I brought it up because A4T insists he was trashing me.
In my opinion from reading that post, he WAS trashing you. So sue me if you don't like my opinion of it.
Lots of other people in the thread where he said it, thought he was trashing you there too, you know it, he knows it.
If you are fine with it, great, since hes your husband and you have to put up with it. Im betting you can really dish it out yourself too.
Now don't you think the stink of this dead horse has gone on long enough yet, or can't you control yourself?
Im not going to change my opinion on how it looks to me, so get a grip.
Yeah, she posted in the past, but that was a dismal failure. :chuckle:. Now she just reads from time-to-time. She enjoys posting on unassisted child birth forums more.
Anyway, my wife thinks polygamy is acceptable, and she has even suggested it for our marriage. However, I am opposed to polygamy for our marriage. One woman is enough for me...and about all I can tolerate. :chuckle:
yep, still looks to me like hes trashing you.