without knowing much.. Who do u think would b best president?


New member
Not a single Republican Candidate right now would get my vote... and the prior poster is correct.. they are no different than Hillary at this point.


New member

are you 12 years old?

mentally retarded ?

(Sorry, you mentally retarded people, not meaning any insult, just mean: Are you [The Horn] mentally slow to get certain things? We are all of course slow to get one thing.. or another)

when you use silly, childish, gratuitous adjectives, well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I, for one, just tune you out and refuse to listen to what you have .. think you have.. to say...

But I will say this in response

Why in God's name would you vote for someone most americans call "untrustworthy"?

I guess Trust is not on you top 10 list of qualities you want in a president of your country

sigh.. I see why we are in such big trouble....

God help us

You seem to think we're looking at a choice between good and bad. Elections tend to be a choice between dishonest and more dishonest.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I just want to know who you lean toward... don't have to know why.. you may not know why yourselff... why you like someone in particular, may not be able to say you know what kind of pres s/he would be... I just would like to know who appeals to you at this time.. you know... gut level thing

I like them all, so i don't know who to say...

I will say who i do not lean toward though: Huckabee. I think he is too establishment... I thought he was more conservative than... well, he supposedly raised taxes in Arkansas... and some other things.. always liked him when on Fox.. but...

and if Walker is in favor of abortion for rape or incest, i am NOT going to vote for him e ither... and i believe this is the case...

so... i guess i meant to say i like MOST of them


Scott Hahn


Well-known member
Republicans like to tell us how they believe in the Constitution and limited government. They believe in nothing of the kind.


New member
Republicans like to tell us how they believe in the Constitution and limited government. They believe in nothing of the kind.

nice wide brush there

reminds me of that psg in the Bible

Judge not, lest u be judged

maybe drbrumley likes to tell us how he is a good Christian...

when [fill in the blanks..]



New member



New member



No matter who is elected they will still sell us out to the banks... continue the wars overseas and divide this country by race and ethnicity...

There is no difference... unless you think imposing anti-abortion laws on people who are not christian is being christ-like.... hardly.


New member
John Kasich looks like he would be a great president

He has lifted up his state of Ohio (decreased taxes...etc)

And we need someone to do the same w/ the whole US

I still like Cruz... and Carson...

Heck, I like them all.

And I would vote for Carly Fiorina also. Women are not supposed to have authority over a man, according to hte Bible, but the presidency is just one part of 3 branches that have authority in unison... The pres has a multitude of advisors.. does not act alone (not supposed to anyway)

of course Pres O ... looks like he thinks o/wise... looks like he thinks he is king... but...

I can think stuff too. I can think I am St. Thomas Aquinas..
