How do you feel about Ike?
Huntsman. He's the guy. Find a way to draft him into service and you'll get at least one unaffiliated's vote. But it's problematic. He's not skilled at running national campaigns and he's honest. So that may mean he's a non starter. But like I told my republican friends the last time, you had the wrong Mormon.
I don't want ANY Mormon for president. I don't have a problem w/ individual Mormons, as long as they honestly do not see anthing WRONG w/ their "church" (so called) but most of them have to suspect after X number of years in that organization that...
well, things like this:
yeh, right... There are spirits floating around everywhere who just need a body to inhabit (This is what they teach)-- hence their position against birth control
yeh, right.. men should have more than one wife (but women should never have more than one husband...)
yeh, right.. whoever leaves the upper offices of said org.. should be killed. I'm serious, they have a ritual (that the higher ups do) that teaches exactly that..
only people accustomed to lying to themselves stay in that org very long