Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Hall of Fame
It seems that if I am not here to fight with him, and you all are not here to scorn or refute him, there is no action on this thread.

Which is as it should be ...

You know better than to engage him, as does everyone who converses with him.

However, as an adult, it is your time to waste.


New member
Which is as it should be ...

You know better than to engage him, as does everyone who converses with him.

However, as an adult, it is your time to waste.
You are absolutely correct, Boo; and I do take responsibility for having this compulsion to engage with aCW. Thanks as always, Boo - or shall I now call you, 'Booo' as your avatar says? :chuckle: :kiss:


New member
aCW: As you speak out against child molestation at the hands of gays,
and also accuse me of not respecting law enforcement
(I indeed do, so long as it is not corrupt)
here are a couple of items for you:


ALABASTER — Officer Joshua Herbinger has been working as a police officer for nine years.

On October 9, 2014 he was charged with sexually abusing a child less than the age of 12. He received four counts of sexual abuse, according to reports.

The child had been attending an elementary school and reported the molestation to the school staff.

According to the child, Officer Herbinger molested the child over a period of two to three years.

Instead of being locked in prison with other rapists, Officer Herbinger was set free after posting $80,000 bail.

You see, when you put on a special costume and a piece of tin on your chest, and call yourself a “law enforcer,” you can commit all manner of horrors — including the molestation of a child — and get away with it.




I haven't been back to GFR7's convict pity party thread (note that in this thread I'd shown in earlier posts the hatred the homosexual movement has towards law enforcement and the US Judeo Christian based criminal justice system), but I would assume by now that GFR7 and his allies have had a belated candlelight vigil for homosexual pedophile/pederast and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

As a token of solidarity, I'll light a candle for Jeffrey as well.


A couple of interesting notes about homosexual pedophile/pederast and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer (who I discussed briefly in the segment on homosexual violence) :

It was an article by Bob Enyart that brought me to TOL. I was searching for articles on the death penalty when I ran across this brilliant article that started off like this:

Jeffrey Dahlmer raped, killed and ate parts of at least thirteen men. As punishment, the government was planning to feed, clothe, educate, medicate, entertain, and legally represent him for the rest of his life. Families of his victims would pay taxes, in part, to keep Dahlmer comfortable, warm in winter and cool in summer. That type of punishment should scare the dickens out of other mass murderers. Interrupting the governments plans for Dahlmer however, an inmate beat the cannibal to death in prison.

(Actually Pastor Bob, two of Dahmer's victims were 14 year old boys: http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/headsinmyfridge/Victims.html)

Here's an interesting piece about Dahmer and one of his victims that I meant to share when I was talking about homosexual serial killers: WARNNG! Some very disturbing facts about homosexual pedophile/pederast and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

A Victim Almost Escapes


Konerak was only 14 and he was running for his life. This was his only chance to escape from the horrible-smelling apartment where the creepy blond guy had slipped him some kind of powerful drug. It seemed that luck was with him that he started to come around just as the blond man had left the apartment.

It took all the strength he had to get up and get to the door. He was so disoriented and panicked that it made no difference that he was naked. This was his only chance to survive. He was working strictly on instinct. Just get out of there and run away.

It was just before 2 A.M. and Sandra Smith called 911 to report the boy running around "butt naked." She didn't know who he was, but she knew he was injured and terrified.

The paramedics got there first and put a blanket around the naked, dazed boy. Two police officers arrived soon after and tried to understand what was going on with this young man of Asian descent.

Sandra Smith, 18, and her cousin Nicole Childress, also 18, were standing near the boy when the Milwaukee city police arrived. The tall blond man was also standing near the boy. The conversation became heated between the girls, the blond man and the police.

The tall blond man told the police the Konerak was his 19-year-old lover who had been drinking too much. Konerak, who was drugged and incoherent, wasn't able to contradict the smooth-talking blond man. Dahmer gave the police a picture ID.

The two young women tried to intervene. They had seen the terrified boy trying to resist the blond man before the police arrived. They were angry and upset. The police were ignoring them and listening to the white man instead.

Just to be on the safe side, the two officers went with the boy and the tall blond man to his apartment. The apartment smelled bad, but it was very neat. Konerak's clothing was folded and placed on the sofa. There were a couple of photographs of Konerak in black bikini briefs.

Konerak sat quietly on the sofa unable to talk intelligently. It's not even clear that he understood the calm explanation the blond man was giving the police. The blond man was apologizing that his lover had caused a disturbance and promised it wouldn't happen again.

The police believed the blond man. They had no reason not to — he was well-spoken, intelligent and very calm. The Asian was apparently drunk and incoherent. The officers, not wanting to get in the middle of a domestic argument between homosexual lovers, left the apartment with Konerak still sitting quietly on the sofa. In that neighborhood, the officers felt that there were more pressing things for them to do.

The Body in the Bedroom

What they missed in the apartment bedroom was the body of Tony Hughes, whose decomposing corpse had lain for three days on the bed.

What they missed was the blond man immediately strangling the Asian boy and having sex with his corpse.

What they missed were the photos that the blond man took of the dead boy, the subsequent dismemberment of his body, and the cleaning of his skull to be kept as a trophy.

What they missed was the opportunity to take the name of Jeffrey Dahmer off the ID that the man gave them and run a background check, which would have told them than the calm, well-spoken man was a convicted child molester who was still on probation.

Read more: http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/notorious/dahmer/index.html

It was sad that the responding officers didn't do more, which in turn would have saved the life of a 14 year old boy and others, but in reality since the decriminalization of homosexuality, where those who engage in homosexual behavior are free to 'cruise', police officers see so much 'gay' domestic violence that they believed that this was just another case of a lovers quarrel between two homosexuals.
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New member
Wow, that really is a stretch.

I post about Christopher Lopez, who had nothing to do with either pedophilia or homosexuality, and you turn that into support for Jeffrey Dahmer, who by the way always creeped me out and whom I have ZERO interest in.
His death did not even register with me. Serial killers to me are so beyond the pale
that they evoke no sympathy or interest in me whatsoever.

Nice going, aCW. :e4e:

Close, but no cigar. :cigar:

BTW, I notice you ignored the article about the cop pedophile.
I wonder why that would be? :think:
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Wow, that really is a stretch.

I post about Christopher Lopez, who had nothing to do with either pedophilia or homosexuality, and you turn that into support for Jeffrey Dahmer, who by the way always creeped me out and whom I have ZERO interest in.
His death did not even register with me. Serial killers to me are so beyond the pale
that they evoke no sympathy or interest in me whatsoever.

Nice going, aCW. :e4e:

Close, but no cigar. :cigar:

When I left your pathetic thread, you and your fellow Libertarians were crying over the death of a con who raped 7 and 13 year old girls, so I figured that homosexual pedophile/pederast serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer deserved your sympathy too.

That being said: I can't emphasize to the followers of this 3 part thread enough the intense hatred that the Homosexual Movement and the Libertarian Movement which it is a part of has for Judeo-Christian doctrine. These people don't care one hoot about guys like Christopher Lopez because they created him with their "live and let live/If it feels good do it/It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!" doctrine; Lopez is just a means to an end for these evil people and the evil movement that they represent.

Looking at two of the websites that GFR7 posted in his pathetic thread, I see that the first one "Prison Reform Movement" states:

The United States Criminal Justice System is flawed, broken, yet fixable; Prison Reform and Sentencing Reform should be major agenda's for each state- we need to stop warehousing prisoners and ready those who are going to parole...

The next website that GFR7 linked was that of the cop hating "The Free Thought Project" where amongst other things they defend (Saint) Michael Brown.


Of course our Judeo-Christian based criminal justice system is neither flawed nor broken, the degenerates want to "fix it" by decriminalizing things such as recreational drugs and of course getting rid of the death penalty.

Never in these websites that homosexualist/Libertarian GFR7 links will you see anyone saying that the abandonment of God is the real problem that our once Christian nation has.

BTW, I notice you ignored the article about the cop pedophile.
I wonder why that would be? :think:

A cop that is into anal sex? He'd fit in perfectly with these degenerates that call themselves police officers yet in reality "put on a special costume and a piece of tin on their chest, and call [themselves] a “law enforcer,” you can commit all manner of horrors — including the molestation [indoctrination] of a child — and get away with it."



San Diego Chief of Police Bill Lansdowne marching in moral degenerate parade.


For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Romans 13:4


New member
You really have become just a blabbering old fool. :nono:
Not even worth commenting on.
You can't even offer a real refutation, just misstatements and falsehoods.
Yuk. Ugh.
Yours is the pathetic thread, without a single TOL supporter. :e4e:


New member
Oh, and so much for your "I never read your threads, GFR7". Riiiight. ;)

My thread was about Christopher Lopez only.
And don't presume to tell me what I do or do not feel about law enforcement:
Or did you forget that my beloved brother-in-law is head of Homicide and Major Crimes? :think:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
AcW ought to publish his own "National Enquirer" type, HATE magazine? A
magazine that promises ALL the hate you can take in and spew out all in
one reading?


New member
AcW ought to publish his own "National Enquirer" type, HATE magazine? A
magazine that promises ALL the hate you can take in and spew out all in
one reading?
Yep - he could just combine his three threads and they would serve as months and months of magazine fodder. :chuckle:


New member
Did you get your MassResistance Newsletter? :think:

What do you think of MassMike 's strategy against gay marriage?

The New Movement - Going forward
We’ve outlined an aggressive approach to pro-family activism that is fairly revolutionary. We strongly believe it is the only answer. We don’t anticipate current groups, even Tea Party groups, to move in our direction, but we are goint to begin doing this ourselves.

We have already started the process of scheduling meetings across Massachusetts to engage and re-orient activists. We are also open to helping form groups in other states and even other countries. The future is now!



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh, and so much for your "I never read your threads, GFR7". Riiiight. ;)

My thread was about Christopher Lopez only.
And don't presume to tell me what I do or do not feel about law enforcement:
Or did you forget that my beloved brother-in-law is head of Homicide and Major Crimes? :think:

He knows that and this is why he won't address the Christopher Lopez case with any sort of honesty, in much the same way as he'll just carry on with his same shtick in general. It really is best to just leave him to it. Even he might become tired of effectively talking to himself if folk just leave him to his own blog.



New member
He knows that and this is why he won't address the Christopher Lopez case with any sort of honesty, in much the same way as he'll just carry on with his same shtick in general. It really is best to just leave him to it. Even he might become tired of effectively talking to himself if folk just leave him to his own blog.

You may well be right. :plain:


I watched this movie, For Greater Glory, again yesterday. I would encourage those of you who value your religious freedom to watch it and even buy the movie and watch it on occasion as a reminder of what atheistic/secular humanist/Godless totalitarian governments are capable of doing. We're rapidly losing our religious freedom here in the US as well; if you don't know that, you better wakeup and do something about it before it's too late.

For Greater Glory


...he won't address the Christopher Lopez case with any sort of honesty,...

Christopher Lopez was an inmate at the San Carlos Correction Facility, "a maximum security facility on the campus of the Colorado Mental Health Institute in Pueblo, Colorado. SCCF houses inmates with special needs, such as severe mental illness or severe developmental disabilities. Inmates at SCCF are temporarily transferred there from other state prisons in order to receive specialized care."

Contrary to what your...ahem...guy friend GFR7 said in his cry me a river over murderers, rapists and child molesters thread, Lopez didn't end up in a state prison nor a maximum security facility for those with severe mental health problems because he committed "petty crimes".

Lopez was where he needed to be (in a correctional facility that houses those with severe mental illness or severe developmental disabilities), the correction officers who failed to respond to Lopez's medical needs have been fired, and I believe that B. Hussein Obama's storm troopers at the Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division are looking into the matter.

Moving on....


New member
Christopher Lopez was an inmate at the San Carlos Correction Facility, "a maximum security facility on the campus of the Colorado Mental Health Institute in Pueblo, Colorado. SCCF houses inmates with special needs, such as severe mental illness or severe developmental disabilities. Inmates at SCCF are temporarily transferred there from other state prisons in order to receive specialized care."

Contrary to what your...ahem...guy friend GFR7 said in his cry me a river over murderers, rapists and child molesters thread, Lopez didn't end up in a state prison nor a maximum security facility for those with severe mental health problems because he committed "petty crimes".

Lopez was where he needed to be (in a correctional facility that houses those with severe mental illness or severe developmental disabilities), the correction officers who failed to respond to Lopez's medical needs have been fired, and I believe that B. Hussein Obama's storm troopers at the Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division are looking into the matter.

Moving on....
Right, you really do need to move on from your ridiculous misinterpretation of my thread. It was not about defending the commission of crimes.

It was about the outrage that any decent human being must feel after watching this tape. I think the officers need to be more than fired: They need to be fully prosecuted, and a financial award should be given to Lopez' family. That is the point of the lawsuit.
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