Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
That would be a pretty sick and despicable thing to say about anyone just to get a rise out of them, is it confirmed elsewhere, or are you just being sick and despicable?:think:
He is being vile. I spent 2 years in grief groups and the ensuing 6 years learning what it is to live alone. I am the sole parent now, of a son who has major problems (bipolar and on the autism spectrum) and not by choice.


New member
Addendum: aCW thinks that just because I can give back to him the mocking he rightly deserves for his own cruel mocking of others, that I could not possibly be a grieving widower. He can't see what he brings out in others, and his logic is faulty as usual.


That would be a pretty sick and despicable thing to say about anyone just to get a rise out of them, is it confirmed elsewhere, or are you just being sick and despicable?:think:

As I suspected, GayForReal7 doesn't have an ounce of decency in that morally empty-disease-ridden body of his.

Back later with the proud and unrepentant sodomite who attempted to force faith based companies to make birth control (abortion, the morning after pill, etc.) part of their insurance plan. This same proud and unrepentant sodomite also successfully fought to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act (did I mention that he also is mocking God's institution of mariage and is indoctrinating two young boys who he and his sodomite 'husband' call 'sons'?).

Yes, B. Hussein and Mike see a great future in their latest pick for
Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Division of the Dept. of Justice.


Stuart Delery

Update: Two major cases that the new Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Division of the Dept. of Justice handled.

Hobby Lobby: http://www.gospa.org/pl/pages/articles/announcements.html?ra=1;id=576

Defense of Marriage Act: http://www.buzzfeed.com/tonymerevic...otes-out-gay-attorney-who-argued-agai#3u19onn

Again, expect great things from this guy if you're anti God, anti-traditional family.
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New member
As I suspected, GayForReal7 doesn't have an ounce of decency in that morally empty-disease-ridden body of his.

Back later with the proud and unrepentant sodomite who attempted to force faith based companies to make birth control (abortion, the morning after pill, etc.) part of their insurance plan. This same proud and unrepentant sodomite also successfully fought to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act (did I mention that he also is mocking God's institution of mariage and is indoctrinating two young boys who he and his sodomite 'husband' call 'sons'?).

Yes, B. Hussein and Mike see a great future in their latest pick for
Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Division of the Dept. of Justice.

I have both truth and decency and my body is not disease-ridden (although I would gladly have it be so, if it would bring back health and life to my dead wife.)

What other pick would you envision this Administration making, anyway? If they could place Kevin Jennings as Safe Schools Director, than this is less shocking.


New member
He is being vile. I spent 2 years in grief groups and the ensuing 6 years learning what it is to live alone. I am the sole parent now, of a son who has major problems (bipolar and on the autism spectrum) and not by choice.
I at least have absolutely no reason to doubt you, then again neither does you know who. :plain:


New member
I at least have absolutely no reason to doubt you, then again neither does you know who. :plain:
Thank you. You're a reasonable person, unlike aCW - He just wants to paint me in a way where I am all bad, all lies, etc. He can't deal with me in any other way. :plain:


I know this street guy who is a A-1 con artist. He's (as Joe Biden described B. Hussein Obama) an "African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,”....

He used to have his wife wear a neck brace and use his children in his pan-handling schemes.

Anyway, his wife, who obviously got tired of the street life, took the kids and left him. When you talk to the guy about his ex wife, he says that she died. Of course in his sociopathic mind she is dead.

The things that go on in a sociopath's mind.

Moving on...


New member
I know this street guy who is a A-1 con artist. He's (as Joe Biden described B. Hussein Obama) an "African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,”....

He used to have his wife wear a neck brace and use his children in his pan-handling schemes.

Anyway, his wife, who obviously got tired of the street life, took the kids and left him. When you talk to the guy about his ex wife, he says that she died. Of course in his sociopathic mind she is dead.

The things that go on in a sociopath's mind.

Moving on...
What has this to do with me?



and once more, Buh Bye!!!



New member
a Culture Warrior said:
The things that go on in a sociopath's mind.

Moving on...

A Culture Warrior's moving on (again?) Buh Bye!!!!!


Maybe in doing so, he can research himself and become enlightened!!!! :BRAVO:



Looking at the above two posts, I feel the need to once again display the words of Dr. Judith Reisman from her article:

'Gay on gay hate crimes'

The Advocate reports 21 percent of its upscale, largely white, male respondents were sex abuse victims by age 15. Since a large number of boys are victimized between age 15 and 18, this brings the angry boy victim population into the millions. In fact, with roughly a 17 percent boy sex abuse population, the estimates of boy victims are between 6 and 8 million, some might say, walking time bombs...


New member
Looking at the above two posts, I feel the need to once again display the words of Dr. Judith Reisman from her article:

'Gay on gay hate crimes'

The Advocate reports 21 percent of its upscale, largely white, male respondents were sex abuse victims by age 15. Since a large number of boys are victimized between age 15 and 18, this brings the angry boy victim population into the millions. In fact, with roughly a 17 percent boy sex abuse population, the estimates of boy victims are between 6 and 8 million, some might say, walking time bombs...

I would say this is relevant to the foregoing posts only in that it is making YOU a walking time-bomb,
which was to be expected. :think: :chuckle:

It is not only gay males who are predators and violent:

A Franklin student [lesbian] who sexually assaulted two fellow volleyball team members on a school bus after a trip to a game in Northampton County was escorted to jail in tears after she pleaded no contest to two counts of misdemeanor sexual battery.

Aerial Darden, who was 17 at the time of the offense and a senior team captain, organized a group that held down a 13-year-old teammate, placed a pillow over her face and touched her inappropriately.
The victim was on her first trip with the team.

The attack came after Darden and others held the arms and legs of a 15-year-old teammate, covered her mouth and attempted to remove her underwear ...

"You were in a leadership position," said Judge W. Revell Lewis, III. "You used your leadership skills to commit a crime."

Lewis said victims' impact statements showed they are being harassed so severely at Franklin High School in the wake of the assaults that they were thinking of transferring.

Darden was charged with nine counts, both felonies and misdemeanors, including aggravated sexual battery while being part of a mob and carnal knowledge of a child.

The incident occurred Aug. 26, 2013, as junior and senior varsity teams from Franklin High were returning after games against Northampton High.

Evidence presented showed Darden enlisted the aid of other team members and sexually assaulted the girls soon after leaving Eastville on the bus ride back home.

According to court documents and evidence offered by Jones, Darden sought to have sex with the 15-year-old girl. When the girl refused, she and a senior team member hatched a plan to hold them down and assault her.

When the bus arrived in Franklin, one of the girls who assisted Darden in holding the girls down said, "What happened on the bus, stays on the bus."

[there is] a possibility Darden would have to register as a sex offender. That would be decided by the state police, Jones said.

Defense attorney Justin Bush said his client had a clean record and was an honor student who had been accepted to college.


Lesbians are also included in the same sex domestic violence pandemic:

A Same-Sex Domestic Violence Epidemic Is Silent
Typical framing of partner abuse as a heterosexual issue—with men abusing women—does a disservice to victims in abusive homosexual relationships.

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New member
Incidentally, it would seem I cannot be at once "a walking time-bomb" AND the frail, disease-ridden, tricked-out truck stop pick-up you describe me as :think:
............... :chuckle:

YOU, on the other hand, fit well the text book case of the closeted gay who will come out late, and violently. :nono:
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New member


Another thing aCW needs to keep in mind:

IF you are to stay timely and relevant like the great Peter LaBarbera, President of AFTAH
you MUST update your material.

STOP using statistics, data, material, and articles from the '70s, '80s, '90s, or even the early '00s.

2010-12 should be your starting point.You are getting dated and irrelevant.

or you get the big "thumbs down" :chuckle:


and it might be a plus if you could start acting at least 1/10 as smart as *Peter LaBarbera*:

Stop taking literally all you read and think; stop assuming you can peg people and define people
and call them libelous names such as frauds, liars, and walking time bombs.


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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let's see if they care about this post.

There are men on TOL who have lost their wives to various diseases and had to raise their children on their own.

Your story about losing a wife to cancer and having to raise a son, which you made up to get sympathy, was not only sick, but cruel.

You owe these men an apology and if you have a ounce of decency you'll do it here and now.

That's just sick even for you and your attempt to get a rise out of someone for such a tragic event is beyond what even I thought your limits could have been.

Don't even pretend you were being in any way honest about being cynical about GF's family you sick bastard. You don't take anyone's personal life and state crap like the above, not if you have a single ounce of decency at any rate.

Oh, but what am I saying? Coming from someone who's made crude allusions to other people's sexuality and practices, including being banned for such then it shouldn't be surprising.


Never passing up an opportunity to gossip, the "gimp" from Great Britain gives aCW a piece of his mind.

That's just sick even for you and your attempt to get a rise out of someone for such a tragic event is beyond what even I thought your limits could have been.

Don't even pretend you were being in any way honest about being cynical about GF's family you sick bastard. You don't take anyone's personal life and state crap like the above, not if you have a single ounce of decency at any rate.

Oh, but what am I saying? Coming from someone who's made crude allusions to other people's sexuality and practices, including being banned for such then it shouldn't be surprising.



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New member
That's just sick even for you and your attempt to get a rise out of someone for such a tragic event is beyond what even I thought your limits could have been.

Don't even pretend you were being in any way honest about being cynical about GF's family you sick bastard. You don't take anyone's personal life and state crap like the above, not if you have a single ounce of decency at any rate.

Oh, but what am I saying? Coming from someone who's made crude allusions to other people's sexuality and practices, including being banned for such then it shouldn't be surprising.
Thank you. Most appreciated.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Looking at the above two posts, I feel the need to once again display the words of Dr. Judith Reisman from her article:

'Gay on gay hate crimes'

The Advocate reports 21 percent of its upscale, largely white, male respondents were sex abuse victims by age 15. Since a large number of boys are victimized between age 15 and 18, this brings the angry boy victim population into the millions. In fact, with roughly a 17 percent boy sex abuse population, the estimates of boy victims are between 6 and 8 million, some might say, walking time bombs...

It is not only gay males who are predators and violent:


Lesbians are also included in the same sex domestic violence pandemic:

A Same-Sex Domestic Violence Epidemic Is Silent
Typical framing of partner abuse as a heterosexual issue—with men abusing women—does a disservice to victims in abusive homosexual relationships.


(To all of TOL's homosexualists and the drag queens, fairies and bull dykes outside of TOL following this thread: Don't be too hard on GayForReal7, he's so sick that he has no idea that he's promoting the recriminalization of homosexuality with his posts).
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