Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet I've never heard that question asked by anyone other than people who have abnormal sexual desires (i.e. a homosexual).

People who have normal sexual desires and have never known anything else don't think or talk like this Art:

No Art, people with normal sexual desires just don't think or talk like that.

Of course they do when confronted with a supposedly straight man who tries to make out that sexual orientation is chosen and has such a morbid fixation with male homosexuality. Plenty of heterosexuals have asked you the very same on this thread alone. Your example is ludicrous as everyday folk don't have such an overriding obsession with gay men like yourself.

In addition, people with heterosexual desires don't invent up ever more lurid fantasies about heterosexual people being gay so you're really not doing yourself any favours with trying to speak on behalf of what straight people do frankly.

Again: Because I was fortunate enough to be raised in a loving home with a wonderful mom and dad, my environment made that choice for me.

As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread time and time again, not everyone has been that fortunate. Some children who have been sexually abused or that have an overbearing mother or absent father grow up sexually confused and turn to homosexuality:

In a 1979 article Irving and Toby Bieber reported that in their evaluations of over 1,000 male homosexuals, they did not find one "whose father openly loved and respected him."

Not one Art, not even one.

That being said: While many children had their abnormal sexual desires chosen for them, there is always a way out. As I've shown, thousands and thousands of people have done so through Christ (and sometimes with the help of professional therapy) and proudly call themselves "Ex-homosexuals".

A "study" from 1979?! From people who were discredited and that's your idea of "proof"? You really will just buy into anything won't you? Yeah, not everyone is fortunate enough to have a stable and loving family environment but to think homosexuality can only occur in surroundings where there isn't such a unit requires a special form of lunacy. If you truly think that every homosexual had to have been abused in some way in order to become one then you really are in denial of reality. You really shouldn't even mention 'professional therapy' as your ignorance on that should be embarrassing by now even to you...


And now a few more words from TOL's Queen of Drama:

Of course they do when confronted with a supposedly straight man who tries to make out that sexual orientation is chosen...

In addition, people with heterosexual desires don't invent up ever more lurid fantasies about....

A "study" from 1979?! From people who...

Until laws are once again legislated where you'll be forced to get help Art, I'll continue to pray that you see the errors in your ways and seek spiritual and professional therapy for your abnormal sexual desires.

Moving on...(until the next time Art brings this subject up).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And now a few more words from TOL's Queen of Drama:

Until laws are once again legislated where you'll be forced to get help Art, I'll continue to pray that you see the errors in your ways and seek spiritual and professional therapy for your abnormal sexual desires.

Moving on...(until the next time Art brings this subject up).

So those words would actually be from you then because if there's a "queen" on here it's the one who started the OP. I don't need help for being straight aCW but it's about time you stopped projecting your own sexual confusion onto others. Straight men simply do not have such fixations and they certainly don't project fantasies about heterosexual men being gay. Only one person does that around these parts and it's you.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And now a few more words from TOL's Queen of Drama:

Until laws are once again legislated where you'll be forced to get help Art, I'll continue to pray that you see the errors in your ways and seek spiritual and professional therapy for your abnormal sexual desires.

Moving on...(until the next time Art brings this subject up).

So those words would actually be from you then because if there's a "queen" on here it's the one who started the OP. I don't need help for being straight aCW but it's about time you stopped projecting your own sexual confusion onto others. Straight men simply do not have such fixations and they certainly don't project fantasies about heterosexual men being gay. Only one person does that around these parts and it's you.

While there are "straight" males who are allies of the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, I highly doubt that you're one of them Art.

In my world, "straight" guys don't defend sexual perversion, nor do they defend an agenda that indoctrinates and physically molests innocent children, has a ruthless intolerant policy towards those who speak out in defense of God and His Word and identify with a movement that destroys society's invaluable institutions in the name of "equality".

Perhaps in your world "straight" guys do such things, but it's a very sick and perverted world that you live in Art, and I'm doing my very best to change it.


New member
And now a few more words from TOL's Queen of Drama:

Until laws are once again legislated where you'll be forced to get help Art, I'll continue to pray that you see the errors in your ways and seek spiritual and professional therapy for your abnormal sexual desires.

Moving on...(until the next time Art brings this subject up).

ACW, do you choose to be straight? If you wanted to (maybe if it weren't against your religion) could you choose to be gay? Could you personally choose to find another man sexually attractive if you so chose to?

I assume you can choose that if you want to, because otherwise it's not a choice. Am I right?

See, I don't find other men sexually attractive. It's not against my religion, it's not something I find to be a "sin." I just don't find other men sexually attractive. No matter how hard I could try, I would still not be able to. Why am I absent this "choice" that apparently everyone else has?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While there are "straight" males who are allies of the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, I highly doubt that you're one of them Art.

For once you'd be quite right to doubt such, as I'm neither an ally to any such group or homosexual. I'm a straight bloke who happens to think that gay folk should be able to live with the same rights as I do, as do most people funnily enough.

In my world, "straight" guys don't defend sexual perversion, nor do they defend an agenda that indoctrinates and physically molests innocent children, has a ruthless intolerant policy towards those who speak out in defense of God and His Word and identify with a movement that destroys society's invaluable institutions in the name of "equality".

Well in the real world most straight people don't have an overbearing hang up with their homosexual counterparts and accept them as human beings with the same rights. Straight people do not in general obsess about homosexuality to anything like the extent that you do and they certainly don't dream up imaginary male homosexual liasions in lurid detail as you do. Why do you do that Connie if it isn't projecting your own sexuality or simply utter lying sleaze? What other reason could there be for it? You make more of a case for you being in the closet than anybody else possibly could...

Perhaps in your world "straight" guys do such things, but it's a very sick and perverted world that you live in Art, and I'm doing my very best to change it.



ACW, do you choose to be straight?

As I've mentioned numerous times throughout this thread Doper, the healthy environment that I grew up in helped me make that and other right choices.

If you wanted to (maybe if it weren't against your religion) could you choose to be gay? Could you personally choose to find another man sexually attractive if you so chose to?
I assume you can choose that if you want to, because otherwise it's not a choice. Am I right?

At this stage in my life I can't imagine that anything could happen to me that would cause me to have same sex desires. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean other adults haven't changed for the worse.

-I've shown that women in the sex industry (exotic dancers, prostitutes and those in the pornography industry), have turned to lesbianism because they were so repulsed by perverted men that they had no idea that there were healthy and normal sexual relations out there.

-I've shown how women that were in a terrible marriage have turned to lesbianism (not ever wanting to be hurt again like they were hurt by their ex husband).

-I've shown how teenagers and young adults have turned to homosexuality because it's the "chic" thing to do.

So while it's normally during childhood that bad experiences influence homosexual desires, it can also happen during adulthood.

See, I don't find other men sexually attractive. It's not against my religion, it's not something I find to be a "sin." I just don't find other men sexually attractive. No matter how hard I could try, I would still not be able to. Why am I absent this "choice" that apparently everyone else has?

Like me, you obviously grew up in a somewhat healthy environment (even though you are a drug addict).

Again, these same sex desires always aren't visible to the naked eye, sometimes the formation of them start as early as in the womb (but still are due to negative external environmental factors).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As I've mentioned numerous times throughout this thread Doper, the healthy environment that I grew up in helped me make that and other right choices.

Er, so you're saying you chose to like women then? A conscious decision? So when did that happen?

Again, these same sex desires always aren't visible to the naked eye, sometimes the formation of them start as early as in the womb.

Really? I'm surprised at you for admitting that frankly. What causes homosexuality prior to birth then aCW?



New member
Haven't you heard the latest LGBTQueer news Doper?

They finally quit looking for the elusive 'gay' gene.

Sure. There is no "skinny blonde" gene either. Some people just naturally find skinny blondes to be sexually appealing. Do you believe those people choose to find skinny blondes attractive, or just have a natural draw to them?

I didn't choose to find my wife attractive. I just felt she was.

How about you? Did you choose to find your wife attractive, if you have one?


Such as?!

Unborn babies sense things in the womb. They sense if they're loved and wanted, or if his or her parents see them as a burden. They spend months in the womb being exposed to these negative influences and then are most likely exposed to the same things as an infant, toddler and teen.

Happiness breeds happiness Art.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Unborn babies sense things in the womb. They sense if they're loved and wanted, or if his or her parents see them as a burden. They spend months in the womb being exposed to these negative influences and then are most likely exposed to the same things as an infant, toddler and teen.

Happiness breeds happiness Art.

Where on earth do you get this from?


New member
In my world, "straight" guys don't defend sexual perversion, nor do they defend an agenda that indoctrinates and physically molests innocent children, has a ruthless intolerant policy towards those who speak out in defense of God and His Word and identify with a movement that destroys society's invaluable institutions in the name of "equality".
You don't even want to discuss it rationally, your mind is firmly locked in transmit mode aCW. You have simply made up your mind as to what is "perversion" and then only apply it to homosexuals despite the fact that many more heterosexuals will typically be doing the very same things.
If you really do find certain sexual practices and paedophilia undesirable then clearly more straight people are engaged in them than gay.

But you actively and constantly search out what you claim to be "perversion", it's almost as though you actually relish it yourself (surely not? :rolleyes:), then attempt to associate it with homosexuals only and then claim that you are defending "God's Word". Pull the other one, that's just your excuse for doing what you do. :plain:


Where on earth do you get this from?

Refute it Art. Show us that babies in the womb that are subjected to all kinds of negative factors (drug addiction, violence, etc.) and continue to be around those negative factors throughout childhood really do grow up to be upstanding citizens.

Children are products of their environments.

I was in the grocery store the other day and watched as two adults (who unfortunately are parents) used the f-word incessantly around their 5 year old son.

Do you think for a minute that kid won't grow up using foul language as a major part of his vocabulary?


Sure. There is no "skinny blonde" gene either. Some people just naturally find skinny blondes to be sexually appealing. Do you believe those people choose to find skinny blondes attractive, or just have a natural draw to them?

They chose the right gender Doper; what drew them to skinny blonde women (I assume you were talking about skinny blonde women) is of no interest to me.

I didn't choose to find my wife attractive. I just felt she was.

I applaud you for choosing the right gender Doper (now if I could only get him to choose not to defend an absolutely filthy behavior that has an ruthless agenda behind it).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Refute it Art. Show us that babies in the womb that are subjected to all kinds of negative factors (drug addiction, violence, etc.) and continue to be around those negative factors throughout childhood really do grow up to be upstanding citizens.

Children are products of their environments.

The onus is on you to provide evidence that unborn babies are susceptible and so aware of their external surroundings/parental feelings prior to birth, and also how such could lead to homosexuality as well (Still amazed at you with that) - so get on with it and provide some.

I was in the grocery store the other day and watched as two adults (who unfortunately are parents) used the f-word incessantly around their 5 year old son.

Do you think for a minute that kid won't grow up using foul language as a major part of his vocabulary?

I also happen to hate swearing around kids and the chances are the child will emulate the same. Won't deny it although I'm not seeing the link between that and any latent homosexual attraction...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
They chose the right gender Doper; what drew them to skinny blonde women (I assume you were talking about skinny blonde women) is of no interest to me.

I applaud you for choosing the right gender Doper (now if I could only get him to choose not to defend an absolutely filthy behavior that has an ruthless agenda behind it).

What's to applaud about having an attraction to a gender in which you have no actual choice in? When did you choose to start being attracted to women aCW?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
In my world, "straight" guys don't defend sexual perversion, nor do they defend an agenda that indoctrinates and physically molests innocent children, has a ruthless intolerant policy towards those who speak out in defense of God and His Word and identify with a movement that destroys society's invaluable institutions in the name of "equality".

You don't even want to discuss it rationally, your mind is firmly locked in transmit mode aCW. You have simply made up your mind as to what is "perversion" and then only apply it to homosexuals despite the fact that many more heterosexuals will typically be doing the very same things.

Two things Al:

1). Your issue is with God, not me when it comes to defining perversion.
2). Note how I've added the words "sexual anarchist" behind LGBTQueer movement. You have straight allies Al, who too are perverts.

If you really do find certain sexual practices and paedophilia undesirable then clearly more straight people are engaged in them than gay.

We'll find out the numbers when I go into the "homosexual pedophilia/pederasty" segment. As I've mentioned many times before though Al, I didn't see Boy Scouts or Catholic altar boys being molested by women (pedophilia and pederasty go way back into the very early days of the homosexuality).

But you actively and constantly search out what you claim to be "perversion", it's almost as though you actually relish it yourself (surely not? :rolleyes:), then attempt to associate it with homosexuals only and then claim that you are defending "God's Word". Pull the other one, that's just your excuse for doing what you do. :plain:

The truth is painful isn't it Al?
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