Why Do We Believe Paul?

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Well-known member
MADists have an obsession with conceiving alleged disappearing acts in the Bible.

Peter 'disappears' in Acts, the Church 'disappears' in Revelation..

It's basically what crumbles MAD, because it shows how much they've fundamentally altered biblical interpretation.

Reality doesn't have any effect on them- they'll simply deny Peter's existence in Rome, among a myriad of other things. It's a complete revision of history.

No dispensationalist theologian, preacher or writer has ever murdered someone else over a theological disagreement in the name of dispensationalism.

But many Reformed have "disappeared" people...murdered, or approved the murder, of others for merely disagreeing with them. Your idol himself approved the theologically-driven murder of Servetus.

You belong to a cult with, not grace, but lust for power, hatred and murder at its heart.


Well-known member
I know Paul's letters have been included in the Bible, but why do we believe what he wrote?

A man goes walking along a dessert road at midday and claims that Jesus appeared and spoke to him. Could this have been a sun stroke hallucination? How do we know if this was a real event or not?
Do we have 2 or three witnesses?

Then this man proceeds to rail against key elements of Jesus' religious practice....the Torah, circumcision, the Sabbath, the Festivals, and Jesus' Gospel of the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom on earth. Should we be suspicious of a man who replaces the practices of the Hebrew Scriptures with a new religion?

What do you think?

Okay, I'll play, moby.

Get rid of Paul and both Luke and Peter have to go, too. So get out the X-acto knife and get to cutting.


Well-known member
As usual, about 80% of this thread are personal attacks or irrelevant. I haven't seen one clear answer: "Why do you believe Paul?"
As I said earlier, the only reason that look possible to me (as an outsider), is that it is Church tradition. Which is a bit circular, since it is Paul's church.

Anybody here have a clear answer to the OP?


Once again Crici-BULL sounds Catholic.

Reformed, my foot.

The Reformists never denied Peter in Rome, as that was, and still is, accepted history. Like the Greeks, the Reformists saw that while Peter's seat had high sentiment, it had no special authority.

You all's denial of Peter in Rome is just a part of your complete nonsense. It goes to show how utterly heretical you all really are :rolleyes:


Well-known member
The Reformists never denied Peter in Rome, as that was, and still is, accepted history. Like the Greeks, the Reformists saw that while Peter's seat had high sentiment, it had no special authority.

You all's denial of Peter in Rome is just a part of your complete nonsense. It goes to show how utterly heretical you all really are :rolleyes:

Extrabiblical murder cult, just like your not really estranged mother (Rome). You're the thuggees of Christendom.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Reformists never denied Peter in Rome, as that was, and still is, accepted history. Like the Greeks, the Reformists saw that while Peter's seat had high sentiment, it had no special authority.

You all's denial of Peter in Rome is just a part of your complete nonsense. It goes to show how utterly heretical you all really are :rolleyes:

You all's?? What, are you from the southern side of ignorance?


No dispensationalist theologian, preacher or writer has ever murdered someone else over a theological disagreement in the name of dispensationalism.

No dispensationalist has lived outside of the vain, modern 1st world. Cooking up some idea that you all are going to be beamed up in the sky and leave all the problems you helped cause to everyone else- and denying holy tradition, baptism, communion :AMR:

You can get away with it because this world is as vain as your reinvention- back then, such blasphemies disrupted society and it was necessary to deal with such harshly.

You all don't really believe in God, you just sell 'afterlife insurance' in return for joining your reprobate churches.


Well-known member
Why do you believe Moses? Assuming for the moment that you do, which I doubt.

Tradition. There is no other reason to accept the authority of the Hebrew bible.

And take your doubts elsewhere. It is quite convenient to doubt the sincerity of people you disagree with. It helps you avoid dealing with this issues themselves. Speaking of which: "Why do you believe Paul"?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No dispensationalist theologian, preacher or writer has ever murdered someone else over a theological disagreement in the name of dispensationalism.

But many Reformed have "disappeared" people...murdered, or approved the murder, of others for merely disagreeing with them. Your idol himself approved the theologically-driven murder of Servetus.

You belong to a cult with, not grace, but lust for power, hatred and murder at its heart.

John Calvin was complicit in the "Murder-Executions" of around 55 or more human beings who disagreed with him.


New member
Extrabiblical murder cult, just like your not really estranged mother (Rome). You're the thuggees of Christendom.

Question....Is Babylon the Great really Rome?
If so.....
1 Peter 5:13 She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you greetings, and so does my son, Mark.
Is Peter really referring to Rome when he identifies that he is in Babylon?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Tradition. There is no other reason to accept the authority of the Hebrew bible.

And take your doubts elsewhere. It is quite convenient to doubt the sincerity of people you disagree with. It helps you avoid dealing with this issues themselves. Speaking of which: "Why do you believe Paul"?

Are you Jewish?


New member
Tradition. There is no other reason to accept the authority of the Hebrew bible.

And take your doubts elsewhere. It is quite convenient to doubt the sincerity of people you disagree with. It helps you avoid dealing with this issues themselves. Speaking of which: "Why do you believe Paul"?

Would you agree that if the Hebrew Scriptures are false then so must the Greek Scriptures be false?
Luke 24:44 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Now He said to them, “These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”

If Jesus believed the Hebrew Scriptures shouldn't you?


John Calvin was complicit in the "Murder-Executions" of around 55 or more human beings who disagreed with him.

Heresy was a crime back then. People actually took religion seriously.
Go cry a river.

I don't need to 'justify' Calvin because the very era he lived in vindicated him. You may as well be calling God evil in that you prosecute people for the same thing the Jews did by law.

You all's self righteous nonsense is too ridiculous to deserve attention, really. You call abortion murder, but you aren't losing sleep over it. I wonder why that is? Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that you really have just trained yourself to believe what you internally know isn't true :rolleyes:

Go get mad at Trump for allegedly dodging taxes that fund 'murder', and then go protest against murder. Let your vanities blind you to the poor, and sell the idea that you all are going to be beamed into the sky and not subject to suffering.
The only thing you all excel at is being hypocrites.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Heresy was a crime back then. People actually took religion seriously, not having an inclination to make up fantasies like you all.
Go cry a river :rolleyes:

Did you ever consider the truth of the matter? Those murderers were most likely heathens headed for Judgement, in the name of their false beliefs.
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