Why would God need a hell?

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New member
One reason why so many believers adhere to this eternal hell doctrine is because they think that is how God figured it out to end for unbelievers. They feel such an ending comes from the mind of God, they really have accepted that to be the way God and Christ would settle this. This shows an awful view of God, that he could not come up with anything better, so they created this free will doctrine, so they could put the blame for this on humans, and thus excuse God from such a horrible ending. In this unholy manner, God is excused from fulfilling the needs of unbelievers, they are blamed for not being able to stand up against the devil, his demons, evil and sin. They must bear the weight of that for eternity.

This kind of thinking is barbaric , and believers in God are behind this great spreading evil. The doors of salvation are being systematically shut in the faces of so many that need a better ending from God.

In James 5:11, " Behold, we count them happy which endure. You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen " The End of the Lord", that the Lord is pitiful and of Tender Mercy!" In the end, the true God will have pity and mercy on humans, the real God will not take part in this manufactured merciless end that many believers are pushing off on humanity. The belief of these believers is merciless and cruel. And its getting all the attention of this world, because satan is now the god of this world, and supports this hell message because that is the fate he wants for humanity.


New member
Why should we pay attention to the Christian hell , when Jesus taught in Mark 3:28 that ALL sins shall be forgiven unto the son's of mankind. The Christians must use sin as their reason to condemn people to their hell , and they must ignore this teaching from Christ that all sin is forgiven.


New member
For the Christian eternal hell to be true, the thief on the cross next to Christ who got given the Kingdom, has to be revoked and turned away or all other sinners can enter in just as free.


New member
For the Christian eternal hell to be true, the thief on the cross next to Christ who got given the Kingdom, has to be revoked and turned away or all other sinners can enter in just as free.

Oh yes, Luke 23:43 was as good a time as any for Christ to prove to the world that he was throwing sinners into the Christian hell; here he had a law breaker hanging next to him, a sinner, a malefactor, Jesus could have taught about hell right there and condemned this man. Instead of shutting off the Kingdom from him, Jesus proved the Fathers reaction to sin right then and there; Jesus not only opened the door to the Kingdom for this dirty sinner, he did not even make the man wait in death for it, he told him, " THIS DAY you will be with me in paradise!"

Good thing he was not hanging next to a modernday Christian , he would have that door slammed shut!


Eclectic Theosophist
Big whoopie over "Other"

Big whoopie over "Other"

You originally claimed to be a Christian and then changed to identify yourself as "other". Explain "other". Ga 5:9

So what? Anyone can call themselves a 'christian', its just a word (it can have positive or negative connotations). Many different definitions are tossed around on what a 'christian' is, and some may not want to identify with some of the 'christians' or 'version' of 'Christianity' that some believers here espouse, whether it be their 'behavior' or 'theology', or some blend thereof. -that's why I eventually chose after some time to no longer identify as a 'Christian',...when I first joined,...I did as a 'Christian (Other)'. 'God' is not impressed with labels.

Those getting their panties in a pinch over those of use who have chosen "Other" need to get over themselves. As I've explained before, this category is one Knight was so kind to bequeath us as I was requesting for more religious affiliation catagories to be made available for members,...so he 'consolidated' the effort and made "Other" available for those who didn't necessarily want to identify or affiliate with any of the current catagories. 'Other' indicates we have affiliations, interests or assocations that do not necessarily fit into any of the catagories present, but may be a blend or synthesis of various catagories and beyond. 'Other' really isn't so bad, if you see it from the more positive or 'alternative' perspective. In fact, Jesus was persecuted in his day, because he was 'Other' (think about it).

As far as cults or 'isms' go, are you not associated with one form or another? Well, obviously, so whats the double standard? You have your formulated prescribed 'theology' and its traditions (all its dogma, nomenclature, props, assessories) like any other religious CULT-ure, so....whose zooming who?

If Mickiel holds to a more universalist based theology, where all souls are ultimately are saved/restored/redeemed by Christ,...then all the more glory to God eh? Whats the fuss? In Universalism, the divine will ultimately Triumphs, Love wins! None are lost. None are condemned to an eternity in hellfire which is pure insanity.


New member
My point exactly! I knew you wouldn't see the difference between God's Word and your human understanding.


You refuse to see the difference between the truth of Scripture and the sadistic lies of pagan-supporting religious leaders. Take your sarcasm and go have tea.:kookoo:


What is it that YOU think Genesis 2:17 says?

Ro 5:15

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not [John 1:5].

"That word “comprehend” is an unfortunate translation. And a wiseacre did not help it by rendering it, “and the darkness was not able to put it out.” That is no translation at all. The word in the Greek is katelaben, meaning actually “to take down.” It is the picture of a secretary to whom the boss is giving dictation, and she stops and says, “I can’t take that down. I am not able to take it down.” The light shines in darkness and the darkness is not able to take it in. That is it exactly. Someone said to him, “Boy, was I in darkness before I received Christ! And I don’t know why I didn’t see.” Well, that is it: you were in darkness and you did not see. The darkness just cannot take it in.

Now this is something quite interesting, and it is not true of physical light. You go into a dark room, and the minute you switch on the light, the darkness leaves, it disappears. Darkness and light cannot exist together physically. The moment you bring light in, darkness is gone. The minute light is taken out, darkness will come right back in. But spiritual light and darkness exist together. Sometimes there is a husband who is saved and a wife who is unsaved—or vice versa. Here is a believer working next to another man who says, “What do you mean when you talk about being a Christian? I do the best I can. Am I not a Christian?” There you have light and darkness side by side and the darkness just cannot take it in. That is exactly what is said here, “The light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”" McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (John 1-10) (electronic ed., Vol. 38, pp. 28–29). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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New member
Why would God " Need" a hell? I think its a thing we humans must be careful with when we start discussing something that we think " God needs." Its really an oxymoron. Why would God have needs? Like worship, in example; does God " Need to be worshipped?" Is this whole salvation set up a need of God? Did God create trillions of humans, so that he could have them worship him? Is God an ego maniac? No God creating humans is also a misnomer, really God is in a " Birthing process" with humanity; we are actual children of him. We were birthed, ( created), to be a part of his family; we will worship him BECAUSE he is divine and Holy and Good! He is worthy of worship, because he really is " A God!" All of heaven worships God BECAUSE they know how Good, Righteous, powerful, Holy and Gracious he really is!

You see, when the ruler is righteous, the people under him can rejoice! All of the beings in Heaven worship God BECAUSE of how God is! I think the best description of God given in all the bible, is Gal. 5:22-23, THAT is how God really is! THAT is WHY God is worshipped! The Angels, the 24 Great Elders on God's Throne, Jesus, and all the Cherubs and Seraphims, pay due homage to God BECAUSE of the TYPE of being that he IS!

The very presence of God is Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Joy, Happiness, Meekness, and Longsuffering enduring Faith; all things which this religious hell insults! All the things NEEDED to save all humans is contained within God! There is no room for failure in these things, not at the level they exist in God!

When you stand before the Great God, you stand before GREAT, GREAT Kindness and Goodness! You are standing in front of GREAT Peace and Love! What have you to fear at that? The REASON WHY all beings who stand before God kneel and bow, IS because of how God IS! God does not ask them to bow, its not required, its NATURAL! You just sense and know your in the presence of Greatness! The King of Kings, Jesus, sits next to God, they are surrounded by these great 24 Elders who are old as time. All surrounded by Great angelic beings, some of them always singing to God; " Holy, Holy , Holy, Lord God Almighty!" They know God likes singing. And they all KNOW that God Loves them dearly! This awesome throne of government will not fail ANY of humanity!

And when humanity finds out that this Great God has saved them all; they all will worship him for that kind of Grace, for all of eternity!


Active member
Why would God " Need" a hell? I think its a thing we humans must be careful with when we start discussing something that we think " God needs." Its really an oxymoron. Why would God have needs? Like worship, in example; does God " Need to be worshipped?"

It is you who is trying to do the justification. We rather swallow words that a hell exists while He likes being worshiped in accordance to the Bible.


New member
Ro 5:15

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not [John 1:5].

"That word “comprehend” is an unfortunate translation. And a wiseacre did not help it by rendering it, “and the darkness was not able to put it out.” That is no translation at all. The word in the Greek is katelaben, meaning actually “to take down.” It is the picture of a secretary to whom the boss is giving dictation, and she stops and says, “I can’t take that down. I am not able to take it down.” The light shines in darkness and the darkness is not able to take it in. That is it exactly. Someone said to him, “Boy, was I in darkness before I received Christ! And I don’t know why I didn’t see.” Well, that is it: you were in darkness and you did not see. The darkness just cannot take it in.

Now this is something quite interesting, and it is not true of physical light. You go into a dark room, and the minute you switch on the light, the darkness leaves, it disappears. Darkness and light cannot exist together physically. The moment you bring light in, darkness is gone. The minute light is taken out, darkness will come right back in. But spiritual light and darkness exist together. Sometimes there is a husband who is saved and a wife who is unsaved—or vice versa. Here is a believer working next to another man who says, “What do you mean when you talk about being a Christian? I do the best I can. Am I not a Christian?” There you have light and darkness side by side and the darkness just cannot take it in. That is exactly what is said here, “The light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”" McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (John 1-10) (electronic ed., Vol. 38, pp. 28–29). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

You didn't answer the question. The question was - What do you think Genesis 2:17 says?


New member
It is you who is trying to do the justification. We rather swallow words that a hell exists while He likes being worshiped in accordance to the Bible.

Could you do us a favor, show us the scriptures that describe the Christian hell like they describe it.


Well-known member
For the Christian eternal hell to be true, the thief on the cross next to Christ who got given the Kingdom, has to be revoked and turned away or all other sinners can enter in just as free.

No, he turned to God, repentant. All others are lost, due to pride. For hell to not exist, Christ has to be a liar.


Well-known member
'Other' really isn't so bad, if you see it from the more positive or 'alternative' perspective. In fact, Jesus was persecuted in his day, because he was 'Other' (think about it).
As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

If you don't believe THE Gospel: you're liable to swallow anything. You're living proof of this. Without The Blood of Christ, you're trying to steal The Kingdom, by trampling His Blood underfoot.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
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