Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Don't take me cerealisly....

I don't because your post had absolutely nothing to do with the punishment phase for people who break God's laws.

As I'd shown in previous posts where I linked these two articles:

"Jesus came to fulfill the law or Torah, not to destroy or abolish it (Matthew 5:17). He fulfills it in at least three ways, but the one we look at here takes away the law’s severe punishments. This benefits all of society, especially today.

Jesus fulfills the law by taking on himself the penalty for our sins. The Torah is filled with specific punishments for specific sins, but his death on the cross satisfies and propitiates divine wrath that is directed at our sins—this is the Christian doctrine of the atonement. It is for this reason that a Christian could never give up this doctrine and must totally reject Muhammad’s odd view that Christ never died on the cross (Sura 4:157). (For more information on Muhammad’s odd claim, see these articles, 1, 2.) Muhammad’s belief is completely misguided. Christ’s death is God’s gift to us. We are saved and on our way to heaven, not based on our own works, but on Christ’s good work on the cross. Therefore, those who trust in Christ do not have to pay the penalty for their sins.

It is therefore certain that homosexuals should not be put to death for their sins. The entire sweep of the New Testament says that all sexual sins begin in the heart and can only be healed in the heart, by transforming it. This is why Jesus and the inspired New Testament authors write often about the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18; 3:11; Luke 11:13; John 20:22). He lives in them to enable and empower them to walk in love, which fulfills the law (Matthew 23:37-40; Romans 13:10). In contrast, a major problem with the law of Muhammad is the distortion of the blessed doctrine of the Holy Spirit, who has been reduced to the archangel Gabriel in Islamic theology. According to this doctrine, Muslims do not enjoy the Holy Spirit living in them in the way described by Jesus Christ and the New Testament, so they have to fulfill the old-new law of Muhammad by their own efforts.

This may be a major factor as to why Muhammad reinstituted the punishments found in the Torah. Being merely a human messenger (Sura 3:144), he could not send the Holy Spirit into the hearts of people so that they could be changed from the inside out. On the other hand, as the eternal Son of God, Jesus does in fact send the Holy Spirit into the hearts of all those who ask for him, and now they have living in them the power to be changed from the inside out."

"First of all, there are divisions within the Old Testament Law that are important. Basically, it is categorized into three main sections: Civil, Ceremonial, and Moral. Let's take a quick look.
1.Civil--Expired with the demise of the Jewish civil government1.Justice practices (Exodus 21:12-36; Lev. 24:17-23)
2.Law of property redemption (Lev. 25)
3.Property rights (Exodus 22:1-15)
4.Be just with the poor, (Lev. 19:15)
5.Do not hate in your heart (Lev. 19:17)
6.Retain just scales in commerce (Lev. 19:35f)
7.Robbery, extortion, false witness, and restitution (Lev. 6:1-7)
8.Punishment of those who caused unwarranted death (Exodus 21:12-36)

2.Ceremonial--Expired with the fulfillment of priestly work of Christ (Matt. 3:15)1.Various sacrificial offerings for sin (Lev. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Num. 28:1-31).
2.Priestly duties (Lev. 7:1-37; Numbers 3:25-39; 18:1-7)
3.Laws on animals for food (Lev. 11:1-47)
4.Cleaning house of leper (Lev. 14:33-57)
5.Law of Atonement (Lev. 16:1-28;17:1-16)
6.Regulations for Priests (Lev. 21, 22)
7.Festivals (Lev. 23:1-25)

3.Moral--No Expiration because it is based on God's character. "You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy." (Lev. 19:2)1.Do not steal or lie (Exodus 20:15,16; Lev. 19:12; Deut. 5:19-20)
2.Do not oppress your neighbor (Lev. 19:13)
3.No idolatry (Exodus 20:4-6; Lev. 26:1-13; Deut. 5:8-10; 13:1-18)
4.Do not commit murder (Deut. 5:17)
5.Don't sacrifice children to Molech (Lev. 20:1-5)
6.Don't commit adultery, incest, bestiality, homosexuality, etc. (Exodus 20:14; Lev. 20:9-21; Deut. 5:18)
7.You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Lev. 19:18)

The civil aspect of the law is no longer in effect because these laws were intended for a theocratic system; that is, a system where God's morals were enforced by the government. But the ancient governmental system is not in effect. Furthermore, the agent purity laws were in place to keep the Messianic line pure, so that Jesus would be born, die on the cross, be resurrected, and provide redemption to God's people. Now that the Messiah has arrived and accomplished his sacrificial work, the harshness of the Old Testament law is not necessary.

So, we're not to execute homosexuals any more than we are to execute adulterers. However, their sins should never be promoted in society."


Jesus rescinded the penalty of death for certain acts (as well as allowing people to eat shellfish and wear blended materials) under the New Covenant.

Now run along and go gather some good throwing stones sd, as there must be a 12 year old boy that is engaging in homosexuality somewhere out there that needs to be taught a lesson that he'll never forget.


New member
Oh, this can't be true cuz we all know that Michael Jackson


Lawyers say Jacko paid $200M in hush money to ‘victims’

April 5, 2015

Wade Robson and James Safechuck may accomplish what countless prosecutors could not: prove in court that Michael Jackson was a serial child molester.

The purported victims must first overcome a major hurdle — both their legal claims were filed more than a year after the King of Pop’s 2009 death, missing the statutory deadline.

Robson, choreographer to Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, and Safechuck, who once appeared with Jacko in a Pepsi commercial, filed respective claims in 2013 and 2014 against Jackson’s estate for unspecified amounts in punitive damages.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, when he could decide whether they may proceed.

If they’re successful, Robson, 32, and Safechuck, 36, would have an advantage over previous cases. Thanks to discovery rules in civil cases, the duo would be able to introduce a wealth of evidence excluded from criminal proceedings — including, for the first time, how much Jackson paid alleged victims and their families.

Lawyers say the King of Pop shelled out nearly $200 million to as many as 20 victims.

Safechuck first met Jacko in 1987, when James was 8 years old. Safechuck will testify that Jacko repeatedly molested him a year later during a tour and that Jacko wrote a check for more than $1 million to Safechuck’s father, a sanitation worker.

Safechuck claims in court filings that Jacko held a secret wedding ceremony, with the young boy as his bride. He said the singer gave him a marriage certificate and a wedding band as keepsakes and confirmation of their “undying love.”
Read more: http://pagesix.com/2015/04/05/lawyers-say-jacko-paid-200m-in-hush-money-to-victims/


'Gay' icons remember Michael Jackson
And if that's true, then he's a criminal. :idunno:


New member
"First of all, there are divisions within the Old Testament Law that are important. Basically, it is categorized into three main sections: Civil, Ceremonial, and Moral.

I've never found any refernce in the bible about a division in the law. How about pointing out a chapter and verse that cites these civil, ceremonial and moral divisions.


New member
I've never found any refernce in the bible about a division in the law. How about pointing out a chapter and verse that cites these civil, ceremonial and moral divisions.
This differentiating between forms of the law is called tripartite division of the law and is rooted in Aquinas (I was an Aquinas scholar). But why do you ask this moron to explain himself and his deductions? He is not a critical thinker, he is unlearned, he cannot analyse, and therefore if you want to argue about some point such as this, ask me; you would do better.


Hall of Fame
But why do you ask this moron to explain himself and his deductions? He is not a critical thinker, he is unlearned, he cannot analyse, and therefore if you want to argue about some point such as this, ask me; you would do better.

And yet, day in and day out, you argue with someone you consider a *moron* and "not a critical thinker"?


New member
Good Al, because if you had a problem with that I just don't know if I could go on living.
It would indeed be a great loss to the world, were that to happen aCW. :rolleyes:

We've seen what happens when man doesn't acknowledge and follow God's "absolute moral values" :

Come on aCW what do you care if "abominations" are not taking safe sex seriously enough?
Of course you do realise that it's unsafe sex not homosexuals having sex that causes disease to spread, don't you?

As I recall the only two people that have admitted to engaging in homosexuality in this thread were the cross dressing drag queen Persephone66 (aka Chuck) whose boyfriend was in the process of getting genital mutilation surgery, and our beloved Mikey Cadry who...well, I'll leave Mikey alone as he still has problems.

What I'm getting at Al is that we need a few people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior to step forward and tell us that not all queers are like HRC founder and accused rapist/pederast Terry Bean and indoctrinate, groom and physically molest little boys.
I haven't actually checked but statistically I would guess that there are far more homosexuals around than molested children, while heterosexuals must surely account for a large number of those. Clearly then in the real world not all homosexuals do molest children, sorry if that doesn't quite fit with what goes on in your head.

We need a few people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior to step forward and tell us that not all queers are infected with HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis or other STD's which disproportionately are contracted by those who engage in homosex.

Now that would be "the honest thing to do" Al.
Michael may be away with the angels, but it seems you only want to stay and talk about the specific activities of individual gay people and what they do to remain disease free, why it's almost as if you'd rather talk to gay people? Perhaps you should come out and talk aCW, it might be a release?

Don't forget the other word that goes with liar Al:
I was thinking of "pants", as in "on fire".

And here for a second I thought that you didn't believe in The Resurrection.

It's a miracle!
No ordinary person could keep their whites so white after spending two nights in a dark and dusty tomb! :shocked:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
He's [Michael Jackson]dead and spending eternity where unrepentant homosexual pedophiles spend eternity...

Oh. If he volitionally did not believe in Our Lord, then sadly you're right.

I don't know who your Lord is, but the unconvicted pedophile didn't believe in mine.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

"First of all, there are divisions within the Old Testament Law that are important. Basically, it is categorized into three main sections: Civil, Ceremonial, and Moral."

I've never found any refernce in the bible about a division in the law. How about pointing out a chapter and verse that cites these civil, ceremonial and moral divisions.

You mean while thumbing through the Bible looking for anything that you could find to take out of context so that you can say that the Bible supports same sex relationships, you never saw any mention of Jewish divisions of the law?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
We've seen what happens when man doesn't acknowledge and follow God's "absolute moral values" : [misery, disease, early death]

Come on aCW what do you care if "abominations" are not taking safe sex seriously enough?

It's that "love thy neighbor as..." thing that Jesus said.

Of course you do realise that it's unsafe sex not homosexuals having sex that causes disease to spread, don't you?

Take it up with the CDC.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I recall the only two people that have admitted to engaging in homosexuality in this thread were the cross dressing drag queen Persephone66 (aka Chuck) whose boyfriend was in the process of getting genital mutilation surgery, and our beloved Mikey Cadry who...well, I'll leave Mikey alone as he still has problems.

What I'm getting at Al is that we need a few people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior to step forward and tell us that not all queers are like HRC founder and accused rapist/pederast Terry Bean and indoctrinate, groom and physically molest little boys.

I haven't actually checked but statistically I would guess that there are far more homosexuals around than molested children, while heterosexuals must surely account for a large number of those. Clearly then in the real world not all homosexuals do molest children, sorry if that doesn't quite fit with what goes on in your head.

Still too ashamed of your lifestyle to step forward and tell us that not all proud and unrepentant homosexuals indoctrinate/groom/physically molest children Al?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
We need a few people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior to step forward and tell us that not all queers are infected with HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis or other STD's which disproportionately are contracted by those who engage in homosex.

Now that would be "the honest thing to do" Al.

Michael may be away with the angels, but it seems you only want to stay and talk about the specific activities of individual gay people and what they do to remain disease free, why it's almost as if you'd rather talk to gay people? Perhaps you should come out and talk aCW, it might be a release?

I was so hoping that you'd tell the followers of this thread how you and what'shisname have been disease free for the minutes you've been an item because of the precautions you use (hand sanitizer before shaking hands).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And here for a second I thought that you didn't believe in The Resurrection.

It's a miracle!
No ordinary person could keep their whites so white after spending two nights in a dark and dusty tomb!

Speaking of faggots that mock Jesus: It's time to share the Hunky Jesus Contest once again.


Hunky Jesus Contest 2015, San Fransicko CA.

WARNING! Disease ridden moral degenerates at work!

Don't cha just love homosexual "culture"?

Welcome to the sick society we have become since homosexuality was decriminalized.


New member
It's that "love thy neighbor as..." thing that Jesus said.
Clearly that must make life rather difficult for you aCW, too bad.

Take it up with the CDC.
Why? Where do they say that safe sex is not safe?

Still too ashamed of your lifestyle to step forward and tell us that not all proud and unrepentant homosexuals indoctrinate/groom/physically molest children Al?
Quite clearly not all homosexuals are bad people and there is no shame at all in anyone being gay if that's what they are.

I was so hoping that you'd tell the followers of this thread how you and what'shisname have been disease free for the minutes you've been an item because of the precautions you use (hand sanitizer before shaking hands).
There's really no need to be jealous aCW, anyway you're not my type at all. :nono:

Speaking of faggots that mock Jesus: It's time to share the Hunky Jesus Contest once again.
Jesus wasn't being mocked and I'm not gay, do you ever get things right aCW?
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