this is the classic case of martin luthur vs the RCC
chys will not see your point neither will u see his...
do you have one?
this is the classic case of martin luthur vs the RCC
chys will not see your point neither will u see his...
this is the classic case of martin luthur vs the RCC
chys will not see your point neither will u see his...
do you have one?
And then hold Christ responsible for the sins of mankind,
not one that you will care to examine, it might question your invested beliefs...
thanks for protecting me
how do you make these choices
you don't have free will?
you don't know what you are talking about
Why would God need a place like this traditional eternal hell? Why would he co-exist with such a place in eternity? Does God need a garbage dump for humans? How and when did the grave become the traditional explination of hell?
I can only give you the scriptures; 1 Tim. 2:6, Jesus gave himself a " Ransom for All.' That means he took the responsibility and paid the sum total price for all sin.
Or without Christ, deserving of it. I believe without Christ, you and I do not deserve to be with God. It is only grace and compassion that would redeem us....if one takes it literally, they can make a case for eternal hell.
And Christianity takes it literal, because they are making a case for hell; they are conceited with their salvation.
:nono: Paradise, the Bosum of Abraham, does NOT mean stomach nor does it exist today. When Jesus preached to the captives, they were brought from there, so today, to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord, or to wind up in hades with the rich young ruler for all who don't believe, which will be thrown in the Lake of Fire. Why 'wouldn't' Jesus have taught literally about a place that literally exists? He wasn't in the habit of making stuff up. This wasn't a parable like any other, it contained real people like Abraham and so Lazarus and the Rich ruler shouldn't be thought of as nonexistent.If you take the parable literally, then the bossom of Abraham would be his stomach, and people in this hell could communicate with people in heaven; could literally see them.
Um, Ben is a Jew. :doh: Maybe you should pay attention to a "Jew" who believes hell is real? :think:The parable is made fodder for the Christian hell because they are just shopping for ways to limit God's Kingdom.
You mean the Bible? :think: Read Ezekiel yet?God help us all, we have been so duped by this arcane theology.
It would make sense if we are fully eternal beings destined to reside in one of two eternal locations.
0 Bible results for “responsibility.”
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Galatians 6:5 [Full Chapter]
For every man shall bear his own burden.
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Use fewer words in your search, especially if you’re unsure of the exact phrase. For example, “baptizing name Father” and “baptizing them in the name of the Father” will both return Matthew 28:19; however, the latter leaves a greater chance for spelling and syntax errors.
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King James Version (KJV)
Don't let him take the personal away from God. "He" is fine in reflecting personality, relationship, and our respect. Mickie doesn't understand English so doesn't understand why 'He' is appropriate. Leave 'her' in "its" misery and continue to attribute to God personality, relationship -"Our Father"if there is a creator , and I think there is, the only thing I am sure of is this.."IT" is looking for people "IT" can trust... many scriptures tell this... a man after His own heart,,,seek the truth.... pray with out ceasing,, this means thought in line with g-d.....reality is being one with g-d...
I can tell you don't read your Bible, Micki. You are too busy spending time on your pet project to actually be spending time with God, reading His word. ?
Well, your attack on free will, will leave you fairly marked as an extreme cultist to be ignored, by Arminians and Calvinists.The best way for Jesus to save humanity, is to be responsible for us, the best way for Christianity to shop their theology of hell, is to make man responsible for their own sins; that way they can condemn more.
Well, your attack on free will, will leave you fairly marked as an extreme cultist to be ignored, by Arminians and Calvinists.
If you ever say this again, back it up. Where? Show me. :nono: You aren't a bright man. You have made this false accusation of me twice. I fully expect you to be noncompliant here as well.I think its interesting how you and Apple7 spend a lot of time personally insulting people.
Er, that's not a personal insult. It is an accusation because you said you 'would not' read the bible that way. You did. You said that. Correct whatever mistake you made in that post, but until then, you said you'd not read your bible like I read mine and all I did was demonstrate 'reading it' like I would in any English class, for context.You say I don't read the bible or spend time with God; I find that judgmental and insulting,
:nono: I HATE that you didn't read Ezekiel when a Jew told you to. I hate that you didn't read it again when I told you to.but its a common tactic in your conversations
Be happy I didn't say what my flesh thought to say (it deserves hell). I am trying to 'reach' you. I am stomping the old-man down and getting help from Christ. If you think I'm demeaning you, it is only for what you've shown in thread to be willful ignorance and negligence (for instance, I know you have not read Ezekiel since being asked. I'm positive).You seem to have to demean others, and often do it in a sarcastic way that you seem to enjoy.
Well, 'enjoy' 'get pleasure out of' is the same thing so you are just rambling and repeating yourself aimlessly now.Like you get pleasure out of it.
Talk about your wild accusations :think:Really strange that some people hold a need to do these things.
I am pleased with the attention the thread is receiving. I am not shopping for fans.