to yours as well. Bless you.
    Yes, concerned about you... and pray for you every time I think of you, which is fairly often. :) This time of year is different for us than it was years ago... we used to be very well off financially and now... lol, it's thank God for the pantries! (That's a joke, since we distribute food, but still...) So, in other words, there are no gifts given anymore... so that could be depressing, but having the joy of the Lord eliminates that possibility. It's just wistfulness that we could provide more in the way of physical gifts. Was it this time of year that you lost had your greatest loss... your child?
    I've been missing you, too, doll. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Please remember me in your prayers, as I will you. :)
    Thank you dear sister for the beautiful Christmas message! Blessings to you and yours as well. :)
    God Bless You, AngelforTruth. I have thought of you frequently for a couple months now, and I come on the site and the first thing I see is a most wonderful message from you! (All is well... though earlier in the week was in hospital for flu and pneumonia... haven't had the flu in over 30 years and have never had pneumonia! Praise God! :) )

    I pray that all is well for you; that your heart, mind and soul is filled with the peace, joy and love that the spirit of Christ gives... not only during this season but throughout all the years to come. Amen

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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