Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
What rights do they not have that they are marching for?

The right to be seen as right when they are wrong, or as victims when they are not.
The right to special treatment.

That's what feminism is all about
People lap it up like desert cattle

I take it, the Girl you asked to your High School Prom, rejected you, right? From that moment on you decided to hate all of Womenkind. I've read your past posts and they all seem to show your anger towards Females.


Not ALL Women are out to get you Crucible. I realize you're TOLs "Token Misogynist" and hate ALL women. You're not fooling anyone but yourself.


Same old narrative

When agendas are threatened, people start crying and yelling- and that is what feminists are doing. The sweet, sweet sound of desperate, spaz-tastic idiots finally coming from the high ranks of feminism. It's about time :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Same old narrative

When agendas are threatened, people start crying and yelling- and that is what feminists are doing. The sweet, sweet sound of desperate, spaz-tastic idiots finally entering the high ranks of feminism. It's about time :)

I see you still have negative feelings against "Womenkind."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
They have negative feelings toward 'Mankind' and you fully encourage them to embrace that negativity, so you're statement is as meaningless to me as a snowflake feminist rant :wave2:

Do you really think that a 21-year-old kid, such as yourself has anything of value to add to any conversation? They've proven that the human brain doesn't stop maturing until 25 years of age. You're living proof of that, Punk.


Do you really think that a 21-year-old kid, such as yourself has anything of value to add to any conversation? They've proven that the human brain doesn't stop maturing until 25 years of age. You're living proof of that, Punk.

I'm a year shy of 30, Broseph.

The most valuable thing is truth, so yes, I bring value to these discussions.

What you all do, when the subject of women arises and those like myself are not around, is completely ignore any conflicting interest to men. You all end up siding with women, and culminating ideas of them being treated unfairly or victimized.

I've sat back and watched it :chuckle:
And then you all join and morph into a giant to stomp on anyone who challenges it.
I can't think of anything more 'punk' than that- not having the courage to acknowledge things for how they really are.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Kids think they know EVERYTHING. I have a 32-year-old Nephew who still acts like a Know-it-All, 16 to 21-year-old. You're still a baby in my eyes. I'm 66 now and have seen plenty of Punks in my time. You're a wee bit different, though, you hate Females. That's very odd?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm a year shy of 30, Broseph.

The most valuable thing is truth, so yes, I bring value to these discussions.

What you all do, when the subject of women arises and those like myself are not around, is completely ignore any conflicting interest to men. You all end up siding with women, and culminating ideas of them being treated unfairly or victimized.

I've sat back and watched it :chuckle:
And then you all join and morph into a giant to stomp on anyone who challenges it.
You're the punk, punk :)

That's even worse! You act like a 16 year old rebel.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I think I know the answer to the question I asked you? I can see why you didn't answer it. After all, it would be embarrassing to you.


I think I know the answer to the question I asked you? I can see why you didn't answer it. After all, it would be embarrassing to you.

Why would you find that number surprising? You can find out for yourself in two damn seconds if you just go to Google.

Same old run around from the same old people, I swear :rolleyes:


Only a fifth of people in the States consider their self 'feminists', even though roughly 80% of them believe in 'social and economic equality' of the sexes.

This is despite the definition of feminism, because PEOPLE KNOW THAT IS NOT WHAT FEMINISM IS ANYMORE. The survey that conducted this is the silver bullet to feminism, because it means that ANY group of people you see, period, flying feminist signs are all MISANDRISTS.

It's just that simple, GM. Deal with it- it's amazing how if there were a group of men carrying signs you would all manage to scream MISOGYNY in a vacuum, but you sit there and blindly support feminist rallies :rolleyes: