Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that it's been established that cancer is disproportionate when it comes to LGBTQ people...

Yes, it's been established several times throughout this 4 part thread that certain body parts weren't designed to be penetrated, and when they are, very bad things happen:

"Gay and bisexual men have anal cancer rates that are 44 times the national average, due to exceptionally high rates of infection with HPV."

I believe I missed your response to this question:

If the late/ 17 year old Joshua Alcorn had approached you and stated that he was going to have his penis surgically removed so that he could "transition" into womanhood, your reply would be?

if i were in a position to talk to her I would express how sorry I was that her death was being exploited by bigots and perverts to promote hate.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, it's been established several times throughout this 4 part thread that certain body parts weren't designed to be penetrated, and when they are, very bad things happen:

"Gay and bisexual men have anal cancer rates that are 44 times the national average, due to exceptionally high rates of infection with HPV."

I believe I missed your response to this question:

If the late/ 17 year old Joshua Alcorn had approached you and stated that he was going to have his penis surgically removed so that he could "transition" into womanhood, your reply would be?

if i were in a position to talk to her I would express how sorry I was that her death was being exploited by bigots and perverts to promote hate.

So, it's been established that the disproportionate amount of anal cancer amongst homosexual males is not due to "homophobia" but due to...

anal sex.

Let's further blow that homophobia lie out of the proverbial water with another statistic from the National LGBT Cancer Network:

"In lesbian and bisexual women, we also see higher than average rates for obesity, coupled with a lower likelihood of having a biological child before age 30, both of which increase breast cancer risk..."

So telling a sexually confused woman that "Christ has a better way for you" isn't the cause of her breast cancer, but not using her reproductive system as God designed her to use it is.

Regarding Joshua Alcorn: Yes, he heard all of that LGBTQ propaganda before, the question he eventually would have asked (if he didn't already before his death) is whether or not he should "transition" into womanhood by having his penis surgically removed.

Your answer to this once happy 17 year old boy would be what ...Dante?



This past election has been a real eye opener for me. People whom I've admired for years (Barbwire's Matt Barber, FRC's Tony Perkins, to name two) have sold out conservative principles and continue to back the sexual anarchist, lying sociopath Donald Trump.

I was concerned with American Family Association's Bryan Fischer for awhile, as he was writing some pro Trump articles. This one redeems Fischer in my eyes, as it appears that he is also interested in the truth.

"Gay Gestapo" continues Christian carnage, Trump lets them

May 8, 2017

Donald Trump rolled out his executive order on religious liberty last week to great fanfare, with a Rose Garden ceremony including many evangelical luminaries in attendance. And yet his order did not touch at all on the greatest threat to religious liberty in our nation's history, the agenda of LGBT activists to force everyone in America to accept sexual deviancy or else.

The conflict between homosexuality and religious liberty is a zero-sum game. One side wins, the other side loses. Every advance of the homosexual agenda comes at the expense of religious liberty. A pledge to protect religious liberty that does not include a pledge to protect people of Christian faith from the onslaught of the rabid homosexual activists is essentially meaningless.

At the very same time President Trump was issuing his stripped down religious liberty order (he attacked the Johnson Amendment, which is toothless, and the abortifacient mandate in ObamaCare, a battle that has already been fought and won), the president allowed the yammering, demanding, and hate-filled voices of homosexual activists to shred his own pick to be the next Secretary of the Army.

Mark Green, a state senator from Tennessee, has a strong military record as a war hero and a flight surgeon, and was the medic for the special operations team that captured Saddam Hussein. He is eminently qualified to lead the Army.

Except for one thing: he shares God's view of human sexuality. And for that, Trump has allowed him to be vilified, demonized, and cashiered from public service without even a feeble attempt to come to his defense. This at a minimum raises serious questions about whether President Trump is going to be the defender of religious liberty he wants us to think he is.

The homosexual activists ran Green out of town because he believes that honest mental health professionals will tell you that transgenderism "is a disease."...

If Donald Trump could not find a way to stand up for Mark Green, he is no true defender of religious liberty. If he will not defend his own pick for military leadership against what lesbian writer Tammy Bruce calls the Gay Gestapo, of what use will he be in the pitched battle over First Amendment civil rights for people of Christian faith?

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/170508

Yes, people who cross dress and even go so far as to mutilate their genitals to become a pretend member of the opposite sex are mentally ill, but don't go trying to tell pro transgender activist Donald Trump that.



In "Homophobes made them do it!" news:

UCSF psychiatrist, 2nd man face charges of having child porn

May 12, 2017

A 36-year-old UCSF psychiatrist and his boyfriend were arrested and charged with possession of hundreds of images and videos of child pornography, officials said Thursday.
Billy Lockhart, a resident at UCSF’s Department of Psychology and graduate of Yale University’s School of Medicine, was arrested Tuesday at his home near the hospital on the 100 block of Buena Vista Terrace, police said.
The San Francisco Police Department’s Internet Crimes Against Children Unit started looking at Lockhart in March after investigators determined he was uploading and trading child pornography on the Internet, officials said.

Lockhart was using the UCSF Wi-Fi to upload child pornography, police said.
On Tuesday, police said they served a search warrant at Lockhart’s home, where they found several of his electronic devices containing hundreds of videos and pictures of child porn.

Benjamin Martin, 33, who lives with Lockhart, also had hundreds of files containing child porn on his devices, officials said.

Lockhart and Martin are in a relationship, according to their Facebook pages, on which they’ve posted dozens of pictures together.
The men were arrested at the home they shared. Each suspect was charged Thursday with possession of more than 600 files of child pornography. Lockhart was additionally charged with distribution of child pornography.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/UCSF-psychiatrist-roommate-arrested-in-11140028.php




I was reading a recent Kentucky Court of Appeals case where the court sided with a Christian business owner, Blaine Adamson of Hands On Originals (HOO), who prints t-shirts, mugs and other accessories. The owner refused to print t-shirts for a Lexington KY 'gay' pride parade and was brought up on charges by the Lexington Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission.

While the owner of the print shop won the case, it was for all of the wrong reasons. It appears that the owner could, based on his Christian beliefs, deny service to an organization, but not to someone who identifies as a homosexual, bisexual or genital mutilator.

"Nothing of record demonstrates HOO, through Adamson, refused any
individual the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges,
advantages, and accommodations it offered to everyone else because the individual
in question had a specific sexual orientation or gender identity. Adamson testified
he never learned of or asked about the sexual orientation or gender identity of Don
Lowe, the only representative of GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Service Organization) with whom he spoke regarding the t-shirts.
Don Lowe testified he never told Adamson anything regarding his sexual
orientation or gender identity. The GLSO itself also has no sexual orientation or
gender identity: it is a gender-neutral organization that functions as a support network and advocate for individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or
Also, nothing of record demonstrates HOO, through Adamson,
refused any individual the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services,
facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations it offered to everyone else
because the individual in question was engaging in an activity or conduct
exclusively or predominantly by a protected class of people."

Adamson won on a legal technicality; people of faith (Christians) aren't any safer from LGBTQ tyranny than they were before the case.




"a protected class of people" :doh:

Pretty crazy huh?

Would you do me a favor and debate Angel4Truth on this issue, here in this thread, as she believes that it's wrong to discriminate against this certain "protected class of people".

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If there was a denunciation of the LGBTQ backed Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA) somewhere in that post, I must have missed it.

Originally Posted by Angel4Truth
No, you dont get to tell me what to think and how to answer, but you got my answer same as before, if we limit anyones ability to have housing or own property based on sin, no one could do so.
Now skedaddle back to your homo thread that i left over 2 years ago because of the way you lie about and attack the choir, troll.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In so many words you've stated that business owners and those who rent living quarters shouldn't have the right to deny employment or housing to sexually and morally confused people.

I promise to document your above quote verbatim so that you don't have to repeat it the next time the topic comes up

I look forward to you and A4T's debate, and I'm certain that others following this 4 part thread do as well.


In States Rights news:

In Texas: 'It’s an all-out assault on LGBT people'

May 15, 2017

AUSTIN — One bill would make it legal to decline adoption services to gay couples. Another could deny them marriage licenses. Others would bar transgender Texans from using the public bathroom of their choice.

Supporters of the bills circulating in the Texas Legislature this session say they’re intended to protect the religious rights of citizens or maintain safety in public bathrooms. Critics counter they’re an unprecedented attack on LGBT rights.

Gay rights activists count 24 bills introduced into the Legislature this session they say infringe on the rights of LGBT residents in Texas — more than any other time in state history. The bills are a new front in the attack on LGBT rights by Texas’ Republican-led Legislature following a key U.S. Supreme Court decision two years ago recognizing the right to marry for same-sex couples, said Chuck Smith, president of Equality Texas, which advocates for LGBT rights.

“This is the most number of specifically anti-LGBT bills that we’ve ever faced,” he said. “It’s an all-out assault on LGBT people.”

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/story/news...s-bills-lgbt-rights-bathroom-bills/101633302/

That's why it's called a "culture war" Chuckie.




In more States Rights news:

From the 1972 'Gay' Agenda:

State Level:

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

Thanks to MassResistance pro family activists in Colorado, parents still have rights when it comes to their sexually and/or gender confused children.

VICTORY: LGBT bill to allow children to “consent” to psychiatric therapy is stopped in Colorado Senate -- after hard-hitting pro-family testimony
MassResistance Colorado and others were outnumbered by bill’s supporters, but prevailed
Voted down in Senate committee 3-2

May 9, 2017

When pro-family people fight back hard and tell the truth fearlessly, they can derail the well-funded LGBT legislative agenda. We’ve shown that over and over again. This was one of those times.
A frightening bill that would allow children as young as 12 years old to “decide” they need psychiatric therapy – without their parents’ knowledge or consent – was stopped in the Colorado Senate on Monday, May 1. The 3-2 vote by in a Senate committee came after strong testimony at the public hearing by Colorado MassResistance and other pro-family activists against a torrent of emotional pleas by the bill’s proponents.
The bill, HB17-1320, had passed in the Colorado House of Representatives the previous week. Had it made it through the Senate committee, it would have gone to the Senate floor for a full vote.
A nightmare for families
As we recently reported, the bill would have allowed LGBT-allied “therapists” in school-based clinics to push vulnerable children to affirm and accept homosexual and transgender “identities” and behaviors as “normal,” among other things. Parents would not even be notified that this psychotherapy was being given to their children.

Read more: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen3/17b/MC-CO-vs-age-of-consent-therapy/bill-stopped_050917.html


The usual radical groups. This group, Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights, was lobbying hard for the bill. It is also a major advocate for school-based clinics in Colorado.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
VICTORY: LGBT bill to allow children to “consent” to psychiatric therapy is stopped in Colorado Senate -- after hard-hitting pro-family testimony

You mean the 1972 agenda no one had ever heard of before 1991 when some hate group "discovered" it and published it.

Because of this ruling ...Dante, (if he lived in CO) UCSF psychiatrist Billy Lockhart wouldn't be able to 'counsel' 12 year old sexually confused boys behind their parents backs.

UCSF psychiatrist, 2nd man face charges of having child porn

Regarding the 1972 'Gay' Agenda:

Take it up with this pro LGBTQueer website, that's where I found it.


Oh please. you were trying to pass off this fraud long before you googled this site.

As a parent (cough cough) you must be happy for the parents in Colorado who don't have to worry about homosexuals like Billy Lockhart counseling their 12 year old sons.

In the event you forgot who Billy Lockhart is, he, like so many homosexuals, likes to look at naked children:

A 36-year-old UCSF psychiatrist and his boyfriend were arrested and charged with possession of hundreds of images and videos of child pornography, officials said Thursday.
Billy Lockhart, a resident at UCSF’s Department of Psychology and graduate of Yale University’s School of Medicine, was arrested Tuesday at his home near the hospital on the 100 block of Buena Vista Terrace, police said.
The San Francisco Police Department’s Internet Crimes Against Children Unit started looking at Lockhart in March after investigators determined he was uploading and trading child pornography on the Internet, officials said.


Let's see what's happening in Donald Trump's "stronger military" :

Chelsea Manning to remain on active duty in Army and receive health care after prison release

May 14, 2017

Chelsea Manning, the transgender U.S. soldier convicted of espionage, will remain on active duty and be eligible for health care benefits after her release from prison, the Army said.
Manning, who was known as Bradley and underwent hormone treatment behind bars, will remain a private in the Army, have access to commissaries and continue to receive health care benefits, but will not be paid, an Army spokesman told USA Today.
“Pvt. Manning is statutorily entitled to medical care while on excess leave in an active duty status, pending final appellate review,” the spokesman said.
The Army declined to say what post she’ll be assigned and who she’ll report to.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...-active-army-prison-release-article-1.3165427

I wonder if transgender activist Donald Trump will invite Bradley to the White House to use the women's restroom like he did with Bruce Jenner at Trump Tower in New York?




Let's see what LGBTQ ally Donald Trump is up to (besides trying to convince Congress that he's not in collusion with Russia).

Rainbow flag flies again at U.S. Embassy in Macedonia

May 19, 2017

Conservatives who hoped that once Donald Trump became president the U.S. government would stop flying the “rainbow flag” at American embassies abroad, as happened often under former President Obama to mark various LGBTQ events, were disappointed Wednesday.
The U.S. Embassy in Macedonia tweeted this:

We’re flying the rainbow flag today to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, & Biphobia. #IDAHOT2017



IDAHOT is celebrated worldwide every year by homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and other self-identified “queer” activists, one of many LGBTQ activist “days” on the calendar. Under Obama, the White House issued supportive IDAHOT proclamations in recent years, and several American embassies reportedly flew the “rainbow” flag under Old Glory.
Trump did not issue a formal IDAHOT proclamation, but at his State Department there was a muted celebration of the anti-“phobia” day with its “Worldwide Celebration of Sexual and Gender Diversities.” In addition to the flying homo-transgender rainbow flag in Macedonia, openly homosexual U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius took to the State Department’s official blog to honor IDAHOT...

Obama’s 'LGBT Envoy' remains under Trump
In February, it was reported that Trump is keeping in place Obama’s first-ever special international LGBT “envoy,” Randy Berry, whose mission is to promote acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgenderism abroad under the rubric of “human rights” and in the name of the United States.
Berry, an open homosexual, is currently listed on the State Department website as “Deputy*Assistant Secretary*and Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons, Term of Appointment: 01/20/2017*to present.”
Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/rainbow-flag-flies-again-at-u.s.-embassy-in-macedonia


For many of you that have been following part 4 of WHMBR!, you'll recall that I've been documenting Donald Trump's connections to Russia (including that his bisexual wife is from a Russian satellite country). With former FBI Director Robert Mueller heading a special investigation into Trump's ties with Russia, I wanted to share this information that a Congressman from California posted on his website.




I'll review the cast of criminals involved in this cover-up, and it will be interesting to see how this investigation plays out.

Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties

Despite Russia’s harmful national interests against the U.S., and its human rights violations around the world, President Trump and his team are directly and indirectly tied to Russia.

Throughout the 2016 presidential election, President Trump not only refused to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin, but was even friendly and accommodating in his remarks. In his own words, President Trump called President Putin “highly respected." More recently, President Trump put the U.S. on equal moral footing with Russia when responding to Bill O’Reilly’s question about Putin being a "killer," saying "We've got a lot of killers... you think our country's so innocent?" This is absolutely false moral equivalence, and unheard of for the President of the United States to insult and demean the country he leads.

President Trump has harshly criticized NATO, and exclaimed that only the NATO allies that paid equally to the alliance deserved protection from the United States. Though these remarks were softened by British Prime Minister Theresa May, who claims that President Trump fully supports the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), it's still unclear how supportive he will be of NATO allies like the Baltic states in light of his relationship with Russia.

President Trump has also surrounded himself with people who do business with and are sympathetic to Russia. The New York Times reported that members of Trump’s 2016 campaign and other Trump associates had frequent contact with senior Russian intelligence officials throughout the campaign. In addition to these questionable communications, here are a few other associates with ties to Moscow:

More to follow...


On to the cast of criminals and their close ties to Russia and the mass murdering former head of the KGB Vladimir Putin:

Donald Trump:*Not only does his past and current team have ties to Russia, but the President himself also does. He has traveled to Russia extensively, done business there often, and has ties to Russian interests.*For example, in*2008 he made a real estate sale to*Russian billionaire, Dmitry Rybolovlev. Trump bought a*Palm Beach mansion in 2004 during a bankruptcy sale for $41 million, and less than four years later, without ever having moved in, Trump sold the mansion to Rybolovlev for $95 million. *

Michael Flynn: Flynn, President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, was asked to resign just weeks after he was sworn in. His resignation came*after it leaked that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his communications with Russian officials, specifically Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, before President Trump’s inauguration. In these communications, Flynn discussed sanctions imposed by the Obama administration on Russia – while President Obama was still in office.*Earlier last year, he stated that the U.S. needs to respect that “Russia has its own national security strategy, and we have to try to figure out: How do we combine the United States’ national security strategy along with Russia’s national security strategy,” raising troubling questions. In 2015, Flynn delivered remarks at a Moscow gala honoring RT, Russia’s propaganda arm, where he was seated next to Putin. Flynn accepted $33,750 for this speech by RT, and did not correctly report the payment, thus concealing payment from a foreign government, and possibly violating the law in the meantime. Flynn continued to appear on RT as a foreign policy analyst. Altogether, Flynn was paid more than $67,000 by Russian companies before the 2016 presidential election.


https://swalwell.house.gov/sites/swalwell.house.gov/files/wysiwyg_uploaded/Flynn and Putin.png
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