ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?

Totton Linnet

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That's your answer to my question 'Pray tell, what is the Catholic message?'

Well you are only an acolyte yet...I was brought up in it.

The bible is that Christ mediates twixt God and man, catholicism is that sacraments mediate God's grace, and neccesary to sacraments are the priesthood.

So you are swapping direct access to God through Christ for access to Christ through men as fallen and sinful as yourself.....go figger

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
anglican or rcc?

i got as far as wolsey working for Henry VII last night in churchill

I was brought up strict RCC...of course they do not teach that Wolsey was a keen advocate of Henry's divorce to the Pope, or that Thomas More succeeded him because he found the solution by taking Henry's case to the universities to debate.


I was brought up strict RCC...of course they do not teach that Wolsey was a keen advocate of Henry's divorce to the Pope, or that Thomas More succeeded him because he found the solution by taking Henry's case to the universities to debate.

hey, no spoilers!

i'm planning on reading that tonight after my brain's full of a&p

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Do you know Res I have never studied...not even the bible or history which I am passionate about. I just read like drinking....somehow it all sticks. But I probably wouldn't pass any exams. Good quizzer though. Nobody wants me in their team...except for quiz.



Talk to me like a human being. Not going to research a bunch of Catholic propaganda. You use these links as a dodging tactic to avoid the actual discussion of the truth.

I see a person bowing down to a statue, that is exactly what they are doing. Yet Daniel's friends didn't do so. I wonder why?


In your case, therefore, the defence would pick apart your accusations point by point until the whole case fell apart...which is what many have done on this forum. The judge would kick your case out before it even got to court anyway....seeing as it is built mostly on fabricated lies and slander instead of fact.

I am still waiting for any verses that show the apostles bowing down to statues and in praying to dead saints. I am still waiting for New Testament Scripture that shows the apostles forgiving others their sins (as a form of a confession). What about the Rosary and the Sacraments? Where are they in the New Testament?

A few verses twisted out of context is not going to cut it. I need to see clear cut examples of these things taking place within Scripture. Can you give me a set of verses that clearly show the pagan RCC practices?


Jason, why the divisiveness? Why are you picking on this man? Most of the things you believe came from the Catholic church.

Quit nitpicking.

Paul asked, "Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand."

Not everyone worships the same Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:4). And if this is the case, then they are of the unfruitful works of darkness still. And...

Ephesians 5:11 says,
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."


See it as a lesson in patience.
It's good for you.

This has nothing to do with patience but it has to do with you being able to defend your faith or the RCC member being able to properly defend their faith. For if the RCC member cannot produce clear documented proof that the RCC practices were widely practiced during the time of the apostles in the New Testament, then they do not exist. It would be an addition to Scripture. For I can twist one Bible verse out of context and base an entire wrong theology off what the Bible says. But that would not mean I would be right, though. I would need to demonstrate clear Biblical proof that was all too clear to see to support a specific truth as taught in the Bible. Take for example the truth shown in Scripture that Jesus is God. There are many Biblical and clear examples of this in Scripture. In fact, there are 160 documented examples in Scripture that Jesus is God Almighty.


For if the RCC member cannot produce clear documented proof that the RCC practices were widely practiced during the time of the apostles in the New Testament, then they do not exist.

Oh, and sorry. No links. Please provide verses to discuss here in this forum.

I want to see clear cut examples in Scripture of the apostles bowing down to statues, praying to Mary and the dead saints, etc., etc.


New member
Here is what Peter said, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."

Be ready to answer questions. It does not say to beat someone over the head with your interpretation of scripture and try to cram it down someone's throat.

God does not require believers to be obnoxious.


Here is what Peter said, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."

Be ready to answer questions. It does not say to beat someone over the head with your interpretation of scripture and try to cram it down some one's throat.

God does not require believers to be obnoxious.

No, is telling someone that they have a drinking problem wrong? How about if you told someone that they should slow down and or stop texting while driving? Would it be wrong for you to say something against doing that which is wrong? No, of course not. It is never wrong to expose wrong behavior and to lead people to Jesus Christ in love and in truth.

Besides, you are ignoring Ephesians 5:11. Should you not reprove the unfruitful works of darkness? If so, then when? Should you have fellowship with them?


2 Timothy 3:16
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"


You don't need the Bible to do that.

In fact, what are you doing right now? You are judging what you believe to be wrong at this moment right now and are speaking your mind about what you feel is right or wrong (Just as I do).


New member
Besides, you are ignoring Ephesians 5:11. Should you not reprove the unfruitful works of darkness? If so, then when? Should you have fellowship with them?

Going to a Christian church is not an unfruitful work of darkness, but your ongoing haranguing of his faith is an unfruitful work of darkness.

Do you believe God was able to offer salvation to people before you were born?

Salvation is his job, not yours. What is it to you if RichRock attends mass? You seem to think for some reason that you are his mother.


Going to a Christian church is not an unfruitful work of darkness, but your ongoing haranguing of his faith is an unfruitful work of darkness.

Do you believe God was able to offer salvation to people before you were born?

Salvation is his job, not yours. What is it to you if RichRock attends mass? You seem to think for some reason that you are his mother.

True believers are to preach the truth of the gospel and to lead them to the real Jesus Christ of the Bible. My duty is to owe all men in loving them. The best way I can do that is by leading to the real Jesus of the Bible. Then Christ can work within their life from that point.


New member
In fact, what are you doing right now? You are judging what you believe to be wrong at this moment right now and are speaking your mind about what you feel is right or wrong (Just as I do).

Have I criticized or mocked your faith? I am not bullying you, I am simply asking you not to bully RichRock. He is not your responsibility.

Why can't you have consideration and respect for others?


First, we are to speak the truth of God's Word to all people. Second, I did not attack anyone's character. I strive to attack the false doctrine and not the person. My goal is to be a vessel for God's purpose and plan in saving souls.