In my view, eternal hell is an example of conscious Christianity and how those humans think about punishing other humans that have no membership in their club. How a supposedly sane mind would settle the issue of fairness. Here we have a human would rejected Christ for, lets say 70 years of their life. Now here we have a Christian mind that will decide the punishment for this sorry life. Notice the " Over kill" of the Christian mind; punish this person forever! For 70 years of sin, they get an eternity in hell; they get 909,888,645 trillion years of suffering- then just as much more, then billions of years more, then quadrillion of years more, and this vicious cycle continues on into infinity! And this incredible way of thinking is labeled " Righteous?"
Stunning overkill!
And this Christian mind would have us believe that God has sanctioned this insane horror!
Amazing. Truly amazing that the worlds leading religion has actually interpreted this overkill to be something God would do. This is one reason this world is in serious trouble; our leading religion is peddling this to be true. They will argue with you up and down that this is true.
Our God would have to be a radical crack in reality for this to be true. Nothing about eternal hell has our great God's fingerprints on it. So God is being totally misunderstood by his own children, because I think Christianity are the children of God; they just got him pegged wrong.
Christ said "depart from Me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels"
Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.