Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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The pedophile/pederast wing of the LGBTQueer movement speaks for the entire movement:

"Leave me alone to do "my thing". If your "thing" isn't kiddy sex so be it, but don't judge me because your behavior is just as immoral as mine".

I'm honored Al, but sorry, you're once again wrong (why ruin a perfect track record?).


I'm rather more convinced that you're not Dan Savage aCW since you clearly don't give a hoot for other people's preferred lifestyle only the one you would impose. Instead apparently it seems they must be made to conform to your absolutist theocratic diktats or else suffer the criminal consequences that you'd like to impose on them, right?

However, Dan Savage from my "limey" pov seems a more interesting and rational person to come out of Seattle who knows his enemy better than I do at least.
Here he talks about the remarks of Ben Carson that being gay is a choice (Fear not there is no graphic description here that Savage has apparently made elsewhere, it's reasonably safe for all imo):

Dan Savage on "Being Gay is a choice".

We've seen what happens when man "thinks for himself" and disregards God's Word:

Disease, misery and death.

Give me a break aCW, like you really care. :rolleyes:

Of course when certain right wing conservative Christians talk about gay being a choice, what they probably mean is that it is not really about choosing a different sexual orientation at all, they probably do know that it can't be done. :nono:
Instead imo, it is about any sub-group of people seen to be choosing to in their eyes to wilfully disobey the absolutist scripturally based Godly mind control that right wing zealots are famous for and think that they have a God-given right to impose.
A theocratic mind control that they would impose on all, gay or straight, unbelievers, pro-choicers, who dare to do what they want and to actually think for themselves rather than be told. :IA: [/RANT]
It has nothing to do with you caring for the health of those poor lost souls who made bad and unhealthy lifestyle choices aCW, and you know it. :plain:


However, Dan Savage from my "limey" pov seems a more interesting and rational person to come out of Seattle who knows his enemy better than I do at least...

I like it when people who defend the LGBTQueer movement use Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage as a spokesthing, it shows just how perverse the movement is. (I've speculated in previous posts that the same Catholic priest who helped Dan Savage "come out", repeatedly raped him, causing ole Danny boy his sexual confusion).

It has nothing to do with you caring for the health of those poor lost souls who made bad and unhealthy lifestyle choices aCW, and you know it. :plain:

Back to that typical homosexual mentality of self hatred and believing that everyone else thinks like that as well.


New member
I like it when people who defend the LGBTQueer movement use Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage as a spokesthing, it shows just how perverse the movement is. (I've speculated in previous posts that the same Catholic priest who helped Dan Savage "come out", repeatedly raped him, causing ole Danny boy his sexual confusion).

Back to that typical homosexual mentality of self hatred and believing that everyone else thinks like that as well.
Why don't you watch the video aCW, you might even learn something?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I like it when people who defend the LGBTQueer movement use Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage as a spokesthing, it shows just how perverse the movement is. (I've speculated in previous posts that the same Catholic priest who helped Dan Savage "come out", repeatedly raped him, causing ole Danny boy his sexual confusion).

Back to that typical homosexual mentality of self hatred and believing that everyone else thinks like that as well.

Why don't you watch the video aCW, you might even learn something?

I've seen and heard enough of Dan "U" Savage's lies over the years that I don't need to listen to more.

I was able to stomach a minute or so of the video where "threesome" Dan talked about the civil rights movement, comparing the LGBTQueer movement to the women's and black movements.

Any woman or person of color should be deeply offended for being compared to a inherently immoral filthy disease ridden behavior, one which by the way, is changeable.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Just add it to the loooooong list of "tolerant acts" that the LGBTQueer movement does towards those who speak out against it.

:chuckle: Stop it aCW you're killing me. :darwinsm:

Had you been paying attention in class Al, you would know that Jesus rescinded the death penalty against homosexuality. In short, I don't want to kill you, I want to help you, and righteous laws do just that.


(Has anyone else noticed that GFR7 has been exceptionally quiet lately? For someone that loves to be the center of attention, that's quite odd. Perhaps he's created a new username and is busy with that?).


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Just add it to the loooooong list of "tolerant acts" that the LGBTQueer movement does towards those who speak out against it.

Had you been paying attention in class Al, you would know that Jesus rescinded the death penalty against homosexuality. In short, I don't want to kill you, I want to help you, and righteous laws do just that.
I understand some of the apologetics involved that are apparently required so that you can more easily believe what you want to believe. Your ancient scripture imo sometimes seems to require some rather creative thinking to put the "right" gloss on it, so to speak.


I understand some of the apologetics involved that are apparently required so that you can more easily believe what you want to believe. Your ancient scripture imo sometimes seems to require some rather creative thinking to put the "right" gloss on it, so to speak.

This coming from someone who defends a pervert who was "creative" enough to travel cross country to lick a doorknob at the offices of a Christian Presidential candidate while stricken with the flu hoping that he would spread his influenza with that candidate and his staff?

Think of the good things that Dan Savage could do with his sad excuse for a life if he put his "creative thinking" to positive use.



New member
This coming from someone who defends a pervert who was "creative" enough to travel cross country to lick a doorknob at the offices of a Christian Presidential candidate while stricken with the flu hoping that he would spread his influenza with that candidate and his staff?
We can sure tell those here who have had a sense of humour by-pass or perhaps never had one. :chuckle:

Think of the good things that Dan Savage could do with his sad excuse for a life if he put his "creative thinking" to positive use.
Nonsense, Dan Savage is apparently happily married (to a man) with children too I believe. He's witty, articulate and clearly enjoys life, poking fun at humourless homophobic bigots.
You are probably just jealous and/or somewhat bitter and twisted?
Try taking a more relaxed and tolerant attitude to life and to other people's lifestyles is my advice aCW, you'd feel all the better for it I'm sure. ;)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
This coming from someone who defends a pervert who was "creative" enough to travel cross country to lick a doorknob at the offices of a Christian Presidential candidate while stricken with the flu hoping that he would spread his influenza with that candidate and his staff?

We can sure tell those here who have had a sense of humour by-pass or perhaps never had one.

I have to remind myself when talking to a defender of the LGBTQueer movement that disease (and spreading it to others) is a huge part of their 'culture'.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Think of the good things that Dan Savage could do with his sad excuse for a life if he put his "creative thinking" to positive use.

Nonsense, Dan Savage is apparently happily married (to a man)

What 'marriage' wouldn't be happy as long as you can have threesomes?

with children too I believe.

Yes, ole Danny boy and the guy who he probably met through a peep hole in a public restroom toilet stall went out and bought themselves a trophy, who will either end up being morally and sexually confused like his two 'daddies' are (or does Dan play the role of a woman?) or with God's help see how perverted these two monsters are and distance himself from them when he's old enough to do so.

He's witty, articulate and clearly enjoys life, poking fun at humourless homophobic bigots.

Yeah, those "pansy" Christian high school students really need to get a sense of humor don't they Al?

I call this post: "The best of Dan Savage", as it covers it all.




This just in, compliments of TOL moderator Jefferson:

Mark Ellis of GodReports.com discusses his popular article, Identical twin studies prove homosexuality is not genetic. Eight major studies of identical twins in the U.S., Australia, and Europe all conclude that homosexuals were not born that way. Twin registers are growing from many tens of thousands towards record keeping on hundreds of thousands of siblings. Meanwhile, even studies with pro-homosexual authors show that about 90% of men and 86% of women with a homosexual twin sibling are themselves heterosexual. Regardless, to be a liberal, you have to believe that gender is nurture, that homosexuality is nature, and that lesbianism is a lifestyle choice.

Read more: http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4254728&postcount=1

Sorry LGBTQueer'ers, but this is the only kind of "gay Gene" you people will ever find.



New member
This just in, compliments of TOL moderator Jefferson:

Mark Ellis of GodReports.com discusses his popular article, Identical twin studies prove homosexuality is not genetic. Eight major studies of identical twins in the U.S., Australia, and Europe all conclude that homosexuals were not born that way. Twin registers are growing from many tens of thousands towards record keeping on hundreds of thousands of siblings. Meanwhile, even studies with pro-homosexual authors show that about 90% of men and 86% of women with a homosexual twin sibling are themselves heterosexual. Regardless, to be a liberal, you have to believe that gender is nurture, that homosexuality is nature, and that lesbianism is a lifestyle choice.

Read more: http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4254728&postcount=1

Sorry LGBTQueer'ers, but this is the only kind of "gay Gene" you people will ever find.

What do you mean "just in" aCW?
That blog is two years old, I remember reading it before. The fact is that identical twins aren't really identical at all as Whitehead would have us believe. since even with the same original genes and the resulting close similarities different genes nevertheless do get expressed epigenetically as I understand it.

Btw if Dan Savage's children turn out to be straight then by this score your theories of nurture are shot to hell aCW, right? :plain:


New member
Francis Collins is also cited as claiming that there is no gay gene, which he refutes btw, but does cite that statistically if one twin is gay then in identical twins the chances of the other twin being gay too are significantly higher than for non-identical twins.

Old man

New member
Firstly aCW, you are a hopelessly unashamed homophobic bigot with absolutely no intention of providing a reasonable, fair and balanced case against homosexuals or in seeking to apply similar measures or sanctions to heterosexuals who often do pretty much identical things.
Citing poor lifestyle choices and paedophilia as specifically homosexual traits is a crock and what's more you know it.

You simply hate the idea of homosexuality and insist that it is some kind of personal choice, imho perhaps because of your own sexual ambiguity and a forlorn hope that you can somehow choose to reject it.
While I'm sorry for your own mental turmoil but we each have our own crosses to bear, if you'll pardon the Christian analogy.
You are a very sad person aCW. :plain:

Homosexuality IS a personal choice!

That is if you believe there is a God who set the rules of what is sin and what is not sin for mankind.

When God states an act is a sin such as murder, adultery, drunkenness, men laying with men (an abomination), etc. To do so IS of personal choice. If that were not true then you would have to say, it is the way God made me, and God makes no one to be born to commit sin or to be unable to refrain from sin.

So personal choice? ABSOLUTELY ! (don't try and lay it off on God)


New member
Homosexuality IS a personal choice!
No clearly it isn't for me anyway, since I can't choose it. I don't know about you.

That is if you believe there is a God who set the rules of what is sin and what is not sin for mankind.
You don't need to be a fundamentalist to believe in a god. If you choose to adhere literally to a specific ancient scripture then perhaps that is your business as to why you would do that, but not mine.

When God states an act is a sin such as murder, adultery, drunkenness, men laying with men (an abomination), etc. To do so IS of personal choice. If that were not true then you would have to say, it is the way God made me, and God makes no one to be born to commit sin or to be unable to refrain from sin.

So personal choice? ABSOLUTELY ! (don't try and lay it off on God)
I don't believe in your God, clearly we are imperfect evolved beings imo. But I don't need anyone's apologetic spin to allow me to eat shellfish which are also an abomination too according to your ancient scripture, but don't let me stop you from cherry picking it to fit in better with your own personal preferences.:plain:


New member
Francis Collins is also cited as claiming that there is no gay gene, which he refutes btw, but does cite that statistically if one twin is gay then in identical twins the chances of the other twin being gay too are significantly higher than for non-identical twins.
It should be 1 hundred percent or else it's :down: for it being genetic. "Chances are significantly higher" should say "Chances are 1 hundred percent," otherwise, no dice.
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