Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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Well-known member
Used to be neither was approved.
You have no knowledge of history. The secular stigma on masturbation didn't begin until the 19th century with the quacks of the medical profession in the Victorian age. The only stigma which occurred before then was from the Roman Imperial Church of Constantine. This was a by-product of Manichaeism being incorporated into that religion.
Sex is combining a man's DNA and a woman's DNA to attempt to produce offspring.
So, a women who has had the uterus removed for something like prolapse cannot have sex with her husband anymore since it is no longer sex - it, according to you, is masturbation. Husband and wife can no longer have sex. Right, that's the Roman Imperial Church for you. Infertile women have to become nuns. Any form of birth control is masturbation.
Pope St. John Paul's Catechism calls homosexuality "disordered", or the desire for homosexuality.
Not-a-St. Karol Józef Wojtyła didn't ever seem to have a problem with Priests and homosexuality even with young boys. He only started to do something at the end of his reign.
And to make light of this is to call into question just how well you understand Christ's teachings on how lust is equal to adultery, in seriousness, or in gravity.
Clearly, you do not understand what Jesus was teaching. Adultery in Greek is a very specific word meaning a man having sex with a married or betrothed woman. This is not just any sex. Jesus also made it clear that he was not rewriting or changing the law. So, if one looks at the tenth commandment - Don't covet. - one can better understand that Jesus was reiterating the tenth commandment - not changing the law.
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aCultureWarrior said:
I would ask you to make your case showing that those caught masturbating were ever punished equally to those caught in the act of homosexuality, but if I give a troll an inch, he'll stretch his attempt at deflecting at least a mile, so don't bother.
I'm not suggesting there should be any legal penalty for masturbation or for same-sex offenses.

Why am I not surprised that you equate the two as similar acts?

aCultureWarrior said:

Because "what a single consenting person does in private..."
Basically. There's no crime being committed when a person or a couple or even a throuple masturbate. It's not like they're murdering or raping or bearing false testimony.
Homosexuality is inherently an immoral and perverse act. A husband and wife having intimacy is not.

I'm just a liberal Christian (Catholic)..
You're not alone, there are a lot of rainbow flag wavers in American churches these days, the Catholic Church seems to have more than their fare share.
Pope St. John Paul's Catechism calls homosexuality "disordered", or the desire for homosexuality. Disordered means perverted. Perversion and disorder refer to things that have a certain purpose, but are not used to accomplish the purpose.
So you've just admitted that you believe that there should be no laws against perversion, but then maybe this particular perversion, i.e. homosexuality has a special place in your life?

Masturbation is perverted.
Not inherently like homosexuality.

Two same-sex people therefore cannot have sex with each other. Therefore, all they can do is masturbate.
Buggery and fellatio are sex acts that homosexuals partake in, and they have the diseases to prove that they do.

Thanks for stopping by, and since I've given you more time that I usually give trolls, it's time to...

move on.

Next up: Another rainbow flag waver hired by Trump who Michael Brown, Peter LaBarbera, Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham can all embrace as an ally.


Well-known member
Are you sure Donald didn't sell himself out for 30 pieces of silver? I doubt he is even a millionaire. Or maybe the commingling is still gross.

Edit: As if Brown, LaBarbera, Falwell Jr., Graham, Cruz, etc. weren't selling out God and country before.
The democrap barbarians don't even pretend to care about what God thinks about things. Thank God there are still millions of patriots in America willing to defend God and the country.


The democrap barbarians don't even pretend to care about what God thinks about things. Thank God there are still millions of patriots in America willing to defend God and the country.
Why do you think that the libertarians didn't decide to hijack the Democratic Party instead of the Republican Party, as libertarianism and liberalism have so much in common. Heck, they could have run Donald Trump as a proud and unrepentant liberal on the Democratic Party ticket and never had to make excuses like they constantly did when he pretended he was a Republican.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You have no knowledge of history. The secular stigma on masturbation
---I'm sorry. The what? There is no such thing. Just like there's no such thing as "the secular stigma on homosexuality (cf. the title of this the sixth of the threads)"---that's not real either.

And there are Catholics, and then there are all the other Protestant Christian traditions. Throw a dart at a list of them, tell me which one did you hit? "Church of Christ"? "Lutheran"? "Methodist"? Tell me, which of these, or whichever one you hit with your dart, which ones definitely can say, the same thing as the Catholic Church? That absolutely zero of them ever---not once---none of them were ever authorized to bless a same-sex legal marriage, let alone officiate one. You can't even wish a same-sex married couple well, specifically as a married couple, with Catholic approval. You either must have no opinion (which is the easiest one to choose), or you root against these legal unions, for them to fail in divorce, so that there's one less legal marriage of two same-sex people.

By "secular" standards the Catholic Church is among the most homophobic institutions on earth, when you account for her size of a billion strong. One billion people, are that homophobic; that's the "secular" view.

There is no secular stigma on masturbation. But the same cannot be said for Catholicism. The "secular" call the Church (the true Church, the one in the Bible) "homophobic".
didn't begin until the 19th century with the quacks of the medical profession in the Victorian age. The only stigma which occurred before then was from the Roman Imperial Church of Constantine. This was a by-product of Manichaeism being incorporated into that religion.

So, a women who has had the uterus removed for something like prolapse cannot have sex with her husband anymore since it is no longer sex - it, according to you, is masturbation.
Licitly married couples fulfill one more purpose, beyond that of producing offspring, when trying to get pregnant (when they practice licit marital relations). I told you what it is already, and you skipped over it. Union itself. Becoming one flesh. Even with no DNA involved at all, married couples still have the purpose to try to get pregnant together, even if getting pregnant appears to be impossible. This trying is the becoming one flesh. There was once the undisputed thought that no woman decades into menopause could get pregnant, but we Bible-believing Catholics know that that idea didn't go over well.

If you're not trying to get pregnant, but you're manipulating your privates together, then you're masturbating. That's all. I don't think it's controversial. It's called "heavy petting" if I recall correctly, sometimes.
Husband and wife can no longer have sex. Right, that's the Roman Imperial Church for you. Infertile women have to become nuns.
Infertile wives can become fertile at any moment. Because miracles. While they're waiting or hoping for that, they keep trying to make a baby with their own legal husband. That is the basic model. You don't have to be infertile to become a religious, and you don't have to marry if you're not infertile.
Any form of birth control is masturbation.
It's not sex.
Not-a-St. Karol Józef Wojtyła didn't ever seem to have a problem with Priests and homosexuality even with young boys. He only started to do something at the end of his reign.
"Pope Saint John Paul, pray for us! In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen."
Clearly, you do not understand what Jesus was teaching. Adultery in Greek is a very specific word meaning a man having sex with a married or betrothed woman. This is not just any sex. Jesus also made it clear that he was not rewriting or changing the law. So, if one looks at the tenth commandment - Don't covet. - one can better understand that Jesus was reiterating the tenth commandment - not changing the law.
You should just read our (I include you of course, as I take you for an authentic believer in Christ) Catechism on that Commandment. The Apostles fleshed out the whole Ten, between what they wrote and what they taught that first generation of bishops, the generation of bishops who were all consecrated by one of the Twelve Apostles---Bishops Timothy and Titus are in this generation. They handed down all of what they learned, from the real Apostles, and that handing-down process has continued without interruption ever since then, in spite of divisive councils and Church Schisms and whatever else is happening in the geopolitical landscape.

While you're at it, look up all the Apostles' teachings on marriage and the family. See if you don't agree with every bit of it.

And as a topper, read what we believe about homosexuality, the bishops teach us that the Apostles taught about homosexuality through the exposition of the Commandment against adultery. There are untold millions of copies of our Catechism in existence right now, and every last one of them has all that teaching on homosexuality, how it's "disordered". To the "secular" who approve of both masturbation and homosexuality, Catholicism is horrifically homophobic.

People have the right to wank, and the right to commit homosexual offenses is just that same right. But don't try and tell me that there's nothing wrong with wanking. You have the legal and moral right to do it (exclusive of indecency or anything worse), but that doesn't mean it's right to do, in an ethical sense. And what the Apostles taught is that Christ teaches that it is unethical to wank, so it's unethical to commit homosexual acts too. Because that's all that homosexual offense is.
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While the boyz continue talking about their favorite subject, here's another homosexual/homosexual activist that Michael Brown, Peter LaBarbera, Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham can call their fellow Trump ally:

Richard Grenell. seen in the picture below mocking the Bible while fellow rainbow flag waver Mike Pence swears him in as Ambassador to Germany and Richard's 'boyfriend' watches.

Richard Grenell later worked with President Donald Trump to decriminalize homosexuality and transgenderism across the globe (because the rest of the world should be a modern day version of Sodom and Gomorrah like the US has become). Grenell was then made a member of Trump's Cabinet, being the first openly homosexual to ever do so (the Republicrats are so proud that they beat Joe Biden to it with his appointment of Mayor Pete Buttigieg).

There's speculation that Grenell might run on the Republican Party ticket for Governor of California come the next election (because California doesn't already have enough fruits and nuts), and of course he'll be endorsed by his fellow rainbow flag waver Donald Trump.

Boy Mike, Peter, Jerry and Franklin, you run with quite the morally depraved crowd.



Well-known member
---I'm sorry. The what? There is no such thing. Just like there's no such thing as "the secular stigma on homosexuality (cf. the title of this the sixth of the threads)"---that's not real either.

And there are Catholics, and then there are all the other Protestant Christian traditions. Throw a dart at a list of them, tell me which one did you hit? "Church of Christ"? "Lutheran"? "Methodist"? Tell me, which of these, or whichever one you hit with your dart, which ones definitely can say, the same thing as the Catholic Church? That absolutely zero of them ever---not once---none of them were ever authorized to bless a same-sex legal marriage, let alone officiate one. You can't even wish a same-sex married couple well, specifically as a married couple, with Catholic approval. You either must have no opinion (which is the easiest one to choose), or you root against these legal unions, for them to fail in divorce, so that there's one less legal marriage of two same-sex people.

By "secular" standards the Catholic Church is among the most homophobic institutions on earth, when you account for her size of a billion strong. One billion people, are that homophobic; that's the "secular" view.

There is no secular stigma on masturbation. But the same cannot be said for Catholicism. The "secular" call the Church (the true Church, the one in the Bible) "homophobic".
Someone never read the Canterbury tales or

"In 1599, Pope Clement VIII gave the ok for castrated young boy's to sing in the Church. This went on for the next 280 years or so until Pope Leo in 1878 finally stopped it. So many years and so many popes not doing anything about it and even approving it is beyond me."

Between 20 and 60 percent of all Catholic priests are gay, according to one estimate cited by Donald B. Cozzens in his well-regarded The Changing Face of the Priesthood.

Do I really need to go on. The Roman Imperial Church has never been "homophobic".
Licitly married couples fulfill one more purpose, beyond that of producing offspring, when trying to get pregnant (when they practice licit marital relations). I told you what it is already, and you skipped over it. Union itself. Becoming one flesh. This trying is the becoming one flesh.
At no point does the Bible state that continued sex is needed to remain "one flesh".
There was once the undisputed thought that no woman decades into menopause could get pregnant, but we Bible-believing Catholics know that that idea didn't go over well.
I never mentioned menopause. I mentioned no uterus - not menopause. You don't seem to understand basic human biology.
Infertile wives can become fertile at any moment. Because miracles. While they're waiting or hoping for that, they keep trying to make a baby with their own legal husband. That is the basic model. You don't have to be infertile to become a religious, and you don't have to marry if you're not infertile.
Name the cases of women regrowing a full uterus please or just stop being silly.
It's not sex.
So if someone uses birth control - it's not sex and not masturbation. Hmm, it seems like the homosexual Roman Imperial Priest has found his loophole.
"Pope Saint John Paul, pray for us! In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen."
We get it. As a Roman Imperial Church member, you worship the Popes as well as the rest of your pantheon.
You should just read our (I include you of course, as I take you for an authentic believer in Christ) Catechism on that Commandment. The Apostles fleshed out the whole Ten, between what they wrote and what they taught that first generation of bishops, the generation of bishops who were all consecrated by one of the Twelve Apostles---Bishops Timothy and Titus are in this generation.
Not in the Roman Imperial way.

You've obviously never read or you could give good references to support your beliefs. This isn't a gotcha moment, you can actually go and look it up. Point out the key masturbation passages I'm missing. I have never claimed I don't make mistakes.
They handed down all of what they learned, from the real Apostles, and that handing-down process has continued without interruption ever since then, in spite of divisive councils and Church Schisms and whatever else is happening in the geopolitical landscape.
Roman Imperial propoganda. The only reason why the Bible survived the Roman Imperial Church is because the Roman Imperial Church did not think it was important enough to fully modify.

The Roman Imperial church changed laws and rules constantly while changing with the times. I believe that the Roman Imperial Church will soon ok homosexuality just like they made a ban on priests getting married.
While you're at it, look up all the Apostles' teachings on marriage and the family. See if you don't agree with every bit of it.
I have no problems with Paul's teachings on marriage within the context of his letters. But he was really the only one to speak in any real detail. I know you haven't read him because you haven't mentioned one of the key reasons Paul gives for sex within marriage. It doesn't follow the Manichaeist beliefs of the Roman Imperial Church.
And as a topper, read what we believe about homosexuality, the bishops teach us that the Apostles taught about homosexuality through the exposition of the Commandment against adultery.
Read the first chapter of Romans or anywhere else. Homosexuality was a sin completely different from adultery and still is. Remember, adultery is very specific.
There are untold millions of copies of our Catechism in existence right now, and every last one of them has all that teaching on homosexuality, how it's "disordered". To the "secular" who approve of both masturbation and homosexuality, Catholicism is horrifically homophobic.
You do realize that only Roman Imperial church members care about Roman imperial rules.
People have the right to wank, and the right to commit homosexual offenses is just that same right. But don't try and tell me that there's nothing wrong with wanking.
I can clearly tell you, "There is nothing wrong with masturbation." I do not believe people have a right to homosexuality and I want homosexuality and the spread of homosexuality to be criminalized.
And what the Apostles taught is that Christ teaches that it is unethical to wank
It's not in the Bible.
so it's unethical to commit homosexual acts too
Homosexual acts are unethical because the Bible specifically states that it is unethical and does not mention masturbation when it does so.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
While the boyz continue talking about their favorite subject, here's another homosexual/homosexual activist that Michael Brown, Peter LaBarbera, Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham can call their fellow Trump ally:

Richard Grenell. seen in the picture below mocking the Bible while fellow rainbow flag waver Mike Pence swears him in as Ambassador to Germany and Richard's 'boyfriend' watches.

Richard Grenell later worked with President Donald Trump to decriminalize homosexuality and transgenderism across the globe (because the rest of the world should be a modern day version of Sodom and Gomorrah like the US has become). Grenell was then made a member of Trump's Cabinet, being the first openly homosexual to ever do so (the Republicrats are so proud that they beat Joe Biden to it with his appointment of Mayor Pete Buttigieg).

There's speculation that Grenell might run on the Republican Party ticket for Governor of California come the next election (because California doesn't already have enough fruits and nuts), and of course he'll be endorsed by his fellow rainbow flag waver Donald Trump.

Boy Mike, Peter, Jerry and Franklin, you run with quite the morally depraved crowd.

And how many of these people are wankers, again? We know President Trump's a wanker, Falwell Jr., all the homosexuals wank, all sexually criminal Catholic priests probably wank for that matter. You seem to have it in for wankers, except when I suggest it to you, you portray me as extreme and yourself like you're in the mainstream, right down Broadway. You're against wanking and wankers, and you don't think anybody has the right to wank, even in the privacy of their own home behind closed doors with full consent.

I'm against it too. Why aren't we allies instead of opponents? Hilltrot obviously either wanks himself or someone close to him wanks and he doesn't want to condemn them, but you're not getting involved in the issue at all for the most part, so I doubt you practice wanking or approve of it.

And I know that you see heterosexual premarital illicit sexual behavior as categorically distinct from same-sex offense, because it can be reformed through marriage, and same-sex offense is disordered, and cannot ever be reformed. And I agree, but I disagree that same-sex offense is any graver than wanking, or adultery, or premarital fornication and promiscuity, or any other perversion. Homosexuals are not any more guilty before God for their homosexual offense than are masturbators like Hilltrot.

And that means neither of them bear much guilt at all. Guilt is for those making completely free choices, for those with full knowledge and deliberate consent, unfettered by force of habit, ignorance and other situations, scenarios and circumstances that can lead you into unethical choices that are bad for you and that tend to make your life worse off, all other things being equal.


And how many of these people are wankers, again? We know President Trump's a wanker, Falwell Jr., all the homosexuals wank, all sexually criminal Catholic priests probably wank for that matter. You seem to have it in for wankers, except when I suggest it to you, you portray me as extreme and yourself like you're in the mainstream, right down Broadway....
Donald Trump should share his favorite dinner jacket with them, it appears that while wearing it, it's impossible to "wank".



In cross dressing, genital mutilation homosexual news:

Virginia is the first southern state to ban the 'trans panic' defense that previously gave lighter sentences to assailants claiming to react to someone's gender identity​

Virginia is the first southern state to ban the 'trans panic' defense that previously gave lighter sentences to assailants claiming to react to someone's gender identity (msn.com)

I'm sure that this has to do with those cross dressing homosexuals who are prostitutes (and prostitution is very big in the LGBT movement). When the john discovers that "Jenna" is really "Walter", he goes ballistic knowing that he just committed an act of homosexuality.

If society is going to allow these mentally and spiritually lost souls to cross dress, get their genitals mutilated and engage in acts of homosexuality, it only makes sense that they're afforded the same "rights" as normal citizens.



Well-known member
And how many of these people are wankers, again? We know President Trump's a wanker, Falwell Jr., all the homosexuals wank, all sexually criminal Catholic priests probably wank for that matter. You seem to have it in for wankers, except when I suggest it to you, you portray me as extreme and yourself like you're in the mainstream, right down Broadway. You're against wanking and wankers, and you don't think anybody has the right to wank, even in the privacy of their own home behind closed doors with full consent.
You're a moron who can't read. You are beyond stupid.

aCultureWarrior does not want to make masturbation illegal. He wants to make homosexuality illegal again.
I'm against it too. Why aren't we allies instead of opponents? Hilltrot obviously either wanks himself or someone close to him wanks and he doesn't want to condemn them, but you're not getting involved in the issue at all for the most part, so I doubt you practice wanking or approve of it.
You have an unhealthy obsession with the sex-life of myself and others near me. You should probably see a psychologist. But since you're interested in reading about the sex life of others:

Giorgi, G., & Siccardi, M. (1996). To the Editors:. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 175(3)

Your unhealthy obsession has proven my point. By going after masturbation, the Roman Imperial Church of Constantine has caused the legalization of homosexuality. Homosexuality is an evil that was rare and illegal. Masturbation is something that has been done by the majority of the population and even fetus's. The Roman Imperial Church equated masturbation to homosexuality. So, no one wanted to criminalize homosexuality since they may have masturbated once. Even you don't want to criminalize homosexuality for some reason.

That is how your crusade against masturbation has helped legalize homosexuality. As I have pointed out before, what you are doing is against God's law.

Deuteronomy 4:2 NLT
Do not add to or subtract from these commands I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you.
And I know that you see heterosexual premarital illicit sexual behavior as categorically distinct from same-sex offense, because it can be reformed through marriage, and same-sex offense is disordered, and cannot ever be reformed.
Have you bothered to read the story about David yet?
And I agree, but I disagree that same-sex offense is any graver than wanking, or adultery, or premarital fornication and promiscuity, or any other perversion.
God disagrees with you.

Leviticus 20:10 NLT
If a man commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, both the man and the woman who have committed adultery must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:13 NLT
If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.
Homosexuals are not any more guilty before God for their homosexual offense than are masturbators like Hilltrot.
Or babies.

Those evil babies! No wonder so many Roman Imperialists are ok with abortion.

Once again you support homosexuality and you defend yourself by having a preoccupation with my personal sex life.
And that means neither of them bear much guilt at all. Guilt is for those making completely free choices, for those with full knowledge and deliberate consent, unfettered by force of habit, ignorance and other situations, scenarios and circumstances that can lead you into unethical choices that are bad for you and that tend to make your life worse off, all other things being equal.
The more I read from you, the more I realize that you haven't ever bothered to read the Bible.

Romans 1:18-32 NLT
But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. [19] They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. [20] For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

[21] Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. [22] Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. [23] And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles. [24] So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. [25] They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. [26] That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. [27] And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

[28] Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. [29] Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. [30] They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. [31] They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. [32] They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.


Here's another homosexual/homosexual activist placed by Donald Trump into a powerful position that people like Michael Brown, Peter LaBarbera, Jerry Falwell Jr., Franklin Graham and Phony Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council can call allies:

Patrick Bumatay of the powerful 9th Circuit Court of Appeals


While several Republican Senators did recognize the red flag (as if being a homosexual wasn't already a red flag that should disqualify him) and did vote against Bumatay because of his history of homosexual activism, President Donald Trump was persistent and continued to nominate Bumatay until he was finally confirmed.

So every time you read of yet another liberal decision handed down to lower courts by the activist Judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals out of San Fransicko, thank Donald Trump for his libertarian/liberal contribution.


Why do you think that the libertarians didn't decide to hijack the Democratic Party instead of the Republican Party, as libertarianism and liberalism have so much in common. Heck, they could have run Donald Trump as a proud and unrepentant liberal on the Democratic Party ticket and never had to make excuses like they constantly did when he pretended he was a Republican.

Do you know anything about how Trump is both manager and bouncer of the buildings he claims to own?


Well-known member
In cross dressing, genital mutilation homosexual news:

Virginia is the first southern state to ban the 'trans panic' defense that previously gave lighter sentences to assailants claiming to react to someone's gender identity​

Virginia is the first southern state to ban the 'trans panic' defense that previously gave lighter sentences to assailants claiming to react to someone's gender identity (msn.com)

I'm sure that this has to do with those cross dressing homosexuals who are prostitutes (and prostitution is very big in the LGBT movement). When the john discovers that "Jenna" is really "Walter", he goes ballistic knowing that he just committed an act of homosexuality.

If society is going to allow these mentally and spiritually lost souls to cross dress, get their genitals mutilated and engage in acts of homosexuality, it only makes sense that they're afforded the same "rights" as normal citizens.

Homosexuals have a right to commit acts of perversion, but they have no right to force Christians to stop preaching the Biblical condemnation of sodomy.


aCultureWarrior said:
Why do you think that the libertarians didn't decide to hijack the Democratic Party instead of the Republican Party, as libertarianism and liberalism have so much in common. Heck, they could have run Donald Trump as a proud and unrepentant liberal on the Democratic Party ticket and never had to make excuses like they constantly did when he pretended he was a Republican.

Do you know anything about how Trump is both manager and bouncer of the buildings he claims to own?
I think the reason libertarians didn't attempt to hijack the Democratic Party, even though they and those that are openly liberal have so very much in common, is because libertarians and Trump know that Republicans and many of their so-called 'Christian' supporters are gullible and would and have fallen for the lies that Donald Trump has told them. The main reason libertarians hijacked the Republican Party is to destroy any conservativism left in it, and with the rainbow flag now being a staple of the Republican Party, the mission has been achieved.


Homosexuals have a right to commit acts of perversion, but they have no right to force Christians to stop preaching the Biblical condemnation of sodomy.
If society is going to give a rights to those that engage in certain behaviors, either it's going to make them 2nd class citizens by not giving them full rights, or force others who don't acknowledge that their behavior is legitimate to move to the back of the bus. A main theme of this 6 part thread is that your LGBT/libertarian movement and Judeo-Christian doctrine can't 'coexist', so if you believe that they can, I'd love to read your reasoning.
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