You ask questions as though these issues are matters of opinion. They are not! I would draw the line where God draws it. The only reason you don't want to draw the same line is that somewhere inside, you have the idea that God is unjust. You think that God is mean and nasty and hates people, or at least that's what you feel when you consider the notion that homosexuality is a capital crime.
Without looking it up, what would you guess God's idea is about what the punishment should be for fornication?
There isn't a perfect system no, and the chances are there'll never be one that works 100% and trying to enact one that policies society's sexual mores is untenable in itself, certainly in a bustling modern day society.
The closest thing we'll ever see to a perfect criminal justice system is the one God devised.
And it's perfectly tenable. What would be untenable about it? You enact the law and when someone breaks it, you try them and punish them upon conviction. It would work just fine. If anything today's modern society would make it easier.
Not only that, it would detract from actual serious crime going on.
How so?
To begin with, there would be a whole lot less crime going on because the punishments called for in the bible actually would deter crime. In addition, much of today's violent crime as well as many other our societal ills come as a result of our failure to enforce the moral laws called for in the bible.
This is speculation but I'd predict that if you enacted just laws in this country, we'd drop from the hundreds of thousands of murders every year down to something less than a thousand.
For the sake of consistency you'd have to have laws that would have any sort of non married sexual activity to be a crime, and how are you going to police that?
No I wouldn't!
See what I mean? You think God is an unjust buly who wants to invade everyone's privacy.
Homsexuality and adultery et. al. were crimes in this country for many decades and have been against the law throughout western culture for centuries. The laws worked just fine.
Other than somehow turning society into a dystopia akin to 1984 it's not going to happen. Nobody apart from religious fanatics want a theocratic state, it runs contrary to liberty and freedom that informs part of your own country's constitution, along with the West in general.
Is that what you think Israel was for centuries? This is just rediculous! Dystopian societies are created by unjust laws and liberalism, not the other way around.
No, I'm just not a religious zealot and I value the freedoms we have in the West that other countries less fortunate are deprived of.
There is no society that could be more free than that who's laws are just. You live in a society where people are literally free to be criminals and to perform actions that God Himself said where not merely sins but crimes worthy of death (in both the Old AND New Testaments of the Bible).
You seem like a reasonable person. I encourage you to think this through more thoroughly. Ask yourself, if such laws would create a dystopian society, why is there no indication that any such soceity existed in Israel? Ask yourself why you are so set against a legal system that you've never bothered to familarize yourself with. And stop listening to conventional wisdom on such issues! Take notice when people imply that God is unjust. Take notice when they make arguments about things that pertain to a society under just laws that would only apply in today's society which has unjust laws (i.e. category error). Actually put some effort into actually thinking through why you think the laws against immoral acts that God Himself enacted wouldn't work or would be unjust.
Resting in Him,