Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I notice quite often how those who promote perversion have a way of finding depravity in wholesome things.

Stop being a moron, a dufus, a dork, a retard, and a first class idiot.

(I feelz the love).

In the post in question: Uberpad and I were deliberately trying to get under your skin. It worked.

I love it when you boyz fly your rainbow colors.

You have sodomy on the mind more than anyone.

I wasn't the one that took a biblically based television western and turned it into something filthy.

If you were not so busy falsely accusing me of sociopathy or psychopathy - which is a LIE; I wish I could victor like those types do, without conscience bogging me down - you would understand (as Musterion does) that I see fully the juncture we have reached, that the "revolution" went by long ago, and that a reversal is on the horizen.

If you want to tar me with the same brush as Dan Savage - whom I scorn and he and I both know full well that we are antipodes - then do so. It is a lie.

BUT. PLEASE. STOP. BEING. A. DORK. a retard, a moron, and a jackass!!!!!

Let all of that anger and hatred out GFR7, let it out....


New member
But Al, think of Al those deaths that we're responsible for because of that that that "Book" that tells us about sinful behavior and repentance. Surely we who believe in that that that "Book" should have to pay for the injustices that we've brought to society?
Naaa you can't blame a book aCW, you can read all kinds of daft nonsense in a book without having to actually believe it and then feel obliged to act on it. Not unless you are a complete mindless moron and hypocrite of course.

I've shown that people who don't goosestep to your LGBTQueer agenda are being forced to go through "sensitivity training" so that they can be more in tune with perversion.
Would they be poor persecuted fundie Christians by any chance, my heart bleeds aCW. :(

How about those of us that will refuse such indoctrination, jail time?
It would at least make them feel properly persecuted and keep them off the streets as they whinge and gnash their teeth.
But lobster dinners might be off the menu for a while. :think:


New member
I love it when you boyz fly your rainbow colors.
We knew that; that's why we kept upping the ante. Too bad Ubie got banned. :nono:

I wasn't the one that took a biblically based television western and turned it into something filthy.
Because it involved a child, I apologize unreservedly. I was just trying to impress ol' Ubie-dubie. :nono:

Let all of that anger and hatred out GFR7, let it out....
Sadly, in this case I am fettered: Increase of appetite grows on what it feeds on. :nono:


The distaste for gay sex seems like a purity issue. Jesus was socially promiscuous and I don't believe he left any of the "undesirables" outside the gates of the cities. He was unafraid to accept the corrupt and the unclean.

In fact, in the parable of the leaven any first-century Jew knew full well that leaven was a symbol of uncleanliness and corruption.

And Pliny the Elder, a naturalist and biologist, tells us that the mustard plant (the parable of the mustard seed) was a noxious weed that could easily grow and choke out the good crops from a farmer's garden.

The idea of help from God coming from a Samaritan was an outrageous notion to Jesus' listeners. Imagine today if the original bite of that story was preserved and he would tell the Parable of the Sweaty, AIDs-affected homosexual.

Jesus saw God in those things we consider to be unclean.

If you want to turn Jesus Christ into some lover of sodomy, you're not the first to try and do so.

Professor Robert Gagnon deals with your kind daily; if you wish to refute his expertise on the subject, have at it.

Jesus, Scripture, and the Myth of New Knowledge Arguments about Homosexual Unions

Check out the 16:20, 27:20, 30:10 and 31:45 marks on the video for specific references to Jesus Christ for a start.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But Al, think of Al those deaths that we're responsible for because of that that that "Book" that tells us about sinful behavior and repentance. Surely we who believe in that that that "Book" should have to pay for the injustices that we've brought to society?

Naaa you can't blame a book aCW, you can read all kinds of daft nonsense in a book without having to actually believe it and then feel obliged to act on it. Not unless you are a complete mindless moron and hypocrite of course.

So telling a disease ridden-alcohol/drug addicted-morally lost person that God has the answer to his or her pathetic life is "daft nonsense" Al?
So it's wrong to be a bigot or is it only wrong to be bigoted against some Christians?
We can apparently innately be born with a specific moral code but being born innately gay is perhaps quite another matter, right? :plain:
Recognize when you're being a bigot, no matter who's the object of your derision.


If you want to turn Jesus Christ into some lover of sodomy, you're not the first to try and do so.

Professor Robert Gagnon deals with your kind daily; if you wish to refute his expertise on the subject, have at it.

Jesus, Scripture, and the Myth of New Knowledge Arguments about Homosexual Unions

Check out the 16:20, 27:20, 30:10 and 31:45 marks on the video for specific references to Jesus Christ for a start.

I want to re-acquaint people with the actual historical figure of Jesus who taught that God can be found in corruption and the unclean as well as those who believe their hearts are pure.

I have no business in "refuting" anyone, including you. I live in the same world you live in (although my lens of vision is a different prescription than you have).

All I want to do--all I have ever done--is to get smart, stay curious (not "bi-curious"!), read and learn all I can and try to treat others the way I believe Jesus did.

For me, he is the standard of my life and the "norm" of the Bible.
Before you ask me "Who's this norm" I would try a different level of Bible Study.

I think we get too far from morality and ethics when we just figure to be a Christian means that we merely give our assent to ancient theological formulations like "Jesus died for our sins."

How convenient is this version of Christianity. Just believe these phrases however you can and not suffer the slightest urge to change one's behavior toward ourselves and others.

No thank you.


I want to re-acquaint people with the actual historical figure of Jesus who taught that God can be found in corruption and the unclean as well as those who believe their hearts are pure.

I have no business in "refuting" anyone, including you. I live in the same world you live in (although my lens of vision is a different prescription than you have).

All I want to do--all I have ever done--is to get smart, stay curious (not "bi-curious"!), read and learn all I can and try to treat others the way I believe Jesus did.

For me, he is the standard of my life and the "norm" of the Bible.
Before you ask me "Who's this norm" I would try a different level of Bible Study.

I think we get too far from morality and ethics when we just figure to be a Christian means that we merely give our assent to ancient theological formulations like "Jesus died for our sins."

How convenient is this version of Christianity. Just believe these phrases however you can and not suffer the slightest urge to change one's behavior toward ourselves and others.

No thank you.

I've shared this article by Selwyn Duke in this 3 part thread at least a couple of times, and will share it once more for morally confused people like you:

Why many American Christians really are un-Christian

...if I thought religion was just a fancy name for opinion, I'd become a hedonist — or at least a Unitarian...

Let us be blunt: It is simply not possible to espouse relativism — which holds that right and wrong are opinion — and be a true Christian.

Why? It's simple: Jesus did not die for our opinions. Jesus did not say that His blood was the blood of the new and everlasting covenant and that it would be shed for you and for all so that opinions may be forgiven; He did not say, I am a way, a truth, and a life; He did not say, let he who is without opinion cast the first stone; He did not say to that dark tempter, "It is said, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God,'" but, hey, Satan, whatever works for you.

There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it's the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital "T," that it is absolute, universal and eternal. And also central is a corollary of this belief: that there is an absolute, universal and eternal answer to every moral question; that right and wrong are not a matter of opinion, that they don't change from time to time and place to place...

In fact, understand that moral relativism does nothing less than render the foundational act of Christianity, the sacrifice on the cross, incomprehensible. Why? Simply because Jesus died for our sins, and this presupposes that sin exists. However, if what we call morality is simply opinion, then there can be no such thing as sin. For who is to say? "Hey, I have my truth, you have your truth. Don't impose your values on me!" protests the relativist. And if there is no such thing as sin, there was no reason for Jesus to sacrifice himself. After all, what does anyone need to be forgiven for if there is no sin?...

Through his embrace of relativism modern man has made Christianity incomprehensible. He has made philosophy incomprehensible. He has, in fact, made civilization itself incomprehensible. For, if there is no right or wrong, it can be no better than barbarism.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/duke/100301


Please share the above article with little Mattie Vines the next time you see him aikido7.


I've linked this great article by Bob Enyart before where he's having a debate* with the Queen of Denial Wayne Besen.

*If you want to call making a homosexual activist look like the pathetic fool that he is a "debate".

I especially enjoyed the update entitled

- Hatred for Duggars vs. Tolerance of Pedophiles,

because as we've seen in this thread, like Wayne Besen, homosexualists are very tolerant of pedophilia/pederasty.

* Queen of Denial: Wayne Besen discounted the widespread tolerance and even promotion of pedophilia among leading homosexuals and organizations. For example, Besen said that only the most fringe homosexuals tolerated sex with kids. Yet Bob Enyart asked Besen if he has ever heard of the following mainstream homosexual publications and leaders who have defended pedophila.
- Out magazine and Harvey Milk: Damien Martin, the head of New York City's homosexual Harvey Milk High School was quoted positively by Jesse Green in a leading homosexual publication, Out magazine, saying, "No kid has ever been hurt by [oral sex]".
- Allen Ginsburg: The homosexual yet nationally-acclaimed poet became a member of and defended the pedophile group NAMBLA. Yet his accolades include being honored honored by Boulder, Colorado which annually gave him the key to the city.
- The Advocate: This popular homosexual magazine published Carl Maves asking, "How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience - one that initiated them into their sexuality - if it weren't for so-called molestation?" in their article despicably titled "Getting Over It." (Perhaps Besen would also remember the "Recruit, Recruit, Recruit" article about kids also puublished in The Advocate.)
- Alyson Publications, Daddy's Roommate, Heather's Mommies and Paedophilia: Initally, although it canceled the Bob Enyart Live account because of our "homophobia", Amazon.com was selling the Alyson book Paedophilia that advocated sex with children. When he insisted that only the gay fringe tolerated sex with children, Bob asked Wayne Besen if he had heard of Alyson Publications of Boston, a leading homosexual publisher. Yes, Besen had heard of the publishers of, among hundreds of titles, the infamous and pro-homosexual kids books, Heather has Two Mommies, Daddy's Roommate, and Gloria Goes to Gay Pride. But when Enyart asked Wayne Besen to condemn Alyson for publishing Paedophilia: The Radical Case, with 300 pages of why and how to have sex with even preteen boys, Besen himself refused!
So, this leader of the homosexual community has never met a homosexual who tolerated the promotion of sex with children, yet if he looked in the mirror, he would find his true self, in rebellion against Jesus Christ who made us male and female. Besen denied all this. (More on gay tolerance of Pedophilia below.)




New member
* Queen of Denial: Wayne Besen discounted the widespread tolerance and even promotion of pedophilia among leading homosexuals and organizations. For example, Besen said that only the most fringe homosexuals tolerated sex with kids. Yet Bob Enyart asked Besen if he has ever heard of the following mainstream homosexual publications and leaders who have defended pedophila.
- Out magazine and Harvey Milk: Damien Martin, the head of New York City's homosexual Harvey Milk High School was quoted positively by Jesse Green in a leading homosexual publication, Out magazine, saying, "No kid has ever been hurt by [oral sex]".
Isn't it interesting how those attacking gays never put up the whole quote.


Hey Karl aka aCW:

Just saw your crappy, girlie, Junior High school attempt to make Musterion think badly of me (are you still in seventh grade??? :think: )

Here is my response, you jerk: :mock: ...

About you working for the campaign of serial adulterer/rapist Bill Clinton. I bet that you thought that he was a good family man along with being a social conservative when you helped elect him President?

BTW, what is the meaning of "is"?



New member
About you working for the campaign of serial adulterer/rapist Bill Clinton. I bet that you thought that he was a good family man along with being a social conservative when you helped elect him President?

BTW, what is the meaning of "is"?

No, I had presidential press passes and covered his New Jersey appearances when he was President. But don't like him, never really did.....
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