Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yep. They just are less likely to commit crimes than you are, once they are here. Assuming you're the average native-born American.

Got a cite on that?
We'll revisit the "once they are here" which translates to "after they committed the crimes of entering without inspection and the civil infraction of being here without a visa".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Which means nothing.
When a homeless person goes into a vacant house for a place to rest, do you charge him with trespassing and call him a criminal?

Motive is what makes a crime, these people are in poverty.

Did the homeless person break into the vacant house? Then yes I charge him with a crime. Unless you're OK with people breaking into your house while you're away then you will too.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
= the equivalent of the government having to change people’s pampers :sigh: eventually people will step up and clean the trash. Government diaper changing hampers self-reliance

They should have removed the trash cans. This happens all the time to me on construction sites. If there's a trash can there people will consider putting trash in the proximity of the overflowing trash can as having done their duty and it's not their fault the trash can emptier hasn't done his duty yet. Removing the trash can removes that psychology.


Did the homeless person break into the vacant house? Then yes I charge him with a crime. Unless you're OK with people breaking into your house while you're away then you will too.

The police don't, because if it goes to court and there's nothing to prove that the homeless person was doing anything other than to find a place to rest it makes the cops look bad.

Making criminals out of people just trying to live is highly fascistic. Good job admitting that you don't see life preservation as justification for breaking a rule.


Homelessness is usually a result of bad decisions in a person's life, usually exacerbated by the policies set by our government.

Everybody makes bad decisions. The difference with a lot of the homeless is that they didn't know they couldn't afford to make them, where others could without ending up in that situation.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Do you feel that this is enough funding to adequately secure the border?

The yearly budger has been over $3 billion since Obama was in office

That offer was in addition to the current budget. As for if it is enough, I can't say that is why we really need real representatives who would work together to find the answer to such questions instead of just towing the political line.

What pain can we expect to feel? No one I know works for the federal government. I'm looking forward to people realizing that we don't need big brother to change our pampers on a daily basis and everything will be OK.

The first pains will be the Federal workers who are on the margins start falling behind on their mortgages, rent and other bills over the next two to three months.

Good riddance.

I might be inclined to agree with the TSA but try selling that we don't need that security theater to the general population. And when other federal workers start following them? Food safety inspections, border security, air traffic controllers?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Well, put that way, as I said it is a tactical tool which means yes it is an option. Whether it is a sensible one would depend on the situation and what other steps are being taken, as noted fixed defenses by themselves to not stop invasions or win wars.
It looks like you haven't followed the conversation. Imagine China was posturing.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When a homeless person goes into a vacant house...

define "vacant"

Did the homeless person break into the vacant house? Then yes I charge him with a crime. Unless you're OK with people breaking into your house while you're away then you will too.

i think he means "abandoned"

The police don't, because if it goes to court and there's nothing to prove that the homeless person was doing anything other than to find a place to rest it makes the cops look bad.

no, that's not the reason

the reason is that an abandoned house usually doesn't have clear ownership and so there's nobody to file a complaint

Making criminals out of people just trying to live is highly fascistic.

why can't they just try to live on the Mexican side of the border?

far as i can tell, Mexico is full of living people

RD, on barbie:
He sure does post some idiotic opinions, doesn't he?

he's a weird mix of uber-troll and senile dementia that earned this assessment from Knight:

The Barbarian is a jerk who has posted on TOL for years and when he makes a database wasting post he exposes himself to possible banishment. Heck it wouldn't hurt my feeling at all to permanently ban him.


the reason is that an abandoned house usually doesn't have clear ownership and so there's nobody to file a complaint

A bank follows suit immediately, and they'll send either hired civilians or the police to make sure it's intact and safe.

As I stated earlier, the cops can't just charge someone with a crime if it's obvious they're just looking for shelter.
And it's not like these cases are private. Probably the most important thing people forget is that these cases are seen right in the public's eye which is why I said previously that it makes the cops look bad.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A bank follows suit immediately, and they'll send either hired civilians or the police to make sure it's intact and safe.

not in my experience, not in upstate New York - houses in my old neighborhood that were foreclosed on sat empty for a year and a half, typically

and if anybody had broken into them, for any reason, the cops would have responded

As I stated earlier, the cops can't just charge someone with a crime if it's obvious they're just looking for shelter.

sure they can, if they've broken the law


not in my experience, not in upstate New York - houses in my old neighborhood that were foreclosed on sat empty for a year and a half, typically

And a bank didn't buy it?
It was virtually public property at that point I'd suppose.
But I'd also suppose the law is a bit different between here in Richmond VA and NY

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And a bank didn't buy it?
It was virtually public property at that point I'd suppose.
But I'd also suppose the law is a bit different between here in Richmond VA and NY

the bank took ownership upon completion of foreclosure, but the homeowner had moved out long before that, typically - and as far as i could tell, the bank wasn't prompt at all in securing the property - there were two in the upscale suburban neighborhood I lived in, on my street - one was right across from me - the neighbors and I took turns making it look lived in, so as to forestall crime - cutting the grass, shoveling the driveway, etc.


the reason is that an abandoned house usually doesn't have clear ownership and so there's nobody to file a complaint

Perhaps where you live, but at least in the civilized world it is usually pretty easy to determine ownership of real estate, especially if there is a residence on it. A title search of the appropriate land records.

Kit the Coyote

New member
It looks like you haven't followed the conversation. Imagine China was posturing.

You put the topic in military terms with the invasion question, I am responding in kind. China's wall did not stop the invasions it was intended to stop. Though it did provide some tactical benefits.

Kit the Coyote

New member
So I have heard a rumor but haven't been able to confirm it yet. As I mentioned earlier most shutdowns haven't lasted long enough for the real pain to be felt but this one looks like it will and it is possible the Democrats will use that to reopen the government in a piecemeal fashion, by addressing those pains directly. One of the first big ones coming up is that tax refunds are not going to be mailed out, a problem that will be felt by many Americans. This will likely lead to a bill funding the IRS and Treasury.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Perhaps where you live, but at least in the civilized world it is usually pretty easy to determine ownership of real estate, especially if there is a residence on it. A title search of the appropriate land records.

we're talking about the period between abandonment by a homeowner and completion of foreclosure proceedings by the bank holding the mortgage

and regardless of what the town clerk's office says about nominal ownership, if an owner can't be located, there's nobody to file a complaint
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