Why would God need a hell?

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New member
I do not defend satan, the devil, Lucifer or any such imaginary being, concept or personality that is deceptive or evil, but your bias and bigotry against Islam is noted.

As a liberal, you want nothing more than all religions to be the same....its the 'I'm OK, you're OK' syndrome.

Fact is, you are a Satan sympathizer.


New member
Greetings Apple7,

Did you know that the truth is getting scarce? I was looking at something God once said in Amos 8:11, " Behold, the days come, says the Lord, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread and water, but of hearing the word of the Lord."

Here God reveals that he himself will blind humans to spiritual knowledge, close their ears to the truth. So God is also behind the reason why people are unbelievers, another reason he would not condemn them.


Now Amos 8 is divinely inspired?

You just said that you didn't believe any of it!

Can we say hypocrisy?

Ben Masada

New member
You know if you look close at the different religious doctrines , you will find many ways that humans can be condemned; its like a tick that has inserted itself into religious knowledge. So many ways to separate humans from God. Accepted ways. The seduction of the religious mind is an amazing story of power; and it provides an ugly view of God. They depict a God that is willing to brush off humans to a hell. Our knowledge is just all messed up.

God is a being of Peace, in Phil. 4:7 the peace of God passes all understanding, it certainly has passed by the understanding of religion. Religion has turned the earth into a dessert of salvation where only a few find it. And they seem to love that picky view.

What's wrong with us?

The problem with us is religion. It seems not to let us think farther and wider. Especially as Christians are concerned, their field of thought is very restricted by preconceived notions.

Ben Masada

New member
Why would God need the Christian hell, it would taint eternity.

IMHO, the Lord needs the Christian hell only to illustrate parables as in the case of the Rich Man and Lazarus which means the moral value of the Law of Moses aka the Decalogue. (Luke 16:29-31)


New member
Why would God need the Christian hell? That would be a credit card for eternal darkness. Jesus is the light, and I bear witness that light is for all of humanity. John 1:7, " The same came as a witness, to bear witness of the light, that ALL men through him may believe." Notice again the scriptures speaking in terms of " All"; including those that Christianity excludes.


New member
Why would a God need a religious constructed hell? Why would sinful humanity need a gospel that preached this sadistic doom? Why would a religion expose their children to that abuse?

I tell you, the sick concept of eternal hell punishing is evidence that satan has deceived the world.


New member
Why would a God need a religious constructed hell? Why would sinful humanity need a gospel that preached this sadistic doom? Why would a religion expose their children to that abuse?

I tell you, the sick concept of eternal hell punishing is evidence that satan has deceived the world.

You have stated repeatedly that you don't believe in the God of the Holy Bible...so, why is it that you come to a Christian discussion board and mindlessly repeat your same mantra?

Do you have a mental issue...?


New member
You have stated repeatedly that you don't believe in the God of the Holy Bible...so, why is it that you come to a Christian discussion board and mindlessly repeat your same mantra?

Do you have a mental issue...?

Greetings Apple 7, I hold no interest in responding with insults to your insults, I have moved pass that in my maturity, and my conversation holds its own strength, I do not need to insult people in order to be strong in my views. I wish you well in your attempts to communicate with others.

Why would God need a hell? And why would he pick the Christian hell out from all the other hells?


New member
Greetings Apple 7, I hold no interest in responding with insults to your insults, I have moved pass that in my maturity, and my conversation holds its own strength, I do not need to insult people in order to be strong in my views. I wish you well in your attempts to communicate with others.

Why would God need a hell? And why would he pick the Christian hell out from all the other hells?

You have the need to come to a Christian forum, post scriptures that you don't believe in, not listen to the replies, and then say everyone is wrong but you....



New member
The entire thread is a witness to that.


I guess this means you are not willing to admit I never said what you claimed I did. In this conversation, I am requesting that you do not accuse me of saying things that I have not; I will treat you the same way.

That being said, why would a being like God, need a pain pit for humans in eternity? And why has the religions who have this surreal doctrine of hell, gotten away with this insult and fantasy for so long?


New member
I guess this means you are not willing to admit I never said what you claimed I did. In this conversation, I am requesting that you do not accuse me of saying things that I have not; I will treat you the same way.

That being said, why would a being like God, need a pain pit for humans in eternity? And why has the religions who have this surreal doctrine of hell, gotten away with this insult and fantasy for so long?

Right here...



Continue to post scripture that you don't believe in as evidence for a hell that you don't believe in...

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