Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh how I long to hear more of your stories from Provincetown and your "research" into the LGBTQueer lifestyle GFR7.

BTW, I guess I missed your answer to my question:

Originally Posted by patrick jane
I have never found an honest woman that is single. I don't defend homosexuality.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that misogynic GFR7 is back, I guess I should ask him what an "honest" woman is.

Maybe that chick magnet Arthurrr Brain can help.

Ah, edited your post to have a 'dig' at me eh aCW? I would hardly describe myself as a 'chick magnet' but I've known plenty of good honest women in my time, in fact there's one such on my home page. Care to share a pic of yourself in your Wallmart outfit?

Actually no, please don't...


...I would hardly describe myself as a 'chick magnet'...

I meant chick magnet in an Andy Cooper kinda way.


Next up: A fantastic article by AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera.

The Horn

How can America be "the land of the free " if the government and the police are going to be in everybody's bedroom constantly just to make sure people aren't having the wrong kind of sex ?
And where CHRISTIANS are the ones who decide what kind of sex s going to be legal or illegal ?
If you want to live in a country like this, move to Saudi Arabia or Iran ! Sheesh !!! But don't demand the government in every body's bedroom in America and claim to want "freedom and liberty " !!!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How can America be "the land of the free " if the government and the police are going to be in everybody's bedroom constantly just to make sure people aren't having the wrong kind of sex ?

we have laws against pedophilia and we don't have the government and the police in everybody's bedroom constantly just to make sure people aren't engaging in pedophilia

why do you think it would be different with homosexuality? :idunno:


How can America be "the land of the free " if the government and the police are going to be in everybody's bedroom constantly just to make sure people aren't having the wrong kind of sex ?
And where CHRISTIANS are the ones who decide what kind of sex s going to be legal or illegal ?
If you want to live in a country like this, move to Saudi Arabia or Iran ! Sheesh !!! But don't demand the government in every body's bedroom in America and claim to want "freedom and liberty " !!!

Welcome back De Horn. What, no disclaimer? It wouldn't be a De Horn post if you didn't state that you're a heterosexual.

The Horn

There they go at theologyonline.com comparing homosexuality to pedophilia .
Pedophilia is a crime against a child who did not ask to be a victim .
Consensual sex IN PRIVATE between two gays is not , cannot and must never be considered a crime of any kind .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There they go at theologyonline.com comparing homosexuality to pedophilia .
Pedophilia is a crime against a child who did not ask to be a victim .
Consensual sex IN PRIVATE between two gays is not , cannot and must never be considered a crime of any kind .

that doesn't answer my question

if laws against pedophilia don't require your ridiculous scenario of a cop in every bedroom, why would laws against homosexuality?


New member
Brilliant absolutely Brilliant you truly are "special" , i think this is a exceptional example of manipulation and deception.

What i will say is that i played your game gave you responses and you have glossed over the important message that im trying to get across to you and reverted back to type and tried the personal attack card

That has been aCW's pattern for thousands of posts on several Christian boards.


New member
we have laws against pedophilia and we don't have the government and the police in everybody's bedroom constantly just to make sure people aren't engaging in pedophilia

why do you think it would be different with homosexuality? :idunno:

only a retard like you would think there is some connection between gays and pedophiles


There they go at theologyonline.com comparing homosexuality to pedophilia ...

What this thread really needs De Horn is for a proud and unrepentant sodomite to come forward and to honestly say that raping 8 year old boys isn't his "thing".

Who will be the first TOL'er to come forward and proudly declare that his "thing" is post pubescent males (12 and over) and not pre-pubescent males (12 and under)?


It appears that the life of a certain lesbo isn't so "gay" (happy) after all.

Rosie O'Donnell Talks Estranged Daughter Chelsea and Depression in Emotional Stand-Up Gig

Oct. 18, 2015

Rosie O'Donnell is getting candid about all of the recent drama in her life.

The 53-year-old comedian had a show at Gotham Comedy Club in New York City on Saturday night, and she touched upon the issues with her estranged daughter, Chelsea O'Donnell...

Clearly, Rosie has had a tough year. She's currently facing a new lawsuit from a former senior View producer, who claims she created a "threatening environment." And in addition to the very public fallout with Chelsea, she's in an intense custody battle with her ex-wife, Michelle Rounds, over their daughter, Dakota, and is still dealing with the death of her father, Edward Joseph O'Donnell, in August, whom she had a strained relationship with. She also addressed her longtime feud with Donald Trump on Saturday night.

"I spent every day this week in therapy in the midst of the ********. What has happened with my life?"
Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/s/rosie-odonnell-talks-estranged-daughter-200800286.html

Ummm, I'm thinking that this Book isn't in your life; that without a doubt is the reason for your unhappiness.



New member
What this thread really needs De Horn is for a proud and unrepentant sodomite to come forward and to honestly say that raping 8 year old boys isn't his "thing".
why? you would just call him a liar and then go on to try claim that he would be happy to rape older children

Who will be the first TOL'er to come forward and proudly declare that his "thing" is post pubescent males (12 and over) and not pre-pubescent males (12 and under)?

bigots are so predictable


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What this thread really needs De Horn is for a proud and unrepentant sodomite to come forward and to honestly say that raping 8 year old boys isn't his "thing".

why? you would just call him a liar and then go on to try claim that he would be happy to rape older children

Oh but TB, "man-boy love" is not rape, just ask the pioneers and icons of the so-called "community" that you represent: Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, David Thorstadt, Harvey Milk, Terry Bean, Larry Kramer, Peter Tatchell, Gore Vidal, etc. etc. etc.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Who will be the first TOL'er to come forward and proudly declare that his "thing" is post pubescent males (12 and over) and not pre-pubescent males (12 and under)?

bigots are so predictable

Speaking of bigots: When are you going to answer my question from pages ago asking whether or not a female trapped inside a man's body should be able to use the same restroom as little 6 year old Molly Brown? People following this thread might be getting the impression that you're bigoted against cross dressers and transsexuals.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What this thread really needs De Horn is for a proud and unrepentant sodomite to come forward and to honestly say that raping 8 year old boys isn't his "thing".

Oh but TB, "man-boy love" is not rape, just ask the pioneers and icons of the so-called "community" that you represent: Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, David Thorstadt, Harvey Milk, Terry Bean, Larry Kramer, Peter Tatchell, Gore Vidal, etc. etc. etc.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Who will be the first TOL'er to come forward and proudly declare that his "thing" is post pubescent males (12 and over) and not pre-pubescent males (12 and under)?

Speaking of bigots: When are you going to answer my question from pages ago asking whether or not a female trapped inside a man's body should be able to use the same restroom as little 6 year old Molly Brown? People following this thread might be getting the impression that you're bigoted against cross dressers and transsexuals.

so predictable

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Everyone understands what's gong on. You're pushing the lie that gays are pedophiles so you can justify your bigotry.

nope - not even close

i was showing horn that his alarmist fantasy of a cop in every bedroom is the argument of a fool

go back and reread the exchanges if you don't believe me


New member
nope - not even close

i was showing horn that his alarmist fantasy of a cop in every bedroom is the argument of a fool

go back and reread the exchanges if you don't believe me

All right. we can start here:
we have laws against pedophilia ...

why do you think it would be different with homosexuality? :idunno:

then we can look at:

my argument is this

1. homosexuality used to be recognized as perverse and detrimental to society
2. homosexuality is now accepted as normal
3. pedophilia is now recognized to be perverse and detrimental to society
4. tomorrow, pedophilia will be recognized as normal

Then there is this:
There's no connection between criminal sexual crimes against children and legal relationships between consenting adults.

you just don't see that those statements are echoes of those that would have been made sixty years ago regarding homosexuality, do you? :sigh:
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