Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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could have benefitted from therapy Art, or do you think that they were born sexual predators?

I see that I'm back logged again on the table of contents. How about while I catch up on the next 20 or so pages, I'll post videos of men and women who through therapy have been able to free themselves of being enslaved to the unnatural and extremely destructive sexual sin known as homosexuality?

25 minutes? way to long

Its sad that Kevin experienced so many years of verbal, emotional and physical abuse from his family and church that he he began to hate himself.
I'm sure he has well scripted horror stories about the "lifestyle" (whatever that is)and I'm sure he parrots conversion therapy sewage. I'm also sure he is more than willing to defend the abuse and torture of small children in order to "convert" them.

Just tell us the time on the video when he says that he is a happy, healthy fully functioning heterosexual.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
A person can't allow Christ to rule their life without first acknowledging that he or she is a sinner who needs to repent. In order to do that, one must first acknowledge that there is such a thing as sin.

and why would you expect a non-Christian to recognize the concept of sin?

First: No one was born a Christian. All of God's followers had to repent and accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

Second: Even the non-believer from a societal perspective has to acknowledge that sin exists. Without laws against sin (murder, sexual immorality, theft, etc.) there would be total anarchy.

Have I mentioned since the legalization of abortion and sexual immorality, we live in a sexual anarchist nation?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it possible to embrace sinful thoughts and behavior (not struggle with them, but embrace them) and still be a follower of Christ, i.e. a Christian?

that would depend on one's definition of "sinful thoughts and behavior"

Sin as defined by God throughout Holy Scripture, in this case homosexuality.

as a Christian, as one indwelt with the holy Spirit, I am no longer under the Law

are you still under the Law?

Here's your chance to go where no other poster in this thread has gone:

Defending the pro LGBT/pro abortion "inclusive" Metropolitan Community Church:

Can these people who ignore the Word of God (call them "laws" if you wish) call themselves Christian even though they proudly engage in a behavior that God abhors?


Can the pastors of these "inclusive" churches call themselves men of God if they are leading their flock down the wrong path, a path that leads them away from Christ?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
your answers were wrong, so i'm not going to address them

instead, i'll give you the correct answers and you can study them and learn :)

question 1:
and why would you expect a non-Christian to recognize the concept of sin?

answer: you can't expect a non-christian to recognize the concept of sin

question 2:
doser said:
are you still under the Law?

answer: no, not if you're a Christian


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that I'm back logged again on the table of contents. How about while I catch up on the next 20 or so pages, I'll post videos of men and women who through therapy have been able to free themselves of being enslaved to the unnatural and extremely destructive sexual sin known as homosexuality?

25 minutes? way to long

I guess I should have posted a disclaimer: These videos are for those with homosexual desires who really want to do something about them.


As far as a 25 minute video being "long". I hear tell that the waiting lines at HIV/AIDS clinics are longer. For that matter, eternal damnation is...uh...eternal.

Its sad that Kevin experienced so many years of verbal, emotional and physical abuse from his family and church that he he began to hate himself.
I'm sure he has well scripted horror stories about the "lifestyle" (whatever that is)and I'm sure he parrots conversion therapy sewage. I'm also sure he is more than willing to defend the abuse and torture of small children in order to "convert" them.

Just tell us the time on the video when he says that he is a happy, healthy fully functioning heterosexual.

Some day I hope to see a video from a recovering homosexual who talks about how he was sexually molested as a little boy in Twin Falls Idaho.

That's a video that I really want to see.

Since I don't expect to see that video anytime soon, I'll keep praying for that little boy who turned out to be a devout hater of God and everything decent, and I'll continue to pursue righteous laws helping those who were subjected to such unspeakable horrors, by punishing those that physically, psychologically and spiritually abuse children.

Here's another success story:



your answers were wrong, so i'm not going to address them

Do it for the 200-300 hundred people that follow this thread. Pretty please with a cherry on top?

instead, i'll give you the correct answers and you can study them and learn :)

question 1:

answer: you can't expect a non-christian to recognize the concept of sin.

Then how about the person who calls themselves a Christian. Should they acknowledge that sin exists?


question 2:

answer: no, not if you're a Christian

Based on your answer can I assume that you believe those in the "inclusive" Metropolitan Community Church really are Christians? I mean if you're not under any kind of moral guideline, you can do anything that you want, even things that God abhors, right?


New member
Just tell us the time on the video when he says that he is a happy, healthy fully functioning heterosexual.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that I'm back logged again on the table of contents. How about while I catch up on the next 20 or so pages, I'll post videos of men and women who through therapy have been able to free themselves of being enslaved to the unnatural and extremely destructive sexual sin known as homosexuality?

I guess I should have posted a disclaimer: These videos are for those with homosexual desires who really want to do something about them.


As far as a 25 minute video being "long". I hear tell that the waiting lines at HIV/AIDS clinics are longer. For that matter, eternal damnation is...uh...eternal.

so your converion therpay poster boy never actaully says that he is heterosexual.

What a suprise.

DOes this guy ever say that he is a happy, healthy fully functioning heterosexual?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Then how about the person who calls themselves a Christian.

a person can call himself a firetruck if they like

doesn't make 'em one :idunno:

Based on your answer can I assume that you believe those in the "inclusive" Metropolitan Community Church really are Christians? I mean if you're not under any kind of moral guideline, you can do anything that you want, even things that God abhors, right?

you sir are a retard

good day to you


...you sir are a retard

good day to you

Sigh, yet another intelligent conversation with a Libertarian.

BTW, Jesus was talking about the 613 Mosaic Laws:

not God's universal moral laws (i.e. the Ten Commandments).

On that note: I'll respectfully ask the TOL moderators to ignore the TOL policy violation filed against ...Dante by ok doser and Lon.

The way I see it: If so-called Christians can call me a closeted homosexual, why can't atheists call me a child molester?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's another success story:

so your converion therpay poster boy never actaully says that he is heterosexual.

What a suprise.

DOes this guy ever say that he is a happy, healthy fully functioning heterosexual?

Surely you didn't sit through what must have been 16+ grueling minutes watching a happy EX homosexual with his beautiful wife waiting to see if he used the world "heterosexual" did you?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's another success story:

Surely you didn't sit through what must have been 16+ grueling minutes watching a happy EX homosexual with his beautiful wife waiting to see if he used the world "heterosexual" did you?
Please note the question mark at the end of my post. It indicates i was making an iquiry.

I could suppose that they way you didn't respond is a good indication that, once again, your conversion therapy spokes model never actually says that he is straight.

the long and short of it is that I cannot watch a video of an ex-homosexual no matter how long becasue they don't exist.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you didn't sit through what must have been 16+ grueling minutes watching a happy EX homosexual with his beautiful wife waiting to see if he used the world "heterosexual" did you?

Please note the question mark at the end of my post. It indicates i was making an iquiry.

I could suppose that they way you didn't respond is a good indication that, once again, your conversion therapy spokes model never actually says that he is straight.

All people struggle with different kinds of sinful desires. The Ex homosexual, many who were subjected to unmentionable things as a child which lead to his or her same sex desires, are no different.

Some Ex homosexuals, through spiritual and psychological therapy, are able to overcome all unnatural desires, others struggle with it.

Accolades to those who continue to attempt to do something about it, and not give in and call it quits.

the long and short of it is that I cannot watch a video of an ex-homosexual no matter how long becasue they don't exist.

i.e. watching other people being happy must be very difficult for you to watch. After all, "Haters are gonna hate", right ...Dante?
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In wannabe tyrant news:

Donald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country

April 30, 2017

Donald Trump has blamed the US constitution for the problems he has encountered during his first 100 days in office.

In an interview with Fox News to mark the milestone, the Republican called the system of checks and balances on power “archaic”.

“It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”

Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-slams-apos-archaic-173108185.html

That would be the same US Constitution that the lying sociopath swore to uphold while placing his hand on the Bible.


Since LGBTQ activist Art Brain continues to spread this bold faced lie throughout TOL, I guess I better keep showing evidence that people can change.

There doesn't seem to be any credible record for people being able to change attraction...

“I have had no interest in dating other men since 2003. Currently, I am very happy and functional in a heterosexual relationship. Romantic feelings toward my girlfriend were present immediately when we met, and the sexual desires I have toward her are equal to those I once had for men when I was pursuing a homosexual lifestyle. With her, I feel genuinely and completely fulfilled emotionally, spiritually, and sexually.” — David, Arizona USA

“It has been over 14 years since I’ve had any sexual behavior with other men and at least 10 years since I’ve even wanted to. My desire for a homosexual romantic relationship is completely gone, and now I desire to have a romantic relationship with a woman.” — Tim, Idaho USA

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since LGBTQ activist Art Brain continues to spread this bold faced lie throughout TOL, I guess I better keep showing evidence that people can change.

“I have had no interest in dating other men since 2003. Currently, I am very happy and functional in a heterosexual relationship. Romantic feelings toward my girlfriend were present immediately when we met, and the sexual desires I have toward her are equal to those I once had for men when I was pursuing a homosexual lifestyle. With her, I feel genuinely and completely fulfilled emotionally, spiritually, and sexually.” — David, Arizona USA

“It has been over 14 years since I’ve had any sexual behavior with other men and at least 10 years since I’ve even wanted to. My desire for a homosexual romantic relationship is completely gone, and now I desire to have a romantic relationship with a woman.” — Tim, Idaho USA

I'm not an 'activist' you dozy clown and anecdotal evidence from NARTH employees and the like is about as much 'proof' as the word of a con man...


Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since LGBTQ activist Art Brain continues to spread this bold faced lie throughout TOL, I guess I better keep showing evidence that people can change.

I'm not an 'activist' you dozy clown and anecdotal evidence from NARTH employees and the like is about as much 'proof' as the word of a con man...

Calling you a "LGBTQ inactivist" just doesn't have the right ring to it.

Of course you and the movement that you represent real issue is with God and the fact that He gave mankind freewill to change.

The Creator of the Universe and everything in it tossed your two bit punk leader out of Heaven with the flick of His finger; with His help, His followers won't have any problem defeating the child molesting LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Calling you a "LGBTQ inactivist" just doesn't have the right ring to it.

Of course you and the movement that you represent real issue is with God and the fact that He gave mankind freewill to change.

The Creator of the Universe and everything in it tossed your two bit punk leader out of Heaven with the flick of His finger; with His help, His followers won't have any problem defeating the child molesting LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement.

Nothing you say has any particular ring to it, and certainly not much in the way of logic either.



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Of course you and the movement that you represent real issue is with God and the fact that He gave mankind freewill to change.

Gal. 3:28 .... there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Oh look, yet another pagan has taken Holy Scripture out of context.

Regarding free will: Does the cult that you belong to (Budweiserism as I recall) believe in free will?


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