Why would God need a hell?

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Totton Linnet

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In my view, eternal hell is an example of conscious Christianity and how those humans think about punishing other humans that have no membership in their club. How a supposedly sane mind would settle the issue of fairness. Here we have a human would rejected Christ for, lets say 70 years of their life. Now here we have a Christian mind that will decide the punishment for this sorry life. Notice the " Over kill" of the Christian mind; punish this person forever! For 70 years of sin, they get an eternity in hell; they get 909,888,645 trillion years of suffering- then just as much more, then billions of years more, then quadrillion of years more, and this vicious cycle continues on into infinity! And this incredible way of thinking is labeled " Righteous?"

Stunning overkill!

And this Christian mind would have us believe that God has sanctioned this insane horror!

Amazing. Truly amazing that the worlds leading religion has actually interpreted this overkill to be something God would do. This is one reason this world is in serious trouble; our leading religion is peddling this to be true. They will argue with you up and down that this is true.

Our God would have to be a radical crack in reality for this to be true. Nothing about eternal hell has our great God's fingerprints on it. So God is being totally misunderstood by his own children, because I think Christianity are the children of God; they just got him pegged wrong.

Christ said "depart from Me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels"

Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.


Eclectic Theosophist
Since Deity is Infinite Good, there is no good whatsoever in ECT

Since Deity is Infinite Good, there is no good whatsoever in ECT

In Genesis 1, we see God creating and saying, " it was good." I wish one of those believers in God who accept this eternal hell doctrine, would explain to me what is good about it? I mean, IF what they are teaching is true, there has to be something good about this hell, If it is to last for all of eternity. Explain to us the good in it.

How about it; give us a list of the good in your hell? I think that is a reasonable request. God is obviously a good being, explain to us the good he will get out of eternal hell.

As we've dismantled and shown the insanity of ECT here and elsewhere, it goes without saying there is no good, value or productive purpose to eternally condemining souls to a state of endless torment to which there is no relief or salvation, ever. It is so stupendous an assumption as to defeat the very will of God itself, and violate the principle and will of Love itself. It violates not only reason, but one's very conscience.

Love's fulfillment, love's will cannot be satisfied until the potential of will and life itself is realized within any sentient being. To condemn a living soul to an inescapable prison of endless suffering and punishment TO NO END....is pure insanity. We've been over this again and again, but unfortunately believers in a literal textual interpretation choose the 'literalness' of the term, without understanding its 'figurative' nature, its allegorical significance, plus bringing this all into the context of infinite love and supremacy of divine will.

patrick jane

In my view, eternal hell is an example of conscious Christianity and how those humans think about punishing other humans that have no membership in their club. How a supposedly sane mind would settle the issue of fairness. Here we have a human would rejected Christ for, lets say 70 years of their life. Now here we have a Christian mind that will decide the punishment for this sorry life. Notice the " Over kill" of the Christian mind; punish this person forever! For 70 years of sin, they get an eternity in hell; they get 909,888,645 trillion years of suffering- then just as much more, then billions of years more, then quadrillion of years more, and this vicious cycle continues on into infinity! And this incredible way of thinking is labeled " Righteous?"

Stunning overkill!

And this Christian mind would have us believe that God has sanctioned this insane horror!

Amazing. Truly amazing that the worlds leading religion has actually interpreted this overkill to be something God would do. This is one reason this world is in serious trouble; our leading religion is peddling this to be true. They will argue with you up and down that this is true.

Our God would have to be a radical crack in reality for this to be true. Nothing about eternal hell has our great God's fingerprints on it. So God is being totally misunderstood by his own children, because I think Christianity are the children of God; they just got him pegged wrong.

I've posted the same exact thing about a year ago. That God will not extend eternal torment and punishment for roughly 75 years of terrible sin on earth, no matter how bad the person was. One life on earth no matter how horribly lived, does not equate to never ending pain and suffering in hell


New member
SonofCaleb is right, as he outlined in his Post #901....the scriptures say that God is in Heaven, but His power and knowledge extend everywhere. For example, He is not literally in the depths of the ocean, but He knows what is going on there.

As SonofCaleb mentioned, in I Kings chapter 8 Solomon prays that Jehovah will hear the prayers of His people, and he says to Jehovah at least eight times, either "hear in heaven, Your dwelling place or "hear in heaven." It seems that Solomon believed that God was indeed in heaven, not everywhere at once.

There are innumerable scriptures showing that heaven is Jehovah's dwelling place, and he "looks down" from there. Perhaps a glance at a concordance under "heaven," "heavens," and "heavenly" will add to our knowledge of just where Jehovah says he is.

Shall we limit God just as we also limit our experience of God? Is God separate from power and knowledge? God is power in itself. God is knowledge in itself. God is the healing of dualities that only exist in the mind. There is infinite, imperturbable unity. The ego is overwhelmingly shattered in its presence. One has to experience it first, then the understanding comes later. Any belief we try to hang onto is going to prevent that from happening. I'm not asking for agreement. I am asking we give ourselves permission to see for ourselves. That little window of willingness is like the yeast that leavens the bread. It can grow and develop as the tiny mustard seed that turns into a large tree. It is the chance to experience Psalm 110:1 where it says "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." The true identity of the soul begins to take over our lives as it crushes the head of the serpent which is the personality. The personality then begins to serve something much much bigger and powerful than itself. This is just the beginning.


New member
Christ said "depart from Me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels"

Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.

If your pipe was prepared for tobacco , why put anythingelse in it? If the everlasting fire was prepared for the devil and his angels, why put humans in it?

I know you are pushing your hell, flooding the masses with the message you adhere to. Well I am similar to you, I am pushing the complete and total salvation of all of humanity. You must teach what you are taught, and give the message that you believe God wants out there. That's why I have nothing to do with the Christian message, I rejected it from my youth, even when I did not realize I was rejecting it; I always saw God differently.

I always thought more of God.

I always thought his salvation was more than what was being taught. And then I started looking into the bible for myself; and it was there that I begin to see that God was more than Christianity taught. More forgiving, more kind, full of more grace, more Love, more mercy;

he just has more sense than Christianity.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
If your pipe was prepared for tobacco , why put anythingelse in it? If the everlasting fire was prepared for the devil and his angels, why put humans in it?

I know you are pushing your hell, flooding the masses with the message you adhere to. Well I am similar to you, I am pushing the complete and total salvation of all of humanity. You must teach what you are taught, and give the message that you believe God wants out there. That's why I have nothing to do with the Christian message, I rejected it from my youth, even when I did not realize I was rejecting it; I always saw God differently.

I always thought more of God.

I always thought his salvation was more than what was being taught. And then I started looking into the bible for myself; and it was there that I begin to see that God was more than Christianity taught. More forgiving, more kind, full of more grace, more Love, more mercy;

he just has more sense than Christianity.

Pardon me I did not say depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire...that was Christ who said that.

You are right you do not see God as He is. He is merciful and gracious to all who call upon Him....but He will in no wise acquit the guilty....you have too little a view of sin and it's enormity.

And you judge by the outer appearance of man and do not see the inner as God sees it.


New member
I've posted the same exact thing about a year ago. That God will not extend eternal torment and punishment for roughly 75 years of terrible sin on earth, no matter how bad the person was. One life on earth no matter how horribly lived, does not equate to never ending pain and suffering in hell

Well yes, I am happy to hear you planted that seed. It was worth it at the time , truth is just being brushed aside now, its the nature of man. Many believers in God now , just want to hear certain things that please themselves; and the religious pacification of self has just gone wild. Jesus said in Matt. 11:30, " My yoke is easy and my burden is light."

The burden of the Christian hell is the worst burden ever possibly conceived , nothing could be worse. In Matt. 24:21 Jesus said, " For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, NOR SHALL EVER BE!" In this teaching from Christ, the error of the Christian hell is revealed, because if such a horror was true, then the tribulation could not be the worse thing to happen to humanity since back then until now, nor ever will be; the Christian hell would be FAR worse!

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Man is a limited creature, all his powers are limited....but his imagination is not limited. If the limits were taken off man the evil he would do would be limitless.


New member
You are right you do not see God as He is. He is merciful and gracious to all who call upon Him....but He will in no wise acquit the guilty....you have too little a view of sin and it's enormity.

And you judge by the outer appearance of man and do not see the inner as God sees it.

You claim God will not acquit the guilty , when really its your religion that would not acquit the guilty , which is why I am glad they do not hold our salvation in their hands.

In Romans 3:19, the whole world is guilty before God, that's why God sent Jesus, to become the ransom for all that sin, 1 Tim. 2:6, and to be the Savior of that whole world of guilt, 1 John 4:14.

And Christianity cannot condemn us or steal our salvation from us guilty people.


New member
It is not my religion it is Christ speaking

"Depart from Me ye cursed....."

This is also Christ speaking in John 12:32, " If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me." That all includes the cursed humans that your message is trying to condemn. No matter where in the bible you search for the condemnation of humans, there is always a place to find their salvation.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
This is also Christ speaking in John 12:32, " If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me." That all includes the cursed humans that your message is trying to condemn. No matter where in the bible you search for the condemnation of humans, there is always a place to find their salvation.

Being lifted up He does draw all men unto Him....to some the cross is a sweet savour of life to those who are saved by it, but to others who are perishing it is a foul stench.

The people as are saved are not the same people who reject salvation, they don't WANT to be saved, they hate God, they hate God's word, they hate God's people...you need to grow up. If they hate God they will not want to spend eternity in His presence.


New member
Being lifted up He does draw all men unto Him....to some the cross is a sweet savour of life to those who are saved by it, but to others who are perishing it is a foul stench.

The people as are saved are not the same people who reject salvation, they don't WANT to be saved, they hate God, they hate God's word, they hate God's people...you need to grow up. If they hate God they will not want to spend eternity in His presence.

There has never been a time in human history since Christ was lifted up that all humans were drawn to him, that is a future event to come; and the saving cross of Christ has no foul stench, your religion is putting that stench on it with your limit atonement message.

Now, those who hate God, hate his word, and hate his people, ARE the very people who Christ came to save, you are just trying to separate the hateful from salvation, because that is what you want. Jesus said he came NOT to call the righteous, or believers in God who do not hate, but sinners to repentance, or those hateful people you despise.


Well-known member
...we've dismantled...and violate [my] principle and [my thoughts of] will of Love itself. It violates not only [my] reason, but [my] very conscience.
:think: 'what God says/thinks' vs what Freelight believes God thinks or says. :think:
At the VERY least, we are consistent in insisting God is not us, or what we make Him out to be, but rather what He claims to be.

PJ, you imperialize yourself, and are the supreme ruler and God of your own universe. That, left to your own, will be hell, especially when you come to realize it was exactly what you wanted, but not nearly enough when Christ is far beyond what you thought, hoped or imagined as Ephesians 3 in my sig says. Such torment, is self-inflicted. It may take an eternity for you to realize you are suffering at your own hands.

[my belief is] Love's fulfillment, love's will [as far as my finite but imperical mind] cannot be satisfied. [In my ruminated assertions] To condemn a living soul to an inescapable prison of endless suffering and punishment TO NO END....is pure insanity. We've been over this again and again, but unfortunately believers in a literal textual interpretation [choosing to believe God or depend on their own faulty illogic] choose the 'literalness' of the term, without understanding [my all-powerful assertions of] 'figurative' nature, [my take on]it's allegorical significance, plus bringing this all into the context of infinite love and supremacy of divine will [as I demand God to be, no matter what He actually is like, because the universe revolves around me, and not Him!!!]
▲that's hell▲ thinking you can define God to your own terms.


Well-known member
...your ...I know...you...you adhere ...Well I am ...pushing...You must teach what you are taught, and give the message that you believe God wants out there. That's why I have nothing to do with the Christian message
:doh: Because it is "taught..that God wants out there????"

I rejected it from my youth
You did? "...What God wants out there?" :sigh:

I always saw God differently.
Yep. "You."

I always thought more of God.
"You thought."

I always thought

his salvation was more than what was being taught. And then I started looking into the bible for myself; and it was there that I begin to see that God was more than Christianity taught. More forgiving, more kind, full of more grace, more Love, more mercy
But you dodge His judgements and verses...

he just has more sense than Christianity.
:nono: This means rather "I have more sense than Christianity."


New member
As Christians keep bringing attention to the weakness of unbelievers , noting how hateful some of them are, it makes it easier for Christians to condemn them, in their righteous judgment of others. They seem to search for offense, to pinpoint the sins of unbelievers, as if they have none themselves. So much sin in this world, its easy to find and to find fault. That's why I like Romans 5:20, "But where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound."

That means no matter how much sin in the world that Christians can find, no matter how many sinners they accuse and condemn, the Grace of God will always mean more to those who get so harshly judged by believers in God.


New member
As Christians keep bringing attention to the weakness of unbelievers , noting how hateful some of them are, it makes it easier for Christians to condemn them, in their righteous judgment of others. They seem to search for offense, to pinpoint the sins of unbelievers, as if they have none themselves. So much sin in this world, its easy to find and to find fault. That's why I like Romans 5:20, "But where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound."

That means no matter how much sin in the world that Christians can find, no matter how many sinners they accuse and condemn, the Grace of God will always mean more to those who get so harshly judged by believers in God.

Instead of repeatedly expressing your self-pity.....why not exegete Romans 5.20 for us....

Can you do that...?
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