Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
from the Noq report:

4) That's it. The end. The kids did not instigate anything, did not harass anyone, did not insult anyone, did not do anything wrong. The Black Israelites are obnoxious racists. Nathan Phillips was clearly trying to provoke something and when he didn't succeed he just lied instead


is that you?
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
btw - this "elder"?

he's 64

let's hope he lives long enough to get the wisdom that moniker suggests :)
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The Media Lied to Punish Kids for Wearing MAGA Hats

DIARY / Wrongthink Radio // Posted at 1:52 am on January 20, 2019 by Wrongthink Radio

A video went viral on the internet Saturday morning showing a group of kids from Covington Catholic school supposedly surrounding a group of Native Americans while wearing MAGA hats. The media, and unfortunately, even some Conservatives immediately clutched their pearls and began virtue signaling about how inappropriate the children were acting and condemning the actions. I am upset to see Conservatives so quick to buy what a Democrat controlled media is selling.

Within a matter of hours, after main stream media began sharing the story and attempting to identify the students several videos from different angles were released and once again we see the media selectively editing reality to fit a narrative, and this time it was to punish children for supporting the President and the March for Life. The students from Covington High school were in DC for the March for life and were waiting for their bus home at the Lincoln memorial, that is when noted activist Nathan Phillips approached the group of students, cameras ready, and began beating his ceremonial drum in the face of one of the students. Nathan Phillips is known to decry racism at the drop of a hat, and is nothing more than a liberal outrage artist.

It wasn’t long after the edited video went viral and suddenly Nathan Phillips is raising money for himself and his non-profit the Native Youth Alliance, as noted in an article here by inquitr. The problem is, what Phillips said happened didn’t, and the media ran with his lie because it fit their anti-Trump narrative and now Phillips has financially gained from selling a lie and these children are being investigated by their school over nothing. A liberal activist sought to intimidate children, and a compliant media was all too ready to be his accomplice because they want these kids to know that supporting the President will ruin your life.

Below is the video from a far different angle. One that shows the complete opposite of what the media claimed happened and any responsible journalist would have wanted to see the situation from as many angles as possible before going on to national television and accusing children of racism or bigotry.

Once again, liberals lied. Once again, the media went along with the lie. Once again, some Conservatives were all to eager to yell “not me!” to gain favor with the main stream media.

These are children folks, high school kids who were brave enough to march for life and have their voices heard, and now they are facing potential disciplinary action from their school because some deranged activist wanted to get his face back on television, and raise money. We need to stand up against bullying children and using them as pawns, everyone should have known better than to jump to conclusions, now we can only hope that these kids don’t face disciplinary punishment for standing around waiting for their bus.


www. redstate.cm - just so we're under no illusions as to what "ok doser" is attempting to "pawn off" as a credible source

In March 2018, a RedState contributor posted a story questioning whether David Hogg, a 17-year-old survivor in the Parkland school shooting, was actually in the school during the time of the shooting.
RedState backtracked later and the writer of the story apologized.
RedState added an "update" to the story, but did not provide a "correction".
RedState's update also blamed the story on confusing reports by other news organizations.
The false RedState story was shared widely by prominent conservatives, including Erick Erickson.

That same month, a RedState contributor wrote an article criticizing Tammy Duckworth's defense of an undocumented immigrant Army veteran who was deported.
The RedState article said that Tammy Duckworth "really doesn't have a leg to stand on"; Duckworth is a veteran who lost both her legs in Iraq in 2004.
RedState's Assistant Editor, Andrea Ruth, who is also a double amputee, revised the statement.

In April 2018, there were mass firings of staff at RedState, including the managing editor, Caleb Howe.
CNN reported that multiple sources claimed that those who were fired were targeted for removal because they were insufficiently supportive of President Trump.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
www. redstate.cm - just so we're under no illusions as to what "ok doser" is attempting to "pawn off" as a credible source

that's one of dozens of links i've provided

and if you have any issue with the report, address it, not the source

and come to think of it, i believe that was a re-direct from the Canada Free Press or something similar

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
new on wiki:

On January 19th, 2019, multiple students that were present at the incident stated that it had been skewed. The students stated that Nathan Philips tried to provoke them and that they never chanted "bulid the wall" or used any racist language or gestures. Videos have been released that confirm these statements.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Just so we're under no illusions as to what "ok doser" is attempting to "pawn off" as a credible source

The sole play of the Darwinist is the logical fallacy.

There is hours of unedited footage at your fingertips. Watch it, form an opinion and if you disagree with someone's take on here, present your reasons and evidence.

You know, a rational and potentially constructive discussion.

That's what this place is for, not your slop.




This media source is strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Indian Country Today"
Outrage as non-Native youth wearing #MAGA hats taunt and disrespect Native elder

one comment:
"HATE HOAX: Native American Activist Approached Chanting Covington Catholic Teens, Got In Their Faces"

Newly surfaced video shows Native American activist was not "surrounded" by #CovingtonCatholic students but instead approached them from afar. pic.twitter.com/brHMYpBUJC

so the pushback is starting

i like the "HATE HOAX" idea - somebody should hashtag that

original article retracted, link to "updated coverage":

and i can't believe it - they're doubling down - too long and chopped up to cut and paste, but they're ignoring the story that's developing everywhere else and sticking by Phillips' story :noway:

and apparently deleting responses from viewers that support the kids :think:

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
national review:

Nathan Phillips Lied. The Media Bought It ....

... Phillips ... repeatedly lied about what happened to the Washington Post, which was utterly taken in by him and reported everything he said uncritically.


all right! that's what i'm talking about! :banana:

more from natrev:
... the media hand out condemnation based on perceived ranking in the victim hierarchy. “Old Ypsilanti man” is near the top, while “privileged-looking young white male probable heterosexual in a MAGA cap” is the absolute bottom. The surface appeal of the story short-circuited the reporters’ brains to such a degree that they failed to perform basic tasks such as asking the people they were accusing for their version of events.

and they're even casting doubt on his claim to be a veteran, one aspect that got so much undeserved attention
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
one new kernel of stupidity:

... a teacher chaperone gave the students permission to begin their school chants “to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group (by the racist negro "street preachers")”

One of those chants, however, is what led Phillips and Marcus Frejo, a member of the Pawnee and Seminole tribes, to approach the youths.

It was a haka — a war dance of New Zealand’s indigenous Maori culture, made famous by the country’s national rugby team. Frejo, who is also known as Chief Quese Imc, told the AP in a phone interview that he felt the students were mocking the dance.


i'd like to be able to say that story went on to say that when the AP reporter doing the interview got done laughing at Frejo he called him a retard before ending the call.

but no - that didn't happen

because white kids doing a maori war dance is cultural appropriation of indigenous peoples' blablablablablablabla :doh: and they must be stopped or somebody's feelings will be hurt somewhere :doh:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
if i happen across a native american butchering an ABBA song at a karaoke bar, would i be justified in confronting them and chastising them for cultural appropriation?


weren't those indians walking on the mall in washington DC?

how dare they appropriate my culture by walking in my nation's capitol :sozo2:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
i don't believe i could do that without it looking like i was mocking it :eek:
Been there. :eek:

Mind you, all the white boys in the All Blacks seem to have no problem. And the guy leading it is of Asian descent. :chuckle:

if i happen across a native american butchering an ABBA song at a karaoke bar, would i be justified in confronting them and chastising them for cultural appropriation?


weren't those indians walking on the mall in washington DC?

how dare they appropriate my culture by walking in my nation's capitol :sozo2:

I think you're justified in just about anything to avoid having to listen to ABBA. :D

Kit the Coyote

New member
and the libs on patreon are still way ahead of the msm on this :darwinsm:

what amazes me is that every shot of the incident shows literally scores of cameras in play - everybody is recording this, from every conceivable angle

why on earth did the msm think this would play as fake news without being challenged?

I think because they are doing what everyone else is doing, looking at the pictures and video and seeing what they want to see instead of trying to understand what is really happening.

Kit the Coyote

New member
one new kernel of stupidity:

... a teacher chaperone gave the students permission to begin their school chants “to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group (by the racist negro "street preachers")”

One of those chants, however, is what led Phillips and Marcus Frejo, a member of the Pawnee and Seminole tribes, to approach the youths.

It was a haka — a war dance of New Zealand’s indigenous Maori culture, made famous by the country’s national rugby team. Frejo, who is also known as Chief Quese Imc, told the AP in a phone interview that he felt the students were mocking the dance.


i'd like to be able to say that story went on to say that when the AP reporter doing the interview got done laughing at Frejo he called him a retard before ending the call.

but no - that didn't happen

because white kids doing a maori war dance is cultural appropriation of indigenous peoples' blablablablablablabla :doh: and they must be stopped or somebody's feelings will be hurt somewhere :doh:

Another piece to the puzzle, thank you this helps a lot.

I don't think anyone was thinking deeply enough at the time to get into such deep thoughts as cultural appropriation. I think Phillips and his people believed they were being mocked. Nothing more intense than that.

I think the chaperone's move to tell the students to do school songs and cheers was a crucial mistake. Sports cheers are not designed to 'calm things down'. He/She should have told them to move away and not interact with the street preachers at all.