Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But but but the topic of incest only came up about a dozen or less pages ago...

No need. I KNOW I would not have spoken in favor of consensual incest.

Since you're now for the first time speaking out against the decriminalization of incest (which is next on the sexual anarchist agenda), tell the followers of this thread why.

Solely from a secular humanist point of view, the decriminalization of incest would be much safer for a society than that of homosexuality.

Aside from the occasional mongrel child that Auntie Art Brain is so terrified of seeing that might come from a father-daughter/brother-sister relationship (should the daughter/sister not use safe sex and get impregnated), or the diseases that naturally come with a father-son or brother-brother fag relationship, the disease factor in incestuous relationships would be much less than those we've seen since homosexuality was decriminalized.

For the record: why should homosexuality remain decriminalized and incest continue to be against the law?



By not getting involved in one of God's 3 institutions (ministries) that He ordained for the governance of men (the Church, the Family and Civil Government), you are "involved with the politics", you're allowing evil to prevail.

God does not push His morality on the world. The world has been taking care of themselves.

They are far from perfect in doing so, but how about the Christian world? Are we any good? I don't think so.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
By not getting involved in one of God's 3 institutions (ministries) that He ordained for the governance of men (the Church, the Family and Civil Government), you are "involved with the politics", you're allowing evil to prevail.

God does not push His morality on the world.

So God went to all of the effort to create the world and the human race with the intention of allowing that two bit punk Satan that He flicked out of Heaven with His pinky finger to push his morality?

The world has been taking care of themselves.

Hence the reason this thread was started.

They are far from perfect in doing so, but how about the Christian world? Are we any good? I don't think so.

I've said it many times before and will say it many times again:

God's worst enemy is people just like you:

An inactive Christian that allows evil to prevail.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But but but the topic of incest only came up about a dozen or less pages ago...

Since you're now for the first time speaking out against the decriminalization of incest (which is next on the sexual anarchist agenda), tell the followers of this thread why.

Solely from a secular humanist point of view, the decriminalization of incest would be much safer for a society than that of homosexuality.

Aside from the occasional mongrel child that Auntie Art Brain is so terrified of seeing that might come from a father-daughter/brother-sister relationship (should the daughter/sister not use safe sex and get impregnated), or the diseases that naturally come with a father-son or brother-brother fag relationship, the disease factor in incestuous relationships would be much less than those we've seen since homosexuality was decriminalized.

For the record: why should homosexuality remain decriminalized and incest continue to be against the law?


The WHY of it is the same 'why' I believe same sex marriage ought not be legal: It unravels the tradition of Western morality (Christian) and it's boundaries. This has a negative impact on character and order as per natural law.

Even if two people have an incestuous relationship which is consensual (say, a brother and sister) and use birth control, they should feel they are breaking the law of empirical and transcendent order.

The whole problem is, from a secular postmodernist view, it is GOOD to erase Western tradition and morality, and to blur all boundaries. This is precisely what the doctor ordered, and any ill effects (high divorce rate, pornified culture, drugs and illness) are just collateral damage. There is no refuting it, just as they cannot refute our view.

In public discourse, we've reached an impasse. Stalemate. And we know what this means...........


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

For the record: why should homosexuality remain decriminalized and incest continue to be against the law?

The WHY of it is the same 'why' I believe same sex marriage ought not be legal: It unravels the tradition of Western morality (Christian) and it's boundaries. This has a negative impact on character and order as per natural law.

The perversion of marriage is only one of the institutions that is the by-product of the decriminalization of homosexuality.

Try again.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

An inactive Christian that allows evil to prevail [is God's worst enemy].

You just dont trust God.

Jesus says His followers are not of the world and you just keep disregard it.

Do you have grandchildren?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

An inactive Christian that allows evil to prevail [is God's worst enemy].

Do you have grandchildren?

Sounds like trick question.

This thread deals with reality.

What my grandkids to do with your correcting the world?

There are perverts out there that want to hurt them as badly as they hurt GFR7. What are you going to do to protect your innocent grandchildren?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

For the record: why should homosexuality remain decriminalized and incest continue to be against the law?

The perversion of marriage is only one of the institutions that is the by-product of the decriminalization of homosexuality.

Try again.
I don't need to "try". Anyone can go to my Public Discourse threads, and to my conversations with Zippy2006, to see the manifold reasons - cultural, spiritual, political - I have opposed same sex marriage and the postmodern sexual anarchy agenda.

I've been more on your side than many others. Far more.....Why you hate me so, remains a mystery to me.



You should be protesting against churches who are advocating to kill your enemy instead of correcting the world.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

For the record: why should homosexuality remain decriminalized and incest continue to be against the law?

The perversion of marriage is only one of the institutions that is the by-product of the decriminalization of homosexuality.

Try again.

I don't need to "try". Anyone can go to my Public Discourse threads, and to my conversations with Zippy2006, to see the manifold reasons - cultural, spiritual, political - I have opposed same sex marriage and the postmodern sexual anarchy agenda.

Your dog and pony act in other threads might have fooled a couple of pagans and an atheist here and there GFR7, but you're in the big league now and your words here speak for what you stand for.

I've been more on your side than many others. Far more.....Why you hate me so, remains a mystery to me.

You're a sociopath who was severely damaged as a child and while I do have compassion for your sickness, your evil ways will not prevail.



You should be protesting against churches who are advocating to kill your enemy instead of correcting the world.

Again: What are you going to do to protect your grandchildren from the perverts that run freely throughout our society meshak?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

For the record: why should homosexuality remain decriminalized and incest continue to be against the law?

The perversion of marriage is only one of the institutions that is the by-product of the decriminalization of homosexuality.

Try again.

Your dog and pony act in other threads might have fooled a couple of pagans and an atheist here and there GFR7, but you're in the big league now and your words here speak for what you stand for.

You're a sociopath who was severely damaged as a child and while I do have compassion for your sickness, your evil ways will not prevail.

Ha, you wish, honey.

I have no "dog and pony act". I have neither the time or the need for such.
As Arthur says, you are speaking about yourself, baby.

Ha, how self-deluded are you? Someone like Zippy2006 was waaay beyond your league.

You know nothing of me, you don't know the details of my childhood , so stop pretending you do.

I have no pathology and you dishonor me.
YOU are the evil and sick one. And I will prevail. We'll see who gets the last laugh. ;)

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