
Well-known member
there are only two world religions
why wouldn't one of them be started by the antichrist?

It is the false religion of Islam.

They are going to "fake" the return of Messiah with their own "messiah"; the 12th Imam (who they are currently waiting for) aka the Mahdi.

And it's going to be VERY gruesome for Christians.

It all fits perfectly.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It is the false religion of Islam.

They are going to "fake" the return of Messiah with their own "messiah"; the 12th Imam (who they are currently waiting for) aka the Mahdi.

And it's going to be VERY gruesome for Christians.

It all fits perfectly.


don't you think the antichrist would start a false religion?
I do believe mohammed will return before Jesus does


New member
We don't acknowledge the Tanach, Christ hater.

Paul did.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
(2 Timothy 3:16 NKJV)​


I'm not even sure that modern day Jews even share a direct lineage to those in the Scriptures.

Christians are spiritually Jewish through Christ.

There's nothing that confirms the notion without doubt that the Antichrist will come from the Israelites. He could very well come straight out of Christianity. In fact, it would make more sense, being that he will have to gain prominence among Western ranks.


There is overwhelming evidence of the Catholic Church being the seat of the Antichrist according to the leaders of the Reformation.

Revelation directly puts the Catholic Church in full focus:

The Roman Empire split into ten kingdoms (ten horns).

“The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings.”

~Daniel 7:24

The Catholic Church has embedded itself in every country in the world. In the age of feudality, the pope was literally seen as the king of kings, having more authority than them all, at the peak of the pyramid.

“And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

~Revelation 17:18


Purple and scarlet are colors of royalty, which originated by Rome herself. The cardinals and bishops wear them. Throughout the centuries, they have gotten in bed with other nations, swaying them with that cup (communion).

“The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.”
~Revelation 17:4


Does it not ever cross a Catholic's mind- or do they ever find it just a bit dubious that the Catholic Church aligns so incidentally well with the description of the Antichrist?

This is what the Reformers were talking about. They straight up told the Church to her face these things.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Does it not ever cross a Catholic's mind- or do they ever find it just a bit dubious that the Catholic Church aligns so incidentally well with the description of the Antichrist?

do you know what antichrist means?

read your bible
there are only four places

he who denies the Father and the Son

the catholic church
does not deny the Father and the Son

why don't you understand this?


Well-known member
Your antichrist spirit of the world and prince of the power of the air went out from your midst when you first believed and were sealed with the Holy Spirit of the Promise. However, according to the Testimony of Yeshua, that unclean spirit will return because the Master says that when the unclean spirit goes out of the man he walks through the dry-arid places, (like a desert nomad scapegoat wanderer) seeking rest: but finding none, he says, "I will return unto my house from where I came out", (and the man is surely the house). And when he comes, he finds the house swept and garnished with idols. Then goes the unclean spirit of the world and associates in league with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse off than the first. And who shall live when El does this? The legions of the tsiyiym of Kittiym shall afflict Asshur, and shall vex Heber, yea, though he goes into destruction perpetual. :crackup:


do you know what antichrist means?

read your bible
there are only four places

he who denies the Father and the Son

the catholic church
does not deny the Father and the Son

why don't you understand this?

'Antichrist' takes on different meaning. In Scripture, it is generally meaning a person who denies Christ.

'The Antichrist'- the Apocalyptic Son of Perdition- is not a 'denier', but a 'defiler'.

Martin Luther and John Calvin were born theologians, very aware of what any pope or bishop would be aware of- they wouldn't make such a rookie mistake. Why don't you understand that :think:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
'Antichrist' takes on different meaning. In Scripture, it is generally meaning a person who denies Christ.

'The Antichrist'- the Apocalyptic Son of Perdition- is not a 'denier', but a 'defiler'.

Martin Luther and John Calvin were born theologians and were very knowledgable. They wouldn't make such a rookie mistake :rolleyes:

so luther and calvin trump the bible

do you have scripture for that?


so luther and calvin trump the bible

do you have scripture for that?

Apparently, you think the Pope trumps the Bible. Martin Luther made this argument five centuries ago when he sat in a monastery for several years studying it front to back.


New member
Throughout History, Christianity has proved to be so much against the Jews that millions of them have been murdered by Christianity through pogroms, blood libels, Crusades, Inquisition and the Holocaust.

While I DO understand why this is the prevailing thought, that those who perpetrated it were "Christians", it's simply not so. Just a thin scrape of the surface of the leaders show Himmler and Hitler especially were into black magic "arts" and every evil form of the occult they could find. These things are absolutely NOT Christian, nor are they who do such abominable things. Peace


New member
October you are sadly way off. Can you listen to reason? "Antichrist" is not mentioned anywhere except in two of John's letters, and he said that even in his very day, there were "many" antichrists. (I John 2:18) So why are people stuck with this "THE Antichrist" stuff? Because of what your preacher tells you? Ask him where "antichrist" appears in Revelation. It's not there. And ask him if John said there were antichrists in his day, why are we waiting for ONE? QUOTE]

Every once in awhile, a fresh breeze blows through....:thumb: Peace