Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I highlighted the part "from being provided in exchange for monetary compensation" because don't pastors receive a salary for providing spiritual guidance to everyone in their flock?

Surely the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement wouldn't use that as a reason to prohibit even spiritual therapy for children who have homosexual desires and/or gender confusion?

straping elecrodes to a child's genitals is not spiritual guidance.

I agree. Is that what they did to the little boy with same sex desires from Twin Falls Idaho or have you been watching pederasts Terry Bean and Ed Murray home videos again?


New member
I highlighted the part "from being provided in exchange for monetary compensation" because don't pastors receive a salary for providing spiritual guidance to everyone in their flock?

Surely the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement wouldn't use that as a reason to prohibit even spiritual therapy for children who have homosexual desires and/or gender confusion?

Do those pastors charge extra if mommy and daddy want to watch?


Do those pastors charge extra if mommy and daddy want to watch?

patrick jane, aka ok doser reported you for this one (and when he calls 911, which he does a lot of, the police do respond).

Surely you must know that leaving me to debate with Art Brain while you're on bad boy leave is the next thing to cruel and unusual punishment don't you?
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How can an executive order be signed defending religious liberty if religious liberty isn't protected on all fronts?

Yet another smokescreen that LGBTQ friendly Donald Trump is blowing and without a doubt pretend conservatives and Christians will be doing cartwheels over it.

Trump to mark National Day of Prayer with religious liberty order

May 4th, 2017

WASHINGTON, May 3 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will take executive action on Thursday to ease a ban on political activity by churches and other tax-exempt institutions as part of an order on religious liberties, a senior White House official said on Wednesday.
Trump's executive order to mark the National Day of Prayer will also mandate regulatory relief to religious employers that object to contraception, such as Little Sisters of the Poor, the official said in a briefing.

The order does not include provisions to allow government agencies and businesses to deny services to gay people in the name of religious freedom, as was feared by some civil liberties and gay rights groups.

"This executive order isn't about discrimination," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Anything currently illegal under current law would still be illegal."

Read more: https://www.aol.com/article/news/20...-day-prayer-religious-liberty-order/22068957/

(Discrimination baaaaaad, unless it's using the force of government to discriminate against Bible embracing Christians, then it's very very good).

For those of you that can't read the writing on the wall, let me paint a picture for you:

Let's say that you're one of those homophobic bigoted Bible believing Christians and don't want sexual predators like HRC founder Terry Bean or Seattle Mayor Ed Murray to be around the teenagers that work in your business, nor do you want them sharing their LGBTQ activism with your employees (like telling them that same sex desires can't be changed).

Sorry, but not hiring them would be discrimination, and discrimination is a very very baaaad thing.

Let's say that you own an apartment complex and your family lives in one of the units. Your teenage son is latchkey kid who let's himself into the apartment a couple of hours before you and your wife get home from work.

Do you really want sexual predators like HRC founder Terry Bean and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray living next to you, not knowing if your son is being indoctrinated with LGBTQ garbage or even worse, "groomed" by a smooth talking homosexual into believing that sexual experimentation is a healthy and natural thing to do?

Tough luck, under the LGBTQ friendly Trump and Pence administration you have no religious liberty when it comes to dealing with homosexuals.

Trump is playing both sides of the fence here; but then that's what smooth talking sociopathic moral degenerates like him do.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't think worshipping a bottle (or 3) of booze every night hoping that it'll wash away the pain and guilt you're going through is considered a religion.

I don't think spreading lies, rumour mongering and sleazy innuendo about people is particularly reflective of the Christian faith, yet you must do considering how often you indulge in it. Curious...

Have I mentioned there is a ton of both written and video testimonies of people who have left the homosexual 'death style' because of therapy, both psychological and spiritual?

Here's yet another one:


Oh wow, a youtube video, that's just gotta be proof!


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
patrick jane, aka ok doser reported you for this one (and when he calls 911, which he does a lot of, the police do respond).

What, you think patrick jane is SOD?!

You're as bat crazy as SD.


Surely you must know that leaving me to debate with Art Brain while you're on bad boy leave is the next thing to cruel and unusual punishment don't you?

Debate? If only you were capable of it...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I don't think worshipping a bottle (or 3) of booze every night hoping that it'll wash away the pain and guilt you're going through is considered a religion.

I don't think spreading lies, rumour mongering and sleazy innuendo about people is particularly reflective of the Christian faith, yet you must do considering how often you indulge in it.

If I were to tell children, who went through unspeakable horrors of sexual molestation and/or psychological abuse at the hands of a homosexual pedophile or dysfunctional parents, horrors that no human being let alone children should be subjected to, and because of those unspeakable horrors contracted homosexual desires; If I told these children that they couldn't change those desires, no amount of booze could cover up the guilt that I'd feel.

After telling those children that they couldn't change, if I went further and jabbed the proverbial knife further into their psychological wounds by passing legislation prohibiting them from seeking professional and spiritual counseling, again: no amount of booze could cover up the guilt that I would have to live with.

After telling those children that they couldn't change and couldn't seek professional therapy, if I then told them that the homosexuals that raped them didn't need professional counseling as well, I just couldn't live with myself knowing the amount of pain that I'd brought to an innocent child.

The question is: How can you live with yourself Art?


So am I: If you're not an atheist who can write his own moral code, what pagan religion did you find that allows it's followers to engage in and promote such disgusting things and is void of Christianity's 2nd greatest rule:

"Love your neighbor as you'd love yourself"?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Have I mentioned there is a ton of both written and video testimonies of people who have left the homosexual 'death style' because of therapy, both psychological and spiritual?

Here's yet another one:


Oh wow, a youtube video, that's just gotta be proof!

Like I said, there's a ton of them out there: people showing how they were able to change through the love of Christ and often times psychological therapy, and I'll continue to share those videos in this thread for those who are really interested in change.

Here's another:


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If I were to tell children, who went through unspeakable horrors of sexual molestation and/or psychological abuse at the hands of a homosexual pedophile or dysfunctional parents, horrors that no human being let alone children should be subjected to, and because of those unspeakable horrors contracted homosexual desires; If I told these children that they couldn't change those desires, no amount of booze could cover up the guilt that I'd feel.

After telling those children that they couldn't change, if I went further and jabbed the proverbial knife further into their psychological wounds by passing legislation prohibiting them from seeking professional and spiritual counseling, again: no amount of booze could cover up the guilt that I would have to live with.

After telling those children that they couldn't change and couldn't seek professional therapy, if I then told them that the homosexuals that raped them didn't need professional counseling as well, I just couldn't live with myself knowing the amount of pain that I'd brought to an innocent child.

The question is: How can you live with yourself Art?

Tell that to Leelah, the person who was that desperate they took their own life thanks to people like you with their ignorance and blinkered fundamentalist attitudes. "Conversion therapy" is abuse. You support it even having being made aware of the disgusting and degrading practices that go on in these centers. That's on you, and if you really cared about people instead of banging on about how many views your thread gets (that really isn't impressive and most won't be agreeing with you) you'd acknowledge just why these places are being shut down and why it's unlawful to send children into such monstrous abuse.

But you don't.

So am I: If you're not an atheist who can write his own moral code, what pagan religion did you find that allows it's followers to engage in and promote such disgusting things and is void of Christianity's 2nd greatest rule:

"Love they neighbor as you'd love yourself"?

You don't love people. None of what you're doing here is out of care and concern, it's just a soapbox.

Like I said, there's a ton of them out there: people showing how they were able to change through the love of Christ and often times psychological therapy, and I'll continue to share those videos in this thread for those who are really interested in change.

Here's another:


There's plenty of 'flat earth' videos available as well...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If I were to tell children, who went through unspeakable horrors of sexual molestation and/or psychological abuse at the hands of a homosexual pedophile or dysfunctional parents, horrors that no human being let alone children should be subjected to, and because of those unspeakable horrors contracted homosexual desires; If I told these children that they couldn't change those desires, no amount of booze could cover up the guilt that I'd feel.

After telling those children that they couldn't change, if I went further and jabbed the proverbial knife further into their psychological wounds by passing legislation prohibiting them from seeking professional and spiritual counseling, again: no amount of booze could cover up the guilt that I would have to live with.

After telling those children that they couldn't change and couldn't seek professional therapy, if I then told them that the homosexuals that raped them didn't need professional counseling as well, I just couldn't live with myself knowing the amount of pain that I'd brought to an innocent child.

The question is: How can you live with yourself Art?

Tell that to Leelah,...

I must have missed what pagan religion you identify with that allows you to embrace such sick and disgusting behaviors and hate innocent children so much.

That being said:

I've mentioned this many times throughout this 4 part thread and will say it again here:

While I would love for people like you, ...Dante, Terry Bean, Ed Murray, Dan Savage, Peter Tatchell and the entire LGBTQueer movement to repent and accept God as their personal Savior and hence stand for righteousness, this thread wasn't made for you.

I'm using you to show others that have an ounce of decency about them how sick and evil your sexual anarchist movement really is.

Thanks for contributing, as this thread and it's message wouldn't be nearly as successful without you and your LGBTQ allies.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I missed have missed what pagan religion you identify with that allows you to embrace such sick and disgusting behaviors and hate innocent children so much.

I'm not the one who embraces the disgusting abuse that goes/went on in therapy centers or the despicable and ignorant attitudes that led to the suicide of people like Leelah. That's all on people like you.

That being said:

I've mentioned this many times throughout this 4 part thread and will say it again here:

While I would love for people like you, ...Dante, Terry Bean, Ed Murray, Dan Savage and the entire LGBTQueer movement to repent and accept God as their personal Savior and hence stand for righteousness, this thread wasn't made for you.

I'm using you to show others that have an ounce of decency about them how sick and evil your sexual anarchist movement really is.

Thanks for contributing, as this thread and it's message wouldn't be nearly as successful without you.

You're not "using" anybody you sad man. You're a joke, a pompous, ineffectual little crank who thinks he's some 'crusading warrior' on the bloody internet and with who knows how many personal hang ups...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I must have missed what pagan religion you identify with that allows you to embrace such sick and disgusting behaviors and hate innocent children so much.
That being said:

I've mentioned this many times throughout this 4 part thread and will say it again here:

While I would love for people like you, ...Dante, Terry Bean, Ed Murray, Dan Savage and the entire LGBTQueer movement to repent and accept God as their personal Savior and hence stand for righteousness, this thread wasn't made for you.

I'm using you to show others that have an ounce of decency about them how sick and evil your sexual anarchist movement really is.

Thanks for contributing, as this thread and it's message wouldn't be nearly as successful without you.

You're not "using" anybody you sad man. You're a joke, a pompous, ineffectual little crank who thinks he's some 'crusading warrior' on the bloody internet and with who knows how many personal hang ups...

I must have missed what pagan religion that you identify with Art that allows you to embrace such sick and disgusting behaviors and has such hatred toward children.

If you don't divulge your pagan religion, I'm going to have to assume that you're yet another atheist who writes his own moral code.

Again: Thank you for contributing to this 4 part thread, as it wouldn't be as nearly successful without you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you don't divulge your pagan religion, I'm going to have to assume that you're yet another atheist who writes his own moral code.

Again: Thank you for contributing to this 4 part thread, as it wouldn't be as nearly successful without you.

Well, you know the old adage about 'assume'...although in your case no, you probably don't.

Suffice to say, this thread is only a "success" in terms of longevity and were you not here to prop the darn thing up it would have died a long time ago so it's a hollow success even at that.

And on that note you can crack on with your own little blog dude. Have fun doofus.



Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I missed have missed what pagan religion you identify with that allows you to embrace such sick and disgusting behaviors and hate innocent children so much.

Well, you know the old adage about 'assume'...although in your case no, you probably don't.

Suffice to say, this thread is only a "success" in terms of longevity and were you not here to prop the darn thing up it would have died a long time ago so it's a hollow success even at that.

And on that note you can crack on with your own little blog dude. Have fun doofus.


You corrected me several bottles of booze posts back when I referred to you as an atheist. It appears that you don't identify with one of the many pagan religions out there that allows it's followers to engage in all kinds of disgusting behaviors, and hence contributes to their physical and spiritual demise. You belong to the 'religion' that the forefairies of the LGBTQ movement belonged to and the vast majority of it's proud and unrepentant followers do:


Thanks (in a roundabout way) for being honest about where you receive your moral guidance from:



Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera gave an excellent speech at a recent Texas Chapter of Mass Resistance confeerence (you didn't know that Mass Resistance branched out to other states? Contact them to find out how you can start a branch in your state; http://www.massresistance.org ).

Peter talked about such things as the father of the modern day homosexual/child molestation movement Alfred Kinsey and numerous other subjects relating to the tyrannical LGBTQ movement in this -30 minute video that focuses on the LGBTQueer movement's involvement with corporate America.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You corrected me several bottles of booze posts back when I referred to you as an atheist.

Oh, so you're the one with the drink problem then? White wine spritzers mayhap? There is actually help for that sort of thing as oppose to "conversion therapy".

It appears that you don't identify with one of the many pagan religions out there that allows it's followers to engage in all kinds of disgusting behaviors, and hence contributes to their physical and spiritual demise. You belong to the 'religion' that the forefairies of the LGBTQ movement belonged to and the vast majority of it's proud and unrepentant followers do:


Er, no I don't, but thanks for playing and losing again.

Thanks (in a roundabout way) for being honest about where you receive your moral guidance from:


I get my moral guidance from 'Amercicansfortruth'?!


Wow... anyhooo, that really is enough time wasted with this train wreck so have fun, and have further fun deluding yourself into thinking you have an army of followers who hang on your every word...



...Wow... anyhooo, that really is enough time wasted with this train wreck so have fun, and have further fun deluding yourself into thinking you have an army of followers who hang on your every word...


And here I thought you'd left the thread for good (again) on your last post.

Did you watch at least the first few minutes of Peter LaBarbera's speech to a MassResistance Texas group? (BTW, they have chapters overseas as well:

Around the world
MassResistance has worked with activists to fight for pro-family issues in Australia, Canada, France, England, Ireland, Jamaica, the Virgin Islands, Finland, Ghana, Spain, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore, Israel, New Zealand, Croatia, and Brazil.
MassResistance materials were used by activists to lobby their members of Parliament in Australia to successfully stop “gay marriage” (2012-13), in Singapore to a pass a special pro-family law (2009), and fighting the marriage battle in Finland (2014).

Back to LaBarbera's speech:

Can you believe that the father of the modern day LGBTQ movement (Alfred Kinsey) paid pedophiles to see how long it took babies and toddlers to orgasm for his study on human sexuality?

On your parting note can we at least agree that the father of the modern day LGBTQueer movement (Alfred Kinsey) who was a sadomasochistic pedophile who paid pedophiles to see how long it took babies and toddlers to orgasm, is the sickest of sick degenerates and people who embrace this homosexual and child molester's so-called 'research' are just as sick?

Can we at least agree to that Art?





Note how they can't even condemn a baby molester like the homosexual/sadomasochist Alfred Kinsey, but have no problem condemning those brave souls who want to leave homosexuality/gender confusion behind.

What a pathetic life these people lead.


I'd shown in earlier WHMBR! threads that due to the change in laws against homosexuality, cultural mores' have changed as well and it's trendy for many teens and young adults to experiment with homosexuality.

Such is the case with transvestism and transgenderism, and as seen below, it often times leads to irreplaceable mutilation of body parts, depression and other mental health issues, and can lead to life threatening disease:

Teens are becoming transgender because it’s trendy, expert says

April 12, 2017

Children think it's cool to be transgender and they're trying the self-identity out in droves, claims an Australian psychiatrist.
Psychiatrist Stephen Stathis, who runs the gender clinic at Brisbane's Lady Cilento Children's Hospital and is responsible for diagnosing gender dysphoria, reports that “many” youth are “trying out being transgender” in order to stand out.
Apparently, declaring oneself “transgender” is trendy. “One said to me, ‘Doctor Steve ... I want to be transgender, it’s the new black,’” Stathis related.
Dr. Stathis also says many girls want to be transgender as a result of sexual abuse. “The girls say, ‘If only I had been a male, I wouldn’t have been abused,’” Stathis explained.
Some are so convinced their life would be better if they were the opposite sex that they do something drastic or permanent. “I’ve seen genital mutilation, some who try to cut off their penis,’’ Stathis said.

Read More: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/g...-for-kids-who-fancy-themselves-as-transgender

Transgenderism and Cancer

March 18, 2017

Pharmaceutical companies have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to test new drugs. Yet, we in America are permitting confused youth to be used as guinea pigs in medical procedures that mutilate the anatomy*and flood the body with potentially damaging hormones.
The current rush to acceptance of transgenderism ignores a problem beyond the immediately obvious. Are we setting up hundreds of thousands for early deaths due to cancer?
Every cell in the human body has a sexual fingerprint in the sex chromosome (allosome) pairs. The born male has a XY pair. The born female an XX. These chromosomes do serve a function beyond mere reproduction. Without getting too complicated:
Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. — Genetics Home Reference
Essentially, the chromosomes, which carry those genes, are the control center of the cell, the central processing unit — controlling processes*above and apart from cell reproduction. Protein synthesis, so necessary for life, is controlled by these chromosomes. We would be foolish not to conjecture that Y chromosomes were not designed to act properly in cell floating in a bath of female hormones; neither an XX pair in cell floating under a bath of male hormones. Since these hormones might conceivably cause cells to go awry in protein production, as well as in cell reproduction, we should not be surprised to see unusual problems of transgenders with cancers. Add in that transgenders, even after surgery, will retain residue tissue unique to one gender, and noting that those specific tissues will be subjected to hormone levels they were not designed to process, and the possible outcomes become frightening.

Read more: https://illinoisfamily.org/homosexuality/transgenderism-and-cancer/


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