Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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BREAKING: Sixth Circuit Reverses Pro-Equality Rulings

(The sodomite movement should do a better job of 'judge shopping').

Yet the entire body is still engulfed with a deadly cancer.

Obviously you think that the issue of sodomite 'marriage' should be left to the respective states. Should that be done with abortion, incestuous relationships, man/boy 'love' and bestiality too?


New member
(The sodomite movement should do a better job of 'judge shopping').

Yet the entire body is still engulfed with a deadly cancer.

Obviously you think that the issue of sodomite 'marriage' should be left to the respective states. Should that be done with abortion, incestuous relationships, man/boy 'love' and bestiality too?
I think if it is "left to the states" the entire practice will die out, and the whole momentum will collapse like a hot air balloon with the helium let out of it - bringing many of the other public celebratory aspects down with it. :AMR1:

Gay marriage and the whole rainbow elitist agenda needs a circus atmosphere to survive.
Without it, it dies - like the disco era.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(The sodomite movement should do a better job of 'judge shopping').

Yet the entire body is still engulfed with a deadly cancer.

Obviously you think that the issue of sodomite 'marriage' should be left to the respective states. Should that be done with abortion, incestuous relationships, man/boy 'love' and bestiality too?

I think if it is "left to the states" the entire practice will die out, and the whole momentum will collapse like a hot air balloon with the helium let out of it - bringing many of the other public celebratory aspects down with it. :AMR1:

So man's sinful nature and the evil agendas that go with it will just "die out" once these issues are left for the respective states to decide?

If sinful behavior eventually "dies out", why do we continue to have laws against such things as rape, robbery and murder? Shouldn't the "hot air balloon" have lost it's helium centuries ago?

Gay marriage and the whole rainbow elitist agenda needs a circus atmosphere to survive.
Without it, it dies - like the disco era.

So evil/immoral behavior needs a "circus atmosphere to survive" (and here I thought immoral laws and cultural mores' were the reason the homosexual movement thrives).


New member
Being that homosexuality is a changeable behavior, according to the Bible you can't "believe in Him" and still unrepentantly engage in a behavior that He abhors.

Because in the particular bedrooms that you're talking about (public restroom toilet stalls, public park bushes, bathhouses, etc.) disease runs rampant. Also note that an agenda that involves amongst other things the indoctrination of innocent children takes place in the offices of those who originally said that the just wanted to be left alone in their bedrooms.

He loves us all, but He doesn't love all behaviors.

Do you know that to be true?


How do you know?

How you know what God thinks?

Seems rather presumptuous.

I don't have the hubris for that.

I can only base what He wants from society by what is written in Holy Scripture.

I remember Jesus saying something about those who are without sin being allowed to cast stones.

Was He wrong?

Based on your above sentence, in order for societies to have police officers, judges, juries and jails, they must first be a sinless society?

Perhaps you should quit playing the secular humanist game of "Verses taken out of context from The Holy Bible" and try reading it.


New member
I can only base what He wants from society by what is written in Holy Scripture.

Based on your above sentence, in order for societies to have police offiers, judges, juries and jails, they must first be a sinless society?

Perhaps you should quit playing the secular humanist game of "Verses taken out of context from The Holy Bible" and try reading it.

So, which bit of the Bible? Leviticus?

I note that you didn't answer the question.

Was Jesus wrong?


New member
God's design for human sexuality (one man, one woman) is mentioned throughout Holy Scripture.

No it is not. You need to read it.

The Son of God/God in the flesh is never wrong. Secular humanists like you that try to twist His Word is a whole different story.

Why are you "casting the first stone" then?

You assume too much, my friend.

I'm Catholic, by the way.

Got that wrong, take some time to think about what else you may have wrong.

Don't be hasty - take as long as you need. I'll wait.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God's design for human sexuality (one man, one woman) is mentioned throughout Holy Scripture.

No it is not. You need to read it.

One man, one woman
Does the Bible really teach monogamy?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The Son of God/God in the flesh is never wrong. Secular humanists like you that try to twist His Word is a whole different story.

Why are you "casting the first stone" then?

You assume too much, my friend.

I'm Catholic, by the way.

Got that wrong, take some time to think about what else you may have wrong.

Don't be hasty - take as long as you need. I'll wait.

There's a section in either Part 1 or Part 2 of this 3 part thread that has your name all over it:

How liberal Catholics allowed homosexuals to enter into the priesthood of the Catholic Church.

Read up on it and get back to me.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I can only base what He wants from society by what is written in Holy Scripture.

Lobster is off your menu then.

Like every secular humanist that I know that tries this ploy, you're confusing Jewish ceremonial laws with God's Universal Moral Code.

And what about those slaves, aren't they awesome...

Homosexual bondage and sadomasochism will be discussed in an upcoming segment.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I can only base what He wants from society by what is written in Holy Scripture.

Like every secular humanist that I know that tries this ploy, you're confusing Jewish ceremonial laws with God's Universal Moral Code.

Homosexual bondage and sadomasochism will be discussed in an upcoming segment.

So, you know more than God? Curious.


New member
Still awaiting answers to these:

Do you know that to be true?
How do you know?
How you know what God thinks?
So, which bit of the Bible? Leviticus?
Was Jesus wrong?


New member
Looking at my watch, "homosexualist amateur hour" is almost over, so get a few more lame posts in before that happens.

"But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also."

Hmm... Let's just ignore that bit and cherry-pick the bits that agree with our biases.
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