Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by Lon
Please forgive me for thread derailment.

Your derailments are welcome, because aCW is simply a liar. I am tired of hearing him say that I and others are supporting the rainbow culture when it' s not the truth. He thinks he can monopolize the cultural discourse , and he cannot. He just can't stand knowing that there are others who can fight with sensitivity and sophistication which is foreign to his nature. For heaven's sake, don't apologize to this arrogant blow-hard. Your postings were quite interesting, by the way.:up:

Good ole predictable GFR7/WizardofOz, always trying to make allies wherever he goes. He seems to think that if he makes enough allies, that the truth will no longer be the truth.

LOL...I always enjoy your posts Aaron. Keep it up.


New member
Originally Posted by Lon
Please forgive me for thread derailment.

Good ole predictable GFR7/WizardofOz, always trying to make allies wherever he goes. He seems to think that if he makes enough allies, that the truth will no longer be the truth.

LOL...I always enjoy your posts Aaron. Keep it up.
I don't care if I have allies or not. I was posting what I really thought and felt. And so long as you believe I am Wizard and Aaron, you prove yourself to be a big, delusional, first-class IDIOT. :wave2:


New member
Pay attention Al, it's your fellow LGBTQueer activists who put the blame on Christianity for the death of those who are sexually and morally confused. Of course as we've seen throughout this 3 part thread through numerous testimonies by ex homosexuals, Christianity is the ticket to freedom, not death.
I think you'll find aCW that "I for one" meant that; I for one, i.e. not activist organisations, don't blame religion per se for causing high suicide rates in gay people. I blame the homophobic bigots who use religion as a bull-horn for their own ends.:plain:
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Pay attention Al, it's your fellow LGBTQueer activists who put the blame on Christianity for the death of those who are sexually and morally confused. Of course as we've seen throughout this 3 part thread through numerous testimonies by ex homosexuals, Christianity is the ticket to freedom, not death.

I think you'll find aCW that "I for one" meant that; I for one, i.e. not activist organisations, don't blame religion per se for causing high suicide rates in gay people. I blame the homophobic bigots who use religion as a bull-horn for there own ends.:plain:

When you say "religion" Al, you're of course talking about Judeo-Christian doctrine as seen in The Holy Bible.

Being that I always seek advice from God-HATING atheists when it comes to the interpretation of Holy Scripture, is there something that I missed in that great book where God does approve of out of wedlock sexual relationships and specifically sexual acts between two people of the same gender? Because if there isn't then the basis for wanting to help sexually confused people (in this case sexually confused 'gay' youth) comes from Holy Scripture.


New member
When you say "religion" Al, you're of course talking about Judeo-Christian doctrine as seen in The Holy Bible.
In this context I am.

Being that I always seek advice from God-HATING atheists when it comes to the interpretation of Holy Scripture, is there something that I missed in that great book where God does approve of out of wedlock sexual relationships and specifically sexual acts between two people of the same gender?
I don't know where you are able to find these atheists, those who can somehow hate something they don't believe exists, to give you advice aCW. I'm sorry if a rigid literal interpretation of your ancient scripture isn't really up to the job these days for fundamentalists, but most Christians seem to be quite able to accept that the things they are li'ble to read in the Bible, ain't necessarily so.

Because if there isn't then the basis for wanting to help sexually confused people (in this case sexually confused 'gay' youth) comes from Holy Scripture.
Perhaps we are all sexually confuses to some extent aCW, but IIRC you are the one who seems to be able to choose your sexual preference, not me.
If you really do think you are actually helping gay people by criminalising them then perhaps you are even more confused than I thought.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
When you say "religion" Al, you're of course talking about Judeo-Christian doctrine as seen in The Holy Bible.

In this context I am.

Good, because the doctrines of pagan religions aren't represented in this thread, at least not by me.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that I always seek advice from God-HATING atheists when it comes to the interpretation of Holy Scripture, is there something that I missed in that great book where God does approve of out of wedlock sexual relationships and specifically sexual acts between two people of the same gender?

I don't know where you are able to find these atheists, those who can somehow hate something they don't believe exists, to give you advice aCW. I'm sorry if a rigid literal interpretation of your ancient scripture isn't really up to the job these days for fundamentalists, but most Christians seem to be quite able to accept that the things they are li'ble to read in the Bible, ain't necessarily so.

(What Al just said in a roundabout way is that he can't find anything in The Holy Bible that promotes or accepts homosexual acts).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Because if there isn't then the basis for wanting to help sexually confused people (in this case sexually confused 'gay' youth) comes from Holy Scripture.

Perhaps we are all sexually confuses to some extent aCW, but IIRC you are the one who seems to be able to choose your sexual preference, not me.

That's why Holy Scripture is so beautiful: it helps the morally lost find their way.

If you really do think you are actually helping gay people by criminalising them then perhaps you are even more confused than I thought.

We've seen how great it's been for those that engage in homosexual behavior since homosexuality was decriminalized (the body count just keeps rising).

I see that when the topic turns to talking about dead kids (i.e. morally confused children and teenagers who take their own lives), all of your allies (annatebbenetti, Art Brain, the barbarian and GFR7/WizardofOz) seemed to have abandoned the thread.

I guess the realities of the homosexual lifestyle and the agenda that comes with it aren't too pretty.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I see that when the topic turns to talking about dead kids (i.e. morally confused children and teenagers who take their own lives), all of your allies (annatebbenetti, Art Brain, the barbarian and GFR7/WizardofOz) seemed to have abandoned the thread.

I guess the realities of the homosexual lifestyle and the agenda that comes with it aren't too pretty.


Your faux concern for these people is doubly sickening because not only do you not care for any of them, it's actually people like you - who support "reparative therapy" that would drive youngsters over the edge, despite not even knowing what goes in such centres. I saw some of a program recently where a British doctor went to such a place and it was pathetic. Sitting in a room while someone talks into a speaker placed within saying how disgusting and sordid you are isn't 'therapy' although you'd likely see nothing wrong with it or could see how it would psychologically damage already vulnerable youngsters. The doctor, quite rightly, was appalled.

Punching a kid full force in the chest is child abuse pure and simple, but then you don't have a problem with that either.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see that when the topic turns to talking about dead kids (i.e. morally confused children and teenagers who take their own lives), all of your allies (annatebbenetti, Art Brain, the barbarian and GFR7/WizardofOz) seemed to have abandoned the thread.

I guess the realities of the homosexual lifestyle and the agenda that comes with it aren't too pretty.


Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
Your faux concern for these people is doubly sickening because not only do you not care for any of them, it's actually people like you - who support "reparative therapy" that would drive youngsters over the edge, despite not even knowing what goes in such centres. I saw some of a program recently where a British doctor went to such a place and it was pathetic. Sitting in a room while someone talks into a speaker placed within saying how disgusting and sordid you are isn't 'therapy' although you'd likely see nothing wrong with it or could see how it would psychologically damage already vulnerable youngsters. The doctor, quite rightly, was appalled.

As we'd seen in the case of gender confused teenager Joshua Alcorn, the type of therapy that his parents sought for him (counseling by the family's pastor) didn't work for him. If their state allowed it (refer to state laws where it is illegal for parents to seek help for their sexually confused child), in hindsight I'm certain that they would have sought other types of therapy for their morally and sexually confused teenage son.

But of course that isn't an alternative in your world is it Art? Because if one person can leave homosexual desires and behaviors behind (or in the case of gender confused teenager Joshua Alcorn gender identity problems) then that would mean that anyone can leave the homosexual 'deathstyle' behind.

Punching a kid full force in the chest is child abuse pure and simple, but then you don't have a problem with that either.

Again: I'm not going to allow you to sully the memories of all of the dead children and teenagers that you and your fellow sexual anarchists are responsible for by comparing an incident where a Christian youth pastor gave a smart aleck Christian teenager a much needed wakeup call, with that of the suicides of sexually confused youth.



New member
aCultureWarrior said:
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see that when the topic turns to talking about dead kids (i.e. morally confused children and teenagers who take their own lives), all of your allies (annatebbenetti, Art Brain, the barbarian and GFR7/WizardofOz) seemed to have abandoned the thread.

I guess the realities of the homosexual lifestyle and the agenda that comes with it aren't too pretty.

Again: I'm not going to allow you to sully the memories of all of the dead children and teenagers that you and your fellow sexual anarchists are responsible for by comparing an incident where a Christian youth pastor gave a smart aleck Christian teenager a much needed wakeup call, with that of the suicides of sexually confused youth.
Why on earth would you say this about me? I have always said that the trans movement is sowing seeds of discord and psychological conflict among youth, and am wholly against it ----
aCW, the plastic tray is stuck under the Chinchilla cage, and I can't remove the dirty hay. Can you help? :idunno:


Why on earth would you say this about me? I have always said that the trans movement is sowing seeds of discord and psychological conflict among youth, and am wholly against it ----
aCW, the plastic tray is stuck under the Chinchilla cage, and I can't remove the dirty hay. Can you help? :idunno:

Plain and simply put: you're a sociopath*.

*I really think that GFR7/WizardofOz is a psychopath, but a licensed clinical psychologist would need to make that call.

Now that you've posted yet another one of your "All about me" rants, you can either contribute to the topic at hand or go back to your Libertarian drug pushing thread.


New member
Plain and simply put: you're a sociopath*.

*I really think that GFR7/WizardofOz is a psychopath, but a licensed clinical psychologist would need to make that call.

Now that you've posted yet another one of your "All about me" rants, you can either contribute to the topic at hand or go back to your Libertarian drug pushing thread.
1. Nothing sociopathic about me, and I am neither Wizard (whom I sometimes speak with after he reps me ) nor Aaron.

2. I have been fully against the Transgender movement and YOU are sociopathic to be in denial about this.

3. I asked for a suggestion about my Chinchilla cage because I knew you raised animals, and i thought MAYBE you would care, idiot :AMR1:


New member
...So what you two boyz are saying that God is ok with adulterous, incestuous and homosexual desires, just as long as you don't act on them?...
Your word "desires" is ambiguous, and lust is a choice. Provocative sinful notions or ideas (which depends upon the particular sinful proclivities within our flesh, whether LGBTQ or not LGBTQ) hold no power to tempt one who chooses to not lust; one who chooses in their own minds, to be pure and chaste (for lack of a better word).

If a person allows their lust to reign, then their lust will materialize as whatever sinful proclivities are present in their flesh. Lust is a choice; the choice to allow or to indulge sinful impulses, and not to deny them; in whatever way, in whatever form of fornication (KJB 1611), one's own flesh brings to bear, whether LGBTQ or not LGBTQ. The choice of whether or not to lust, is the gatekeeper of all these forms of fornication (KJB 1611), and, it is not biological.
...Newsflash boyz: If you allow sinful thoughts and desires to linger and thus grow in your mind, you will eventually act on them.
That's lust.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Now that you've posted yet another one of your "All about me" rants, you can either contribute to the topic at hand or go back to your Libertarian drug pushing thread.

2. I have been fully against the Transgender movement and YOU are sociopathic to be in denial about this.

Ok then, here's your opportunity to redeem yourself:

Let Art Brain and his fellow homosexualists/sexual anarchists know what happens when these sexually and morally confused children are allowed to grow up in a society whose culture and laws allow moral degenerates to indoctrinate them into believing that homosexuality and transgenderism is a natural way of life.

I'll anxiously look forward to that post (or as you used to say back in the day when you posted under the username of WizardofOz:

*crickets* ).


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Now that you've posted yet another one of your "All about me" rants, you can either contribute to the topic at hand or go back to your Libertarian drug pushing thread.

Ok then, here's your opportunity to redeem yourself:

Let Art Brain and his fellow homosexualists/sexual anarchists know what happens when these sexually and morally confused children are allowed to grow up in a society whose culture and laws allow moral degenerates to indoctrinate them into believing that homosexuality and transgenderism is a natural way of life.

I'll anxiously look forward to that post (or as you used to say back in the day when you posted under the username of WizardofOz:

*crickets* ).

Never have posted under any name, save for GFR7.
I don't believe in sock-puppetry.

I think Art is very aware from my posts, that I think it is unhealthy for the culture in general - and for impressionable young people in particular - to be told to embrace transgenderism. Especially now that you have the legal/social right to change your gender WITHOUT having ANY hormone therapy or surgery.

Here is a post I made about the Jared/Leelah case on another thread:

I don't think these Christian parents drove their son to his death. Rather, I think the new transgender lobby set him up for a conflict with his parents.


By the way, this story out of London has many people saying that UNISEX bathrooms - already de rigeur on college campuses and in many public schools - should be UNIVERSAL:

Movie goers reported that two males were in the Ladies Room :jawdrop:

London cinema kicked out lesbian couple from bathroom because security thought they were men



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As we'd seen in the case of gender confused teenager Joshua Alcorn, the type of therapy that his parents sought for him (counseling by the family's pastor) didn't work for him. If their state allowed it (refer to state laws where it is illegal for parents to seek help for their sexually confused child), in hindsight I'm certain that they would have sought other types of therapy for their morally and sexually confused teenage son.

But of course that isn't an alternative in your world is it Art? Because if one person can leave homosexual desires and behaviors behind (or in the case of gender confused teenager Joshua Alcorn gender identity problems) then that would mean that anyone can leave the homosexual 'deathstyle' behind.

From what I saw the "reparative therapy" was simply humiliating and demeaning - which would more than likely send vulnerable kids into desperate acts than "cure" them. There is no way that any child should be made to endure that type of garbage. It's one thing if a teenager voluntarily seeks out help. It's another entirely to be forced to undergo such.

Again: I'm not going to allow you to sully the memories of all of the dead children and teenagers that you and your fellow sexual anarchists are responsible for by comparing an incident where a Christian youth pastor gave a smart aleck Christian teenager a much needed wakeup call, with that of the suicides of sexually confused youth.

The only person sullying the memory of these people is you and your ridiculous assertions that anyone who doesn't support your monumental blog is supporting an *agenda*. You're merely using these cases as cynical pawns for your own purposes while transparently feigning that you actually give a damn.

And that pastor didn't give the kid a "wake up call". If he did as he claimed he was guilty of assaulting a child and deserved to be prosecuted for it. Clearly child abuse isn't a concern of yours after all...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Now that you've posted yet another one of your "All about me" rants, you can either contribute to the topic at hand or go back to your Libertarian drug pushing thread.

Ok then, here's your opportunity to redeem yourself:

Let Art Brain and his fellow homosexualists/sexual anarchists know what happens when these sexually and morally confused children are allowed to grow up in a society whose culture and laws allow moral degenerates to indoctrinate them into believing that homosexuality and transgenderism is a natural way of life.

I'll anxiously look forward to that post (or as you used to say back in the day when you posted under the username of WizardofOz:

*crickets* ).

How you can think Wiz & GFR7 are one and the same is just baffling frankly. You're as nuts as that fruitcake Serpentdove and her demented sig...



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Ok then, here's your opportunity to redeem yourself:

Let Art Brain and his fellow homosexualists/sexual anarchists know what happens when these sexually and morally confused children are allowed to grow up in a society whose culture and laws allow moral degenerates to indoctrinate them into believing that homosexuality and transgenderism is a natural way of life.

I think Art is very aware from my posts, that I think it is unhealthy for the culture in general - and for impressionable young people in particular - to be told to embrace transgenderism. Especially now that you have the legal/social right to change your gender WITHOUT having ANY hormone therapy or surgery....

(Sigh, so many personalities, so little memory).

Yet when you and I were having a discussion about transsexuals back on page 229, you wrote the following:

The kind of gender confusion that would make a good looking man want to look like some
shriveled old B is beyond human explanation.

Men who transition to women are too tall, their hands are too large, their jaws too big
to ever look remotely like a true woman. They are delusional.

Now this is different:

Andrej Pejic is probably the only transgender male to female model that actually "has it" (his commercial at link below):

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
With the amount of drag queens and transsexuals you've obviously been around in your illustrious career as a homosexual journalist, I'll take your word for it.

Obviously it's not a moral issue with you, you're against it because these sick individuals can't really come across physically as a woman?...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As we'd seen in the case of gender confused teenager Joshua Alcorn, the type of therapy that his parents sought for him (counseling by the family's pastor) didn't work for him. If their state allowed it (refer to state laws where it is illegal for parents to seek help for their sexually confused child), in hindsight I'm certain that they would have sought other types of therapy for their morally and sexually confused teenage son.

But of course that isn't an alternative in your world is it Art? Because if one person can leave homosexual desires and behaviors behind (or in the case of gender confused teenager Joshua Alcorn gender identity problems) then that would mean that anyone can leave the homosexual 'deathstyle' behind.

From what I saw the "reparative therapy" was simply humiliating and demeaning - which would more than likely send vulnerable kids into desperate acts than "cure" them. There is no way that any child should be made to endure that type of garbage. It's one thing if a teenager voluntarily seeks out help. It's another entirely to be forced to undergo such.

Yet because Joshua Alcorn was exposed to a society of perverts who continuously told him that he was born a girl trapped inside a boy's body and that there was no way out, he stepped out in front of a truck to end his sexually confused life.

Obviously that isn't "demeaning" in your messed up sexual anarchist world Art.

Thousands and thousands of people have been cured of same sex desires, and without a doubt many were "forced" into therapy by their loving parents (i.e. one less child for a homosexual to molest, oh how frustrating that must be for the LGBTQueer movement.).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Again: I'm not going to allow you to sully the memories of all of the dead children and teenagers that you and your fellow sexual anarchists are responsible for by comparing an incident where a Christian youth pastor gave a smart aleck Christian teenager a much needed wakeup call, with that of the suicides of sexually confused youth.

The only person sullying the memory of these people is you and your ridiculous assertions that anyone who doesn't support your monumental blog is supporting an *agenda*. You're merely using these cases as cynical pawns for your own purposes while transparently feigning that you actually give a damn.

There are a lot of dead children and teenagers out there, as well as children and teens that are afflicted with a deadly incurable sexually transmitted disease that is disproportionately afflicts those who engage in homosex because of the behavior and agenda that you defend Art.

Again: their blood is on your and other sexual anarchists filthy hands.

Oh and Art, be sure to stick around, because that ultra right wing social conservative GFR7 is really gonna let you have it because of your stance on homosexuality and genital mutilation (transgenderism).

Yep, uh huh.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...So what you two boyz are saying that God is ok with adulterous, incestuous and homosexual desires, just as long as you don't act on them?...

Your word "desires" is ambiguous, and lust is a choice. Provocative sinful notions or ideas (which depends upon the particular sinful proclivities within our flesh, whether LGBTQ or not LGBTQ) hold no power to tempt one who chooses to not lust; one who chooses in their own minds, to be pure and chaste (for lack of a better word).

If a person allows their lust to reign, then their lust will materialize as whatever sinful proclivities are present in their flesh. Lust is a choice; the choice to allow or to indulge sinful impulses, and not to deny them; in whatever way, in whatever form of fornication (KJB 1611), one's own flesh brings to bear, whether LGBTQ or not LGBTQ. The choice of whether or not to lust, is the gatekeeper of all these forms of fornication (KJB 1611), and, it is not biological.

Thanks for stopping by Jed. I believe I hear little Mattie Vines calling your name.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet because Joshua Alcorn was exposed to a society of perverts who continuously told him that he was born a girl trapped inside a boy's body and that there was no way out, he stepped out in front of a truck to end his sexually confused life.

Obviously that isn't "demeaning" in your messed up sexual anarchist world Art.

Thousands and thousands of people have been cured of same sex desires, and without a doubt many were "forced" into therapy by their loving parents (i.e. one less child for a homosexual to molest, oh how frustrating that must be for the LGBTQueer movement.).

Of course being forced to undergo humiliation and being called a freak would have worked wonders would it? Has it occurred to you that it's people like you who would force vulnerable kids into such "therapy" who are actually to blame? What am I saying, of course it hasn't.

Your claim that thousands and thousands of people have been "cured" of homosexuality is supported by what exactly?

There are a lot of dead children and teenagers out there, as well as children and teens that are inflicted with a deadly incurable sexually transmitted disease that is disproportionately afflicts those who engage in homosex because of the behavior and agenda that you defend Art.

Again: their blood is on your and other sexual anarchists filthy hands.

Oh and Art, be sure to stick around, because that ultra right wing social conservative GFR7 is really gonna let you have it because of your stance on homosexuality and genital mutilation(transgenderism).

Yep, uh huh.

Keep banging on that tired drum as much as you want. The opinion of someone who has no problems with assaulting children means squat.

GFR7 speaks for himself - as does Wiz you crank.
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