Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Hall of Fame
you appear to be Libertarian leaning and obviously don't care about traditional family values.
Making statements, such as this is where you come off as an idiot. No on who knows me thinks I do no care about family values.

What does it mean to you 'one is libertarian leaning'?

I have known paleolibertains "although many libertarians personally support same-sex marriage, paleolibertarians do not.)who are more conservative the many paleoconservatives. Some of them have no tolerance for any form of income redistribution. They are, in some ways, more like the old right than most of the Kirkian conservatives. In Fact, the neocons were always Democrats, and it was the Democratic party which moved left and abondoned many who became the neocons. My point is, paleoconservatives and paleolibertarians are both more conservative and similar, then they both are to noecons moderates like the two Bushes and Donald Trump.

If you are going to call me a paleolibertrain, then you must bear in mind, this equates to far more conservative than politically possible in today's society, American and European.

From reading what Lon wrote, I am sure of myself saying if Seattle was as he stated it was, then you are the more liberal one for living there, no matter what incentive of personal gain. You should move to Alabama!


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Lon, I wasn't attempting to have a go, I was more trying to point out that quite often people wind up street preachers. I've seen it plenty of times and while I don't agree or go along with some of the things being preached, I do have a certain respect for those who do it as it's hardly easy and they get a lot of abuse. I'm not disputing your personal history and if you thought I was then you have my apologies as that wasn't my intention.
Thank you.

That being said, your personal experiences are hardly reflective of gay people in the main. For the amount of homosexuals I've known or made acquaintance with then I was propositioned only the once and it wasn't pleasant and neither was the guy frankly. They're just people in general, a mixture like all of us.
I have MANY of these encounters and stories. I just gave you the ten that came first to mind. You don't have this where you live. I'm glad.
I live in a hard city. My posts are the tip of an iceberg, without exaggeration. My sister was attempted kidnapping with a van with a puppy, and offer for candy, an attempted rape, etc. My brother, the same, once while I was there and the same van and puppy. Some of this is yet pretty painful and I don't like traversing into these. My area is incredibly bad. We moved to one of the best parts of town thinking we'd escape most of this and found that this whole city is a terrible place to raise children. Thank you for the apology. A lot of rape victims don't come forward for this exact reason. They cannot get anybody to believe them. I went to a policeman and made a report here in Tacoma and the police officer said "What are you? Stupid!??" I was stupid, but at the time, as a pastor, I was dedicated to erring on the side of love (the 'stupid' side).

There is no way I want to keep drudging these things up so I am going to leave the thread because it is not a good way for me to spend my Sunday. Thank you for your apology. -Lon

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thank you.

I have MANY of these encounters and stories. I just gave you the ten that came first to mind. You don't have this where you live. I'm glad.
I live in a hard city. My posts are the tip of an iceberg, without exaggeration. My sister was attempted kidnapping with a van with a puppy, and offer for candy, an attempted rape, etc. My brother, the same, once while I was there and the same van and puppy. Some of this is yet pretty painful and I don't like traversing into these. My area is incredibly bad. We moved to one of the best parts of town thinking we'd escape most of this and found that this whole city is a terrible place to raise children. Thank you for the apology. A lot of rape victims don't come forward for this exact reason. They cannot get anybody to believe them. I went to a policeman and made a report here in Tacoma and the police officer said "What are you? Stupid!??" I was stupid, but at the time, as a pastor, I was dedicated to erring on the side of love (the 'stupid' side).

There is no way I want to keep drudging these things up so I am going to leave the thread because it is not a good way for me to spend my Sunday. Thank you for your apology. -Lon

It's a sad statistic but over here there's only around a six percent conviction rate where it comes to rape. I'm sorry to hear about what happened with your sister, truly. A number of years ago my own sister was raped and the bastard who did it was never caught despite investigation. The cop who said that to you when you reported it didn't deserve to wear a uniform frankly.

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Perhaps this is a good thread for it but I hate having to relive my past in this manner:

My first encounter with a child-predator homosexual was an attempted abduction of my brother at age 8ish. Next? A homosexual kid pulled a knife and tried to force me in an ally. Next? I was stuck at a bus depot late at night (long story). A homosexual man propositioned me and an under-cover cop was there to save me. Next? I was propositioned in high school by several homosexual classmates.

Do you get the idea? There is much more. The man in question on this particular was looking, as is common in Portland. At the time, the highest population of runaway kids in the country were all in Portland. Why? Because they could make money exactly as I've described. That is WHY I was there. I passed out information to kids for rescue missions, talked to adults about their need for the Lord Jesus Christ.

They guy in question was street-cruising with 3 other homosexual men. He pulled out a wad of cash, readily in hand for what his intention was. I've no idea why I particularly have attempteds and propositions...

Thanks for sharing yet another reality of the homosexual lifestyle: That many of them are sexual predators who prey on vulnerable youth.

Sunday, a day of rest and worship for us Christians, shouldn't be spent dealing with sick and disgusting topics like this.

Let's go enjoy our families and thank God for what He's done for us and ask Him to give us the strength to continue this fight tomorrow.


Originally Posted by MrDante
Sounds more like the guy was having fun at your expense with a game of bait the homophobe. The game is simple enough, go up to some self righteous homophobe and be outrageous and tell him/her exactly what they want to hear then step back and watch the meltdown.

I'm disgusted AB gave you a pos rep. I despise your ignorance and willing recast. I know what it was and you are wrong.

You are going on ignore. You cannot be reached.

Art Brain gave ...Dante a positive rep because they are allies in the war against God and all things decent. While he may pretend to be your friend, like all proud and unrepentant LGBTQ'ers, Art's loyalties lie with the rainbow flag movement and it's agenda first and foremost. Please never forget that.

On that note: Have a great Sunday afternoon!
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Art Brain gave ...Dante a positive rep because they are allies in the war against God and all things decent. While he may pretend to be your friend, like all proud and unrepentant LGBTQ'ers, Art's loyalties lie with the rainbow flag movement and it's agenda first and foremost. Please never forget that.

On that note: Have a great Sunday afternoon!

I neither have an agenda or are affiliated with any 'movement' that does you lunatic.

If you weren't so gay obsessed you'd be familiar with 'rationality'...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thanks for sharing yet another reality of the homosexual lifestyle: That many of them are sexual predators who prey on vulnerable youth.

Sunday, a day of rest and worship for us Christians, shouldn't be spent dealing with sick and disgusting topics like this.

Let's go enjoy our families and thank God for what He's done for us and ask Him to give us the strength to continue this fight tomorrow.

You spend every single day fixated on this 'sick and disgusting' topic so drop the pretense dude...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Art Brain gave ...Dante a positive rep because they are allies in the war against God and all things decent. While he may pretend to be your friend, like all proud and unrepentant LGBTQ'ers, Art's loyalties lie with the rainbow flag movement and it's agenda first and foremost. Please never forget that.

On that note [Lon]: Have a great Sunday afternoon!

I neither have an agenda or are affiliated with any 'movement' that does you lunatic.

If you weren't so gay obsessed you'd be familiar with 'rationality'...


You really have no idea how sick and perverted you are Art. First you tell inquisitive children that homosexuality is normal as long as it's a loving relationship, and now you tell sexually and gender confused children that they were born with unnatural sexual desires and can't change. You make it worse for these children by backing legislation that prohibits them from professional spiritual and psychological counseling.

Do you realize how many deaths of children the LGBTQ movement that you identify with are responsible for? Do you realize that makes you an accessory to murder?

That's right, you're so sick that you can't even see that.

God made civil government to deal with those who do evil. Unfortunately we're at a time in history where the forces of evil rule civil government, but that doesn't mean that you won't eventually have to face Him and answer for the great harm that you and your LGBTQ movement have done to innocent children.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks [Lon] for sharing yet another reality of the homosexual lifestyle: That many of them are sexual predators who prey on vulnerable youth.

Sunday, a day of rest and worship for us Christians, shouldn't be spent dealing with sick and disgusting topics like this.

Let's go enjoy our families and thank God for what He's done for us and ask Him to give us the strength to continue this fight tomorrow.
You spend every single day fixated on this 'sick and disgusting' topic so drop the pretense dude...


As long as there are sexual predators out there telling children that they can't change their unnatural and extremely harmful sexual desires, there is no rest for those of us who believe in God and decency.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You really have no idea how sick and perverted you are Art. First you tell inquisitive children that homosexuality is normal as long as it's a loving relationship, and now you tell sexually and gender confused children that they were born with unnatural sexual desires and can't change. You make it worse for these children by backing legislation that prohibits them from professional spiritual and psychological counseling.

Listen up you gay obsessed fruitcake, I've never spoken to children in any manner as you suggest outside of that demented imagination of yours. Damn straight I'd support legislation that prohibits children from being abused by quacks and crackpots. These beloved "therapists" of yours do no good whatsoever and no way should kids be subjected to the kind of crap that goes on in such places. Quit with the bloody facade for once in your life aCW. Either come out of the closet or stop pretending that you care about anything other than your sodding view rating.

Do you realize how many deaths of children the LGBTQ movement that you identify with are responsible for? Do you realize that makes you an accessory to murder?

Oh, was I responsible for Leelah's death then?

That's right, you're so sick that you can't even see that.

Yeah, being averse to barbaric practices under the guise of "therapy" makes me sick, you're right about that much...

God made civil government to deal with those who do evil. Unfortunately we're at a time in history where the forces of evil rule civil government, but that doesn't mean that you won't eventually have to face Him and answer for the great harm that you and your LGBTQ movement have done to innocent children.

I'm not part of any 'movement' you pompous, self aggrandizing dipstick. Fortunately, we're at a time in history where nuts like you don't get a say in people's lives outside of a basement with a laptop.

As long as there are sexual predators out there telling children that they can't change their unnatural and extremely harmful sexual desires, there is no rest for those of us who believe in God and decency.

Uh huh, says the guy who routinely invents up all sorts of lurid gay innuendo about straight folk. Some 'decency' you've got going on there aCW.

Drop the act and deal with your own hangups man.


Originally Posted by Lon
... For me, my interactions with homosexuals have all been detestable. I was street-witnessing in Portland in the 80's. A homosexual propositioned me right in the middle of me sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with him. I said, "What is wrong with you!? I'm sharing salvation with you and you are propositioning me?" He said that if I didn't accept, he'd just find one of the kids on the street that were all over Portland at the time.

Sounds more like the guy was having fun at your expense with a game of bait the homophobe. The game is simple enough, go up to some self righteous homophobe and be outrageous and tell him/her exactly what they want to hear then step back and watch the meltdown.

Since an 8 year old boy wasn't readily available, it sounds like the self acknowledged pedophile/pederast would take anything that he could get.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you realize how many deaths of children the LGBTQ movement that you identify with are responsible for? Do you realize that makes you an accessory to murder?

Listen up you gay obsessed fruitcake,...

Nah, I have to go delouse...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Nah, I have to go delouse [after being told repeatedly by LGBTQ activist Art Brain that children can't change their unnatural and extremely destructive same sex desires].

Then what's left of you after that ain't gonna be much...


I was wondering if Lon, while preaching God's Word to runaway youth, (many who turned to homosexuality because of abuse in their lives) on the streets of Portland years back might have run into sexual predators Terry Bean (who founded the homosexual organization "Human Rights Campaign") and now Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, both who prowled the streets of Portland allegedly supplying these kids with drugs, alcohol and money so that they could rape them.

Do you think Bean and Murray could have benefitted from therapy Art, or do you think that they were born sexual predators?

I see that I'm back logged again on the table of contents. How about while I catch up on the next 20 or so pages, I'll post videos of men and women who through therapy have been able to free themselves of being enslaved to the unnatural and extremely destructive sexual sin known as homosexuality?

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If someone doesn't believe in government then there is no other word to use other than anarchist.

However, since you're a Donald Trump supporter and do get involved in the political process, that word doesn't apply to you.

That being said: like the vast majority of Trump supporters (many TOL Trump supporters have posted in this thread and 3 besides you currently are), you appear to be Libertarian leaning and obviously don't care about traditional family values.

For those I use the term "sexual anarchist", as seen in the tag at the bottom of this thread.

If you would like to make an attempt to defend Donald Trump and his pro LGBTQ/sexual anarchist policies, I very much look forward to that discussion.

Making statements, such as this is where you come off as an idiot. No on who knows me thinks I do no care about family values.

What does it mean to you 'one is libertarian leaning'?...

It's a wise choice on your part not to admit that you supported that disgusting unrepentant sexual predator and LGBTQ ally Donald Trump for President. Many on here have and still do support him. There was a rather large segment of the LGBTQ movement that supported Trump and I'll share an article about that later.

Let's talk about Jesus shall we? What do you think He meant by His two greatest commandments: "Love God with all of your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as you love yourself"?
Matthew 22:36-40

To me, amongst other things, that means that I can't love God if I don't stand up for and defend His institutions (marriage, the family, the Church) and his universal moral code (i.e. moral absolutes: thou shalt not...).

To me, His 2nd greatest commandment means that I can't sit back idly and watch other people destroy their lives, in this case through homosexuality, and still love them (hence the reason I made "Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry" the most important post of Part 1, because as shown it leads people down a moral path. I also emphasize spiritual and psychological therapy for those with same sex desires, because if I were in the same situation I would hope that they would do the same for me).

I'm interested in your thoughts on this.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
which is more important acw - bringing the sinner to Christ or confronting his sinful behavior?


which is more important acw - bringing the sinner to Christ or confronting his sinful behavior?

A person can't allow Christ to rule their life without first acknowledging that he or she is a sinner who needs to repent. In order to do that, one must first acknowledge that there is such a thing as sin.

My turn: Is it possible to embrace sinful thoughts and behavior (not struggle with them, but embrace them) and still be a follower of Christ, i.e. a Christian?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...one must first acknowledge that there is such a thing as sin.

and why would you expect a non-Christian to recognize the concept of sin?

aacw said:
Is it possible to embrace sinful thoughts and behavior (not struggle with them, but embrace them) and still be a follower of Christ, i.e. a Christian?

that would depend on one's definition of "sinful thoughts and behavior"

as a Christian, as one indwelt with the holy Spirit, I am no longer under the Law

are you still under the Law?
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