Why didn't God create Jesus.....


New member
Jesus was not born with the power to create the Universe, he was born to be the Lamb of God and destroy the works of Satan.

Look at the world today and explain to me in what way Satan has been destroyed. We have power over Satan but the world doesn't.


Eclectic Theosophist
The creation of Jesus, a divine bestowal upon humanity

The creation of Jesus, a divine bestowal upon humanity

.....like he did Adam? Re: Genesis 2:7

I see no reason or purpose to create Jesus in the same way Adam was created, since Adam in the record of Genesis was the first man (other records challenge this however, since they speak of humans tribes living on earth before Adam arrived, from whence Cain got his wife, but that's another subject).

Once the human population continued in its various tribes and races, all 'God' (whoever the creator or Lord of this local universe is, including all its inhabited planets) would need to do was choose a time to 'incarnate' or 'bestow' himself within a human form/personality to reveal his nature and will to the world, and by that 'incarnation' also experience being 'human' in every dimension, the full breadth of experience, to better acquaint himself most intimately by partaking of their very nature, the divine co-mingling with human nature. In such a 'synergy' of Creator and created,....a new triumph and victory is attained by the divine, also taking up humanity with it, to become spiritualized, so we have the archetype of the perfect God-Man, or the divinitized human. In this sense, 'Man' being created/made in the 'image' and 'likeness' of 'God' comes full circle, into full fruition, since Jesus, the second Adam...completes the full synthesis or marriage of 'God' and 'Man' being a living representation of it.

In this case, Jesus is unique, the 'last' or 'second Adam'....fathering a new race of spirit-born sons, a new humanity, a 'new creation' as it were. What is important to note is that thru the 'incarnation' or 'bestowal' of Jesus,...'God' comes in a special way thru the lineage of Man already evolved after so many centuries at the right time or dispensation. While there is a divine mystery behind the incarnation...as Deity assumes human form, the birth also still came thru ordinary human and natural means as well, since Mary became pregnant and begat Jesus in the same way as any other human child is born (at least after her conception). Whether Mary was made pregnant by some spiritual force, power or personality, or by Joseph or another man....Jesus still was born as any other ordinary human child...and grew up the same way, experiencing life as a human, his life having meaning and significance because of his special nature/identity/potential, and what would be accomplished or realized thru the ordeal of his human experience.


Eclectic Theosophist
Humanizing 'God' tactics exposed.......

Humanizing 'God' tactics exposed.......

Yahweh is a Man of war; Yahweh is His name.

Exo 15.3

In other places this 'YHWH' seems to claim NOT to be man or the son of man, even if you imagine this 'God' in anthropomorphic terms (such being but an 'image'). No other monotheists believes 'God' is a 'Man', nor can ever become one (since 'God' is in a class or category of being, like no other, one of a kind, NOT human, but pure Spirit, incorporeal, birthless/deathless, immortal, infinite), except Christians. Do note that.

Furthermore, this tribal war-monging 'god' does seem to be a 'warrior-deity' (or a 'man', being figurative language), since he ordered wholesale slaughtering of communities, men, women and children,...plus looting, so he does appear to be much like a 'man of war',.....I don't if this proves much though (beyond figurative language), except to have second thoughts on whether such a 'god' deserves worship.

Neither does this one verse prove that Jesus (being a man) is 'God' (if that is anywhere assumed or correlated), since to do that is to superimpose and re-rig Jewish scriptures to support Christian interpretations and assumptions, which Orthodox Jews and rabbis reject, knowing their own scriptures quite well.

Futhermore, Jesus who came to reveal 'God' as our Loving Heavenly Father, NEVER portrayed 'God' as a 'MAN' of war....but a benevolent Father, who makes his sun shine and his rain rain on the just and the unjust, the good and the evil, being no respector of persons. This is quite different than some war-mongering god worshipped by a few select tribes, among other tribes who worshipped their own brand of 'gods' as well.


I see no reason or purpose to create Jesus in the same way Adam was created, since Adam in the record of Genesis was the first man (other records challenge this however, since they speak of humans tribes living on earth before Adam arrived, from whence Cain got his wife, but that's another subject).

Too much expended effort here FL.

Likewise, the efforts of God pertaining to the virgin birth of his son and subsequent critical delay of his death for our sins.

Seems He could have served human-kind expeditiously by cutting to the chase and simply "breathed" Jesus into life...like Adam. :idunno:


Eclectic Theosophist
Too much expended effort here FL.

Likewise, the efforts of God pertaining to the virgin birth of his son and subsequent critical delay of his death for our sins.

Seems He could have served human-kind expeditiously by cutting to the chase and simply "breathed" Jesus into life...like Adam. :idunno:

But this negates the whole ordeal of the 'Incarnation', an essential aspect of Christian theology which is God becoming man, so that man maybe become merged with 'God', and so on.


New member
In other places this 'YHWH' seems to claim NOT to be man or the son of man, even if you imagine this 'God' in anthropomorphic terms (such being but an 'image'). No other monotheists believes 'God' is a 'Man', nor can ever become one (since 'God' is in a class or category of being, like no other, one of a kind, NOT human, but pure Spirit, incorporeal, birthless/deathless, immortal, infinite), except Christians. Do note that.


Or just more of your unsubstantiated commentary....

Furthermore, this tribal war-monging 'god' does seem to be a 'warrior-deity' (or a 'man', being figurative language), since he ordered wholesale slaughtering of communities, men, women and children,...plus looting, so he does appear to be much like a 'man of war',.....I don't if this proves much though (beyond figurative language), except to have second thoughts on whether such a 'god' deserves worship.

You sound like the pot questioning the potter why he made you as he did.

Just accept God as He has revealed Himself to be in the Holy Bible....instead of attempting to make Him fit with your liberal worldview.

The very fact that the Biblical God does NOT fit with your ideals proves that your position is incorrect.

Neither does this one verse prove that Jesus (being a man) is 'God' (if that is anywhere assumed or correlated), since to do that is to superimpose and re-rig Jewish scriptures to support Christian interpretations and assumptions, which Orthodox Jews and rabbis reject, knowing their own scriptures quite well.

Again and again, you open your mouth and immediately insert your foot.

Had you bothered to read the prior context of this verse, then you would have seen for yourself that it refers to Malek Yahweh (i.e. The Son), the one who led Moses in the march across the parted sea.

The more you reply...the more you debase yourself...

Futhermore, Jesus who came to reveal 'God' as our Loving Heavenly Father, NEVER portrayed 'God' as a 'MAN' of war....but a benevolent Father, who makes his sun shine and his rain rain on the just and the unjust, the good and the evil, being no respector of persons. This is quite different than some war-mongering god worshipped by a few select tribes, among other tribes who worshipped their own brand of 'gods' as well.


Or just more of your unsubstantiated commentary....