"Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
"Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
Why would God need a hell? Heaven has existed for all of eternity without a hell, why would it need one now?
'Heaven' and 'hell' from a relative finite perspective are but conditions of consciousness, or states of mind, which are further modified thru the law of karma, the consequences of one's own activity of mind, conditioned by so many other factors. If we assume 'heaven' as the purest most primodial condition of the divine nature and presence, this it is timeless in its essence, and has not been affected or conditioned by time at all, since it is thru 'time' that 'sin', 'disease' and 'death' even exist, or come into effect. When time is no more, or transcended....there is only the timeless itself.
Therefore in the Advaita Vedanta (non-duality) tradition of the Vedic school, one comes to realize that "I am that", the soul recognizing the timeless Self as the eternal absolute reality, all else being transitional.
The wonderful thing is when all the determining factors allow for the full manifestation of 'heaven', then 'heaven' is revealed as it already always is,....which is always in our midst, if 'God' is omnipresent. Hence the 'kingdom of heaven' is 'at hand', 'within', 'among us', at our very door. 'God' cannot be absent from his own 'Self', the 'Self' that indwells souls, the presence or consciousness of 'God' that is individualized in each sentient being.
Recognizing omnipresence then, may alter our perception or assumptions of 'salvation', and what it is one needs to be saved from, if anything, since 'God' is already always Being, as the reality inherent in the "I" of consciousness. If 'God' is already the fullness and radiance of Life right NOW, and forever....then there is nowhere to go, nothing to attain, except for our mind's interpretation and experience of life thru the medium of 'time' as the 'play' (lila) of creation. When time is no more, or swallowed up into 'eternity', only the eternal reality shines as what IS.
We explored this more in my Non-Duality thread (no longer extant), but here we touch on it to see how this might relate to the concept of 'universal salvation'. Just another perspective......:surf: