Yes, this is 'graceandpeace'.


New member
Mat 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.


Yes, when we treat others as they treat us, (hateful), what do we expect to gain?

God sure is putting this in my heart!!


New member
the Holy Spirit can use me to correct. It is not for you to decide whether I can correct or not.

The only way correction can be done through a Christian is like this:

phil 2:3 [Let] nothing [be done] through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Do you agree?


New member
You dont have credibility to teach or correct anyone, lady.

That is good, because I am not trying to. I am proclaiming that it is the Holy Spirit that gets er done. I am not the Holy Spirit. He has corrected me, and I will give witness of that, but I will not strive to do HIS work, anymore.

That is what this thread is about.


The only way correction can be done through a Christian is like this:

phil 2:3 [Let] nothing [be done] through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Do you agree?

I cannot discuss any verses with you. I had enough with your pretentiousness. We are not in the same path.


New member
that's a good sport, thanks.

I truly and sincerely believe we are on the same path, Sis.

We are just at different 'intersections'....but, the same road. I also believe everyone on this board is of the same.

Some are just beginning, some are half way, some are near the end of the road, about to cross Jordan, and some have already crossed, and, the point I am trying to make is that none of us are enemies. The only enemy is someone that has not yet even began the process, and we are to show love towards even them. How do we do this? With men it is impossible, but with God, at work in us, there is a way.


I truly and sincerely believe we are on the same path, Sis.

We are just at different 'intersections'....but, the same road. I also believe everyone on this board is of the same.

You see, here we go. You are one of them, very mainstreamer except they believe I am a cult. Your bottom line is the same as them.


New member
You see, here we go. You are one of them, very mainstreamer except they believe I am a cult. Your bottom line is the same as them.

My bottom line is that God is love and mainstreamers love Him, just as you do. My bottom line is that God is the one who can cause the love to grow in us all. You cannot cause it, I cannot cause it, but God can, as we all each individually are corrected by HIM.

Mainstreamers are saved by the simple and basic gospel, not by anything that any of us would add to it.

I do not consider you 'cult'...I consider you my sister in Christ, and, I hope to encourage you today. We are called to do that. ALL of us.


My bottom line is that God is love and mainstreamers love Him, just as you do. My bottom line is that God is the one who can cause the love to grow in us all. You cannot cause it, I cannot cause it, but God can, as we all each individually are corrected by HIM.

Mainstreamers are saved by the simple and basic gospel, not by anything that any of us would add to it.

I do not consider you 'cult'...I consider you my sister in Christ, and, I hope to encourage you today. We are called to do that. ALL of us.

I will not encourage anyone who does not show godly witness for Him.

We are not in the same path.

good day.