Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Making America Stupid Again

too late


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Questions, people, ask the questions first. Howard Stern was right when he said social media is going to kill all of us.

Hollywood celebrities called for the students — all of whom are minors — to be “doxxed” (that is, to have their personal information released online) or even punched.


ok, so that's reza aslan and kathy griffin that need to be charged with promoting assault on a child and invasion of privacy

anybody else?


Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

If Trump's approval ratings don't improve substantially after the 2018 Interims, he will be fortunate to receive the presidential nomination from the 2020 Republican Convention, let alone win.

Apparently, not even the Republicans in Congress were convinced of the wisdom of 1750 miles of wall along THE Mexican BORDER - otherwise they would have funded it with their majorities in the House and Senate in 2017/2018!

This President has even refused an offer by the Democrats in January 2018 to provide $25 billion for "THE WALL" in exchange for a path to citizenship for "THE DREAMERS" - the "GREAT NEGOTIATOR" couldn't even recognize a good deal even when it was dropped in his lap!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

The Media Lied to Punish Kids for Wearing MAGA Hats

DIARY / Wrongthink Radio // Posted at 1:52 am on January 20, 2019 by Wrongthink Radio

A video went viral on the internet Saturday morning showing a group of kids from Covington Catholic school supposedly surrounding a group of Native Americans while wearing MAGA hats. The media, and unfortunately, even some Conservatives immediately clutched their pearls and began virtue signaling about how inappropriate the children were acting and condemning the actions. I am upset to see Conservatives so quick to buy what a Democrat controlled media is selling.

Within a matter of hours, after main stream media began sharing the story and attempting to identify the students several videos from different angles were released and once again we see the media selectively editing reality to fit a narrative, and this time it was to punish children for supporting the President and the March for Life. The students from Covington High school were in DC for the March for life and were waiting for their bus home at the Lincoln memorial, that is when noted activist Nathan Phillips approached the group of students, cameras ready, and began beating his ceremonial drum in the face of one of the students. Nathan Phillips is known to decry racism at the drop of a hat, and is nothing more than a liberal outrage artist.

It wasn’t long after the edited video went viral and suddenly Nathan Phillips is raising money for himself and his non-profit the Native Youth Alliance, as noted in an article here by inquitr. The problem is, what Phillips said happened didn’t, and the media ran with his lie because it fit their anti-Trump narrative and now Phillips has financially gained from selling a lie and these children are being investigated by their school over nothing. A liberal activist sought to intimidate children, and a compliant media was all too ready to be his accomplice because they want these kids to know that supporting the President will ruin your life.

Below is the video from a far different angle. One that shows the complete opposite of what the media claimed happened and any responsible journalist would have wanted to see the situation from as many angles as possible before going on to national television and accusing children of racism or bigotry.

Once again, liberals lied. Once again, the media went along with the lie. Once again, some Conservatives were all to eager to yell “not me!” to gain favor with the main stream media.

These are children folks, high school kids who were brave enough to march for life and have their voices heard, and now they are facing potential disciplinary action from their school because some deranged activist wanted to get his face back on television, and raise money. We need to stand up against bullying children and using them as pawns, everyone should have known better than to jump to conclusions, now we can only hope that these kids don’t face disciplinary punishment for standing around waiting for their bus.


Posted at 1:52 am on January 20, 2019 - does that make sense - could he have been this far ahead of the curve?

MSM is still playing catchup on this


keep that dream alive!

The real question is whether "The Donald" would ever leave the White House "voluntarily" in 2020, should be lose the Election and/or impeached - especially if he and his family were facing criminal charges arising from the Mueller Investigation once he left office!

My best guess is that Trump would relinquish the Presidency just days before his term was set to expire, and only if Pence was willing extend a "presidential pardon" to forgo what would degenerate into a "constitutional crisis!"
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The real question is whether "The Donald" would ever leave the White House "voluntarily" in 2020, should be lose he Election and/or be impeached, especially if he and his family were facing criminal charges arising from the Mueller Investigation!

My best guess is that Trump would relinquish the Presidency days before his term was set to expire, and only if Pence was willing extend a "presidential pardon" to forgo what could degenerate into a "constitutional crisis!"

you certainly have a vivid imagination!

maybe after pence's two terms the dems can have another shot in 2032!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
back to Sandmann and Phillips - now that Phillips has been proven a liar wrt his claims about his movements and the movements of the group of kids, can we find anybody with footage of the kids chanting "build that wall"?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
chicago tribune:
"The Israelites and students exchanged taunts, videos show."
some students shouted, "Build the wall!"

Phillips said he and his fellow Native American activists also had issues with the students throughout the day.

"Before they got centered on the black Israelites, they would walk through and say things to each other, like, 'Oh, the Indians in my state are drunks or thieves,' " the 64-year-old said.

Phillips said he heard students shout, "Go back to Africa!"

on why he stood in front of Sandmann: "Why I should go around him?" he asked.

how will the msm characterize Phillips going forward?

on Phillips walking up to a stationary Sandmann and standing inches from Sandmann's face, beating a drum and brushing against his coat:"This one kid just refused to move and he just got in Nathan's face..."

"This one kid ..just got in Phillip's face" by standing there while Phillips walked right up to him ???? :dizzy:

honestly - why don't reporters call out idiotic crap like this when they're doing interviews?

Phillips again: ""What the young man was doing was blocking my escape."

the independent/uk - covering the corrected story, no time stamp - backpedalling on the language lauding the old fool - perhaps a realization that he's a liar?

there's a video from instagram that i can't find that shows the confrontation from virtually Sandmann's perspective - its taken by someone standing on the steps behind him to his right, that shows even better how much in-your-face the toothless old fool was - it's on the CNN link

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and the retards at Rolling Stone?

... Phillips told the Detroit Free-Press “These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that.”

These teens did not get this way on their own. They were taught to hate like this, to believe in white supremacy. Plus, making an annual, school-sponsored trip specifically to protest women’s reproductive autonomy surely contributed to their attitudes of superiority and aggression. And they were also fueled by the words of President Donald Trump, who has embraced white supremacy and racism on the campaign trail and in the White House.


"These teens ... were taught to hate like this, to believe in white supremacy"

the stupid :doh:

it must be stopped

Dear God, please stop it

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

USA Today:

Fuller video casts new light on Covington Catholic students' encounter with Nathan Phillips

The furor over the behavior of a group of Catholic school students from Kentucky toward a Native American elder during weekend protests in Washington, D.C., took a turn Sunday with the emergence of a new video.

The one-hour, 46-minute video presents a fuller picture of the Friday events that culminated with students from the all-male Covington Catholic High School coming face-to-face with Nathan Phillips, a longtime Native American activist and Vietnam veteran, as he chanted and banged a drum in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

A viral 3-minute, 44-second clip that shows the teenagers – several of them wearing "Make America Great Again" hats – laughing, hooting and hollering while surrounding Phillips drew widespread condemnation and prompted the school and the Diocese of Covington to issue an apology and promise to take “appropriate action, up to and including expulsion.’’

The longer version of the incident is more complex, and now that it has surfaced, the rush to judge the teenagers is coming under attack.

“The honorable and tolerant students of Covington Catholic School came to DC to advocate for the unborn and to learn about our nation’s Capitol,’’ tweeted Republican Rep. Thomas Massie, whose district includes the part of Northern Kentucky where the school is located. “What they got was a brutal lesson in the unjust court of public opinion and social media mobs.’’



Well-known member
Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

If Trump's approval ratings don't improve substantially after the 2018 Interims, he will be fortunate to receive the presidential nomination from the 2020 Republican Convention, let alone win.

Apparently, not even the Republicans in Congress were convinced of the wisdom of 1750 miles of wall along THE Mexican BORDER - otherwise they would have funded it with their majorities in the House and Senate in 2017/2018!

This President has even refused an offer by the Democrats in January 2018 to provide $25 billion for "THE WALL" in exchange for a path to citizenship for "THE DREAMERS" - the "GREAT NEGOTIATOR" couldn't even recognize a good deal even when it was dropped in his lap!

It wasn't a good deal. He's only offering them the same "good deal" now, knowing they will look even more foolish than they do now when they turn it down.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and something called the Noq report:

When white Catholic students wearing MAGA hats are caught on video face-to-face with Native Americans on one side and Black Hebrew Israelites on the other, they’re definitely bigoted white supremacist hatemongers who went out looking for minorities to persecute. At least that’s how mainstream media and a good chunk of social media reacted when they saw the initial videos and images of smirking MAGA children.

But that’s not how it went down. It was the exact opposite of how it went down.

more: https://noqreport.com/2019/01/20/ma...tholic-students-fake-controversy-surrounding/



It wasn't a good deal. He's only offering them the same "good deal" now, knowing they will look even more foolish than they do now when they turn it down.
57% of the American public disagree - its this President and the Republican Senate that are holding 800 000 government workers hostage.

It was Trump who vetoed the bipartisan funding bill passed by Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate, and that VP Pence led them to believe the President would sign!

The President "caved" to the conservative media who demanded that Congress, and not the Mexicans, pay for "THE WALL."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and the retards at Rolling Stone?

... Phillips told the Detroit Free-Press “These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that.”

These teens did not get this way on their own. They were taught to hate like this, to believe in white supremacy. Plus, making an annual, school-sponsored trip specifically to protest women’s reproductive autonomy surely contributed to their attitudes of superiority and aggression. And they were also fueled by the words of President Donald Trump, who has embraced white supremacy and racism on the campaign trail and in the White House.


"I stood in between them"

no, that's another lie that a good reporter should have questioned the old fool about - he most decidedly did not stand between the two groups, he walked between the two groups and into the middle of the group of kids where he chose to stand in front of Sandmann, with his back to the potential confrontation with the cretinous Negroes

who were not, by the way, "old" - another lie


Well-known member
57% of the American public disagree - its this President and the Republican Senate that are holding 800 000 government workers hostage - it was Trump who vetoed the bipartisan funding bill passed by Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate that VP Pence led them to believe the President would sign!

The President "caved" to the conservative media who demanded that Congress, and not the Mexicans, pay for "THE WALL."

Just keep heeding that fake news, and keep repeating it to everyone. Those with half a brain can see for themselves what's going on. It's a shame you can't understand how Mexico will end up paying for the wall.


Well-known member
"I stood in between them"

no, that's another lie that a good reporter should have questioned the old fool about - he most decidedly did not stand between the two groups, he walked between the two groups and into the middle of the group of kids where he chose to stand in front of Sandmann, with his back to the potential confrontation with the cretinous Negroes

who were not, by the way, "old" - another lie

It's funny. A group of high school boys enjoying their outing in DC to support life, and they get highjacked by these loud mouthed adult activists. I guess we should count ourselves lucky the boys weren't exposed to the filthy mouthed women's rights activists with their pink hats.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
this just appeared on Wiki:

According to an article in the The Cincinnati Enquirer, as more videos of the incident were uploaded and analyzed on January 20, different narratives surrounding the chronology of events have been suggested.[11][12][13]

"different narratives surrounding the chronology of events have been suggested" = "it probably was all a lie"