Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?


So you're in favor of taking down all the walls and fences at the Prisons? Or are you ready to admit it's and obstacle and drop the "merely".

And there goes another false analogy. The border wall is not like maintaining a prison perimeter, but nice job showing what you think of them.

You know what is tantamount to a home invasion?
A home invasion, that's what.
And some of those illegals are going to commit home invasions or murder or human trafficking. And when that happens the bottom line is that the guy isn't even supposed to be here.

Would it matter less if the person was supposed to be here?
The crime of illegal immigrants is blown way out of proportion- but when you're sheeped into fearmongering that's what happens. You get all paranoid and hyper vigilant. All of a sudden you're betraying your own morals so that other people suffer.

The Barbarian

Apparently we should build a wall of young Spartans :idunno:

Actually, the Spartans didn't mean that they built a wall of their soldiers. They meant that a strong polis didn't need to build a wall. King Agesilaus of Sparta, on being shown the strong walls of another city, commented:
"What splendid women's quarters." Agesilaus had Trump's number, um?

Later on, some Spartans became rich (even though they weren't supposed to ever be rich) and the old virtues of duty and equality fell away. And then they were easy prey.

That's the nation that Trump is calling us to be. The wall is just a symptom of a his lack of confidence in America.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And there goes another false analogy. The border wall is not like maintaining a prison perimeter,
Sure it is.

Would it matter less if the person was supposed to be here?
The crime of illegal immigrants is blown way out of proportion- but when you're sheeped into fearmongering that's what happens. You get all paranoid and hyper vigilant. All of a sudden you're betraying your own morals so that other people suffer.
It's not blown out of proportion when you get killed by someone who isn't supposed to be here.
Because you're dead, you can't blow being dead out of proportion.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Actually, the Spartans didn't mean that they built a wall of their soldiers. They meant that a strong polis didn't need to build a wall. King Agesilaus of Sparta, on being shown the strong walls of another city, commented:
"What splendid women's quarters." Agesilaus had Trump's number, um?

Later on, some Spartans became rich (even though they weren't supposed to ever be rich) and the old virtues of duty and equality fell away. And then they were easy prey.

That's the nation that Trump is calling us to be. The wall is just a symptom of a his lack of confidence in America.

The wall is a way to keep known criminals from sauntering across our southern border.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Or I could consider that they're just following a narrative and that analogy is just passed on.

Or you could address ideas instead of counting opinions.

Why do leftists hold so dearly to logical fallacies?

For example: Who seriously thinks that a wall would stave off a threat of invasion from an enemy's armed forces?

Try answering without straw manning. :up:

Kit the Coyote

New member
I mean, seriously: Who thinks a wall would be the answer to a threat of invasion from another nations' armed forces?

In traditional military strategy, fixed defenses are never considered the 'answer' to a threat of invasion just a tactical tool. The primary purpose of fixed defenses is to protect key points while freeing up your mobile forces for the real work of winning the war. Using a wall as an 'answer' to invasion is what gives you such failures as the Maginot Line.

Kit the Coyote

New member
I think opposition to Trump is part of it but it's also a rather large chunk of money Trump is asking for demanding.

So, I can see not giving Trump carte blanche but what exactly is the democrat plan? They've been in favor of funding in the past but to a lesser degree.

If you don't want to fund the wall, what is the alternative plan? I personally find the wall far too expensive and possibly inefficient when considering the resources required to build it. But, a lot of the push back isn't at all helpful. We need a viable alternative plan.

We also need some fiscal responsibility in Washington. Something neither party seems to care much about.

My understanding is the Democrat plan, such as it is, is to invest in reasonable cost-effective border improvements, increasing use of technology to improve the border patrol's effectiveness (virtual wall), and significant reform of immigration policy.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
In traditional military strategy, fixed defenses are never considered the 'answer' to a threat of invasion.

As luck would have it, nobody said they were.

Now, how about an answer to the question?

Who thinks a wall would be a sensible response to a threat of invasion?

The Barbarian

A council of Native American leaders has offered partial amnesty to the estimated 220 million illegal white immigrants living in the United States.

The “white” problem has been a topic of much debate in the Native American community for centuries, and community leaders have decided the time has come to properly address it.*

Daily Currant reports, “At a meeting of the Native Peoples Council (NPC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico yesterday, Native American leaders considered several proposals on the future of this continent’s large, unauthorized European population.

The elders ultimately decided to extend a pathway to citizenship for those without criminal backgrounds.”

“We are prepared to offer White people the option of staying on this continent legally and applying for citizenship,” explains Chief Wamsutta of the Wampanoag nation.

“In return, they must pay any outstanding taxes and give back the land stolen from our ancestors.

“Any white person with a criminal record, however, will be deported in the next 90 days back to their ancestral homeland.

Rush Limbaugh will be going to Germany. Justin Bieber will depart for Canada.

And the entire cast of Jersey Shore will be returning to Italy.”


The Barbarian

The wall is a way to keep known criminals from sauntering across our southern border.

Seeing as illegal immigrants are significantly less likely to commit crimes than are native-born Americans, the money would be better spent on dealing with groups that are known to be more criminal.


Seeing as illegal immigrants are significantly-- morelikely to commit crimes than are native-born Americans, the money is already better spent on dealing with groups that are known to be more criminal.

I don't think illegal immigrants significantly commit less crimes, but the percentage is higher.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Seeing as illegal immigrants are significantly less likely to commit crimes than are native-born Americans, the money would be better spent on dealing with groups that are known to be more criminal.

And once again the desperate attempt to conflate illegal immigrants and people who entered without inspection.
People who overstay their visa have committed a civil infraction, people who enter without inspection have committed a misdemeanor.

Kit the Coyote

New member
As luck would have it, nobody said they were.

Now, how about an answer to the question?

Who thinks a wall would be a sensible response to a threat of invasion?

I mean, seriously: Who thinks a wall would be the answer to a threat of invasion from another nations' armed forces?

That was the answer to the original question, that you don't like it so now you trying to change the question doesn't change that. A wall is not even a sensible response if the cost and efforts to build it are not worth the gain. The same if concentrating on it distracts from solving the problem.