Yes, this is 'graceandpeace'.


New member
Who says I am Jesus?

People who are vicious and bully dont know God. And that is you, lady.

..and, what are you when you do the same? Telling fellow believers that they do not know God, that is shameful. Worst type of mho.


..and, what are you when you do the same? Telling fellow believers that they do not know God, that is shameful. Worst type of mho.

Everything I say is my conviction and I mean everything what I say. If what I say is slandering I will pay the heavy penalty.

I dont bully anyone. Truth is truth.

I live for Christ, and I dont play games or lip serve Jesus.


New member
If I had the power to close this thread, I would. I think it has went out of the jurisdiction that I began it for.

I pray everyone is having a beautiful day. God is blessing us all, as we learn and grow!

One In Christ

New member
If I had the power to close this thread, I would. I think it has went out of the jurisdiction that I began it for.

I pray everyone is having a beautiful day. God is blessing us all, as we learn and grow!

so you continue to bump it and keep it alive, rather than just let it die?


Hey one in Christ,

G&P is very much one of you. She has been pretender and she is now even better at it. She says she came back to encourage people. What she means is that she will not say anything against the majority. She is skilled at flirting with everyone. So she will flirt with you too. That's what she means by "encouragement".

This is my assessment of her from knowing from the past and continuing on with the same trait.

She cannot be trusted as true Jesus' servant but she will not cross you.

Lazy afternoon

Hey one in Christ,

G&P is very much one of you. She has been pretender and she is now even better at it. She says she came back to encourage people. What she means is that she will not say anything against the majority. She is skilled at flirting with everyone. So she will flirt with you too. That's what she means by "encouragement".

This is my assessment of her from knowing from the past and continuing on with the same trait.

She cannot be trusted as true Jesus' servant but she will not cross you.

Didn't you say something about keeping Gods commandments?

Rom 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

1Pe 2:1 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
1Pe 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
1Pe 2:3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.



Didn't you say something about keeping Gods commandments?

I use the whole counsel of God. the bible also says to expose the evil deeds of darkness. I know most of you have plenty of holes applying your knowledges. We are not in the same path, friend.

Too many so called "Christians" are enabling wicked deeds, and you are one of them..

I concentrate on watching the fruit, not the doctrines. Jesus says we know them by their fruit not by our doctrines which that's what most of you have been concentrating on against Jesus' wisdom.

Lazy afternoon

I use the whole counsel of God. the bible also says to expose the evil deeds of darkness. I know most of you have plenty of holes applying your knowledges. We are not in the same path, friend.

Too many so called "Christians" are enabling wicked deeds, and you are one of them..

I concentrate on watching the fruit, not the doctrines. Jesus says we know them by their fruit not by our doctrines which that's what most of you have been concentrating on against Jesus' wisdom.

How do you concentrate on watching fruit and then pass judgment on doctrines?

Do not call me friend if you are not on the same path as myself.

Where do I enable wicked deeds?

You say these things because you are obstinate and hate being corrected by the commandments of Jesus you claim to uphold.

You are a hypocrite.



How do you concentrate on watching fruit and then pass judgment on doctrines?

I dont worry. God is powerful and faithful for truth spreader. God has been helping me a great deal.:)

I have been spreading the whole messages of Jesus plenty.

I am a house wife and house cleaner and mother of three children and one grand son. And I still have plenty of time to spread Jesus' true messages which so called "christians" have distorted and have been misrepresenting.

I have been exposing what kind of tactics they are using to spread false gospel too.

Take a look at my other on going threads.:)


Well-known member

First of all, I want to apologise. I know I have not always acted in such a way as to bring glory to God. I know that, no one has to tell me. I want to start afresh.

As I rejoin this board, I want everyone to know that I am not here to debate anyone's belief system. I have already figured out that does not work. We often learn things the hard they say.

Secondly, I want everyone to know that I am here to do one thing, and that is to 'encourage' others, not only my good friends on here, but also anyone who would think me an enemy of the gospel.

Thirdly, I will answer questions posed to me. (on my beliefs)

I simply want to be an encouragement, to everyone on this board. I have sought God on the matter, have prayed about this, and feel that if we truly believe in our hearts, He will give us everything our hearts desire, and it is my desire to 'encourage'.

God bless you all, and see you inside.

Seems that you do not plan to change anything.

Were you not encouraging people before?

Encouraging people implies a direction.

Before you were encouraging people to accept your ideas.

What has changed?

Are you now going to encourage people to stay with their own beliefs, whatever they may be?

Is this the change you are speaking off?​



Are you now going to encourage people to stay with their own beliefs, whatever they may be?

what she means is to agree on everyone's beliefs. This is what she mean by "encouragement."

I was advised to stay together with my husband and the other one said to divorce him; and she said amen to both of them.

She is seeking to be liked by everyone. There are many women like that. Man dont seek popularity like women in general.

She is confused about "love".


No, she is trying to do what the Lord requires of her and you people could care less.


And I go after people who are misrepresenting Jesus. His followers should be pleasing to God, not people who are sugarcoating the messages and evil practice.


Well-known member
I care about her.

I do too.

Some times along the way a particular law works to keep one's life in order according to one's wishes.

The Truth is to not get caught with the idea that any law is good. In the bigger scheme of things, like achieving glory of God, salvation and deliverance all laws are stumbling blocks.

Jesus through Paul confirmed: if there was a law given that could give life righteousness would have been by law. However there is none. Not even the Ten Commandments giveth life (re. Galatians: 3 verses: 21 & 22)

So now righteousness of God without the law is manifested. (re. Romans: 3 verse: 21). This is the Spirit. Now the Lord is that Spirit and were the Spirit is there is liberty (re. 2 Corinthians: 3 verse 17).

All laws are curses. Only the Spirit giveth life.

Glory of God, salvation and deliverance comes to those who are led into All their works by precisely what the Spirit has in mind for them to pray for, say and do, as discerned within their own hearts or spirits even if they have to transgress all ideals and laws of society, morality and religiosity, including the Ten Commandments, as Abraham (our example) was called to do.

God justified the ungodly to Abraham and his seed when they are led into all their works by precisely what the Spirit has in mind for them to pray for, say and do, as discerned within their own hearts or spirits. The mind of the Spirit is always in line with the will of God. The ungodly is the transgression of the Ten Commandments (re. Romans: 4 verses: 5 to 9).​

Lazy afternoon

And I go after people who are misrepresenting Jesus. His followers should be pleasing to God, not people who are sugarcoating the messages and evil practice.

I see. You represent Jesus?

Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

If you truly represent Jesus to G&P then you would talk to her as Jesus does.
