Cross Reference

New member
The audacity is yours, Cross Reference. I ask questions exploring Scripture, and I find answers exploring Scripture. I can handle the truth, CR. It's easy being a Matthew 8:20 KJV follower. Living like the world... and tongue-speakers are God's ONLY gift to Christianity. Quite audacious, indeed. Faith is a good thing, CR... Paul talked about faith fulfilled in Hebrews 12:1 KJV, Hebrews 12:2 KJV. Faith fulfilled... your faith is in tongue-speak, not truth.

You explore scripture to promote your agenda away from the truth found in them that you, willfully deny.Your price to pay __ not mine.


New member
Pardon me but I will tell you when and what my notion is if I ever change the wording of my post, otherwise deal with it as written. Thank you very much.

My apology, Cross Reference.

Then Christians can "pursue God and Jesus Christ" without tongue-speak? So, what are you selling, then? An elevated relationship with God via tongue-speak? Can non-tongue speakers be inspired by the Holy Ghost WITHOUT tongue-speak? Then, what do you have that other Christians don't have...? Got any truth to those questions, then? I'm listening... for something besides audacious tongue-edification. Try speaking a little truth to those questions... they're important.

Afflicted people want to know that God loves them... is your response to one suffering from a heritable infliction that their faith is insufficient? Horse feathers! Where did those afflictions come from that charismatics NEVER heal... show me the DNA. I proffer considering what happened in Noah's tent (Genesis 9:22 KJV, Leviticus 18:8 KJV). Consider the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy that rebuked substantially consanguineous unions. Consider the Corinthians Paul encountered (1Corinthians 5:1 KJV). When charismatics can heal such heritable genetic afflictions as Jesus did (John 9:1, 2, 3, 4), and Peter did (Acts 3:2 KJV)... give me a call. I encounter those so afflicted on a daily basis... and all that charismatics can offer is the accusation their faith is insufficient... so it was in the days of Jesus... and so it remains, today: John 8:15 KJV.


Word based mystic

New member
You explore scripture to promote your agenda away from the truth found in them that you, willfully deny.Your price to pay __ not mine.

i think he has been wandering in myths and genealogies

probably reading and pursuing similar sensual and earthly thoughts like this

or maybe similar pursuits such as

he might also be finding significance in the apocrypha and the Aggadah in reference to cains significance

Can't really tell what he is trying to put forth because he never actually puts forth his (full) inspired, exalted thoughts.


New member
You explore scripture to promote your agenda away from the truth found in them that you, willfully deny.Your price to pay __ not mine.

Deny what truth, CR... truth has no agenda except illumination. And, the truth is... if truth were our clothing, then churches are spiritual nudist colonies... charismatics not exempt... except for WBM's banana leaf loin cloth buddy up the Amazon. The price we ALL have to pay will be for turning your face away from the truth, and I've offered scant few questions that leaves most folk nude on main street every Sunday morning.

On a lighter note, CR... I'm a rather non-denominational truth slinger. Please don't think I only pick on charismatics. I'd be tarred and feathered for more than my alleged unbelief if I went to any religious institution. I would be a hypocrite walking in the door of any one of them. But, I kinda like it that way... I can repent of prior false notions without having to change churches and publicly acknowledge my being duped, the first time. Think about Matthew 8:19 KJV, Matthew 8:20 KJV, CR... Jesus had no where to lay His head. Are you comfortable in church? Are you finding answers to those questions in church? John the Baptist would fall into that category, and JTB knew exactly who instigated the crucifixion, so did Stephen... Paul... even Paul's disciple Ananias. What about you, CR? Having any luck with that one, "We be Abraham's seed and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?" (John 8:33 KJV). Who specifically and ancestrally instigated the crucifixion, CR? They fulfilled Genesis 3:15 KJV, agreed? Jesus thought so too: John 8:44 KJV.

So, you keep edifying tongue-speak Cross Reference, and I'll keep surfing the Scripture, friend. His Light will eventually shine in infinite brightness upon us all...



New member
i think he has been wandering in myths and genealogies

probably reading and pursuing similar sensual and earthly thoughts like this

or maybe similar pursuits such as

he might also be finding significance in the apocrypha and the Aggadah in reference to cains significance

Can't really tell what he is trying to put forth because he never actually puts forth his (full) inspired, exalted thoughts.

I'm speaking in tongues to you, WBM. Matthew BEGAN the NT with "The book of the GENERATIONS of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham" (Matthew 1:1 KJV). Luke provided the generations of Jesus beginning in Luke 3:23 KJV "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, which... was the son of Adam, which was the son of God." Count 'em up! "Seventy and sevenfold" generations prophesied by Lamech, great...grandson of Cain (Genesis 4:17, 18). But, you think you know who Jesus is? I think you folks are about 76 generations short of the truth, LOL! That's a pretty sad situation when a non-charismatic blind wild hawg like me can come along and rip your spiritual clothes off in public, ROFLOL!

You ever get that DNA? Walk on water, wine into water, raise the dead, or wilt a blade of grass? You're a fine one to mock my theology! If your salvation is affirmed by your exalted miracles... you're dust in the wind, dude! If you pop a noodle in your noggin... I hight recommend a neurosurgeon... and, I've seen plenty of charismatics in hospitals! So... you might want to get that second opinion from a neurosurgeon, well, maybe a charismatic one. Don't believe I ever met a charismatic surgeon, but the atheists seem to work pretty well, ROFLOL!

So... no, WBM. YOU guys are the alleged Holy Ghost miracle workers, not me... but, can't answer those questions? I hate to burst your high altitude balloon, but in 1John 3:9 KJV, John was talking about Jesus... not about you...


Word based mystic

New member
I'm speaking in tongues to you, WBM. Matthew BEGAN the NT with "The book of the GENERATIONS of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham" (Matthew 1:1 KJV). Luke provided the generations of Jesus beginning in Luke 3:23 KJV "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, which... was the son of Adam, which was the son of God." Count 'em up! "Seventy and sevenfold" generations prophesied by Lamech, great...grandson of Cain (Genesis 4:17, 18). But, you think you know who Jesus is? I think you folks are about 76 generations short of the truth, LOL! That's a pretty sad situation when a non-charismatic blind wild hawg like me can come along and rip your spiritual clothes off in public, ROFLOL!

You ever get that DNA? Walk on water, wine into water, raise the dead, or wilt a blade of grass? You're a fine one to mock my theology! If your salvation is affirmed by your exalted miracles... you're dust in the wind, dude! If you pop a noodle in your noggin... I hight recommend a neurosurgeon... and, I've seen plenty of charismatics in hospitals! So... you might want to get that second opinion from a neurosurgeon, well, maybe a charismatic one. Don't believe I ever met a charismatic surgeon, but the atheists seem to work pretty well, ROFLOL!

So... no, WBM. YOU guys are the alleged Holy Ghost miracle workers, not me... but, can't answer those questions? I hate to burst your high altitude balloon, but in 1John 3:9 KJV, John was talking about Jesus... not about you...


i hope the insults lessens your tendency towards hate an violence to your neighbors. hopefully it is a release for a bit.

as to 1 john 3:9 it is obviously talking about christians. you have butchered that passage to prove a genealogical point.

1 john 3:9 kjv Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and(( he ))cannot sin, because(( he ))is born of God.

vs 4 defines the who John is speaking of ""((Whosoever)) abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him))

the him in vs 4 is obviously speaking of Jesus and should be capitalized
vs 9 (his seed) is discussing Gods seed and whosoever that seed is placed in remains in (him) {the whosoever}.

nasb and nkjv capitalizes the him and he that refers to Jesus or God. for better reference point

Cross Reference

New member
i hope the insults lessens your tendency towards hate an violence to your neighbors. hopefully it is a release for a bit.

as to 1 john 3:9 it is obviously talking about christians. you have butchered that passage to prove a genealogical point.

1 john 3:9 kjv Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and(( he ))cannot sin, because(( he ))is born of God.

vs 4 defines the who John is speaking of ""((Whosoever)) abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him))

the him in vs 4 is obviously speaking of Jesus and should be capitalized
vs 9 (his seed) is discussing Gods seed and whosoever that seed is placed in remains in (him) {the whosoever}.

nasb and nkjv capitalizes the him and he that refers to Jesus or God. for better reference point

Indeed, John is speaking to Christians. Sortta puts the oneness on the Christian who still sins. Is he a Christian? Oswald Chambers agrees with John when he says Christians don't sin. We, who call ourselves Christians need to come to realize when Jesus said be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect [complete], There could be no compromise in His saying that to His Disciples. Religion today seeks to lesson that understanding to make it more palatable.

Good post, Wbm. . . :)

God's Truth

New member
i hope the insults lessens your tendency towards hate an violence to your neighbors. hopefully it is a release for a bit.

as to 1 john 3:9 it is obviously talking about christians. you have butchered that passage to prove a genealogical point.

1 john 3:9 kjv Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and(( he ))cannot sin, because(( he ))is born of God.

vs 4 defines the who John is speaking of ""((Whosoever)) abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him))

the him in vs 4 is obviously speaking of Jesus and should be capitalized
vs 9 (his seed) is discussing Gods seed and whosoever that seed is placed in remains in (him) {the whosoever}.

nasb and nkjv capitalizes the him and he that refers to Jesus or God. for better reference point

Excellent points you made. The seed is Jesus Christ, and we have his seed when we receive the Holy Spirit, not whether or not we are genetically blood related to Jesus.

God choose the Jews because they were descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

God choose those BLOOD RELATED to Abraham because He loved Abraham.

God made a promise to those He loved.

Deuteronomy 7:8 But it was because the LORD loved you and kept the oath he swore to your ancestors that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

Deuteronomy 4:37 Because he loved your ancestors and chose their descendants after them, he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength,

Deuteronomy 9:5 It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the LORD your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Micah 7:20 You will be faithful to Jacob, and show love to Abraham, as you pledged on oath to our ancestors in days long ago.

God brought Jesus through the bloodline of those He loved, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus is the promise.

Since Jesus, God does not save anyone anymore on account of their being blood related to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God saves us on whether we have entered the covenant of His blood, the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Read what is said in this scripture:

John 1:13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

Kayaker is insisting that everything concerning God is still based on natural descent/blood relations.

The scripture says NOT of natural descent. That is about blood relatives. All the Israelites, including the dispersed---are blood related to Abraham.


New member
i hope the insults lessens your tendency towards hate an violence to your neighbors. hopefully it is a release for a bit.

Your mockery is an insult, WBM. You come to TOL looking for glory among this congregation brandishing your Amazonian magnificence. Get back to the Amazon where you can be a god among the illiterate. Jesus didn't have any problem calling specific folk hypocrites (Matthew 23:13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29), even synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9, 3:9), neither do I. Welcome to the shoe store. Sometime, I’ll have to tell you about the Phoe bird, an old Chinese legend about a bird with a flux problem.

as to 1 john 3:9 it is obviously talking about christians. you have butchered that passage to prove a genealogical point.

You’re the butcher… I’m more of a scalpel kinda guy, LOL! In 1John 3, John talked about the:

1) "children of God,"
2) "children of the devil,"
3) "sons of God,"
4) "the Son of God,"
5) and "Cain."

To be frank, WBM, you don't know the difference between sheep and shinola... so you can call me Frankie Phoe, because I understand Matthew 24:24 KJV.

1 john 3:9 kjv Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and(( he ))cannot sin, because(( he ))is born of God.

You are not the flesh spawn of God, sorry WMB. I hate to break the news to you friend, but Jesus didn’t sire any sons, either… you were adopted. I know that’s really hard to accept, WMB. You ever wonder why Jesus didn’t sire sons? I didn't think so. Jesus wasn’t an angel, He had a unique Spirit, and He surely wasn’t one of these dudes: Jude 6.

vs 4 defines the who John is speaking of ""((Whosoever)) abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him))

Simple correction… that was 1John 3:6 KJV. That’s six, Much closer to our debated v. 9, btw, no intentional slight of had rendered.

the him in vs 4 is obviously speaking of Jesus and should be capitalized

Agreed, the "him" in 1John 3:6, is Jesus and John's subject. "Should be capitalized" has its shortcomings, sir... I can readily gather the notion of the subject matter beyond case. You're NIV is not at all infallible, and has left you holding an empty trash bag, with upper case. Continuing now with the next verse (I hate repeating myself, you didn’t read my post on these verses, did you? Are, you trying to catch me in inconsistent theology? I knew that you wouldn’t):

In 1John 3:7 KJV, John is referring to the little "children" of God (1John 3:10 KJV), not "sons of God" (1John 3:1 KJV). A key point of 1John 3 is the discernment between the pre-second advent “children of God” and the post-second advent “sons of God.” We are the children of God in these flesh bodies, and we’ll be the sons of God in our new bodies.

1John 3:8 KJV, "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God (notice upper case 'S') was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."​

Do we agree the works of the devil is spiritual death? This point will play out, momentarily. Here, "the Son of God" is clearly the second case, "he," who I trust we agree is Jesus. Who do you trust WBM? Jungle Jim? So, who is "He" in the first instance, WBM? Here are the 'named' subjects of 1John 3: "children of God," the "children of the devil," the "sons of God," "the Son of God," and "Cain." See if you can assign one of John's 'named' subjects to the first "he" without accusing the brethren as you inherently do with you charismaniac charisma, WBM.

Now you can put your long boney finger back in your pocket, and ask yourself if you ‘hear’ any correlation with John 8:34 KJV as Jesus spoke to those seeking His crucifixion (John 8:37 KJV). Can you fathom this correlation? If you think that’s a stretch, you might also want to perform a surgical examination on John 8:44 KJV... but, you're unfortunately clueless understanding this KJV verse compared to the NIV John 8:44 NIV. Since you cannot render the 'named' subjects of John 8:44 KJV... you are severely handicapped trying to grasp who John is referring to being the first "he" in 1John 3:8 KJV. And, here we go further back into the Amazonian jungle:

See if you can maintain syntax without accusing the brethren, WBM:

John 8:44 KJV with my additions: "Ye (John 8:37 KJV) are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye (John 8:37 KJV) will do. He_____ was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him_____. When he_____ speaketh a lie, he_____ speaketh of his own_____ : (KJV colon designating further clarification of "own") for he_____ is a liar, and the father of it.​

Now, when you can fill in THOSE blanks and maintain syntax without accusing the brethren, you'll get a little closer figuring out who the first "He" is in 1John 3:8 KJV. I'll give at least a little clue to the "He": 1John 3:12 KJV. But, that's not the only "he" in John 8:44 KJV.

vs 9 (his seed) is discussing Gods seed and whosoever that seed is placed in remains in (him) {the whosoever}.

When you discern the first "he" in 1John 3:8 KJV, you'll realize who John is contrasting Jesus with (who was celibate, btw). The obvious second "he" in said verse is Jesus, but you've not discerned the first "he." "Whosoever" in 1John 3:9 is EITHER the first "he" or the second "he" from 1John 3:8 KJV, but not you. You’re adopted, I’m sorry… but, that’s the truth, ask Paul.

And, this brings us back to Cain's punishment, embraced in anonymity in Genesis (Genesis 4:15 KJV), a matter for the Holy Spirit. So, tell me folks... Was Cain doing the bidding of God, or Satan, when Cain took a wife, sired a son, and built a city (Genesis 4:17 KJV)? What happened to "the fugitive and vagabond in the earth" (Genesis 4:12 KJV, Genesis 4:14 KJV)? That's a rather novel inquiry derived by an unbelieving blind wild hawg like me rooting around for acorns (Matthew 8:20 KJV). You guys have the Holy Ghost, so why the circumvision, I mean circumvention? (ROFLOL)? So, quit looking around and answer the easier question:


nasb and nkjv capitalizes the him and he that refers to Jesus or God. for better reference point

You aint' getting it either way, WMB. Had that head CT, yet? You eat any jungle pig? Try John 8:44 KJV again with a little help from a blind wild hawg wallowing in the Word:

I've offered some scripture and help along the way illuminating my take, but, don’t trust me, I’m no Jungle Jim, so please fill in the blanks as you are so utterly and divinely inspired, doing miracles 'nall, WBM:

John 8:44 KJV "Ye (Jesus' NON-Israelite detractors) are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye (detractors) will do. He____ was a murderer from the beginning (Genesis 4:8 KJV), and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him_____ (Genesis 4:9 KJV). When he_____ (Genesis 4:8 KJV) speaketh a lie (Genesis 4:9 KJV), he_____ (Genesis 4:9 KJV) speaketh of his own_____ : (KJV colon designating "his own" is about to be clarified) for he_____ is a liar (Genesis 3:4 KJV) and the father of it (Genesis 3:5 KJV).​

And you really think the first "he" in 1John 3:8 KJV (Jesus being the second "he") includes YOU among "Whosoever" in 1John 3:9 KJV? Okay, dude... I've been trying to tell you that from the get go! You just ain't figured out which side of "whosoever" you're on in1John 3:8 KJV. So, unless you're the physical spawn of God, you're up the Amazon River without a paddle.


Think about 1John 3:8 KJV, and John 8:44 KJV while you Noodle around on that one. And, you think 1John 3:9 KJV was talking about you? How do you like them new shoes? Can’t walk on water with ‘em, but they’re pretty water-tight!


God's Truth

New member
My apology, Cross Reference.

Then Christians can "pursue God and Jesus Christ" without tongue-speak? So, what are you selling, then? An elevated relationship with God via tongue-speak? Can non-tongue speakers be inspired by the Holy Ghost WITHOUT tongue-speak? Then, what do you have that other Christians don't have...? Got any truth to those questions, then? I'm listening... for something besides audacious tongue-edification. Try speaking a little truth to those questions... they're important.

Afflicted people want to know that God loves them... is your response to one suffering from a heritable infliction that their faith is insufficient? Horse feathers! Where did those afflictions come from that charismatics NEVER heal... show me the DNA. I proffer considering what happened in Noah's tent (Genesis 9:22 KJV, Leviticus 18:8 KJV). Consider the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy that rebuked substantially consanguineous unions. Consider the Corinthians Paul encountered (1Corinthians 5:1 KJV). When charismatics can heal such heritable genetic afflictions as Jesus did (John 9:1, 2, 3, 4), and Peter did (Acts 3:2 KJV)... give me a call. I encounter those so afflicted on a daily basis... and all that charismatics can offer is the accusation their faith is insufficient... so it was in the days of Jesus... and so it remains, today: John 8:15 KJV.


You are right about Cross Reference. He thinks I am not saved because I go against nowadays tongue speaking. Tongue speaking is NOT a sign of salvation.

If Cross Reference had any kind of gift of the Holy Spirit, he would not go against Jesus giving me the Holy Spirit.

You are also right about the Pentecostals, and those of the Charismatic denominations who want to blame people for their illnesses, and for their children not being healed.
It does not matter if their illnesses are from genetics or accident.
Last edited:

God's Truth

New member
You come to TOL looking for glory among this congregation brandishing your Amazonian magnificence. Get back to the Amazon where you can be a god among the illiterate. Jesus didn't have any problem calling specific folk hypocrites (Matthew 23:13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29), even synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9, 3:9), neither do I. Welcome to the shoe store. Sometime, I’ll have to tell you about the Phoe bird, an old Chinese legend about a bird with a flux problem.

You’re the butcher… I’m more of a scalpel kinda guy, LOL! In 1John 3, John talked about the:
It is the other way around.
You need to get rid of that scalpel and get the Sword. You would make more sense, and you wouldn't need such long posts.

1) "children of God,"
2) "children of the devil,"
3) "sons of God,"
4) "the Son of God,"
5) and "Cain."

You have NO idea what those words mean.

We are a CHILD of God if we obey Jesus' teachings.

We are a child of the devil if we do what Satan does.

You claim the people who had Jesus crucified were biological children of the devil.

That is nonsense.

We become children of the devil if we do what Satan does.

People do not do what Satan does because they are biologically related to him.

To be frank, WBM, you don't know the difference between sheep and shinola... so you can call me Frankie Phoe, because I understand Matthew 24:24 KJV.

You are not the flesh spawn of God, sorry WMB. I hate to break the news to you friend, but Jesus didn’t sire any sons, either… you were adopted. I know that’s really hard to accept, WMB. You ever wonder why Jesus didn’t sire sons? I didn't think so. Jesus wasn’t an angel, He had a unique Spirit, and He surely wasn’t one of these dudes: Jude 6.

Simple correction… that was 1John 3:6 KJV. That’s six, Much closer to our debated v. 9, btw, no intentional slight of had rendered.

Agreed, the "him" in 1John 3:6, is Jesus and John's subject. "Should be capitalized" has its shortcomings, sir... I can readily gather the notion of the subject matter beyond case. You're NIV is not at all infallible, and has left you holding an empty trash bag, with upper case. Continuing now with the next verse (I hate repeating myself, you didn’t read my post on these verses, did you? Are, you trying to catch me in inconsistent theology? I knew that you wouldn’t):

In 1John 3:7 KJV, John is referring to the little "children" of God (1John 3:10 KJV), not "sons of God" (1John 3:1 KJV). A key point of 1John 3 is the discernment between the pre-second advent “children of God” and the post-second advent “sons of God.” We are the children of God in these flesh bodies, and we’ll be the sons of God in our new bodies.

1John 3:8 KJV, "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God (notice upper case 'S') was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."​

Do we agree the works of the devil is spiritual death? This point will play out, momentarily. Here, "the Son of God" is clearly the second case, "he," who I trust we agree is Jesus. Who do you trust WBM? Jungle Jim? So, who is "He" in the first instance, WBM? Here are the 'named' subjects of 1John 3: "children of God," the "children of the devil," the "sons of God," "the Son of God," and "Cain." See if you can assign one of John's 'named' subjects to the first "he" without accusing the brethren as you inherently do with you charismaniac charisma, WBM.

Now you can put your long boney finger back in your pocket, and ask yourself if you ‘hear’ any correlation with John 8:34 KJV as Jesus spoke to those seeking His crucifixion (John 8:37 KJV). Can you fathom this correlation? If you think that’s a stretch, you might also want to perform a surgical examination on John 8:44 KJV... but, you're unfortunately clueless understanding this KJV verse compared to the NIV John 8:44 NIV. Since you cannot render the 'named' subjects of John 8:44 KJV... you are severely handicapped trying to grasp who John is referring to being the first "he" in 1John 3:8 KJV. And, here we go further back into the Amazonian jungle:

See if you can maintain syntax without accusing the brethren, WBM:

John 8:44 KJV with my additions: "Ye (John 8:37 KJV) are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye (John 8:37 KJV) will do. He_____ was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him_____. When he_____ speaketh a lie, he_____ speaketh of his own_____ : (KJV colon designating further clarification of "own") for he_____ is a liar, and the father of it.​

Now, when you can fill in THOSE blanks and maintain syntax without accusing the brethren, you'll get a little closer figuring out who the first "He" is in 1John 3:8 KJV. I'll give at least a little clue to the "He": 1John 3:12 KJV. But, that's not the only "he" in John 8:44 KJV.

When you discern the first "he" in 1John 3:8 KJV, you'll realize who John is contrasting Jesus with (who was celibate, btw). The obvious second "he" in said verse is Jesus, but you've not discerned the first "he." "Whosoever" in 1John 3:9 is EITHER the first "he" or the second "he" from 1John 3:8 KJV, but not you. You’re adopted, I’m sorry… but, that’s the truth, ask Paul.

And, this brings us back to Cain's punishment, embraced in anonymity in Genesis (Genesis 4:15 KJV), a matter for the Holy Spirit. So, tell me folks... Was Cain doing the bidding of God, or Satan, when Cain took a wife, sired a son, and built a city (Genesis 4:17 KJV)? What happened to "the fugitive and vagabond in the earth" (Genesis 4:12 KJV, Genesis 4:14 KJV)? That's a rather novel inquiry derived by an unbelieving blind wild hawg like me rooting around for acorns (Matthew 8:20 KJV). You guys have the Holy Ghost, so why the circumvision, I mean circumvention? (ROFLOL)? So, quit looking around and answer the easier question:


You aint' getting it either way, WMB. Had that head CT, yet? You eat any jungle pig? Try John 8:44 KJV again with a little help from a blind wild hawg wallowing in the Word:

I've offered some scripture and help along the way illuminating my take, but, don’t trust me, I’m no Jungle Jim, so please fill in the blanks as you are so utterly and divinely inspired, doing miracles 'nall, WBM:

John 8:44 KJV "Ye (Jesus' NON-Israelite detractors) are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye (detractors) will do. He____ was a murderer from the beginning (Genesis 4:8 KJV), and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him_____ (Genesis 4:9 KJV). When he_____ (Genesis 4:8 KJV) speaketh a lie (Genesis 4:9 KJV), he_____ (Genesis 4:9 KJV) speaketh of his own_____ : (KJV colon designating "his own" is about to be clarified) for he_____ is a liar (Genesis 3:4 KJV) and the father of it (Genesis 3:5 KJV).​

And you really think the first "he" in 1John 3:8 KJV (Jesus being the second "he") includes YOU among "Whosoever" in 1John 3:9 KJV? Okay, dude... I've been trying to tell you that from the get go! You just ain't figured out which side of "whosoever" you're on in1John 3:8 KJV. So, unless you're the physical spawn of God, you're up the Amazon River without a paddle.


Think about 1John 3:8 KJV, and John 8:44 KJV while you Noodle around on that one. And, you think 1John 3:9 KJV was talking about you? How do you like them new shoes? Can’t walk on water with ‘em, but they’re pretty water-tight!


It is not easy trying to make sense of what you say.
Can you do something about that?
I do not usually try to decipher such difficult to read long posts.
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God's Truth

New member
Beats your NIV translation of 1John 3:9 KJV!

That's simple: Matthew 24:24 KJV.

Jesus called His detractors, "Hypocrites!" So, no... I'm not ignoring Scripture. Even the demons confessed Christ. Jesus & Co. cast out demons... so, there's even HOPE for you!

You said that poor sap (looking for another can of span) also said he heard everything you said in his native tongue. Were you like the only English speaking missionary the dude ran into? Was he wearing a banana leaf loin cloth? Well, we have non-English speaking folk in the U.S... so, I know several you can demonstrate your alleged divinity to. Save you a trip treading the Amazon, afoot, acting like some god before those illiterate Amazonians.

So far, God hasn't answered my prayer that you can answer:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected, WBM?

And, I don't think God is a hypocrite!

Well, the last time I checked, I didn't see a yellow snake slithering out of my porcelain throne, ROFLOL. So, your job ain't finished I suppose. Jesus could perform telepathic miracles healing the centurion's friend over a day's ride away, even the vexed daughter. You graduate to such miracles, yet? You've not heard the gospel about those telepathic healings, then.

Since you can't perform telepathic miracles, agrarian miracles, genetic reconstructions, raise the dead, walk on water, or turn water into wine... I'll stick to my turning wine into water. No DNA, huh?

Sure, Paul utilized the Holy Ghost translating the Gospel into 15 languages evangelizing the Gentiles (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV). You probable didn't catch that v.5 in your NIV, Genesis 10:5 NIV.

I'm speaking in tongues, and you've not Scripturally challenged countless verses, other than 1John 3:9 KJV referring to Jesus (1John 3:2 KJV, 1John 3:3 KJV) that was mistranslated in your NIV, 1John 3:9 NIV. So, it's clearly up to the Holy Spirit, not me.

I read and study the Scripture, OT included. I think connecting Genesis 9:22 KJV with Leviticus 18:11 KJV sorta rattles the timbers. Furthermore, connecting 9:23 KJV, with Japheth being the 'father' of the Gentiles, correlates nicely with Paul's revelation about the Corinthians (1Corinthians 5:1 KJV). That's quite a testimony. I came across a 93 y/o woman last summer afflicted with a withered right upper extremity. I told her Jesus healed such, she wasn't accursed by Almighty God, and to get her grandkids to look up Poland's syndrome pics on Google.

You don't provide evidence because there is none. You are the liar. Charlatans like you give atheists a good name. Send Jungle Jim right over, and I'll crank up the rads and render that X-ray.

I've been praying that you could answer this utterly simple question:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected, WBM?

God wasn't a liar, but you are full of dead mens' bones. John discussed both Jesus and Cain in 1John 3... you mentioned neither, and put yourself in the limelight: Genesis 24:24 KJV.

I pray that God has mercy on your soul.


Deuteronomy 24:16 Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.

2 Kings 14:6 Yet he did not put the children of the assassins to death, in accordance with what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses where the LORD commanded: "Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin."

Job 21:20 Let their own eyes see their destruction; let them drink the cup of the wrath of the Almighty.

Ezekiel 18:4 For everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child--both alike belong to me. The one who sins is the one who will die.

Ezekiel 18:20 The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.

God's Truth

New member
Afflicted people want to know that God loves them... is your response to one suffering from a heritable infliction that their faith is insufficient? Horse feathers! Where did those afflictions come from that charismatics NEVER heal... show me the DNA. I proffer considering what happened in Noah's tent (Genesis 9:22 KJV, Leviticus 18:8 KJV). Consider the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy that rebuked substantially consanguineous unions.
Are you forgetting that Abraham was married to his half sister Sarah?

Are you forgetting that Isaac was married to Rebekah his cousin (Genesis 24:12–15).

Rachel and Leah were both cousins of Jacob. (Genesis 28–29).

That makes a brother and half sister having a child, and that child married his first cousin, and had children who grew up and themselves married first cousins.

According to many English Bible translations, the five daughters of Zelophehad, who married the "sons of their father's brothers" in the later period of Moses.

Caleb gives his daughter Achsah to his brother's son Othniel. (Joshua 15:17)

The daughters of Eleazer married the sons of Eleazer's brother Kish in the still later time of David (1 Chronicles 23:22).

King Rehoboam and his wives Maacah and Mahalath were grandchildren of David (2 Chronicles 11:20).

Consider the Corinthians Paul encountered (1Corinthians 5:1 KJV). .

The incest in 1 Corinthians 5:1 is that the son went with his father's wife---the wife was not his mother.
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I have to give you credit that that's a good start, ITJ. In Genesis 4:17 KJV, Cain took a wife, sired a son, and built the first city. What's particularly punitive about that? Please reconsider Genesis 4:14 KJV... what happened to the "fugitive and a vagabond in the earth"? Do you find Scripture where God ever rescinded this? Cain wouldn't have lived long enough to die from the flood (Genesis 5:8 KJV). Didn't Cain get off scot-free for the premeditated murder of Abel, then?


No capital punishment pre flood


New member

I do appreciate your testimony, GT. It’s rather one-sided for charismatics to blame a genetically afflicted, particularly, for unbelief as their continuing in their misery. Jesus healed them (John 9:1, 2, 3, 4, ), Peter did (Acts 3:2 KJV), while the charismatics perceive the victim’s persistent flesh affliction as evidence of their spiritual unworthiness, hence John 8:15 KJV.

It is the other way around.
You need to get rid of that scalpel and get the Sword. You would make more sense, and you wouldn't need such long posts.

Then hand me a samurai sword! You use a chain saw to weed eat.

You have NO idea what those words mean.

We are a CHILD of God if we obey Jesus' teachings.

We are a child of the devil if we do what Satan does.

You claim the people who had Jesus crucified were biological children of the devil.

That is nonsense.

We become children of the devil if we do what Satan does.

People do not do what Satan does because they are biologically related to him.

John’s context in 1John 3 is sufficient.

Deuteronomy 24:16 Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.

2 Kings 14:6 Yet he did not put the children of the assassins to death, in accordance with what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses where the LORD commanded: "Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin."

Job 21:20 Let their own eyes see their destruction; let them drink the cup of the wrath of the Almighty.

Ezekiel 18:4 For everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child--both alike belong to me. The one who sins is the one who will die.

Ezekiel 18:20 The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.

Substantially agreed. What is your opinion of a potential parent, being a known carrier of a horrendous 100% heritable illness, who chooses parenthood with full knowledge the child will suffer horrifically? The sin of the parent is upon the parent, but the child suffers the affliction, and Jesus healed such afflictions. The child is not at fault in the eyes of God, think about John 8:15 KJV, and reflect how the charismatic posture judges by unbelief. I rebuke charismatics on this point.

It is not easy trying to make sense of what you say.
Can you do something about that?
I do not usually try to decipher such difficult to read long posts.

Take a breath, and your time. Listening is not in your skill set.

Are you forgetting that Abraham was married to his half sister Sarah?

Are you forgetting that Isaac was married to Rebekah his cousin (Genesis 24:12–15).

Rachel and Leah were both cousins of Jacob. (Genesis 28–29).

That makes a brother and half sister having a child, and that child married his first cousin, and had children who grew up and themselves married first cousins.

Have you forgotten Sarah was post-menopausal? GOD intervened! Have you forgotten Rebekah only conceived after GOD intervened? Have you forgotten both Rachel and Leah were barren? GOD intervened. THAT’s the Gospel Truth.

The incest in 1 Corinthians 5:1 is that the son went with his father's wife---the wife was not his mother.

Get a clue, GT.



New member
No capital punishment pre flood

Interesting perspective! I disagree considering Cain's concern that someone would find him and kill him (Genesis 4:14 KJV). Why do you suppose such if not effecting capital punishment?

Furthermore, since our self-esteemed Holy Ghoster's cannot answer the question, give it a shot!


You see, if such was NOT sanctioned by Almighty God... then, what about Cain's punishment considering he was a fugitive and a vagabond? Sounds to me like Cain broke parole, then. Take a shot at that question!


God's Truth

New member

I do appreciate your testimony, GT. It’s rather one-sided for charismatics to blame a genetically afflicted, particularly, for unbelief as their continuing in their misery. Jesus healed them (John 9:1, 2, 3, 4, ), Peter did (Acts 3:2 KJV), while the charismatics perceive the victim’s persistent flesh affliction as evidence of their spiritual unworthiness, hence John 8:15 KJV.

Then hand me a samurai sword! You use a chain saw to weed eat.

John’s context in 1John 3 is sufficient.

Substantially agreed. What is your opinion of a potential parent, being a known carrier of a horrendous 100% heritable illness, who chooses parenthood with full knowledge the child will suffer horrifically? The sin of the parent is upon the parent, but the child suffers the affliction, and Jesus healed such afflictions. The child is not at fault in the eyes of God, think about John 8:15 KJV, and reflect how the charismatic posture judges by unbelief. I rebuke charismatics on this point.

Take a breath, and your time. Listening is not in your skill set.

Have you forgotten Sarah was post-menopausal? GOD intervened! Have you forgotten Rebekah only conceived after GOD intervened? Have you forgotten both Rachel and Leah were barren? GOD intervened. THAT’s the Gospel Truth.

Get a clue, GT.


Just because God answered prayers and allowed those women to get pregnant does not mean the children are not biologically related to the parents. You let your imagination get the best of you, for the Bible does not say these children were not biologically their parents.

You tried to make a case about those with illnesses being cursed because they come from people who sin by conceiving children with their mothers. That scripture you used in Corinthians was not about a son lying with his mother; rather it was with his father's wife. The scripture plainly says it is the wife of his father---not the man's mother.

I have discussed with you before and rebuked you with scripture that tells you to stop with your endless genealogies. You use genealogy to accredit people as being literally being born to the devil, and then you use genealogy to link illnesses to them, but then act oblivious to the fact that you just linked them to children of the devil.

You seem to forget that Jacob and Esau had the same parents, and were twins.

You argue your beliefs by being hateful to others. What else do you got besides that?


New member
Just because God answered prayers and allowed those women to get pregnant does not mean the children are not biologically related to the parents. You let your imagination get the best of you, for the Bible does not say these children were not biologically their parents.

You tried to make a case about those with illnesses being cursed because they come from people who sin by conceiving children with their mothers. That scripture you used in Corinthians was not about a son lying with his mother; rather it was with his father's wife. The scripture plainly says it is the wife of his father---not the man's mother.

There were eight souls on the Ark: Noah and his three sons = 4. Their respective wives = 4. That total's EIGHT. How many wives did Noah have? Genesis 9:22 KJV + Leviticus 18:8 KJV, Leviticus 20:11 KJV, Deuteronomy 22:30 KJV, Deuteronomy 27:20 KJV. Ham did his mother, GT.

I have discussed with you before and rebuked you with scripture that tells you to stop with your endless genealogies. You use genealogy to accredit people as being literally being born to the devil, and then you use genealogy to link illnesses to them, but then act oblivious to the fact that you just linked them to children of the devil.

You still can't count to 77 generations, "seventy and sevenfold" generations (Genesis 4:24 KJV). Your Jesus never arrived then, His generation was the END: E N D genealogy/generations. Count 'em with God is generation #1, Adam generation #2, Seth #3, and so forth beginning in Luke 3:38 to Luke 3:23 KJV. You might need some help since you obviously can't count that high, much less listen... therefore, YOUR messiah is of endless genealogy, a ghost.

You seem to forget that Jacob and Esau had the same parents, and were twins.

What galaxy did that comet come from?

You argue your beliefs by being hateful to others. What else do you got besides that?

I know when I'm being hateful, such gives the mockers a way out since they sorta run out of truth in their arguments. Consider Jesus' words in Matthew 13:13 KJV, Matthew 13:14 KJV, Matthew 13:15 KJV. You and the arrogant charismaniacs don't know when you're being hateful... you're beyond reproach just like the charismaniacs. You and the charismaniacs argue from such a lofty posture, you can't POSSIBLY have a mean bone among those dry, dead bones in your bodies. You look down your long boney noses, and point your long boney fingers... I'm a nice guy!


Word based mystic

New member
kayaker you said "while the charismatics perceive the victim’s persistent flesh affliction as evidence of their spiritual unworthiness,"

that is a lie.
once again you misrepresent something to vilify a person or a group.