Why Jews Don't Accept Jesus?
1 - You sit down and read it once a year all the way through???
2 - Once is enough.
3 - Right, up until Solomon. Jesus lived after. You are just being dismissive. Probably #2 makes it mandatory.
4 - If we disagreed on everything, there'd be no point to you being on TOL with a bunch of Christians but there was a point to be made concerning a Jewish expectation of Gd's nature, and the nature of Messiah. God is Sovereign and the Apostles were all Jews.
5 - Christianity bridges the gap between Jew and gentile or gentiles would be lost. Give it more thought, you are a bit too indoctrinated. Jesus Christ certainly fits my expectations from Isaiah as well as other messianic expressions.
1 - All the way from Genesis to Revelation.
2 - That's why Christians in general don't have what it takes to discuss the Scriptures with a Jew.
3 - Are you sure? Read Mat. 23:13-33. Only in that text Jesus broke the Golden Rule 15 times when he offended the Jewish authorities by charging them with being hypocrites and brood of vipers. Do you think Jesus would have liked to be treated as such? I didn't think so. So he was no paragon of righteousness because the Golden Rule covers the
whole second part of the Decalogue.
4 - Indeed, the Apostles of Jesus were all Jews but none of them wrote a single page of the NT.
5 - That's flattering to acknowledge of the Jews. Are you sure that Jesus fit your expectations as the Gentiles were concerned? I see that your expectations are not in tune with Mat. 10:5,6 when Jesus is claimed to have forbidden his disciples to take the gospel of salvation to the Gentiles, especially Samaritans.