Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Funny that you should use the word "outrage", because that's what any decent human following this 3 part thread should feel after seeing what has happened to our once great Christian nation after the decriminalization of numerous sexual sins, including your favorite one:

Riiiiiight. You really are psychotic at this point, aren't you? :think:



In this 20 page review of Part 3 you'll see links to many informative articles, including those that talk about 'the new normal' for America (if the Homosexual Movement and it's allies gets it's way) :

Crossing dressing and genital mutilation surgery (transgenderism), children included (which we've seen throughout this 3 part thread).

Dr. Paul Cameron's article on "Homosexuality and Violence" is a must read, as are numerous others that I've directly linked.

TOL's homosexualists continue to contribute to the thread. I am thoroughly disgusted with homosexualist Balerion the Black for calling a female trapped inside a males body a "pervert" just because he sat with his legs spread open in a sauna where underage girls were. The next thing the transgender bigot (aka "Kitty") will be doing is calling those who expose themselves to children at gay pride parades "perverts" (Bad Kitty, bad bad Kitty).

And then there's GFR7....

Table of contents for pages 121-140
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New member


New member
You wouldn't be able to use me in your table of contents, were you not deliberately misquoting and misinterpreting me......Actually fascinating to see the lies you are able to spin and spin and spin.....


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New member
The Russian Gay Mafia and Movies of Real Torture and Killing of Children:

Westerners paying up to 5,000 lbs for movies of children brutally sexually abused
and murdered by Russians.

Elite Pedophile rings kidnapping English children,
smuggling them into Holland, and even selling them back to Russians
for making horror-murder movies.

Horrific Snuff Movies of Children

Swiss Pedophiles who Run the Business Sector

These monsters are hiding in Prague to this day,
high quality films were made in Switzerland.

Metropolitan Police in London and Customs, MI5,
knew about the English boys, the kidnapping,
the tortures and murders, the culprits and where they were,
but did absolutely NOTHING about it, and instead
suppressed all information about the horrors.

Snuff Films made in Amsterdam
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New member
The Russian Gay Mafia and Movies of Real Torture and Killing of Children:

Westerners paying up to 5,000 lbs for movies of children brutally sexually abused
and murdered by Russians.

Elite Pedophile rings kidnapping English children,
smuggling them into Holland, and even selling them back to Russians
for making horror-murder movies.

Horrific Snuff Movies of Children

These monsters are hiding in Prague to this day,
high quality films were made in Switzerland.

Metropolitan Police in London and Customs, MI5,
knew about the English boys, the kidnapping,
the tortures and murders, the culprits and where they were,
but did absolutely NOTHING about it, and instead
suppressed all information about the horrors.
This is horrific. I can't even look at the video.


As we've seen recently in Houston Texas where openly homosexual Mayor Annise Parker subpoenaed Christian pastors for sermon notes, emails, videos, and any negative comments about homosexuality or the mayor herself:


(Two dykes without their bikes).

Lesbian mayor subpoenas sermon notes and communications from Houston pastors

the assault by the Homosexual Movement on America's clergy has begun.

The latest victims of the Gaystapo are an elderly couple from Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, and while they're not clergy, they are ordained ministers that "perform religious wedding ceremonies, which include references to God, the invocation of God’s blessing on the union, brief remarks drawn from the Bible designed to encourage the couple and help them to have a successful marriage, and more. They also provide each couple they marry with a CD that includes two sermons about marriage, and they recommend numerous Christian books on the subject. The Knapps charge a small fee for their services.

Coeur d’Alene officials told the Knapps privately and also publicly stated that the couple would violate the city’s public accommodations statute once same-sex marriage became legal in Idaho if they declined to perform a same-sex ceremony at their chapel. On Friday, the Knapps respectfully declined such a ceremony and now face up to 180 days in jail and up to $1,000 in fines for each day they decline to perform that ceremony.

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New member
This is horrific. I can't even look at the video.
Utter misinformation, any actual link to ordinary homosexuals is non-existent, paedophilia and paedo-porn is already criminalised, oh and Naz is an idiot for posting it, well he's an idiot anyway. :AMR:


New member
Utter misinformation, any actual link to ordinary homosexuals is non-existent, paedophilia and paedo-porn is already criminalised, oh and Naz is an idiot for posting it, well he's an idiot anyway. :AMR:
You mean I've been gullible? :think:


Utter misinformation, any actual link to ordinary homosexuals is non-existent, paedophilia and paedo-porn is already criminalised, oh and Naz is an idiot for posting it, well he's an idiot anyway. :AMR:

Play nice Al or as punishment I'll have to lock you in a room with GFR7 while he's having one of his infamous meltdowns .


(Sorry Al, the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the 8th Amendment doesn't apply to you since you're not an American citizen).

Regarding Nazaroo's post:

Just because the North American Man Boy Love Association was founded by homosexuals, one of them being David Thorstad who was the President of New York's Gay Activists Alliance; and just because your country's own version of NAMBLA, the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was founded by homosexual activists as well doesn't mean that all homosexuals are into pre pubescent boys.

Some like them as old as 12 and even 14....


As I'd shown in this post:


the Homosexual Movement is now attacking clergy who speak out against homosexuality and ordained ministers who refuse to 'marry' sodomites.

Be prepared to see more of it as it's happening in Nevada as well.

Some Las Vegas wedding chapels are turning away same-sex couples


Oct. 24, 2014

Although same-sex marriage became legal on Oct. 9 in Nevada, some Las Vegas wedding chapels are refusing to perform the marriages..

Those places are, the American Civil Liberties Union says, breaking the law.

An ACLU official on Thursday criticized what he said are “a small number” of for-profit wedding chapel owners who are refusing to perform such ceremonies because of their religious beliefs.

“That’s not religious freedom,” James Esseks, director of the ACLU’s LGBT Project, said in a conference call with reporters. “That’s discrimination.”
[aCW GASPS! Darn those discriminators!]

On Oct. 9, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco struck down the Nevada’s ban on gay matrimony. Since then, a handful of chapel operators have publicly opposed such unions.

“I’m not going to perform it,” said Dolly de Leon, owner of Vegas Wed Chapel. “I believe that I cannot be forced to perform a wedding. I cannot ... because of my faith, because of my belief.”

Read more: http://www.latimes.com/travel/deals...tory.html?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=t.co

25 Then someone came and said, “Look! The men you put in jail are standing in the temple courts teaching the people.” 26 At that, the captain went with his officers and brought the apostles. They did not use force, because they feared that the people would stone them.

27 The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. 28 “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.”

29 Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!

Acts 5:25-29


In "Cross dressing/genital mutilation surgery news":

Army Is Guilty Of Discrimination For Barring Transgender From Female Restrooms

Oct. 23, 2014

Tamara Lusardi, a transgender who transitioned from male to female, has won his case against the Department of the Army for discrimination and humiliation, based on a report from the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC).

In 2010, Lusardi was working for the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center as a civilian employee, and announced that he was now officially beginning his transition from male to female. Lusardi changed his name and began dressing as a woman, at which point management held a meeting to accommodate Tamara in the workforce. Management supported Lusardi and repeatedly stated that they intended to treat him fairly and accommodate in any way possible, yet emphasized that they also wanted to ensure a safe workplace for everyone.

In light of these concerns, Lusardi voluntarily agreed to use the executive restroom, given that he had not undergone gender transition surgery and several female employees had expressed serious concern about sharing a restroom with a man presenting as a woman.

However, Lusardi didn’t stick to the agreement, using the female restroom on three separate occasions between January and March 2011. After females again reported discomfort, Lusardi was informed that he should continue to use the executive restroom as agreed, but he protested. But discomfort is relevant, according to the OSC, an office which holds that regardless of Lusadi’s initial agreement, he should be able to change his mind and use the female restroom whenever he sees fit. Employee preferences are irrelevant to the legality of the issue and must be changed through training.

Particularly egregious for Lusardi was the fact that one of his supervisors continued to refer to him as “Sir” in email communications. This made it difficult for Lusardi to sleep at night. Tamara also alleges that over the course of time he was denied work.

“[T]he Agency inappropriately restricted [Tamara's] restroom usage, repeatedly failed to use her proper name and pronouns, and subjected her and her workplace conversations to increased review and scrutiny,” the report noted. The move represents a serious follow through of Obama’s executive order from July, which bans workplace discrimination against LGBT federal government employees or contractors.

As a part of OSC recommendations, the Army will now mandate additional sensitivity training for supervisors and employees regarding LGBT issues.



Thoughts Balerion the Black? Do women have a right to use a restroom without having a mentally ill male in the toilet stall next to them?


While I will be doing an entire segment on the subject of transvestism/transgenderism later in the thread, I wanted to keep people informed as to what's currently going on with the "T" in the LGBT acronym.

Transgender Soldiers Meet in DC, Want Ban on Military Service Struck Down

Oct. 23, 2014


Transgender military personnel from a number of American allied countries met in Washington, D.C. this week to discuss what they say are the benefits of allowing open transgenders in active military service.
Organized by the American Civil Liberties Union, the conference met in the nation’s Capitol to continue pressure on the Pentagon to allow open transgenders to serve in the U.S. military.

Advocates and many in the medical and scientific field believe that people are not born with a specific gender but are assigned one at birth, but that assignment may not match up to the person’s “gender identity” such that a man may believe he is really a woman and vice versa.

The American Psychiatric Associations diagnostic manual has held that such a disconnect is a sign of mental imbalance, and the military has used that to keep transgenders from serving. The diagnostic manual has changed in recent years and now holds that only “gender dysphoria” -- stress at the disconnect -- could be a problem, though one treatable by counseling, hormone therapy, and even surgery.

Transgender military personnel from 18 countries attended the conference in what they say is the largest international conference of its kind and the first ever held in the US. Allied countries included serving personnel from Canada, England, Israel, New Zealand, and Australia. Speakers at the conference spoke on a variety of topics, all of which pointed to their assertion that openly serving transgenders pose no problems for military readiness or effectiveness.

The conference comes after two reports from independent commissions -- organized by a think thank in San Francisco -- have called for and an end to ban of transgenders in the military...

The report also called for the military to pay for cross-sex hormone treatment and even sex change operations for what they claim are 15,000 closeted transgenders now in the active service or the reserves. They estimate that no more than 230 military personnel would seek sex change operations at a cost of slightly less than $30,000 per surgery. Surgeries include “…chest reconstruction and surgeries to create testes and penises for [female to male], and facial feminization, breast augmentation and surgeries to remove testes and create vaginas for [male to female].”...

The report also said President Obama could strike down the ban without Congressional approval.

Read more: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/...n-DC-Want-Ban-on-Military-Service-Struck-Down

Mentally ill military personnel with automatic weapons and tanks at their disposal. Hmmmmm, who does that remind me of?

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I can't think of a better person to "fire up" proud and unrepentant sodomites than a proud and unrepentant adulterer.

Bill Clinton fires up gay-rights group's gala


Former President Bill Clinton on Saturday offered emotionally charged encouragement to a gala gathering of a prominent gay rights group while noting his wife Hillary Clinton’s support for gay rights when she served as secretary of State.

The fired-up crowd attending the Human Rights Campaign’s national dinner at Washington D.C.’s cavernous convention center was particularly enthusiastic whenever he mentioned Hillary Clinton, a likely 2016 Democratic candidate. The former president noted her support for gay rights during her time at State, when she said that “gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.”

“I love the HRC. The initials are great,” Clinton said as the crowd embraced the dual reference to the rights organization and his wife’s middle name, Rodham. Early on, the former president also mentioned Guy Cecil, the executive director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, who is thought to be a candidate to run Hillary Clinton’s potential presidential campaign...

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/10/bill-clinton-gay-rights-group-gala-112205.html#ixzz3HDaephok

I've seen Queen Hillary up close and believe me, she looks nothing like this.

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