Why would God need a hell?

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Greg Jennings

New member
Why did you truncate the verse, sister?!

The part that you willfully ignored states that The Son is the Mighty God!

Yes...run from it sister.....run...

Guys, I wouldn't take anything Apple says very seriously. He's good at lying, but bad at covering it to make it appear like he's truthful. For some classic Apple, check out the last 4-5 pages of the thread "Muslim here. Ask me a question."

If you are here arguing with Apple, it will ease your mind to see his dishonesty in that thread. And also, he'll never admit he's wrong when you point out his dishonesty to him. Trying to "beat" him by forcing an admission is not going to happen. You'll just have to take solace in the fact that your opinion is backed with honest research, while his is backed with his own edited versions of other people's work.


New member
I think disrespect is his way of communicating , it seems to be his strength. I have seen this before in people , they actually need to do it in order to view themselves as being strong; also, sarcasm has become a mainstay in these kinds of conversations. But I understand; I am putting a lot of pressure on Christianity , and some of them are going to respond to that in anger.

You're not putting pressure on the Christianity of Christ. (He doesn't believe in hell-fire either.) You may be putting pressure on those that think they are Christian but are fooling themselves.



New member
Guys, I wouldn't take anything Apple says very seriously. He's good at lying, but bad at covering it to make it appear like he's truthful. For some classic Apple, check out the last 4-5 pages of the thread "Muslim here. Ask me a question."

If you are here arguing with Apple, it will ease your mind to see his dishonesty in that thread. And also, he'll never admit he's wrong when you point out his dishonesty to him. Trying to "beat" him by forcing an admission is not going to happen. You'll just have to take solace in the fact that your opinion is backed with honest research, while his is backed with his own edited versions of other people's work.

Thanks for the plug....:thumb:


New member
Your deceived

There's no deceit in the truth. We can keep our heads buried in the sand, watch humanity continue to crumble and self-destruct and pretend like nothing is wrong or we can claim our souls as our true identity and expose this traditional interpretation of the scriptures they pass on to us to justify living without real self-worth. Someone profits off of keeping us ignorant of the soul. Wake up!


New member
Doctrines like punishing humans forever, need to be pressured, because it places more darkness on a gift that is pure light. A gift of love given by God is being systematically tainted by this giant religion.

Yes that is true. And what road is this giant religion on? (Matthew 7:13,14)

Jehovah and Jesus offer pure light. Those that don't want it will not be consciously tortured forever, but they will just have to go to sleep forever. They must be separated from the good people, and that doesn't have to mean roasting them for all time! For petesake, all that has to encompass is peacefully putting them out of their evil misery, going off into that "dark night," as Shakespeare said....eternal "sleep."


New member
Jehovah and Jesus offer pure light. Those that don't want it will not be consciously tortured forever, but they will just have to go to sleep forever. They must be separated from the good people, and that doesn't have to mean roasting them for all time! For petesake, all that has to encompass is peacefully putting them out of their evil misery, going off into that "dark night," as Shakespeare said....eternal "sleep."

What scriptures do you use for this worldview, sister...?


New member
Yes they are, but they don't force anyone to love them. There will be people who will not change.

"Yet a little while and the wicked man will be no more; and you will look carefully for his place and he will not be there...The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him, for He sees his day coming." (Psalm 37:10,12,13, NASB)

"Though the wicked is shown favor, he does not learn righteousness; he deals unjustly in the land of uprightness, and does not perceive the majesty of the LORD." (Isaiah 26:10, NASB)

So even if the wicked were given a chance to live in the paradise earth that is foretold, he will not be good. He will continue to "deal unjustly."

I disagree with the religions, including Jehovah's Witnesses, that teach there will be people lost. There is no such thing as a human heart that God cannot change. Part of being in the Kingdom of God, is change; none of us could even live in that Kingdom without being changed. Not self change, but complete transformation of the heart and the body. And God does that for the human, wickedness is nothing for God to change. I don't care what bad shape the human is in, salvation BELONGS to them; its a free inheritance.

In Phil. 3:21, " Who shall change our VILE body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working he is ABLE to SUBDUE ALL THINGS TO HIMSELF!" Any human that the Jehovah's Witnesses are writing off from salvation, God can save them; anyone your religion is teaching you that they are too wicked to make it, this word says Christ can change them and subdue them and bring them to himself.

This is why I could not be a Christian or a Jehovah's Witness, because I disagree with their limited view of salvation.


New member
Why did you truncate the verse, sister?!

The part that you willfully ignored states that The Son is the Mighty God!

Yes...run from it sister.....run...

It wasn't necessary to identify the Son for my point---we already understood it was Jesus, didn't we? Now....first of all, there are no capital letters in Hebrew. So we have Jesus being "mighty god." The phrase "mighty god" in Hebrew is "el gibbohr." This is very different from the expression that identifies the MOST HIGH, Jehovah. That expression is el shaddai. No one, not even Jesus, the Son, is ever referred to as "el shaddai."

mighty god (el gibbohr)=> a powerful, important individual

ALLMIGHTY God (el shaddai)=> Jehovah (Psalm 83:18, KJV)

I'm not running.:D


New member
You're not putting pressure on the Christianity of Christ. (He doesn't believe in hell-fire either.) You may be putting pressure on those that think they are Christian but are fooling themselves.


Christianity is a religion, its not the stamp of God. Jesus is not a Christian, God is not a Christian, Christian is a label the Romans gave them that they accepted. There are no Christians in heaven, the term Christian is meaningless to God.

All the ways of religion are meaningless to God, as are all the nations of mankind. Isaiah 40:17, " ALL nations before him are as nothing; they are counted BY HIM as LESS than nothing and meaningless!" This is WHY God has absolutely no problem with forcing salvation on humanity; he is going to get his way, and there is absolutely nothing any of us can do about it.

patrick jane

I disagree with the religions, including Jehovah's Witnesses, that teach there will be people lost. There is no such thing as a human heart that God cannot change. Part of being in the Kingdom of God, is change; none of us could even live in that Kingdom without being changed. Not self change, but complete transformation of the heart and the body. And God does that for the human, wickedness is nothing for God to change. I don't care what bad shape the human is in, salvation BELONGS to them; its a free inheritance.

In Phil. 3:21, " Who shall change our VILE body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working he is ABLE to SUBDUE ALL THINGS TO HIMSELF!" Any human that the Jehovah's Witnesses are writing off from salvation, God can save them; anyone your religion is teaching you that they are too wicked to make it, this word says Christ can change them and subdue them and bring them to himself.

This is why I could not be a Christian or a Jehovah's Witness, because I disagree with their limited view of salvation.

I disagree, but can you find a smaller picture of yourself ?


New member
It wasn't necessary to identify the Son for my point---we already understood it was Jesus, didn't we? Now....first of all, there are no capital letters in Hebrew. So we have Jesus being "mighty god." The phrase "mighty god" in Hebrew is "el gibbohr." This is very different from the expression that identifies the MOST HIGH, Jehovah. That expression is el shaddai. No one, not even Jesus, the Son, is ever referred to as "el shaddai."

mighty god (el gibbohr)=> a powerful, important individual

ALLMIGHTY God (el shaddai)=> Jehovah (Psalm 83:18, KJV)

I'm not running.:D

You are in denial, sister.

We already coved this once before.

Malek Yahweh, El Shaddai, also the Son, revealed to Moses that He was ‘I AM’ and Yahweh (Exo 3.14 – 15, 6.3).

So...yes, El Shaddai refers to The Son.


Pretend nothing was said...again...


New member
I think Christianity is the biggest part of this giant false religion, they are a church of God in deception. They came from the first church in Rome, and Christianity now, looks nothing like it did back then.

And I believe you are absolutely right. Christendom makes up the biggest part of the world empire of false religion. Over 6 billion people on the planet and Christendom (false Christianity) claims between 2 and 3 billion people.

I agree, Christ wouldn't recognize Christianity as it is in the large milieu that claims to be Christian today.



New member
And I believe you are absolutely right. Christendom makes up the biggest part of the world empire of false religion. Over 6 billion people on the planet and Christendom (false Christianity) claims between 2 and 3 billion people.

I agree, Christ wouldn't recognize Christianity as it is in the large milieu that claims to be Christian today.


Well the first fruits, or the first group of humans given the true light of the truth, are said in scripture to be a small group, and that group in the end will still be small; but they are just the first wave of everyone being called and chosen.

But Christianity is certainly not that group to be called out in the end; they are not a small group, they are the largest on earth, but I think they are a church of God, as I think the Jehovah's witnesses are a church of God;

But that called out church will be like a light on a hill, everyone on earth will KNOW they are different. I only wish I live to see them.
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