Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
We all have libido. For most of us, that includes matrimonial desire. Matrimonial desire can be directed. How, is an open question, especially among non-Christians, but even among many if not most Christians.
"Matrimonial desire" isn't exactly how I'd put it unless you mean it to be a euphemism ;). I can remember my earliest "desires" but matrimony wasn't at all a necessary element.

Some people are happiest around children, watching children, talking with children. There's nothing to judge there. Children are beautiful creatures, as are women, as are men, and as are many other creatures God has made. Matrimonial desire is a beautiful thing also. As is the more general thing, libido. But it is not beautiful to direct or permit matrimonial desire in any direction other than toward our own validly wedded spouse.
It's sad in a way that children have to be so careful these days while most adults would never want to harm or molest children yet still have to steer clear anyway.
It seems to me that sexual desire is clearly no respecter of matrimony, we are simply evolved beings with many flaws and rough edges rather than sublime Godly creations. :plain:


New member
Before we go any further Mikey I DEMAND that you apologize to alwight the atheist who has stated many many times in this 3 part thread that he does not partake in buggery/same sex sodomy, and after that BEG for his forgiveness.
Thanks aCW but I really don't require your input on who should be apologising to me, perhaps least of all you. :IA:
Your silly attempts here to wind up Michael will I hope pass unheeded by him.

I suppose we could talk about how alwight defended pedophiles who (in his opinion) are "wired that way" if you like though.
Clearly we weren't all dealt an equal hand in life, we need to make the best of what we got is my view.
However, presumable then, you think that you could not only choose to be gay but also choose to be a paedophile? Really?
Seriously aCW I think your problem is that no matter how hard you try you just can't "choose" yourself straight.
You may like to think that you can choose to be straight but unfortunately our genetic makeup is rather unobliging it seems, our wiring is pretty permanent. :plain:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let me put it plain and simple so that even a pagan homosexualist like you can understand it:

The only people lying in this thread are the ones that defend homosexual behavior and the jackbooted thug LGBTQueer agenda, but don't have the courage to come out and admit that they are engaging in homosexual behavior themselves (God won't help those who won't admit that they need help Art).

Jesus died a horrific death so that even people like you, alwight, GFR7, zoo22 and WizardofOz could have eternal life. All you have to do is ask Him from deep down inside of your heart to forgive you.

Well no, you've lied yourself on this very thread and continue to imply the same innuendo that you've been guilty of throughout. The reasons why people "haven't had the courage to come out" are likely the same as my own, that being that we simply aren't homosexual.

It's hardly as though it would require any courage for anyone who was gay to admit it to you as you're nothing but an anonymous internet nut who has no power to do anything whatsoever to anyone - your delusions notwithstanding perhaps. You're a nobody.

OTOH you seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to bear false witness against others, lie and invent sleaze up so once again, how is that emulative of 'Christianity' and what justification do you have for doing so?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Where do you think all of those diseases that those who engage in homosexual behavior (HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. etc. etc) are contracted at Art?

STD's can be transmitted in a variety of ways, be it through hetero or homosexual activity. You do realize that many straight people live sexual lives outside of the monogamous realm of marriage right?

As shown throughout this 3 part thread it's because we have a very sick and morally lost culture that doesn't demand that these pathetic lost souls be helped by righteous legislation (which as shown, are still on the legislative books in 18 US States).

Or rather it's because most recognize the rights of people to a consensual private life whether gay or straight. :)

The reason laws against homosexuality are still on the legislative books in 18 states is because the people of those respective states have no desire to remove them.

Or to enforce them so they're pretty much empty laws regardless.

See my above response. But doesn't it make you feel good Art that those laws are still on the legislative books in 18 US States and that it's just a matter of getting some good leaders to get this country turned around so that those pathetic lost souls who engage in the absolutely filthy behavior known as homosexuality can once again get the help that they so desperately need?

Not gonna happen Connie. Any political candidate who talked about re-criminalizing homosexuality wouldn't have a cat in hell's chance of getting into office. Even if he tried to pass such a bill once elected it would have zero chance of coming about. That ship sailed a loooong time ago and even you must realize that.

So you do acknowledge that there is such a thing as the "gay agenda" and part of that agenda is to threaten people of faith (and even non-believers who speak out against homosexuality) into silence?

Oh there'll be a fringe element that would wish to do just that as there's nutters from all stripes but you're hardly under any sort of threat as nuts as you are yourself. I certainly wouldn't censor you as I reckon you should be allowed to display your obsessive nuttiness for all to see, the irony of which probably escapes you.



Speaking of Indiana:

$840K raised for Indiana pizzeria that backed religious law



WALKERTON, Ind. (AP) — A crowdfunding campaign for an Indiana pizzeria that came under fire after its owners said their religious beliefs wouldn't allow them to cater a gay wedding has raised more than $840,000.

Memories Pizza in Walkerton is closed indefinitely and its operators say they've gone into hiding.

But a gofundme.com site benefiting the restaurant had raised more than $842,000 by Saturday morning.

The restaurant about 20 miles southwest of South Bend faced criticism after co-owner Crystal O'Connor expressed support for Indiana's new religious objections law, which legislators tweaked this week to address concerns that it would allow discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The eatery's Facebook and Yelp pages have been bombarded with negative reviews, and a high school golf coach was suspended after a Twitter post mentioned burning down the restaurant.

Don't cha just love homosexual tolerance?

As seen with Chick-fil-A, people of faith are generous with their money in times like this. If only they were politically motivated to do something about the LGBTQueer agenda.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Before we go any further Mikey I DEMAND that you apologize to alwight the atheist who has stated many many times in this 3 part thread that he does not partake in buggery/same sex sodomy, and after that BEG for his forgiveness.

Thanks aCW but I really don't require your input on who should be apologising to me, perhaps least of all you.
Your silly attempts here to wind up Michael will I hope pass unheeded by him.

Forigive me iff this posst has typoos Al as my eyes ar filled with tears from laughing so hard the horror of Mikey saying that you engage in a filthy disease ridden behavior that often times brings early death to those who engage in it.

Just because Mikey was a practicing homosexual for decades and was around the 'gay' culture doesn't mean that he'd recognize a sodomite when he reads one does it Al?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I suppose we could talk about how alwight defended pedophiles who (in his opinion) are "wired that way" if you like though.

Clearly we weren't all dealt an equal hand in life, we need to make the best of what we got is my view.

Would the term "wired that way" mean that someone was born with that yet discovered "pedophile gene" Al or could it be that because they were molested as a child that they too end up molesting other children?

"From criminal research, we know that pedophiles were molested as boys, or shown how to molest, and that on the average, serial pedophiles molested 120 boys each before being caught."

However, presumable then, you think that you could not only choose to be gay but also choose to be a paedophile? Really?
Seriously aCW I think your problem is that no matter how hard you try you just can't "choose" yourself straight.
You may like to think that you can choose to be straight but unfortunately our genetic makeup is rather unobliging it seems, our wiring is pretty permanent.

I've mentioned that it's chic for younger people to experiment with homosexuality (i.e. "choosing to be gay" or in the case of this popular music video, bisexual...the "B" in the...).

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Where do you think all of those diseases that those who engage in homosexual behavior (HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. etc. etc) are contracted at Art?

STD's can be transmitted in a variety of ways, be it through hetero or homosexual activity. You do realize that many straight people live sexual lives outside of the monogamous realm of marriage right?

The answer was "in private".

On that note: Do we really need to go over the CDC reports again Art?

"In 2012, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for MSM. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancer. Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer."

While the temptation was overwhelming, this post has been "innuendo free".

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The answer was "in private".

On that note: Do we really need to go over the CDC reports again Art?

"In 2012, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for MSM. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancer. Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer."

While the temptation was overwhelming, this post has been "innuendo free".

That was all you could muster as a reply? Yet another copy/paste? You really are running short on material...


New member
Forigive me iff this posst has typoos Al as my eyes ar filled with tears from laughing so hard the horror of Mikey saying that you engage in a filthy disease ridden behavior that often times brings early death to those who engage in it.

Just because Mikey was a practicing homosexual for decades and was around the 'gay' culture doesn't mean that he'd recognize a sodomite when he reads one does it Al?
Michael seems to live in a world where angels really exist but which will be coming to an end sometime this year, he tells me. How long do you think we've got aCW?
Is there time for a part 4?

Would the term "wired that way" mean that someone was born with that yet discovered "pedophile gene" Al or could it be that because they were molested as a child that they too end up molesting other children?
Both could be true imo. Someone with a genetic tendency toward paedophilia but with a good sense of right and wrong might well be less likely to actually interfere with children than a molested child who now thinks it's normal and OK. Unfortunately a tendency for paedophilia seems to be rather more common than we might like to think. That doesn't mean that generally most of those with such a tendency would even consider acting on it. The legal age of consent doesn't really apply to genetics and natural instincts.

"From criminal research, we know that pedophiles were molested as boys, or shown how to molest, and that on the average, serial pedophiles molested 120 boys each before being caught."
Once again aCW underage sex and child molesting is already criminalised and by no means confined to homosexuals however much you would like it to be.

I've mentioned that it's chic for younger people to experiment with homosexuality (i.e. "choosing to be gay" or in the case of this popular music video, bisexual...the "B" in the...).

What people choose to do together in private is their own business, not yours aCW. :nono:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The answer was "in private".

On that note: Do we really need to go over the CDC reports again Art?

"In 2012, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for MSM. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancer. Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer."

While the temptation was overwhelming, this post has been "innuendo free".

That was all you could muster as a reply? Yet another copy/paste? You really are running short on material...

Didn't I tell you that I bore easily when it comes to chatting with drama queens?

On that note: What have we learned from today's lesson Art?

"Just say NO! to homosex!"


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Forigive me iff this posst has typoos Al as my eyes ar filled with tears from laughing so hard the horror of Mikey saying that you engage in a filthy disease ridden behavior that often times brings early death to those who engage in it.

Just because Mikey was a practicing homosexual for decades and was around the 'gay' culture doesn't mean that he'd recognize a sodomite when he reads one does it Al?

Michael seems to live in a world where angels really exist but which will be coming to an end sometime this year, he tells me. How long do you think we've got aCW?
Is there time for a part 4?

Had you you not abstained from homosex back in the 80's due to the AIDS crisis, I would say that "you've got" until the ripe old age of 46.6 (since you've surpassed the median age of death for those who engage in homosex by close to 20 years, you're living on borrowed time Al).

Me on the other hand: many many more decades.

Life Expectancy White American Male

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Would the term "wired that way" mean that someone was born with that yet discovered "pedophile gene" Al or could it be that because they were molested as a child that they too end up molesting other children?

Both could be true imo.

Yet both aren't true.

Someone with a genetic tendency toward paedophilia but with a good sense of right and wrong might well be less likely to actually interfere with children than a molested child who now thinks it's normal and OK. Unfortunately a tendency for paedophilia seems to be rather more common than we might like to think. That doesn't mean that generally most of those with such a tendency would even consider acting on it. The legal age of consent doesn't really apply to genetics and natural instincts.

More common amongst those who engage in homosexual behavior.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"From criminal research, we know that pedophiles were molested as boys, or shown how to molest, and that on the average, serial pedophiles molested 120 boys each before being caught."

Once again aCW underage sex and child molesting is already criminalised and by no means confined to homosexuals however much you would like it to be.

So we both agree that since those who engage in homosexual behavior often times are molested as a child, and since those who are molested often times end up molesting, that queers should be kept clear of children.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've mentioned that it's chic for younger people to experiment with homosexuality (i.e. "choosing to be gay" or in the case of this popular music video, bisexual...the "B" in the...).


What people choose to do together in private is their own business, not yours aCW.

So much for your "Who would choooooose to be gay" scenario.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Didn't I tell you that I bore easily when it comes to chatting with drama queens?

On that note: What have we learned from today's lesson Art?

"Just say NO! to homosex!"

How much you converse with yourself is really of little concern aCW, though unlike "Blackadder" you certainly wouldn't be assured of intelligent conversation...

If you've learned that then good on you I suppose. For some of us it's never been an option to accept anyway...


New member
Had you you not abstained from homosex back in the 80's due to the AIDS crisis, I would say that "you've got" until the ripe old age of 46.6 (since you've surpassed the median age of death for those who engage in homosex by close to 20 years, you're living on borrowed time Al).

Me on the other hand: many many more decades.
It would indeed be tragic aCW if your life was cruelly cut short by Michael's apocalypse, or perhaps more likely under a bus. :loser:

Yet both aren't true.
You are of course entitled to have an opinion too aCW.

More common amongst those who engage in homosexual behaviour.
And here, but you seem quite content to criminalise all homosexuals because of what some may do. Truth is you simply want all homosexuals criminalised period and you'll use anything you can find, from anywhere, to do it if you think it helps your homophobic cause.

So we both agree that since those who engage in homosexual behavior often times are molested as a child, and since those who are molested often times end up molesting, that queers should be kept clear of children.
Non sequitur claptrap won't help you any. By your logic heterosexuals too should be kept clear of children, as indeed a great many should be.

So much for your "Who would choooooose to be gay" scenario.
And does anyone actually choose to be gay?
Unlike you apparently I don't concern myself with what other people choose to do together in private, which was all I actually said.


New member
...sexual desire is clearly no respecter of matrimony....
By definition. But that's fatalism talking ("sexual desire" implies/insinuates/requires fatalism). Matrimonial desire is controllable. It can even be subdued completely, and is, by many people around the world today, as well as by many people throughout history; not just Christians either. Matrimonial desire is a respecter of its master.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
[Pedophilia]More common amongst those who engage in homosexual behaviour.

And here, but you seem quite content to criminalise all homosexuals because of what some may do. Truth is you simply want all homosexuals criminalised period and you'll use anything you can find, from anywhere, to do it if you think it helps your homophobic cause.

I've shown throughout this 3 part thread what has happened since homosexuality was decriminalized: one of the things is the indoctrination/grooming and the huge increase in physical molestation of children/youth.

I've said this before and will say it again: If we as a country allow immoral sexual acts via legislation and promote it in our culture, then we are spitting in the face of God and He will not bless a nation that doesn't honor Him. He has told us in Holy Scripture what He expects of us when it comes to government and that is to be righteous as seen through His eyes.

Either we legislate laws that secular humanist man wants or those that God wants. We can't do both.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
[Pedophilia]More common amongst those who engage in homosexual behaviour.

I've shown throughout this 3 part thread what has happened since homosexuality was decriminalized: one of the things is the indoctrination/grooming and the huge increase in physical molestation of children/youth.

I've said this before and will say it again: If we as a country allow immoral sexual acts via legislation and promote it in our culture, then we are spitting in the face of God and He will not bless a nation that doesn't honor Him. He has told us in Holy Scripture what He expects of us when it comes to government and that is to be righteous as seen through His eyes.

Either we legislate laws that secular humanist man wants or those that God wants. We can't do both.
I don't have a problem with your belief in God and wanting to be a good obedient little Godbot aCW because that would at least be being honest imo.
You apparently then believe in absolute moral values which are whatever God says they are, right?

It's not for you to have any relative morality of your own, that presumably isn't allowed.

What is dishonest imo is to pretend that highlighting the bad things that some homosexuals do is somehow your reasoning and rational argument for criminalising all gay people, which isn't true because you yourself are not open to your own or other people's reasoning and relative morality which isn't God's absolute morality.

I think you are probably only concerned with unquestioningly bringing about the morality that you think is absolutely commanded by God, by any means available, fair or foul.
You are imo a liar for a probably non existing divine entity aCW. :plain:

Btw happy Easter. :)


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I've shown throughout this 3 part thread what has happened since homosexuality was decriminalized: one of the things is the indoctrination/grooming and the huge increase in physical molestation of children/youth.

I've said this before and will say it again: If we as a country allow immoral sexual acts via legislation and promote it in our culture, then we are spitting in the face of God and He will not bless a nation that doesn't honor Him. He has told us in Holy Scripture what He expects of us when it comes to government and that is to be righteous as seen through His eyes.

Either we legislate laws that secular humanist man wants or those that God wants. We can't do both.

I don't have a problem with your belief in God and wanting to be a good obedient little Godbot aCW because that would at least be being honest imo.

Good Al, because if you had a problem with that I just don't know if I could go on living.

You apparently then believe in absolute moral values which are whatever God says they are, right?

It's not for you to have any relative morality of your own, that presumably isn't allowed.

We've seen what happens when man doesn't acknowledge and follow God's "absolute moral values" :


What is dishonest imo is to pretend that highlighting the bad things that some homosexuals do is somehow your reasoning and rational argument for criminalising all gay people, which isn't true because you yourself are not open to your own or other people's reasoning and relative morality which isn't God's absolute morality.

As I recall the only two people that have admitted to engaging in homosexuality in this thread were the cross dressing drag queen Persephone66 (aka Chuck) whose boyfriend was in the process of getting genital mutilation surgery, and our beloved Mikey Cadry who...well, I'll leave Mikey alone as he still has problems.

What I'm getting at Al is that we need a few people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior to step forward and tell us that not all queers are like HRC founder and accused rapist/pederast Terry Bean and indoctrinate, groom and physically molest little boys.

We need a few people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior to step forward and tell us that not all queers are infected with HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis or other STD's which disproportionately are contracted by those who engage in homosex.

Now that would be "the honest thing to do" Al.

I think you are probably only concerned with unquestioningly bringing about the morality that you think is absolutely commanded by God, by any means available, fair or foul.
You are imo a liar for a probably non existing divine entity aCW. :plain:

Don't forget the other word that goes with liar Al:


Btw happy Easter. :)

And here for a second I thought that you didn't believe in The Resurrection.



Oh, this can't be true cuz we all know that Michael Jackson

... chose an odd way to get his fix, but that doesn't in and of itself imply guilt of criminal activity, especially since it would have been difficult for him and other celebrities to engage in the typical activities that others do who also love spending time with kids.

Lawyers say Jacko paid $200M in hush money to ‘victims’

April 5, 2015

Wade Robson and James Safechuck may accomplish what countless prosecutors could not: prove in court that Michael Jackson was a serial child molester.

The purported victims must first overcome a major hurdle — both their legal claims were filed more than a year after the King of Pop’s 2009 death, missing the statutory deadline.

Robson, choreographer to Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, and Safechuck, who once appeared with Jacko in a Pepsi commercial, filed respective claims in 2013 and 2014 against Jackson’s estate for unspecified amounts in punitive damages.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, when he could decide whether they may proceed.

If they’re successful, Robson, 32, and Safechuck, 36, would have an advantage over previous cases. Thanks to discovery rules in civil cases, the duo would be able to introduce a wealth of evidence excluded from criminal proceedings — including, for the first time, how much Jackson paid alleged victims and their families.

Lawyers say the King of Pop shelled out nearly $200 million to as many as 20 victims.

Safechuck first met Jacko in 1987, when James was 8 years old. Safechuck will testify that Jacko repeatedly molested him a year later during a tour and that Jacko wrote a check for more than $1 million to Safechuck’s father, a sanitation worker.

Safechuck claims in court filings that Jacko held a secret wedding ceremony, with the young boy as his bride. He said the singer gave him a marriage certificate and a wedding band as keepsakes and confirmation of their “undying love.”
Read more: http://pagesix.com/2015/04/05/lawyers-say-jacko-paid-200m-in-hush-money-to-victims/


'Gay' icons remember Michael Jackson


...[O]ne really can't take her serious on this topic because homosexuality hasn't been considered a capital offense during the 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (there's no legal precedence for it)...

Don't take me cerealisly.
Take God seriously (Lev 20:13).

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). Homosexuality is a crime punishable by death (Lev 20:13).

For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus [1 Thess. 4:2].

"In regard to their walk, we will find Paul giving some commandments to the Thessalonians. You will remember that the Lord Jesus also gave commandments. Some of these commandments are new commandments.

Let me say this very carefully: The Ten Commandments have no part in a sinner’s salvation, nor are they standard for Christian conduct. The purpose of the Ten Commandments is to take us by the hand, as a pedagogue would take a little child by the hand, to bring us to the Cross and say to us, “Little fellow, you need a Savior!” The Ten Commandments are like a mirror which lets us see that we are sinners. The Ten Commandments were not given to save us; they were given to show us that we are sinners and that we need a Savior. That is their purpose.

However, there are commandments for believers, and the standard for Christian conduct which they set is on a much higher plane than the Ten Commandments. In chapter 5 we will find twenty–two commandments for believers given.

Now the question naturally arises: If man could not keep the Ten Commandments, how can he keep higher commandments? The Bible makes it very clear that man was not able to keep the Ten Commandments. The nation Israel transgressed these commandments as Simon Peter confessed: “And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe…. Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they” (Acts 15:7, 10–11).

Now if we can’t keep the Ten Commandments, how are we to keep any higher commandments of Christian conduct? Man cannot do it himself. This can be attained only by the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within the believer (see v. 8).

“For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.” Paul has some commandments for believers. We are not lawless. We should be disciplined, and we should be in obedience to Christ. It should be a love relationship—we should be motivated by love—the Lord Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15)." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 and 2 Thessalonians) (electronic ed., Vol. 49, pp. 61–62). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


God and the Death Penalty by Bob Enyart
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