Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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New member
(Why is ...Dante answer for Aart?)

The spoiler with a WARNING! label is used (per TOL administrators advice) when showing or describing sickening homosexual behavior and/or culture.
what you ended up showing was yet another example of Paul Cameron caught lying.

Did you just say in so many words that Weinberg G. in his "Society and the Healthy Homosexual" stated same sex buggery is healthy? If there is something that is not true regarding the health hazards of buggery, then please refute it.
and here you are lying as a means of distraction.

Here's the references that Dr. Paul Cameron used in his article:

1. Karlen A. SEXUALITY And HOMOSEXUALITY. NY Norton, 1971.
2. Pines B. BACK TO BASICS. NY Morrow, 1982, p. 211.
3. Weinberg G. SOCIETY AND THE HEALTHY HOMOSEXUAL. NY St. Martin's, 1972, preface.
and as noted the opening of your quote Cameron claims the information is from the preface of Weinberg's SOCIETY AND THE HEALTHY HOMOSEXUAL. which as noted and linked is available on line showing that Cameron is once again, blatantly lying.

If you're interested in discussing (discussing means not running away)
like how you are running away form the lies of Cameron?

the contents of this book, which is much more updated than Paul Cameron's findings (his findings involved numerous other studies/medical reviews besides Weinberg G.'s) I'll gladly discuss them with you.

The Health Hazards of Homosexuality

Been there done that and all you do is keep posting the same lies.

If you want to put your own sickness on display then go for it and lets "discuss"

Kit the Coyote

New member
As near as I can judge, aCW sees LGBT people as a homogeneous group that is divided into two or three baskets (stereotypes) so he can condemn them.

For myself, I don't see them as a homogeneous group. I see, based on current demographics in the US, over 9 million individual PEOPLE.

Some of them are living aCW's 'deathstyle' and that is a problem that both gays and society needs to address.

Just like any group that size, there are some pedophiles and they should be dealt with just like we deal with all pedophiles.

But most are just people wanting to live their lives. That a great many of them engage in practices that are not the healthiest, that really just makes them American. Lots of people live unhealthy lifestyles.

Many don't live that lifestyle at all, they have very few sexual partners and those are chosen for romantic reasons and relationships and not simply for sex. aCW doesn't seem able to deal with this concept so he labels them not "True Scotsmen".

Those people are the reason why homosexuality must not be criminalized (it never was criminalized in the first place just behaviors).

There are major problems with the anon multi-partner sex life that far too many gay men engage in but that lifestyle developed in the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s before sodomy and other such laws were repealed. Since heterosexuals have these problems too, though admittedly in fewer numbers, society needs to deal with these behaviors themselves. Sodomy laws are not likely to be accepted again by the US public so they need to be addressed by the more traditional social tools, education, the emphasis on romance over lust, marriage, and healthcare. And yes we need to make that word starting with S, ending with T and containing LU socially frowned upon again for both men and women.

The examples I mention above show that S-word males does not have to or should define what a gay man is.

Now aCW is going to reply with his all his charts, books, CDC stats and bad examples to repeat what I just said above without even realizing that he is supporting what I said.

Disease and unhealthy casual sex relationships is a major problem among many but not all gay men.
There are bad apples in any group even among those considered leaders.
We should do something about that certainly but the others should be encouraged and allowed to live their lives in peace.

Kit the Coyote

New member
So aCW loves pull from a list of people who he tells me are supposed to be my heros. Until he brought them up in this forum, I had never heard of any of them. I thought I would bring up the LGBT person that I consider to be my hero, Alan Turing.

I am into computers, served my country during the Cold War working in communications security and held a high level security clearances. I am not an outgoing person and seek meaningful romantic relationships. These are things that I have in common with Turing so I can really relate to him and what he must have gone through.

He is well known for his work during WW II building a computing system that broke the Nazi Enigma machine codes. His work is why he is considered the father of modern computer systems. His later work was also instrumental in breaking Soviet codes during the Cold War.

He was fascinated also in the biology of the mind and how quantum physics, then a very new field, played into the how the mind worked. He seems to have believed that the existance of the soul and an afterlife could be proven through quantum physics.

We know from his journals, friends and family that he was not an outgoing individual. He had about five close male friends during his life though how many were lovers I don't know. I think all but one was of his age, the one a 19 year old man he meet and fell in love with when he was arrested.

His reward for his service to both his country and science was to be stripped of his clearences, chemical castration, and psychological treatments that drove him to depression and suicide.


Kit the Coyote

New member
So having listed my LGBT hero, I've decided to list some more here as I find them.

Mark Bingham

Mr. Bingham was a public relations executive who founded his own company the Bingham Group. A starring Rugby player he was part of national winning teams in college and after graduating he played on several different teams including the gay-inclusive San Francisco Fog.

On September 11, 2001, Mr. Bingham was on United Airlines Flight 93 when it was taken over by radical Islamic terrorists. The terrorists suspected intention was to fly the plane into the US Capitol Building as part of the overall 911 attack.

We know based on telephone calls from Bingham and other passengers that he and fellow passengers Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick planned, organized and led an attempt by the passengers to retake the plane, overwhelming the terrorists and causing them to crash the plane.


So aCW loves pull from a list of people who he tells me are supposed to be my heros. Until he brought them up in this forum, I had never heard of any of them. I thought I would bring up the LGBT person that I consider to be my hero, Alan Turing.

I am into computers, served my country during the Cold War working in communications security and held a high level security clearances. I am not an outgoing person and seek meaningful romantic relationships. These are things that I have in common with Turing so I can really relate to him and what he must have gone through.

He is well known for his work during WW II building a computing system that broke the Nazi Enigma machine codes. His work is why he is considered the father of modern computer systems. His later work was also instrumental in breaking Soviet codes during the Cold War.

He was fascinated also in the biology of the mind and how quantum physics, then a very new field, played into the how the mind worked. He seems to have believed that the existance of the soul and an afterlife could be proven through quantum physics.

We know from his journals, friends and family that he was not an outgoing individual. He had about five close male friends during his life though how many were lovers I don't know. I think all but one was of his age, the one a 19 year old man he meet and fell in love with when he was arrested.

His reward for his service to both his country and science was to be stripped of his clearences, chemical castration, and psychological treatments that drove him to depression and suicide.


Remember that whatever you post Kit, someone has done it before you in this now 5 part thread. Such is the case with Alan Turing.

Turing was arrested at the age of 40 for buggerizing (having anal sex with) a 19 year old male. It is believed that he later framed the young male for burglarizing his home:


Regarding Turning's supposed suicide: His biographer believed the cause of death to be an accident:


Such a sad life. Too bad that Alan Turing didn't turn to Jesus Christ for help.


So having listed my LGBT hero, I've decided to list some more here as I find them.

Mark Bingham

Mr. Bingham was a public relations executive who founded his own company the Bingham Group. A starring Rugby player he was part of national winning teams in college and after graduating he played on several different teams including the gay-inclusive San Francisco Fog.

On September 11, 2001, Mr. Bingham was on United Airlines Flight 93 when it was taken over by radical Islamic terrorists. The terrorists suspected intention was to fly the plane into the US Capitol Building as part of the overall 911 attack.

We know based on telephone calls from Bingham and other passengers that he and fellow passengers Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick planned, organized and led an attempt by the passengers to retake the plane, overwhelming the terrorists and causing them to crash the plane.

Not much is known about Mark Bingman prior to the 911 incident. Wiki did mention that at the age of 2 his parents divorced.
Perhaps not having his father in his life, like so many others before him, brought about his homosexuality. We did find out after his death that he was a proud and unrepentant homosexual. If he identified with the homosexual movement, he obviously was guilty of doing great damage to the institutions that made this country great.

What's really sad is that Mark Bingman, like all unrepentant sinners, won't be spending eternity with God, but instead in eternal damnation.


Next up: Yet ANOTHER homosexual politician has drafted legislation wanting to take parental rights away (and you'll never guess for what reason).

I also have a list of pro LGBT things that Donald Trump has done before and after becoming the President of the United States.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Remember that whatever you post Kit, someone has done it before you in this now 5 part thread. Such is the case with Alan Turing.

Turing was arrested at the age of 40 for buggerizing (having anal sex) with a 19-year-old male. It is believed that he later framed the young male for burglarizing his home:

From the article you link, it sounds like no framing was required. If this account is correct it seems the young man was taking advantage of him.

Regarding Turning's supposed suicide: His biographer believed the cause of death to be an accident:

Such a sad life. Too bad that Alan Turing didn't turn to Jesus Christ for help.

I would be glad to learn that his death was a result of an accident doing the things that he loved. It doesn't alter that he was treated poorly by the society he had served.

From your link:
None of this excuses the treatment of Turing during his final years, says Prof Copeland.

"Turing was hounded," he told the BBC, adding: "Yet he remained cheerful and humorous."

If he did not kill himself then perhaps his life was not as sad as you depict. It still does not excuse what was done to him.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Remember that whatever you post Kit, someone has done it before you in this now 5 part thread. Such is the case with Alan Turing.

Turing was arrested at the age of 40 for buggerizing (having anal sex) with a 19-year-old male. It is believed that he later framed the young male for burglarizing his home:

From the article you link, it sounds like no framing was required. If this account is correct it seems the young man was taking advantage of him.

I see those words a lot when a homosexual icon is busted for adult-child sex (the age of sexual consent at the time was 21 in the UK) : "It was the kid's fault!"

It sounds like you're saying that like so many older homosexual males who seek out younger males (HRC founder/pederast Terry Bean, etc. etc. etc.) Alan Turing was playing "sugar daddy" to a male 21 years his junior.


In any event, like the vast majority of homosexual so-called 'relationships', there was turmoil in Turing's as well.

On a side note, the "Gay Slang Dictionary" really does expose the 'culture' of the homosexual movement. Too bad more people aren't aware of it, as it might open up their eyes to the sexual depravity of the homosexual lifestyle.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding Turning's supposed suicide: His biographer believed the cause of death to be an accident:

Such a sad life. Too bad that Alan Turing didn't turn to Jesus Christ for help.

I would be glad to learn that his death was a result of an accident doing the things that he loved. It doesn't alter that he was treated poorly by the society he had served.

Now that you can't give Alan Turing the double victim status (he was treated so poorly by the British government that he committed suicide) you're acting as though Alan Turing was brilliant because of his homosexuality. Just think of the great things that he might have done had he not had to deal with the struggles that those who engage the homosexual lifestyle go through.

From your link:

None of this excuses the treatment of Turing during his final years, says Prof Copeland.

"Turing was hounded," he told the BBC, adding: "Yet he remained cheerful and humorous."

Hormonal treatments were given to sexual predators like Alan Turing back in those days (and then we got civilized).

Alan Turing knowingly broke child protection laws by sexually engaging a 19 year old lad, and did not even go to prison for it. He was required to take a course of hormonal treatment to reduce his sexual urges towards teenage boys, but he appeared to have suffered no long term effects, and shortly after his punishment was ended, embarked upon a successful fitness and weight loss regime, and before long was seemingly both healthy and content. Because he was an obvious security risk, he was no longer allowed to work for the British government, but he was able to resume his academic career at the prestigious University of Manchester.

I can think of other homosexuals who were security risks:


If he did not kill himself then perhaps his life was not as sad as you depict. It still does not excuse what was done to him.

It would be interesting to find out what really "was done to him" as a child that brought on Alan Turing's homosexual desires.
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Well-known member
Alan Turing knowingly broke child protection laws by sexually engaging a 19 year old lad, and did not even go to prison for it. He was required to take a course of hormonal treatment to reduce his sexual urges towards teenage boys, but he appeared to have suffered no long term effects, and shortly after his punishment was ended, embarked upon a successful fitness and weight loss regime, and before long was seemingly both healthy and content. Because he was an obvious security risk, he was no longer allowed to work for the British government, but he was able to resume his academic career at the prestigious University of Manchester.

Thats not entirely true, as the age of sexual consent in England and Wales for heterosexuals has never been higher than 16, and all male homosexual acts were illegal in the 1950s - whereas this article seems to conflate the age of majority (21) with the age of consent (16). Turing was not prosecuted under “child protection laws”. He was prosecuted for gross indecency under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Ammendment Act 1885. This ammendment was introduced by Liberal MP Henry Labouchère to make all male homosexual acts a crime - where previously only sodomy had been illegal. So “gross indecency” in this case was any homosexual act short of sodomy. Turing was given the choice between prison or probation, with probation being given only on the condition he underwent hormone therapy. In effect, this was a course of oestrogen injections which he was given for a year, rendering him impotent and causing him to start growing breasts. One can only imagine the depression that this could lead to. Only just over a decade after his conviction, the Sexual Offences Act 1967 came into force, which decriminalised all sexual acts conducted in private between two consenting males over the age of 21. This was later lowered to 18 in 1995, and finally 16 in 2001.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Alan Turing knowingly broke child protection laws by sexually engaging a 19 year old lad, and did not even go to prison for it. He was required to take a course of hormonal treatment to reduce his sexual urges towards teenage boys, but he appeared to have suffered no long term effects, and shortly after his punishment was ended, embarked upon a successful fitness and weight loss regime, and before long was seemingly both healthy and content. Because he was an obvious security risk, he was no longer allowed to work for the British government, but he was able to resume his academic career at the prestigious University of Manchester.

Thats not entirely true, as the age of sexual consent in England and Wales for heterosexuals has never been higher than 16, and all male homosexual acts were illegal in the 1950s - whereas this article explicitly says it was 21 at the time.

Excellent point. Prior to 1967 homosexuality was a criminal act in the UK. You can't have it a criminal act and have a homosexual age of consent law as well.

That being said: I would imagine that the UK had laws against child rape back then (i.e. child protection laws). Would someone who was caught in a homosexual act with another adult be treated the same as someone caught in a homosexual act with a child?

Turing was not prosecuted under “child protection laws”. He was prosecuted for gross indecency under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Ammendment Act 1885. This ammendment was introduced by Liberal MP Henry Labouchère to make all male homosexual acts a crime - where previously only sodomy had been illegal. So “gross indecency” in this case was any homosexual act short of sodomy. Turing was given the choice between prison or probation, with probation being given only on the condition he underwent hormone therapy. In effect, this was a course of oestrogen injections which he was given for a year, rendering him impotent and causing him to start growing breasts. One can only imagine the depression that this could lead to. Only just over a decade after his conviction, the Sexual Offences Act 1967 came into force, which decriminalised all sexual acts conducted in private between two consenting males over the age of 21. This was later lowered to 18 in 1995, and finally 16 in 2001.

While I won't contest that in order for Turing to suppress his unnatural sexual desires for young boys, he went through hormonal therapy, which in turned caused him to start growing breasts. Was that a permanent condition for Turing, as I believe that once the hormonal treatment stops, the breasts will return to their normal size.

Now the question is: Was Alan Turing so depressed from the treatment to suppress his unnatural desires towards young boys that he killed himself?

The evidence says otherwise.

What is more, Turing had tolerated the year-long hormone treatment and the terms of his probation ("my shining virtue was terrific") with amused fortitude, and another year had since passed seemingly without incident.
In statements to the coroner, friends had attested to his good humour in the days before his death.
His neighbour described him throwing "such a jolly [tea] party" for her and her son four days before he died.
His close friend Robin Gandy, who had stayed with him the weekend before, said that Turing "seemed, if anything, happier than usual".


Kit the Coyote

New member
Looking at another LGBT Hero, Kristin Beck.


A transgender woman who prior to transitioning served 20 years in the US Navy Special Forces (SEALS). She served seven combat deployments. She served in SEAL TEAM ONE and SEAL TEAM SIX. Serving on the teams as a "breacher" the person who took the point and is the first in the door in an operation. She participated in hundreds of anti-terrorism operations in Iraq and Afganistan earning the Purple Heart and Bronze Star with V for Valor insignia.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Thats not entirely true, as the age of sexual consent in England and Wales for heterosexuals has never been higher than 16, and all male homosexual acts were illegal in the 1950s - whereas this article seems to conflate the age of majority (21) with the age of consent (16). Turing was not prosecuted under “child protection laws”. He was prosecuted for gross indecency under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885. This amendment was introduced by Liberal MP Henry Labouchère to make all male homosexual acts a crime - where previously only sodomy had been illegal. So “gross indecency” in this case was any homosexual act short of sodomy. Turing was given the choice between prison or probation, with probation being given only on the condition he underwent hormone therapy. In effect, this was a course of oestrogen injections which he was given for a year, rendering him impotent and causing him to start growing breasts. One can only imagine the depression that this could lead to. Only just over a decade after his conviction, the Sexual Offences Act 1967 came into force, which decriminalized all sexual acts conducted in private between two consenting males over the age of 21. This was later lowered to 18 in 1995, and finally 16 in 2001.

Thank for clarifying the age issue, I was finding the idea of an age of consent of 21 rather surprising and this from a person who is in favor of seeing the age raised in most cases.

It is also interesting about the charges that were brought. If he was charged with a homosexual act "short" of sodomy then aCW's use of the term buggery is incorrect. But then he has a problem with the idea that some homosexuals don't engage in anal sex, according to him then Turing was NOT a homosexual.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thank for clarifying the age issue, I was finding the idea of an age of consent of 21 rather surprising and this from a person who is in favor of seeing the age raised in most cases.

It is also interesting about the charges that were brought. If he was charged with a homosexual act "short" of sodomy then aCW's use of the term buggery is incorrect. But then he has a problem with the idea that some homosexuals don't engage in anal sex, according to him then Turing was NOT a homosexual.

aCW trips himself up all the time, nothing new.


Continuing with "Great people in LGBT history" :

Looking at another LGBT Hero, Kristin Beck.

A transgender woman who prior to transitioning served 20 years in the US Navy Special Forces (SEALS). She served seven combat deployments. She served in SEAL TEAM ONE and SEAL TEAM SIX. Serving on the teams as a "breacher" the person who took the point and is the first in the door in an operation. She participated in hundreds of anti-terrorism operations in Iraq and Afganistan earning the Purple Heart and Bronze Star with V for Valor insignia.

I saw some typos in your post, let me fix them for you:

Christopher Beck: A transgender woman mentally ill man pretending to be a woman who prior to transitioning served 20 years in the US Navy Special Forces (SEALS) [i.e. he served as a man, not as a woman]. He served seven combat deployments. He served in SEAL TEAM ONE and SEAL TEAM SIX. Serving on the teams as a "breacher" the person who took the point and is the first in the door in an operation. He participated in hundreds of anti-terrorism operations in Iraq and Afganistan earning the Purple Heart and Bronze Star with V for Valor insignia.

Here's Christopher today with fake breasts and fake genitalia.


Let's pray that Christopher gets the spiritual and psychological help that he's been crying out for all of these years, because amongst other things, the following disproportionately (there's that word again) happens to men and women who mutilate their genitals and pretend that they are a member of the opposite sex:

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Since Kit the Coyote appears to be working his way up the ladder in his "Great people in LGBT history", I guess we should talk about the most famous homosexual in history:



Quote: Originally posted by lovemeorhateme

Turing was not prosecuted under “child protection laws”. He was prosecuted for gross indecency under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885.

Thank for clarifying the age issue, I was finding the idea of an age of consent of 21 rather surprising and this from a person who is in favor of seeing the age raised in most cases.

It is also interesting about the charges that were brought. If he was charged with a homosexual act "short" of sodomy then aCW's use of the term buggery is incorrect. But then he has a problem with the idea that some homosexuals don't engage in anal sex, according to him then Turing was NOT a homosexual.

It appears that more clarification is needed with what your pederast hero did:

Gross indecency is a legal term in the English-speaking world that was originally used to criminalize sexual activity between men short of sodomy, which required penetration.

Buggery by another name.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since Kit the Coyote appears to be working his way up the ladder in his "Great people in LGBT history", I guess we should talk about the most famous homosexual in history:



Hitler had homosexuals interned in camps and murdered as you know. Please don't bother with an action replay of your bonkers revisionist bunk.

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