Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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If you were out on a walk in the woods, had a gun with one bullet, and to your right you spot a coiled up rattlesnake, and on your left a grizzly bear, both of whom are staring you down, which one would you vote to shoot?
The wolf in sheep's clothing.

Matthew 7:15


I get it, you'd shoot yourself in the head. I think that's your best option. Everyone wins, and the bear gets a meal.
If the bear was waving Trump's rainbow flag of perversion and death, he'd be the first one to get it, as I believe I saw some children nearby and as we both know, children aren't safe around rainbow flag wavers.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If you were out on a walk in the woods, had a gun with one bullet, and to your right you spot a coiled up rattlesnake, and on your left a grizzly bear, both of whom are staring you down, which one would you vote to shoot?
Is it a Desert Eagle 50 or a Ruger LCP 22LR?


Matt Gaetz Under Investigation Over Possible Sex Trafficking

Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him, according to three people briefed on the matter.

Sounds like ole Matt is following in the footsteps of the head moral degenerate of the Republican Party, Donald Trump.



Well-known member
Matt Gaetz Under Investigation Over Possible Sex Trafficking

Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him, according to three people briefed on the matter.

Sounds like ole Matt is following in the footsteps of the head moral degenerate of the Republican Party, Donald Trump.

Exodus 20:16


Exodus 20:16
I saw it the first time. I'd ask you what I'm lying about, but we've been over this dozens of times under your vast sock puppet accounts at another forum.

So did Trump lemming and Republicrat Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida not have an affair with a 17 year old girl? And if he did, as long as....drum roll...."consent" was used, what's the big deal?


Well-known member
I saw it the first time. I'd ask you what I'm lying about, but we've been over this dozens of times under your vast sock puppet accounts at another forum.

So did Trump lemming and Republicrat Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida not have an affair with a 17 year old girl? And if he did, as long as....drum roll...."consent" was used, what's the big deal?
Exodus 20:16


Dr. Michael Brown, Peter LaBarbera, Jerry "Can I watch honey?" Falwell Jr., Franklin Graham, meet your fellow Trump allies:

Homosexual Peter Thiel was on stage during prime time at the 2016 Republican Convention to congratulate fellow rainbow flag waver Donald Trump on being nominated by the Republican Party to run as President. Thiel's speech, which received a standing ovation, belittled the North Carolina 'bathroom bill' (as did Donald Trump) which would have made it unlawful for males to use the same restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms as women and little girls.
How do you feel about cross dressing homosexuals using the same restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms (and now competing in sports with females) as your wives, daughters and granddaughters Mike Brown, Pete LaBarbera, Jerry Falwell Jr. and Frank Graham? Thank Donald Trump and his fellow homosexual activists for that, but then they couldn't have done it without your support.

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Before I continue showing more 'allies' of Michael Brown, Peter LaBarbera, Jerry "Can I....? Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham, I'll share this information from an article that misleads people about Trump's policy dealing with transgenders in the military while he was wannabe dictator in chief.

Reversing Trump, Pentagon to release new transgender policy​


The Pentagon on Wednesday will sweep away Trump-era policies that largely banned transgender people from serving in the military, issuing new rules that offer them wider access to medical care and assistance with gender transition, defense officials told The Associated Press.

The new department regulations allow transgender people who meet military standards to enlist and serve openly in their self-identified gender, and they will be able to get medically necessary transition-related care authorized by law, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal decisions not yet made public.

Read more: Reversing Trump, Pentagon to release new transgender policy (msn.com)

While it did appear that Donald Trump was throwing his transgender (the T in the LGBT acronym) allies under the bus with his policy, as I'd pointed out before with the article from the pro Trump website 'Center for Military Readiness', that wasn't the entire case.

a) Allows persons identifying as “transgender” but without gender dysphoria to serve in their biological gender, if they have been “stable” for 36 months and meet requirements for deployability;

b) Disqualifies persons with gender dysphoria from military service; and

c) Retains “grandfathered” personnel identifying as transgender and receiving treatment under previous administration policies. [2]

Read more: The Trump/Mattis Transgender Policy – What Are the Facts? - CMR (cmrlink.org)

For those of you following this 6 part thread you know that Donald Trump has a very long history of supporting the homosexual and transgender movement (i.e. homosexuals who cross dress and get their genitalia mutilated).


In any event, these cross dressing, genital mutilated lost souls, like their homosexuals allies, need serious spiritual and psychological help, not a license to continue their death-style.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Now that the boyz are finished (?) talking about their favorite pastime
You can't be so dense as to not recognize the parallel timeline these past decades of the normalization and acceptance of both masturbation and same-sex offenses. Used to be neither was approved. Now? They're both celebrated, both called healthy lifestyle choices. It's not a coincidence.


You can't be so dense as to not recognize the parallel timeline these past decades of the normalization and acceptance of both masturbation and same-sex offenses. Used to be neither was approved. Now? They're both celebrated, both called healthy lifestyle choices. It's not a coincidence.
I wasn't aware that like homosexuality, that there ever was a "timeline" where a 12 year old boy caught by his mom and dad masturbating in his bedroom, could be charged with a felony.

Deflecting away from this serious topic of homosexuality and the homosexual agenda, as seen throughout this 6 part thread by you and your allies, has always been a mainstay and this is no different.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I wasn't aware that like homosexuality, that there ever was a "timeline" where a 12 year old boy caught by his mom and dad masturbating in his bedroom, could be charged with a felony.
That isn't the case today, and nobody's arguing against a wanker's right to wank. There is no crime in wanking, and I'm not suggesting there is or should be.
Deflecting away from this serious topic of homosexuality and the homosexual agenda, as seen throughout this 6 part thread by you and your allies, has always been a mainstay and this is no different.
Forgive me, heaven forbid we sully your thread about perversion by discussing perversion.

Masturbation is what homosexual people do with each other.


aCultureWarrior said:
I wasn't aware that like homosexuality, that there ever was a "timeline" where a 12 year old boy caught by his mom and dad masturbating in his bedroom, could be charged with a felony.

That isn't the case today,
I would ask you to make your case showing that those caught masturbating were ever punished equally to those caught in the act of homosexuality, but if I give a troll an inch, he'll stretch his attempt at deflecting at least a mile, so don't bother.

and nobody's arguing against a wanker's right to wank. There is no crime in wanking, and I'm not suggesting there is or should be.
Because "what a single consenting person does in private..." How's my libertarianism?

aCultureWarrior said:

Deflecting away from this serious topic of homosexuality and the homosexual agenda, as seen throughout this 6 part thread by you and your allies, has always been a mainstay and this is no different.
Forgive me, heaven forbid we sully your thread about perversion by discussing perversion.
There are different kinds of sexual perversion, and the behavior that you and the boyz seem to be infatuated with, usually is associated with an act of lust, but unlike homosexuality, isn't inherently an act of perversion that will keep a person out of heaven.

Masturbation is what homosexual people do with each other.
Is that how homosexuals contract HIV/AIDS and all of those other nasty and often times deadly diseases, via hand? And here I thought that anal and oral sex was the cause of those deadly diseases amongst homosexuals.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
aCultureWarrior said:
I wasn't aware that like homosexuality, that there ever was a "timeline" where a 12 year old boy caught by his mom and dad masturbating in his bedroom, could be charged with a felony.

I would ask you to make your case showing that those caught masturbating were ever punished equally to those caught in the act of homosexuality, but if I give a troll an inch, he'll stretch his attempt at deflecting at least a mile, so don't bother.
I'm not suggesting there should be any legal penalty for masturbation or for same-sex offenses.
Because "what a single consenting person does in private..."
Basically. There's no crime being committed when a person or a couple or even a throuple masturbate. It's not like they're murdering or raping or bearing false testimony.
How's my libertarianism?
I'm just a liberal Christian (Catholic)..
aCultureWarrior said:

Deflecting away from this serious topic of homosexuality and the homosexual agenda, as seen throughout this 6 part thread by you and your allies, has always been a mainstay and this is no different.

There are different kinds of sexual perversion, and the behavior that you and the boyz seem to be infatuated with, usually is associated with an act of lust, but unlike homosexuality, isn't inherently an act of perversion that will keep a person out of heaven.
Pope St. John Paul's Catechism calls homosexuality "disordered", or the desire for homosexuality. Disordered means perverted. Perversion and disorder refer to things that have a certain purpose, but are not used to accomplish the purpose.

Masturbation is perverted. And to make light of this is to call into question just how well you understand Christ's teachings on how lust is equal to adultery, in seriousness, or in gravity. That He in the same passage obliquely refers to masturbation ought to cinch it for you, when combined with the Apostolic witness against masturbation as grave sin.
Is that how homosexuals contract HIV/AIDS and all of those other nasty and often times deadly diseases, via hand? And here I thought that anal and oral sex was the cause of those deadly diseases amongst homosexuals.
There are all sorts of ways to commit perversion with your privates, you've mentioned two of them, but the point here is that of the things we can do with our privates that are not perverted, they all involve combining our DNA with our lawfully wedded wife's DNA to attempt to produce offspring.

The Church of course acknowledges and teaches an additional purpose for unperverted sex between a husband and his wife, that of union.

Sex is combining a man's DNA and a woman's DNA to attempt to produce offspring. That's the biological (scientific) definition of sex. Two same-sex people therefore cannot have sex with each other. Therefore, all they can do is masturbate. And when a husband and wife masturbate instead of have sex, they are doing the same thing as the same-sex couple. They're all masturbating.
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