Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
On a side note Al:

I see that you recently were reported for a TOL policy violation.

Are you badgering TOL'ers for baby sitting jobs again Al?
No, Stripe reported me asking for me to be banned so I simply returned the favour. I'm sure you'd miss me at least if I was banned. :)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
On a side note Al:

I see that you recently were reported for a TOL policy violation.

Are you badgering TOL'ers for baby sitting jobs again Al?

No, Stripe reported me asking for me to be banned so I simply returned the favour. I'm sure you'd miss me at least if I was banned. :)

You have been a loyal defender of the sodomite movement Al (but somehow I get the feeling that the thread would continue without you).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet Art conveniently ignored this recent post talking about how these supposed "protected children" are exposed to all kinds of moral depravity at 'gay' pride parades and homosexual festivals.


I didn't ignore it at all doofus. It's illegal over here for adults to publicly expose themselves in front of children.

Oh but it gets better when I show how laws on the books in every state, county and city that "protect children" (CDOM: Contributing to the Deliquency of a Minor) are completely ignored when it comes to the LGBTQueer movement.

Back with that post later.

What do you actually care? It's illegal for adults to prey on 15 year old girls over here and those caught and prosecuted get lobbed in jail and put on the sex offenders register, yet you don't care about that.


New member
You have been a loyal defender of the sodomite movement Al (but somehow I get the feeling that the thread would continue without you).
Unlike you aCW I have absolutely no interest in what other people may be doing with all those various body parts that you seem to think must never be exposed.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not sure where you are from and I don't think it needs to be said, but I will anyway, it is also illegal in the US.

I'm from the UK and I did think it was the same in the US, so I'm not sure what aCW is banging on about really. Then again I don't think he was born on this planet anyway...


Well-known member
So you wouldn't recommend something you know nothing about?

On the contrary, I've met many people who have been through 'reparitive therapy'. Some say it helped, to which I say good for them, I'm happy for them. Some it didn't help, even though they desperately wanted to change and become 'straight'. I feel that reparative therapy puts too much focus on ourselves and our sin, and takes too much focus away from Jesus.

Wouldn't it be nice if it were up to the parents of children who are struggling with same sex desires and gender identity confusion in states like CA and New Jersey? Unfortunately parental rights have been taken away in those and other states and as I mentioned in a previous post, it may very well become a federal ban.

Unless those children want to change, I fear it's a fruitless exercise to put them through 'reparative therapy'. If a smoker doesn't wish to stop smoking, what would be the point in sending them to stop smoking classes? If an alcoholic wants to keep drinking, you can send them to all the AA meetings they want but they will still keep drinking.

Added to that, supposing one does send their child on such a course, the child desperately wants to change but experiences no such change. What then? I fear it will only damage them further, and may well damage their faith in God too if they have such a faith.

Yes, as shown in many of the testimonies by Ex-homosexuals in the Gay Christian Movement Watch link that I provided, spirituality is a key factor, but how about those people who just simply want to rid themselves of same sex desires, can't they be helped through psychological means that have been proven to work?

As I said, if someone chooses to go to such therapy, I have no issue with that. It's entirely up to them.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet Art conveniently ignored this recent post talking about how these supposed "protected children" are exposed to all kinds of moral depravity at 'gay' pride parades and homosexual festivals.


I didn't ignore it at all doofus. It's illegal over here for adults to publicly expose themselves in front of children.

You be sure to let the mayor of London know that Art.

Boris Johnson meets nude revellers at Gay Pride

July 6, 2010

Uninhibited revellers got up close to London mayor, Boris Johnson, on Saturday as the UK capital celebrated Gay Pride.

Partygoers dressed in radiant colours - and some decked out in very little at all - had their chance to see the mayor as he kicked off the event.

Undaunted by the attention, Boris marched alongside other politicians in the parade which ran from Baker Street to Trafalgar Square where they participated in cultural events and listened to speeches.

An estimated one million people attended the celebrations on the streets of central London.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you wouldn't recommend something you know nothing about?

On the contrary, I've met many people who have been through 'reparitive therapy'. Some say it helped, to which I say good for them, I'm happy for them. Some it didn't help, even though they desperately wanted to change and become 'straight'. I feel that reparative therapy puts too much focus on ourselves and our sin, and takes too much focus away from Jesus.

How about we applaud those "some [who] say it helped" in their conversion from homosexuality to a normal healthy lifestyle and treat them as we do all other unbelievers and share the gospel with them?

Wouldn't it be nice if it were up to the parents of children who are struggling with same sex desires and gender identity confusion in states like CA and New Jersey? Unfortunately parental rights have been taken away in those and other states and as I mentioned in a previous post, it may very well become a federal ban.

Unless those children want to change, I fear it's a fruitless exercise to put them through 'reparative therapy'.

I think you'll find that when you marry and father children Pete that 12 year old children rarely know what's best for them.

If a smoker doesn't wish to stop smoking, what would be the point in sending them to stop smoking classes? If an alcoholic wants to keep drinking, you can send them to all the AA meetings they want but they will still keep drinking.

Yet there are court ordered therapies for alcoholics and drug addicts who don't want to change.

Added to that, supposing one does send their child on such a course, the child desperately wants to change but experiences no such change. What then? I fear it will only damage them further, and may well damage their faith in God too if they have such a faith.

The alternative is death. Which is better, to fail at something and try again until you succeed, or give into immoral thoughts and behaviors?

Yes, as shown in many of the testimonies by Ex-homosexuals in the Gay Christian Movement Watch link that I provided, spirituality is a key factor, but how about those people who just simply want to rid themselves of same sex desires, can't they be helped through psychological means that have been proven to work?

As I said, if someone chooses to go to such therapy, I have no issue with that. It's entirely up to them.

We're currently talking about LGBTQueer legislation that has taken away parental rights to seek legitimate help for their sexually/gender confused child.

Contrary to what Art Brain and homosexual activists like Dan Savage and the UK's Christian Jessen think, it's not up to a child to decide what's best for them.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
What part of organized pedophila do you not understand?

Since when is a Libertarian who throughout a good part of Part 2's thread promoted "consensual relations" and who wrote these words about indecent exposer justified in condemning a fellow secular humanist?


I might somewhat modify the comment I made in that link. But, my comment was based on Christian libertarian principles, which are very differently defended philosophically than secular libertarianism.

Sure I can. One is illegal and the other one isn't. There is no skepticism there.

Killing Jews was "legal" in Nazi Germany. What's your point? Sometimes laws are wicked. Maybe the law is right here, but you have to actually philosophically defend that, you can't just automatically assume that the law is right.

The thing is, without a transcendent standard for morality, you can't even consistently condemn Hitler, let alone a Christian government that decided to ban homosexuality based on Biblical principles.

The real point I'm trying to get at here is not whether homosexual contact should be criminalized. I recently changed my stance on that, but in the grand scheme of things, that isn't the major issue at hand. The major issue at hand is how you philosophically justify the very concept of morals.

That is how it is. I can condemn a Christian government which represses homosexuality because I do not see sexual orientation as a choice.

Why is it wrong for governments to punish people for things that aren't a choice?

Why is it wrong for governments to acknowledge that ORIENTATION might not be a choice but nonetheless punish physical homosexual acts anyway? After all, some people feel a disposition toward anger, but certain ways of expressing that anger (murder, assault, etc.) are justly criminalized by almost all governments. Some people feel a disposition toward lust, but you would agree that at least some forms of acting out lust are rightly criminal (rape, pedophilia, etc.). Where's your objective basis for such moral distinctions?

I can condemn a secular government which permits pedophilia because minors are below the age of consent.

Why is it wrong to have sex with people who are too young to consent? Without a transcendent standard, that's just your opinion.

[To clarify for any really stupid people who aren't paying attention, I am not suggesting that pedophilia is OK. I'm exposing the flaws in secular defenses of morality.]
Thankfully, this country upholds both of these things. Being a homosexual isn't a crime and sexually advancing on a minor is.

I don't think its a good thing that homosexual perversion is tolerated. Why am I wrong?

Fixed that for ya.

Do me a favor Que: Christian Liberty, aka the Jr. Libertarian is a consensual moralist like yourself. Don't encourage the troll by acting like he's some kind of Christian who acknowledges God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture, because (as seen throughout Part 2's table of contents) he doesn't,.

I do. You don't.


On the contrary, I've met many people who have been through 'reparitive therapy'. Some say it helped, to which I say good for them, I'm happy for them.

Would you do me a big favor Pete and share what exactly went on in these reparative therapy sessions that your friends went through?

While I'm going to do a detailed segment on it (which involves extensive research), I don't want these horror stories that people like Art Brain and TracerBullet are putting out to continue.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since when is a Libertarian who throughout a good part of Part 2's thread promoted "consensual relations" and who wrote these words about indecent exposer justified in condemning a fellow secular humanist?

Quote: Originally posted by Christian Liberty:

As disgusting as it is, no I don't think exposing one's genitals in the presence of children is just cause to lock them up, as immoral as it is. It isn't actually a physical threat. Spiritual threats can be avoided other ways.

I might somewhat modify the comment I made in that link.

A different day, a different moral stance.

But, my comment was based on Christian libertarian principles, which are very differently defended philosophically than secular libertarianism.

The term "Christian Libertarian" is an oxymoron. I've exposed the "Christian Libertarian" movement in Part 2. This is just one post that exposes "Christian Libertarianism" :

Originally Posted by noguru
It never left, ACW. I have weathered the immorality of the world quite well exactly because of that solid moral foundation. Fortunately I understand that immorality can rear its ugly head even with people such as yourself, who in trying to force that morality on others, cut corners and as a result sacrifice their own integrity for only the appearance of compliance in society. Your rejection of libertarian policy is without warrant. Though you will never admit that.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I doubt that you were a pro abortion, pro homosexual, pro recreational drugs, pro prostitution Libertarian all of your life. Somewhere along the way you turned from God's ways, if you were ever there to begin with.

Like many Libertarians that call themselves "Christian", you're only concerned with your lifestyle and obvioulsy couldn't care less about the pain and misery immoral lifestyles and unjust laws bring to individuals and society as a whole.
I've covered Romans 13:4 ad nauseum in the thread linked below, so I'm not going to go over it again in this one.

http://www.theologyonline.com/forums...rtarian+option ("No Libertarian Option?" thread now defunct).

Like all Libertarians, you lack compassion, and while I do feel sorry for you because of your selfish attitude towards life, that doesn't mean that I won't use every ounce of strength to defeat moral degenerates like you.

I couldn't help but notice this in your previous post:

Why is it wrong for governments to punish people for things that aren't a choice?

Why is it wrong for governments to acknowledge that ORIENTATION might not be a choice but nonetheless punish physical homosexual acts anyway? After all, some people feel a disposition toward anger, but certain ways of expressing that anger (murder, assault, etc.) are justly criminalized by almost all governments. Some people feel a disposition toward lust, but you would agree that at least some forms of acting out lust are rightly criminal (rape, pedophilia, etc.). Where's your objective basis for such moral distinctions?

Yet another "Christian" defending the 'gay' gene theory Jr.?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since when is a Libertarian who throughout a good part of Part 2's thread promoted "consensual relations" and who wrote these words about indecent exposer justified in condemning a fellow secular humanist?

Quote: Originally posted by Christian Liberty:

As disgusting as it is, no I don't think exposing one's genitals in the presence of children is just cause to lock them up, as immoral as it is. It isn't actually a physical threat. Spiritual threats can be avoided other ways.

A different day, a different moral stance.

The term "Christian Libertarian" is an oxymoron. I've exposed the "Christian Libertarian" movement in Part 2. This is just one post that exposes "Christian Libertarianism" :

Originally Posted by noguru
It never left, ACW. I have weathered the immorality of the world quite well exactly because of that solid moral foundation. Fortunately I understand that immorality can rear its ugly head even with people such as yourself, who in trying to force that morality on others, cut corners and as a result sacrifice their own integrity for only the appearance of compliance in society. Your rejection of libertarian policy is without warrant. Though you will never admit that.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I doubt that you were a pro abortion, pro homosexual, pro recreational drugs, pro prostitution Libertarian all of your life. Somewhere along the way you turned from God's ways, if you were ever there to begin with.

Like many Libertarians that call themselves "Christian", you're only concerned with your lifestyle and obvioulsy couldn't care less about the pain and misery immoral lifestyles and unjust laws bring to individuals and society as a whole.
I've covered Romans 13:4 ad nauseum in the thread linked below, so I'm not going to go over it again in this one.

http://www.theologyonline.com/forums...rtarian+option ("No Libertarian Option?" thread now defunct).

Like all Libertarians, you lack compassion, and while I do feel sorry for you because of your selfish attitude towards life, that doesn't mean that I won't use every ounce of strength to defeat moral degenerates like you.

You don't understand the arguments at all, still.

I couldn't help but notice this in your previous post:

Yet another "Christian" defending the 'gay' gene theory Jr.?

Not so much "defending" it as not actually caring because its irrelevant to my argument. Please learn something about presuppositionalism before commenting further. I suspect that some people are born with a bent toward sexual perversion, as man is totally depraved after all, but that's no more an excuse for actually doing it than a man born with an anger problem has an excuse if he commits murder.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Like many Libertarians that call themselves "Christian", you're only concerned with your lifestyle and obvioulsy couldn't care less about the pain and misery immoral lifestyles and unjust laws bring to individuals and society as a whole.
I've covered Romans 13:4 ad nauseum in the thread linked below, so I'm not going to go over it again in this one.
http://www.theologyonline.com/forums...rtarian+option ("No Libertarian Option?" thread now defunct).

Like all Libertarians, you lack compassion, and while I do feel sorry for you because of your selfish attitude towards life,...

You don't understand the arguments at all, still.

Oh but I truly do want to understand what goes on in the mind of moral relativists that call themselves "Christian". Without posting a LoonieRockwell article (or have you tired of Rockwell's articles?), attempt to explain what the term "Christian Libertarianism" means.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet another "Christian" defending the 'gay' gene theory Jr.?

Not so much "defending" it as not actually caring because its irrelevant to my argument. Please learn something about presuppositionalism before commenting further.

Pre-determined, the same thing that LGBTQueer movement is saying about a supposed 'gay' gene: that our sexual desires are pre-determined.

I suspect that some people are born with a bent toward sexual perversion, as man is totally depraved after all, but that's no more an excuse for actually doing it than a man born with an anger problem has an excuse if he commits murder.

So much for man being made in God's Image ey Jr.?

Unlike you, I read the Bible and I continually try to refine my positions to be in greater conformity to it.

Obviously looking for verses that you can twist to make your case for immoral behavior.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You be sure to let the mayor of London know that Art.

Boris Johnson meets nude revellers at Gay Pride

July 6, 2010

Uninhibited revellers got up close to London mayor, Boris Johnson, on Saturday as the UK capital celebrated Gay Pride.

Partygoers dressed in radiant colours - and some decked out in very little at all - had their chance to see the mayor as he kicked off the event.

Undaunted by the attention, Boris marched alongside other politicians in the parade which ran from Baker Street to Trafalgar Square where they participated in cultural events and listened to speeches.

An estimated one million people attended the celebrations on the streets of central London.

You do of course realize that nude means wearing nothing at all right? It's not illegal to wear little clothing provided genitalia isn't exposed.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Contrary to what Art Brain and homosexual activists like Dan Savage and the UK's Christian Jessen think, it's not up to a child to decide what's best for them.

Which isn't what I've argued anyway so why you lie about this is once again anyone's guess. What I have said is that children should not be forced to go into such "therapy" centres where humiliating and abhorrent techniques are practiced.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You be sure to let the mayor of London know that Art.

Boris Johnson meets nude revellers at Gay Pride

You do of course realize that nude means wearing nothing at all right? It's not illegal to wear little clothing provided genitalia isn't exposed.

And here I thought that the term "nude revellers" meant...

"nude revellers".

I was reviewing Pete's award winning post about the London Pride Parade. Perhaps he could tell us if he saw any nudity and any children at the million + person parade.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Contrary to what Art Brain and homosexual activists like Dan Savage and the UK's Christian Jessen think, it's not up to a child to decide what's best for them.

Which isn't what I've argued anyway so why you lie about this is once again anyone's guess. What I have said is that children should not be forced to go into such "therapy" centres where humiliating and abhorrent techniques are practiced.

(Because Art Brain, Dan Savage and Christian Jessen know what's best for sexually confused children than do their own parents).

Once again you're taking the word of a homosexual activist (Christian Jessen) as to what goes on in various "therapy" centers, as you didn't...ahem...attend one yourself.

Note how Pete stated that he knows people that were helped by them.

Originally Posted by lovemeorhateme
... I've met many people who have been through 'reparitive therapy'. Some say it helped,...

Doesn't that just eat you up inside that other people are being helped to leave homosexual behavior and often times desires behind Art?
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