Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Now that the fraud has been exposed once again, I wanted to share this priceless story.

The United States most hated man is reported to be a homosexual.

L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling most hated man in America: poll

Read more:

Donald Sterling Is Gay, V. Stiviano Claims In Lawsuit

Sterling should have just come and told Andy Cooper that he's a fag and the left wing press would have never mentioned his name again.



New member
Now that the fraud has been exposed once again, I wanted to share this priceless story.

The United States most hated man is reported to be a homosexual.

L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling most hated man in America: poll

Read more:

Donald Sterling Is Gay, V. Stiviano Claims In Lawsuit

Sterling should have just come and told Andy Cooper that he's a fag and the left wing press would have never mentioned his name again.


Right, you've really exposed me because I read more about problems with law enforcement, which many conservatives agree with me on. Uh huh.

What does Sterling have to do with anything :confused:
The worthless golddigger is doing all she can to get money.
He will not allow her lies to stand, I'm sure.

What happened in your life to make you so sure all the world is gay? :think:
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Right, you've really exposed me because I read more about problems with law enforcement, which many conservatives agree with me on. Uh huh.

So what is the "problem" with law enforcement Aaron? Is it a "problem" that they're enforcing the law and often times have to kill in self defense (as in the cases of Mumia Abu Jamal and (Saint) Michael Brown), or it is a "problem" that homosexual movement has infiltrated government and legislated laws that change Judeo-Christian doctrine?

What does Sterling have to do with anything :confused:

I found it hilarious that the most hated man in America is a fag. As mentioned, if Sterling had just told little Andy Cooper that in the beginning, he wouldn't have gotten a second of bad press because of the loyalty that the left wing media has towards homosexuals.

The worthless golddigger is doing all she can to get money.
He will not allow her lies to stand, I'm sure.

Are you threatened by his exposure Aaron? Do you not want the truth about Donald Sterling's 'sexual orientation' to come out?

What happened in your life to make you so sure all the world is gay? :think:

1% of you Aaron, not the whole world. BTW, how is recruiting going these days?


New member
LGBTQ and Police

LGBTQ and Police

Just 3 of dozens and dozens of articles which reveal the extent to which US and UK LGBTQ community need and support law enforcement:

LGBT equality, diversity and the Metropolitan police:
How has the Met police improved
its workforce diversity and commitment to
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender officers?



Police car unveiled to help officers combat homophobic hate crime



Baltimore police form new advisory council on LGBT issues
Goals to improve relations with community, atmosphere for gay officers



New member
We don't know much about Vicky Beeching's childhood, but we do know that exposure to pornography was "damaging to [her] identity".
Then it might be highly dishonest to presume or imply that anything permanently damaging did happen simply because it suits your particular confirmation bias.

If you bothered to read the crude comments by perverts on her Twitter page that she attached in the article, one could understand why she's put off by men.
There is no shortage of nutters or rude people out there aCW I notice :sherlock:, but no doubt you have given them all your full attention. She however seems like a strong woman to me who is not fazed by such comments or corrupted just because "Lad Mags" exist, but perhaps all she needs is a bit of corrective rape aCW? That's what they do in Uganda apparently, as no doubt Pastor Lively is well aware of, and perhaps he would like to offer his services?


New member
So what is the "problem" with law enforcement Aaron? Is it a "problem" that they're enforcing the law and often times have to kill in self defense (as in the cases of Mumia Abu Jamal and (Saint) Michael Brown), or it is a "problem" that homosexual movement has infiltrated government and legislated laws that change Judeo-Christian doctrine?

I found it hilarious that the most hated man in America is a fag. As mentioned, if Sterling had just told little Andy Cooper that in the beginning, he wouldn't have gotten a second of bad press because of the loyalty that the left wing media has towards homosexuals.

Are you threatened by his exposure Aaron? Do you not want the truth about Donald Sterling's 'sexual orientation' to come out?

1% of you Aaron, not the whole world. BTW, how is recruiting going these days?
I don't know who "Aaron" is, Karl. :confused:
If you are thinking I'm some former poster returned, you're quite badly mistaken. (Is TOL so lax that they cannot weed out multiple accounts? :nono: )

How could Sterling threaten me? :think:
I'm not gay, and if I were, it still wouldn't be a threat.

I don't recruit, I have 98% of humanity in my camp. :D


New member
What causes homosexual desires?

If homosexual impulses are not inherited,
why would sexual orientation not be inborn?

what kinds of influences do cause strong homosexual desires? No one answer is acceptable to all researchers in the field. Important factors, however, seem to fall into four categories. As with so many other odd sexual proclivities, males appear especially susceptible:
what researchers?

1. Homosexual experience:
•any homosexual experience in childhood, especially if it is a first sexual experience or with an adult
except there is the pesky fact that the vast majority of gays have no history of childhood sexual abuse.
Bietchman, H.H., Zucker, K.J., Hood, j. E. DaCosta, G.A. and Akman, D. 1992 A review of the long term effects of child sexual abuse. J of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Doll. L.S. et al. 2002 Self-reported childhood and adolescent sexual abuse among adult homosexual and bisexual men J of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Lenderking, W.R et al. 1997 Childhood Sexual Abuse Among Homosexual Men. J of gen internal Medicine
Perada, N. et al. 2009 The prevalence of child sexual abuse in community and student samples. Clin Psy Review

•any homosexual contact with an adult, particularly with a relative or authority figure (in a random survey, 5% of adult homosexuals vs 0.8% of heterosexuals reported childhood sexual involvements with elementary or secondary school teachers (5).
a "random survey" conducted by Paul Cameron, a man tossed out of the APA for fabricating research data...in fact this claim was from the very study that he was found to have faked

2. Family abnormality, including the following:
•a dominant, possessive, or rejecting mother
•an absent, distant, or rejecting father
•a parent with homosexual proclivities, particularly one who molests a child of the same sex
•a sibling with homosexual tendencies, particularly one who molests a brother or sister
•the lack of a religious home environment
•divorce, which often leads to sexual problems for both the children and the adults
•parents who model unconventional sex roles
•condoning homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle– welcoming homosexuals (e.g., co-workers, friends) into the family circle
and the evidence for any of this? well there isn't any

3. Unusual sexual experience, particularly in early childhood:
•precocious or excessive masturbation
•exposure to pornography in childhood
•depersonalized sex (e.g., group sex, sex with animals)
•or girls, sexual interaction with adult males
again no evidence

4. Cultural influences:
•a visible and socially approved homosexual sub-culture that invites curiosity and encourages exploration
•pro-homosexual sex education
zero evidence

•openly homosexual authority figures, such as teachers (4% of Kinsey's and 4% of FRI's gays reported that their first homosexual experience was with a teacher)
again from Cameron's fake study

maybe we should discuss what causes people to make false claims about homosexuality


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
We don't know much about Vicky Beeching's childhood, but we do know that exposure to pornography was "damaging to [her] identity".

Then it might be highly dishonest to presume or imply that anything permanently damaging did happen simply because it suits your particular confirmation bias.

We know very little about Vicky Beeching's childhood Al, but by her own words she was "damaged" by pornography.

Pornography damages men, women and children. It twists God's intention for human sexuality by turning it into something perverted.

Porn Harms

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you bothered to read the crude comments by perverts on her Twitter page that she attached in the article, one could understand why she's put off by men.

There is no shortage of nutters or rude people out there aCW I notice , but no doubt you have given them all your full attention.

Undoubtedly Vicky Beeching was exposed to these perverts throughout her childhood as well. She needs to accept Jesus Christ into her life and drop the "Gay Christian" identity that she has.


New member
@Tracer Bullet:

Seriously, though, we can't just take SPLC's word for it.
Where is evidence that Cameron's data is fabricated?
Have you checked it out?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What causes homosexual desires?

If homosexual impulses are not inherited,

why would sexual orientation not be inborn?

As seen throughout this 3 part thread, thousands of people have left the homosexual lifestyle behind, and often times homosexual desires as well.

Why are homosexuals so threatened that people leave homosexual desires behind Traci?


I don't know who "Aaron" is, Karl. :confused:
If you are thinking I'm some former poster returned, you're quite badly mistaken. (Is TOL so lax that they cannot weed out multiple accounts? :nono: )

How could Sterling threaten me? :think:
I'm not gay, and if I were, it still wouldn't be a threat.

I don't recruit, I have 98% of humanity in my camp. :D

Answer this post please.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So what is the "problem" with law enforcement Aaron? Is it a "problem" that they're enforcing the law and often times have to kill in self defense (as in the cases of Mumia Abu Jamal and (Saint) Michael Brown), or it is a "problem" that homosexual movement has infiltrated government and legislated laws that change Judeo-Christian doctrine?


@Tracer Bullet:

Seriously, though, we can't just take SPLC's word for it.
Where is evidence that Cameron's data is fabricated?
Have you checked it out?

Please don't pretend that you're not an ally of homosexualist Tracerbullet Aaron, it's insulting to me and to those that have been following the thread.


New member
Please don't pretend that you're not an ally of homosexualist Tracerbullet Aaron, it's insulting to me and to those that have been following the thread.
You are a paranoid, deluded person. Ask Tracerbullet how we get along on other threads. For the last time: I DO NOT KNOW WHO AARON IS.


New member
Answer this post please.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So what is the "problem" with law enforcement Aaron? Is it a "problem" that they're enforcing the law and often times have to kill in self defense (as in the cases of Mumia Abu Jamal and (Saint) Michael Brown), or it is a "problem" that homosexual movement has infiltrated government and legislated laws that change Judeo-Christian doctrine?
Mainly the latter, although I won't condone unnecessary violence or killing. (I am too neutral to make a Saint out of anyone, by the way, whether Mumia or Michael or etc.) :chuckle:

If you want to be a true Christian, you are going to have to learn to take (or at least present) a softer approach. You want to be a zealot and full of righteous anger, and that is very Old Testament, but I'm afraid it's not akin to Christian humility. Your stance would be more welcome among Muslims.

PS: I will not answer to 'Aaron' anymore as I don't know who he is. I looked him up and he never even posted, only lurked--quite the opposite to yours truly -
How can you even be paranoid about a guy who never posted and never had a dialog with you??? :think:

who is that guy leading the police???:idunno:


And what do you think about Gay Bath Houses trying to reach out for more customers :think:

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New member
We know very little about Vicky Beeching's childhood Al, but by her own words she was "damaged" by pornography.

Pornography damages men, women and children. It twists God's intention for human sexuality by turning it into something perverted.
Quit projecting aCW, there is no reason at all that someone reasonably sane and intelligent can't on one hand find something insulting or objectionable as no doubt she did while on the other remain unharmed sane and intelligent.
Clearly imo unlike straight females who might quite easily disregard "Lads Mags" she was simply drawn to such images in the same way that straight men are. But unlike straight men however, who would think it quite normal and pleasant, VB being gay didn't want to accept that fact at the time and therefore bitterly resented seeing them.
This in fact shows exactly what you don't want it to show aCW, that VB was already gay well before seeing any such images and at the time actually resented her own innate homosexuality not any "top shelf" or "Lad's Mags" publications.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you bothered to read the crude comments by perverts on her Twitter page that she attached in the article, one could understand why she's put off by men.

Undoubtedly Vicky Beeching was exposed to these perverts throughout her childhood as well. She needs to accept Jesus Christ into her life and drop the "Gay Christian" identity that she has.
It seems that she has been a Christian and a gay person all her conscious life aCW, so I think you should simply accept it just as she now has.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Please don't pretend that you're not an ally of homosexualist Tracerbullet Aaron, it's insulting to me and to those that have been following the thread.

Considering most people who read this blog thread think you're a nut then the only one likely to have his *intelligence* insulted is you.

And you think GFR7 is Wizard Of Oz?! You really are a head case. Wiz wouldn't need to invent a sock account to address your ongoing lunacy dingbat. He's shown you up a myriad times on here as it is. What happened, you get a Serpentdove brain melt or something? Rumour has it that Kmo and Letsargue are one and the same though...

Your picnic basket is missing a whole bunch of sandwiches isn't it?



New member
Considering most people who read this blog thread think you're a nut then the only one likely to have his *intelligence* insulted is you.

And you think GFR7 is Wizard Of Oz?! You really are a head case. Wiz wouldn't need to invent a sock account to address your ongoing lunacy dingbat. He's shown you up a myriad times on here as it is. What happened, you get a Serpentdove brain melt or something? Rumour has it that Kmo and Letsargue are one and the same though...

Your picnic basket is missing a whole bunch of sandwiches isn't it?

Thanks kindly for the defense. The other day, I actually went back and quoted Wizard because I found some posts in which he was angrily defending himself against the same falsehoods at the hands of aCW as I do. I certainly would not have done that if I were only a sock puppet of him. (does aCW believe him to be stupid as well as dishonest? :think: )

In any case , aCW is free to imagine I am everything but what he OUGHT to truly suspect I am : An honest person voicing what I actually believe and have really experienced. NOT complicated enough for a conspiracy theorist like aCW, apparently. :chuckle:
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