Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet because Joshua Alcorn was exposed to a society of perverts who continuously told him that he was born a girl trapped inside a boy's body and that there was no way out, he stepped out in front of a truck to end his sexually confused life.

Obviously that isn't "demeaning" in your messed up sexual anarchist world Art.

Thousands and thousands of people have been cured of same sex desires, and without a doubt many were "forced" into therapy by their loving parents (i.e. one less child for a homosexual to molest, oh how frustrating that must be for the LGBTQueer movement.).

Of course being forced to undergo humiliation and being called a freak would have worked wonders would it? Has it occurred to you that it's people like you who would force vulnerable kids into such "therapy" who are actually to blame? What am I saying, of course it hasn't.

(Notice how Art pulls a play straight out of the LGBTQueer handbook and associates ALL reparative therapy with rare incidents where those suffering from same sex desires are demeaned, hoping that will change their homosexual desires).

Yes Art, we Christians are constantly told by your fellow LGBTQueer/sexual anarchists that we are responsible for the death of these sexually confused children and teenagers, not the perverts who indoctrinate them.

Your claim that thousands and thousands of people have been "cured" of homosexuality is supported by what exactly?

Testimony by those who have left homosexual behavior (and often times desires) behind. I've post numerous articles and linked numerous websites showing the testimonies of these brave people, people who are constantly harassed by you and your fellow homosexualists because they did something that you and others say can't be done.

There are a lot of dead children and teenagers out there, as well as children and teens that are inflicted with a deadly incurable sexually transmitted disease that is disproportionately afflicts those who engage in homosex because of the behavior and agenda that you defend Art.

Again: their blood is on your and other sexual anarchists filthy hands.

Oh and Art, be sure to stick around, because that ultra right wing social conservative GFR7 is really gonna let you have it because of your stance on homosexuality and genital mutilation(transgenderism).

Yep, uh huh.

Keep banging on that tired drum as much as you want. The opinion of someone who has no problems with assaulting children means squat.

GFR7 speaks for himself - as does Wiz you crank.

Thank you, Arthur, for your reasonableness and your decency. :thumb:

(So much for GFR7 giving homosexualist/sexual anarchist Art Brain a piece of his social conservative mind).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(Notice how Art pulls a play straight out of the LGBTQueer handbook and associates ALL reparative therapy with rare incidents where those suffering from same sex desires are demeaned, hoping that will change their homosexual desires).

Yes Art, we Christians are constantly told by your fellow LGBTQueer/sexual anarchists that we are responsible for the death of these sexually confused children and teenagers, not the perverts who indoctrinate them.

A: When you first brought up the topic of "reparative therapy" centres you had absolutely no clue what took place when asked about it.

B: How are you in any position to say that this was a 'rare instance' in light of your ignorance on the subject? Apparently that is the norm, not an exception to the rule. It makes sense in light of that that laws were brought in to prevent kids from being forcibly made to endure that garbage as it's tantamount to nothing short of emotional abuse. If you support that then that makes you responsible so suck it up.

Testimony by those who have left homosexual behavior (and often times desires) behind. I've post numerous articles and linked numerous websites showing the testimonies of these brave people, people who are constantly harassed by you and your fellow homosexualists because they did something that you and others say can't be done.

Ah, now it's behaviour ahead of desires. Telling.

(So much for GFR7 giving homosexualist/sexual anarchist Art Brain a piece of his social conservative mind).



New member
aCultureWarrior said:
Yet when you and I were having a discussion about transsexuals back on page 229, you wrote the following:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
With the amount of drag queens and transsexuals you've obviously been around in your illustrious career as a homosexual journalist, I'll take your word for it.

Obviously it's not a moral issue with you, you're against it because these sick individuals can't really come across physically as a woman?...

And? ........ SO? ....... You big dummy, this in no wise means I approve of, or support, the transgender movement's bearing down on our culture and our vulnerable youth.

And YOU like women who look like this (mayhap all the women you've had resemble the one on the left? :think: )



Instead of trying to shock people by posting pictures of homos hugging and kissing, why don't you how an unleavened meal and wine on one side of a table and then have a lobster in a dish on the other side?

Or better yet, why not show an ancient Hebrew on one side of a couple and a Samaritan on the other side?

Is Luke's interpretation of Jesus's Good Samaritan parable REALLY about how to be a good neighbor?

Not really.

The Samaritan was the illegitimate Jew. They were seen as unclean strangers and their temple was on some mountain top and not in Jerusalem where the normative Jews gathered. To preserve the original bite of Jesus's little story, today it might be called the Parable of the Sweaty Black Homo with AIDS.

Jesus's audience could no more envision the Samaritan as "good" any more than they could visualize loving their enemies. Jesus was saying that divine help can come in many forms and we must be human enough to accept that help regardless of where it comes from.

Remember, too, the two religious leaders that met the man beaten and robbed in the ditch very carefully crossed to the other side of the road to avoid this unclean immigrant stranger!


New member
Instead of trying to shock people by posting pictures of homos hugging and kissing, why don't you how an unleavened meal and wine on one side of a table and then have a lobster in a dish on the other side?

Or better yet, why not show an ancient Hebrew on one side of a couple and a Samaritan on the other side?

Is Luke's interpretation of Jesus's Good Samaritan parable REALLY about how to be a good neighbor?

Not really.

The Samaritan was the illegitimate Jew. They were seen as unclean strangers and their temple was on some mountain top and not in Jerusalem where the normative Jews gathered. To preserve the original bite of Jesus's little story, today it might be called the Parable of the Sweaty Black Homo with AIDS.

Jesus's audience could no more envision the Samaritan as "good" any more than they could visualize loving their enemies. Jesus was saying that divine help can come in many forms and we must be human enough to accept that help regardless of where it comes from.

Remember, too, the two religious leaders that met the man beaten and robbed in the ditch very carefully crossed to the other side of the road to avoid this unclean immigrant stranger!
I really mean no disrespect to that lesbian couple I posted - am just trying to bug aCW :chuckle: ;)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"Them" being 1% of the US population who engage in an unnatural disease ridden behavior, a behavior that was criminalized for 2,000 years in Judeo-Christianized countries throughout the world?

How can you tell "them" to shut up while leaving "them" alone?

(Because fighting evil is bad).

They're sick degenerates that are crying out for help. What's wrong with helping them by once again legislating righteous laws and returning to cultural mores' that don't glorify filth?

I have no answer, only a statement. It is your generation who was so tolerant and it effects your generation far more than mine. I see why you may have a feeling of responsibility, while I see your generation as having torn down too many of our core values, and now it is your problem; it does not enter my mind much and is so far removed from my consciousness, I hardly ever think about it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Notice how Art pulls a play straight out of the LGBTQueer handbook and associates ALL reparative therapy with rare incidents where those suffering from same sex desires are demeaned, hoping that will change their homosexual desires).

Yes Art, we Christians are constantly told by your fellow LGBTQueer/sexual anarchists that we are responsible for the death of these sexually confused children and teenagers, not the perverts who indoctrinate them.

A: When you first brought up the topic of "reparative therapy" centres you had absolutely no clue what took place when asked about it.

I still don't know what exactly takes place inside reparative therapy sessions as I've never been in one, but I'll guarantee you this (based on what I've read from NARTH articles and the personal testimonies of ex homosexuals on the internet) is that shaming people (who like GFR7 were exposed to unmentionable acts that children should never be exposed to) into leaving homosexual behavior and often times desires behind isn't a tool used by legitimate Christian pastors or professional reparative therapy psychologists.

B: How are you in any position to say that this was a 'rare instance' in light of your ignorance on the subject? Apparently that is the norm, not an exception to the rule. It makes sense in light of that that laws were brought in to prevent kids from being forcibly made to endure that garbage as it's tantamount to nothing short of emotional abuse. If you support that then that makes you responsible so suck it up.

Because I've studied and documented throughout this 3 part thread the lies and deceit that monsters like Dan Savage and his fellow LGBTQueer activists use make to make certain that sexually confused children and teens can't get the help that they're so desperately crying out for.

Testimony by those who have left homosexual behavior (and often times desires) behind. I've post numerous articles and linked numerous websites showing the testimonies of these brave people, people who are constantly harassed by you and your fellow homosexualists because they did something that you and others say can't be done.

Ah, now it's behaviour ahead of desires. Telling.

What's really "telling" Art is how you don't support these brave people who have left homosexuality behind, even though they're constantly told by a pro homosexual culture that they can't.

150 EXhomosexual video testimonies

This a growing video anthology of living witnesses —representing many nations— who have left homosexuality, bisexuality and lesbianism to follow Jesus Christ


Watch all 150 of the videos Art and get back to the followers of this thread and tell us that these brave souls are a bunch of liars.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I still don't know what exactly takes place inside reparative therapy sessions as I've never been in one, but I'll guarantee you this (based on what I've read from NARTH articles and the personal testimonies of ex homosexuals on the internet) is that shaming people (who like GFR7 were exposed to unmentionable acts that children should never be exposed to) into leaving homosexual behavior and often times desires behind isn't a tool used by legitimate Christian pastors or professional reparative therapy psychologists.

Funny that because the institute in question was legitimate and that 'technique' was part of the 'therapy'. I take it then that you don't support such abusive methods? If so then for once good on you. Not so much if you still think kids should be forced to go to such places when by your own admission you don't even know what goes on.

Because I've studied and documented throughout this 3 part thread the lies and deceit that monsters like Dan Savage and his fellow LGBTQueer activists use make to make certain that sexually confused children and teens can't get the help that their so desperately crying out for.

If teens want to seek help because they're troubled then I wouldn't wish to stop them, although I certainly wouldn't recommend institutions like the above.

What's really "telling" Art is how you don't support these brave people who have left homosexuality behind, even though they're constantly told by a pro homosexual culture that they can't.

150 EXhomosexual video testimonies

This a growing video anthology of living witnesses —representing many nations— who have left homosexuality, bisexuality and lesbianism to follow Jesus Christ


Watch all 150 of the videos Art and get back to the followers of this thread and tell us that these brave souls are a bunch of liars.

Hey, if they feel compelled to try and either lead a chaste life or somehow rid themselves of desires then good luck to em'.


New member
Good, because the doctrines of pagan religions aren't represented in this thread, at least not by me.
Good, I wouldn't want to besmirch other religions with your narrow minded version of Christianity.

(What Al just said in a roundabout way is that he can't find anything in The Holy Bible that promotes or accepts homosexual acts).
What Al said was that your interpretation of and cherry picked adherence to an ancient scripture is not fit for purpose unless you perhaps happen to be a theocratic tyrant? :think:

Perhaps we are all sexually confuses to some extent aCW, but IIRC you are the one who seems to be able to choose your sexual preference, not me.
That's why Holy Scripture is so beautiful: it helps the morally lost find their way.
The "beauty" of your holy scripture aCW is that its ambiguity and antiquity can mean so many different things to different people. If it were clear and unequivocal then it wouldn't be a lot of use to all the fringe nutters around like you.

If you really do think you are actually helping gay people by criminalising them then perhaps you are even more confused than I thought.
We've seen how great it's been for those that engage in homosexual behavior since homosexuality was decriminalized (the body count just keeps rising).
It's great for gay people who simply want to be accepted for what they are. The body count for straight people with STIs is also rising, but you don't want to talk about that apparently.

I see that when the topic turns to talking about dead kids (i.e. morally confused children and teenagers who take their own lives), all of your allies (annatebbenetti, Art Brain, the barbarian and GFR7/WizardofOz) seemed to have abandoned the thread.

I guess the realities of the homosexual lifestyle and the agenda that comes with it aren't too pretty.
I'm rather sure you have no great interest in the mental health of gay people aCW. What matters to you is that sexually confused young people remain confused if they are gay and forced into going against their nature, or else face rejection and discrimination. It doesn't seem to bother you any if some see suicide as a reasonable way out.


I have no answer, only a statement. It is your generation who was so tolerant and it effects your generation far more than mine. I see why you may have a feeling of responsibility, while I see your generation as having torn down too many of our core values, and now it is your problem; it does not enter my mind much and is so far removed from my consciousness, I hardly ever think about it.

As I'd shown in Part 1, the modern day sexual revolution started back in the late 1940's/early 1950's with the homosexual pedophile Alfred Kinsey and his fraudulent scientific research.


Once people began to believe that perversion and immoral behaviors were the norm, then homosexual activist Frank "I see nothing wrong with having sex with an animal as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and his band of thugs intimidated the American Psychiatric Association into declassifying homosexuality as a mental illness, which had a HUGE impact on laws.


Of course Roe v Wade happened about the same time as various US States began to decriminalize homosexuality (i.e. the sexual anarchist movement was moving full steam ahead) and laws decriminalizing cohabitation, adultery and pornography became the norm (as well as states enacting no-fault divorce, which destroyed the family unit even more ).

With the Supreme Court decision of Lawrence v Texas in 2004 which stated that same sex perversion was a "constitutional right", the flood gates were finally opened and every institution that was once valuable to our once great nation (marriage, the family, education, the military, youth mentor groups, the media, etc.) were permeated by the proud and unrepentant moral degenerates of the LGBTQueer movement.

My point?

It doesn't matter which generation was responsible for what we have today, it matters what we adults that have an ounce of decency in our body are doing about it right now.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I still don't know what exactly takes place inside reparative therapy sessions as I've never been in one, but I'll guarantee you this (based on what I've read from NARTH articles and the personal testimonies of ex homosexuals on the internet) is that shaming people (who like GFR7 were exposed to unmentionable acts that children should never be exposed to) into leaving homosexual behavior and often times desires behind isn't a tool used by legitimate Christian pastors or professional reparative therapy psychologists.

Funny that because the institute in question was legitimate and that 'technique' was part of the 'therapy'. I take it then that you don't support such abusive methods? If so then for once good on you. Not so much if you still think kids should be forced to go to such places when by your own admission you don't even know what goes on.

I must have missed the link to the reparative therapy group that you're talking about Art. Would you post it again?

Because I've studied and documented throughout this 3 part thread the lies and deceit that monsters like Dan Savage and his fellow LGBTQueer activists use make to make certain that sexually confused children and teens can't get the help that their so desperately crying out for.

If teens want to seek help because they're troubled then I wouldn't wish to stop them, although I certainly wouldn't recommend institutions like the above.

(Ah yes, leave it up to the child/teenager to decide what's best for him or her. Leave those nosey parents out of the decision).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What's really "telling" Art is how you don't support these brave people who have left homosexuality behind, even though they're constantly told by a pro homosexual culture that they can't.

150 EXhomosexual video testimonies

This a growing video anthology of living witnesses —representing many nations— who have left homosexuality, bisexuality and lesbianism to follow Jesus Christ

Watch all 150 of the videos Art and get back to the followers of this thread and tell us that these brave souls are a bunch of liars.

Hey, if they feel compelled to try and either lead a chaste life or somehow rid themselves of desires then good luck to em'.

I'm certain that those brave souls throughout the world who are trying to do something about their homosexual desires can feel your 'warm supportive vibes' over the internet Art.

Thanks for stopping by and I won't keep you any longer from your ever so "telling" thread

"Who here chose to be heterosexual?"


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I guess the realities of the homosexual lifestyle and the agenda that comes with it aren't too pretty.

I'm rather sure you have no great interest in the mental health of gay people aCW. What matters to you is that sexually confused young people remain confused if they are gay and forced into going against their nature, or else face rejection and discrimination. It doesn't seem to bother you any if some see suicide as a reasonable way out.

Because 'gay' youth have so much to look forward to later in life.

Suicide rate among gay adult men is at least 3x higher than average:

Gay men who rigidly enact traditional masculine ideals and experience a “fear” of effeminate gay men:

Gay men prefer straight acting men:

Steroid use among gay men:

Plastic surgery among gay men:

Substance abuse and increased alcoholism among gay men:

To see the gay community at its finest (racist, anti-fem, anti-fat, ageist, superficial, and narcissistic):

The CDC and documented increased rates of STDs (and drug resistant strains) among gay men:
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm (HIV)
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm (Gonorrhea)
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm (Syphilis)
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm (Hepatitis)
http://www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/ (General STD info)

http://tigger.uic.edu/~zizi /Site/...t meAMZP.pdf

Queen Bee Syndrome (original study):

Back later with 2 more articles on 'gay' teen suicide.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm certain that those brave souls throughout the world who are trying to do something about their homosexual desires can feel your 'warm supportive vibes' over the internet Art.

Thanks for stopping by and I won't keep you any longer from your ever so "telling" thread

"Who here chose to be heterosexual?"

Likewise I'm sure children who are physically assaulted by pastors can feel the same in turn, except one of us isn't trying to impede others from doing what they feel the need to and the other has no issue with violence towards kids provided it's done as a 'wake up call'.

It has been rather telling yes thanks. :)


Likewise I'm sure children who are physically assaulted by pastors can feel the same in turn, except one of us isn't trying to impede others from doing what they feel the need to and the other has no issue with violence towards kids provided it's done as a 'wake up call'.

It has been rather telling yes thanks. :)

(Because that's what homosexualists do: compare a Christian pastor giving a smart aleck Christian teenager a much needed wakeup call to the disease, misery and death of those who engage in homosexuality and the culture that goes along with it).

BTW Art, would you link the information about the reparative therapy group that you were talking about in an earlier post. I must have missed that information when you first posted it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(Because that's what homosexualists do: compare a Christian pastor giving a smart aleck Christian teenager a much needed wakeup call to the disease, misery and death of those who engage in homosexuality and the culture that goes along with it).

BTW Art, would you link the information about the reparative therapy group that you were talking about in an earlier post. I must have missed that information when you first posted it.

No, that's what people do when they recognize assault of a minor and even the pastor in question expressed sorrow and remorse at his actions. If you think it's okay for an adult to punch a kid full force in the chest then you have no problem with child abuse, as simple as that.

I'll try and link you to the program in due course.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW Art, would you link the information about the reparative therapy group that you were talking about in an earlier post. I must have missed that information when you first posted it.

I'll try and link you to the program in due course.

I'll look forward to it (gee, I wonder if Art just used the same old tired lies that the LGBTQueer movement uses without doing any research on the subject himself).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'll look forward to it (gee, I wonder if Art just used the same old tired lies that the LGBTQueer movement uses without doing any research on the subject himself).

I'm not surprised you had no response to the child abuse as it's pretty hard to defend the indefensible isn't it?

Here's a link to the article about the program:


Here's a link to the trailer. Unfortunately I can't as yet find a link to the whole thing but I'm sure you can manage that if you're actually interested in what goes on...



New member
aCW: Have been trying to go to your many links you posted for Art,
and am getting "not available" for all pages, you first class idjut :madmad:




Here's a link to the article about the program:


Here's a link to the trailer. Unfortunately I can't as yet find a link to the whole thing but I'm sure you can manage that if you're actually interested in what goes on...

Surprise! Surprise! Art Brain uses the 'research' of a proud and unrepentant homosexual by the name of "Christian Jessen" to discredit reparative therapy.

BTW Art, have Christian and his "partner" (i.e. current boyfriend until something better comes along or one of them dies from AIDS or is murdered, etc.) Rogerio Barreto been 'tested' lately for HIV/AIDS?

Back later with articles by Linda Harvey and Matt Barber that tell the truth about 'gay' teen suicide (I highly doubt that they checked with Dr. Christian Jessen before they wrote their respective articles).


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